.. IMPORTANT: this file is auto-generated from borg's built-in help, do not edit! .. _borg_info: borg info --------- .. code-block:: none borg [common options] info [options] REPOSITORY_OR_ARCHIVE positional arguments REPOSITORY_OR_ARCHIVE archive or repository to display information about optional arguments ``--json`` | format output as JSON :ref:`common_options` | filters ``-P``, ``--prefix`` | only consider archive names starting with this prefix ``--sort-by`` | Comma-separated list of sorting keys; valid keys are: timestamp, name, id; default is: timestamp ``--first N`` | consider first N archives after other filters were applied ``--last N`` | consider last N archives after other filters were applied Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ This command displays detailed information about the specified archive or repository. Please note that the deduplicated sizes of the individual archives do not add up to the deduplicated size of the repository ("all archives"), because the two are meaning different things: This archive / deduplicated size = amount of data stored ONLY for this archive = unique chunks of this archive. All archives / deduplicated size = amount of data stored in the repo = all chunks in the repository.