import os import stat from libc cimport errno from .posix import posix_acl_use_stored_uid_gid from ..helpers import safe_encode, safe_decode from .xattr import _listxattr_inner, _getxattr_inner, _setxattr_inner, split_lstring API_VERSION = '1.2_05' cdef extern from "sys/extattr.h": ssize_t c_extattr_list_file "extattr_list_file" (const char *path, int attrnamespace, void *data, size_t nbytes) ssize_t c_extattr_list_link "extattr_list_link" (const char *path, int attrnamespace, void *data, size_t nbytes) ssize_t c_extattr_list_fd "extattr_list_fd" (int fd, int attrnamespace, void *data, size_t nbytes) ssize_t c_extattr_get_file "extattr_get_file" (const char *path, int attrnamespace, const char *attrname, void *data, size_t nbytes) ssize_t c_extattr_get_link "extattr_get_link" (const char *path, int attrnamespace, const char *attrname, void *data, size_t nbytes) ssize_t c_extattr_get_fd "extattr_get_fd" (int fd, int attrnamespace, const char *attrname, void *data, size_t nbytes) int c_extattr_set_file "extattr_set_file" (const char *path, int attrnamespace, const char *attrname, const void *data, size_t nbytes) int c_extattr_set_link "extattr_set_link" (const char *path, int attrnamespace, const char *attrname, const void *data, size_t nbytes) int c_extattr_set_fd "extattr_set_fd" (int fd, int attrnamespace, const char *attrname, const void *data, size_t nbytes) int EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER cdef extern from "sys/types.h": int ACL_TYPE_ACCESS int ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT int ACL_TYPE_NFS4 cdef extern from "sys/acl.h": ctypedef struct _acl_t: pass ctypedef _acl_t *acl_t int acl_free(void *obj) acl_t acl_get_link_np(const char *path, int type) acl_t acl_get_fd_np(int fd, int type) int acl_set_link_np(const char *path, int type, acl_t acl) int acl_set_fd_np(int fd, acl_t acl, int type) acl_t acl_from_text(const char *buf) char *acl_to_text_np(acl_t acl, ssize_t *len, int flags) int ACL_TEXT_NUMERIC_IDS int ACL_TEXT_APPEND_ID int acl_extended_link_np(const char * path) # check also: acl_is_trivial_np cdef extern from "unistd.h": long lpathconf(const char *path, int name) int _PC_ACL_NFS4 int _PC_ACL_EXTENDED # On FreeBSD, borg currently only deals with the USER namespace as it is unclear # whether (and if so, how exactly) it should deal with the SYSTEM namespace. NS_ID_MAP = {b"user": EXTATTR_NAMESPACE_USER, } def split_ns(ns_name, default_ns): # split ns_name (which is in the form of b"") into namespace and name. # if there is no namespace given in ns_name, default to default_ns. # note: # borg < 1.1.10 on FreeBSD did not prefix the namespace to the names, see #3952. # we also need to deal with "unexpected" namespaces here, they could come # from borg archives made on other operating systems. ns_name_tuple = ns_name.split(b".", 1) if len(ns_name_tuple) == 2: # we have a namespace prefix in the given name ns, name = ns_name_tuple else: # no namespace given in ns_name (== no dot found), maybe data coming from an old borg archive. ns, name = default_ns, ns_name return ns, name def listxattr(path, *, follow_symlinks=False): def func(path, buf, size): if isinstance(path, int): return c_extattr_list_fd(path, ns_id, buf, size) else: if follow_symlinks: return c_extattr_list_file(path, ns_id, buf, size) else: return c_extattr_list_link(path, ns_id, buf, size) ns = b"user" ns_id = NS_ID_MAP[ns] n, buf = _listxattr_inner(func, path) return [ns + b"." + name for name in split_lstring(buf[:n]) if name] def getxattr(path, name, *, follow_symlinks=False): def func(path, name, buf, size): if isinstance(path, int): return c_extattr_get_fd(path, ns_id, name, buf, size) else: if follow_symlinks: return c_extattr_get_file(path, ns_id, name, buf, size) else: return c_extattr_get_link(path, ns_id, name, buf, size) ns, name = split_ns(name, b"user") ns_id = NS_ID_MAP[ns] # this will raise a KeyError it the namespace is unsupported n, buf = _getxattr_inner(func, path, name) return bytes(buf[:n]) def setxattr(path, name, value, *, follow_symlinks=False): def func(path, name, value, size): if isinstance(path, int): return c_extattr_set_fd(path, ns_id, name, value, size) else: if follow_symlinks: return c_extattr_set_file(path, ns_id, name, value, size) else: return c_extattr_set_link(path, ns_id, name, value, size) ns, name = split_ns(name, b"user") try: ns_id = NS_ID_MAP[ns] # this will raise a KeyError it the namespace is unsupported except KeyError: pass else: _setxattr_inner(func, path, name, value) cdef _get_acl(p, type, item, attribute, flags, fd=None): cdef acl_t acl cdef char *text if fd is not None: acl = acl_get_fd_np(fd, type) else: acl = acl_get_link_np(p, type) if acl == NULL: raise OSError(errno.errno, os.strerror(errno.errno), os.fsdecode(p)) text = acl_to_text_np(acl, NULL, flags) if text == NULL: acl_free(acl) raise OSError(errno.errno, os.strerror(errno.errno), os.fsdecode(p)) item[attribute] = text acl_free(text) acl_free(acl) def acl_get(path, item, st, numeric_ids=False, fd=None): """Saves ACL Entries If `numeric_ids` is True the user/group field is not preserved only uid/gid """ cdef int flags = ACL_TEXT_APPEND_ID flags |= ACL_TEXT_NUMERIC_IDS if numeric_ids else 0 if isinstance(path, str): path = os.fsencode(path) ret = acl_extended_link_np(path) if ret < 0: raise OSError(errno.errno, os.strerror(errno.errno), os.fsdecode(path)) if ret == 0: # there is no ACL defining permissions other than those defined by the traditional file permission bits. return ret = lpathconf(path, _PC_ACL_NFS4) if ret < 0: raise OSError(errno.errno, os.strerror(errno.errno), os.fsdecode(path)) nfs4_acl = ret == 1 if nfs4_acl: _get_acl(path, ACL_TYPE_NFS4, item, 'acl_nfs4', flags, fd=fd) else: _get_acl(path, ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, item, 'acl_access', flags, fd=fd) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): _get_acl(path, ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT, item, 'acl_default', flags, fd=fd) cdef _set_acl(path, type, item, attribute, numeric_ids=False, fd=None): cdef acl_t acl = NULL text = item.get(attribute) if text: if numeric_ids: if type == ACL_TYPE_NFS4: text = _nfs4_use_stored_uid_gid(text) elif type in (ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT): text = posix_acl_use_stored_uid_gid(text) acl = acl_from_text(text) if acl == NULL: raise OSError(errno.errno, os.strerror(errno.errno), os.fsdecode(path)) try: if fd is not None: if acl_set_fd_np(fd, acl, type) == -1: raise OSError(errno.errno, os.strerror(errno.errno), os.fsdecode(path)) else: if acl_set_link_np(path, type, acl) == -1: raise OSError(errno.errno, os.strerror(errno.errno), os.fsdecode(path)) finally: acl_free(acl) cdef _nfs4_use_stored_uid_gid(acl): """Replace the user/group field with the stored uid/gid """ assert isinstance(acl, bytes) entries = [] for entry in safe_decode(acl).split('\n'): if entry: if entry.startswith('user:') or entry.startswith('group:'): fields = entry.split(':') entries.append(':'.join(fields[0], fields[5], *fields[2:-1])) else: entries.append(entry) return safe_encode('\n'.join(entries)) def acl_set(path, item, numeric_ids=False, fd=None): """Restore ACL Entries If `numeric_ids` is True the stored uid/gid is used instead of the user/group names """ if isinstance(path, str): path = os.fsencode(path) ret = lpathconf(path, _PC_ACL_NFS4) if ret < 0: raise OSError(errno.errno, os.strerror(errno.errno), os.fsdecode(path)) if ret == 1: _set_acl(path, ACL_TYPE_NFS4, item, 'acl_nfs4', numeric_ids, fd=fd) ret = lpathconf(path, _PC_ACL_EXTENDED) if ret < 0: raise OSError(errno.errno, os.strerror(errno.errno), os.fsdecode(path)) if ret == 1: _set_acl(path, ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, item, 'acl_access', numeric_ids, fd=fd) _set_acl(path, ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT, item, 'acl_default', numeric_ids, fd=fd)