[project] name = "borgbackup" dynamic = ["version", "readme"] authors = [{name="The Borg Collective (see AUTHORS file)"}] maintainers = [ {name="Thomas Waldmann", email="tw@waldmann-edv.de"}, ] description = "Deduplicated, encrypted, authenticated and compressed backups" requires-python = ">=3.9" keywords = ["backup", "borgbackup"] classifiers = [ "Development Status :: 4 - Beta", "Environment :: Console", "Intended Audience :: System Administrators", "License :: OSI Approved :: BSD License", "Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: FreeBSD", "Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: OpenBSD", "Operating System :: POSIX :: BSD :: NetBSD", "Operating System :: MacOS :: MacOS X", "Operating System :: POSIX :: Linux", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.9", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.10", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.11", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.12", "Topic :: Security :: Cryptography", "Topic :: System :: Archiving :: Backup", ] license = {text="BSD"} dependencies = [ "msgpack >=1.0.3, <=1.1.0", "packaging", "platformdirs >=3.0.0, <5.0.0; sys_platform == 'darwin'", # for macOS: breaking changes in 3.0.0, "platformdirs >=2.6.0, <5.0.0; sys_platform != 'darwin'", # for others: 2.6+ works consistently. "argon2-cffi", ] [project.optional-dependencies] llfuse = ["llfuse >= 1.3.8"] pyfuse3 = ["pyfuse3 >= 3.1.1"] nofuse = [] [project.urls] "Homepage" = "https://borgbackup.org/" "Bug Tracker" = "https://github.com/borgbackup/borg/issues" "Documentation" = "https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/" "Repository" = "https://github.com/borgbackup/borg" "Changelog" = "https://github.com/borgbackup/borg/blob/master/docs/changes.rst" [project.scripts] borg = "borg.archiver:main" borgfs = "borg.archiver:main" [tool.setuptools] # See also the MANIFEST.in file. # We want to install all the files in the package directories... include-package-data = true [tool.setuptools.packages.find] where = ["src"] [tool.setuptools.exclude-package-data] # ...except the source files which have been compiled (C extensions): "*" = ["*.c", "*.h", "*.pyx"] [build-system] requires = ["setuptools", "wheel", "pkgconfig", "Cython>=3.0.3", "setuptools_scm[toml]>=6.2"] build-backend = "setuptools.build_meta" [tool.setuptools_scm] # make sure we have the same versioning scheme with all setuptools_scm versions, to avoid different autogenerated files # https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=1015052 # https://github.com/borgbackup/borg/issues/6875 write_to = "src/borg/_version.py" write_to_template = "__version__ = version = {version!r}\n" [tool.black] line-length = 120 skip-magic-trailing-comma = true [tool.ruff] line-length = 120 target-version = "py39" # Enable pycodestyle (`E`) and Pyflakes (`F`) codes by default. select = ["E", "F"] # for reference ... # E402 module level import not at top # E501 line too long # F401 import unused # F405 undefined or defined from star imports # F811 redef of unused var # borg code style guidelines: # Ignoring E203 due to https://github.com/PyCQA/pycodestyle/issues/373 ignore = ["E203", "F405", "E402"] # Allow autofix for all enabled rules (when `--fix`) is provided. fixable = ["A", "B", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "I", "N", "Q", "S", "T", "W", "ANN", "ARG", "BLE", "COM", "DJ", "DTZ", "EM", "ERA", "EXE", "FBT", "ICN", "INP", "ISC", "NPY", "PD", "PGH", "PIE", "PL", "PT", "PTH", "PYI", "RET", "RSE", "RUF", "SIM", "SLF", "TCH", "TID", "TRY", "UP", "YTT"] unfixable = [] # Exclude a variety of commonly ignored directories. exclude = [ ".cache", ".eggs", ".git", ".git-rewrite", ".idea", ".mypy_cache", ".ruff_cache", ".tox", "build", "dist", ] # Allow unused variables when underscore-prefixed. dummy-variable-rgx = "^(_+|(_+[a-zA-Z0-9_]*[a-zA-Z0-9]+?))$" # Code style violation exceptions: # please note that the values are adjusted so that they do not cause failures # with existing code. if you want to change them, you should first fix all # ruff failures that appear with your change. [tool.ruff.per-file-ignores] "scripts/make.py" = ["E501"] "src/borg/archive.py" = ["E501"] "src/borg/archiver/help_cmd.py" = ["E501"] "src/borg/cache.py" = ["E501"] "src/borg/helpers/__init__.py" = ["F401"] "src/borg/platform/__init__.py" = ["F401"] "src/borg/testsuite/archiver/disk_full.py" = ["F811"] "src/borg/testsuite/archiver/return_codes.py" = ["F811"] "src/borg/testsuite/benchmark.py" = ["F811"] "src/borg/testsuite/platform.py" = ["F811"] [tool.pytest.ini_options] python_files = "testsuite/*.py" markers = [ "allow_cache_wipe", ] [tool.mypy] python_version = "3.9" strict_optional = false local_partial_types = true show_error_codes = true files = "src/borg/**/*.py" [[tool.mypy.overrides]] module = [ "msgpack.*", "llfuse", "pyfuse3", "trio", "borg.crypto.low_level", "borg.platform.*", ] ignore_missing_imports = true