.. _faq: .. include:: global.rst.inc Frequently asked questions ========================== Can I backup VM disk images? ---------------------------- Yes, the `deduplication`_ technique used by |project_name| makes sure only the modified parts of the file are stored. Also, we have optional simple sparse file support for extract. Can I backup from multiple servers into a single repository? ------------------------------------------------------------ Yes, but in order for the deduplication used by |project_name| to work, it needs to keep a local cache containing checksums of all file chunks already stored in the repository. This cache is stored in ``~/.cache/borg/``. If |project_name| detects that a repository has been modified since the local cache was updated it will need to rebuild the cache. This rebuild can be quite time consuming. So, yes it's possible. But it will be most efficient if a single repository is only modified from one place. Also keep in mind that |project_name| will keep an exclusive lock on the repository while creating or deleting archives, which may make *simultaneous* backups fail. Can I copy or synchronize my repo to another location? ------------------------------------------------------ Yes, you could just copy all the files. Make sure you do that while no backup is running. So what you get here is this: - client machine ---borg create---> repo1 - repo1 ---copy---> repo2 There is no special borg command to do the copying, just use cp or rsync if you want to do that. But think about whether that is really what you want. If something goes wrong in repo1, you will have the same issue in repo2 after the copy. If you want to have 2 independent backups, it is better to do it like this: - client machine ---borg create---> repo1 - client machine ---borg create---> repo2 Which file types, attributes, etc. are preserved? ------------------------------------------------- * Directories * Regular files * Hardlinks (considering all files in the same archive) * Symlinks (stored as symlink, the symlink is not followed) * Character and block device files * FIFOs ("named pipes") * Name * Contents * Timestamps in nanosecond precision: mtime, atime, ctime * IDs of owning user and owning group * Names of owning user and owning group (if the IDs can be resolved) * Unix Mode/Permissions (u/g/o permissions, suid, sgid, sticky) * Extended Attributes (xattrs) on Linux, OS X and FreeBSD * Access Control Lists (ACL_) on Linux, OS X and FreeBSD * BSD flags on OS X and FreeBSD Which file types, attributes, etc. are *not* preserved? ------------------------------------------------------- * UNIX domain sockets (because it does not make sense - they are meaningless without the running process that created them and the process needs to recreate them in any case). So, don't panic if your backup misses a UDS! * The precise on-disk (or rather: not-on-disk) representation of the holes in a sparse file. Archive creation has no special support for sparse files, holes are backed up as (deduplicated and compressed) runs of zero bytes. Archive extraction has optional support to extract all-zero chunks as holes in a sparse file. * filesystem specific attributes, like ext4 immutable bit, see :issue:`618`. Why is my backup bigger than with attic? Why doesn't |project_name| do compression by default? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Attic was rather unflexible when it comes to compression, it always compressed using zlib level 6 (no way to switch compression off or adjust the level or algorithm). |project_name| offers a lot of different compression algorithms and levels. Which of them is the best for you pretty much depends on your use case, your data, your hardware -- so you need to do an informed decision about whether you want to use compression, which algorithm and which level you want to use. This is why compression defaults to none. How can I specify the encryption passphrase programmatically? ------------------------------------------------------------- The encryption passphrase can be specified programmatically using the `BORG_PASSPHRASE` environment variable. This is convenient when setting up automated encrypted backups. Another option is to use key file based encryption with a blank passphrase. See :ref:`encrypted_repos` for more details. .. _password_env: .. note:: Be careful how you set the environment; using the ``env`` command, a ``system()`` call or using inline shell scripts might expose the credentials in the process list directly and they will be readable to all users on a system. Using ``export`` in a shell script file should be safe, however, as the environment of a process is `accessible only to that user `_. When backing up to remote encrypted repos, is encryption done locally? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, file and directory metadata and data is locally encrypted, before leaving the local machine. We do not mean the transport layer encryption by that, but the data/metadata itself. Transport layer encryption (e.g. when ssh is used as a transport) applies additionally. When backing up to remote servers, do I have to trust the remote server? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Yes and No. No, as far as data confidentiality is concerned - if you use encryption, all your files/dirs data and metadata are stored in their encrypted form into the repository. Yes, as an attacker with access to the remote server could delete (or otherwise make unavailable) all your backups. How can I protect against a hacked backup client? ------------------------------------------------- Assume you backup your backup client machine C to the backup server S and C gets hacked. In a simple push setup, the attacker could then use borg on C to delete all backups residing on S. These are your options to protect against that: - Do not allow to permanently delete data from the repo, see :ref:`append_only_mode`. - Use a pull-mode setup using ``ssh -R``, see :issue:`900`. - Mount C's filesystem on another machine and then create a backup of it. - Do not give C filesystem-level access to S. How can I protect against a hacked backup server? ------------------------------------------------- Just in case you got the impression that pull-mode backups are way more safe than push-mode, you also need to consider the case that your backup server S gets hacked. In case S has access to a lot of clients C, that might bring you into even bigger trouble than a hacked backup client in the previous FAQ entry. These are your options to protect against that: - Use the standard push-mode setup (see also previous FAQ entry). - Mount (the repo part of) S's filesystem on C. - Do not give S file-system level access to C. - Have your backup server at a well protected place (maybe not reachable from the internet), configure it safely, apply security updates, monitor it, ... How can I protect against theft, sabotage, lightning, fire, ...? ---------------------------------------------------------------- In general: if your only backup medium is nearby the backupped machine and always connected, you can easily get into trouble: they likely share the same fate if something goes really wrong. Thus: - have multiple backup media - have media disconnected from network, power, computer - have media at another place - have a relatively recent backup on your media Why do I get "connection closed by remote" after a while? --------------------------------------------------------- When doing a backup to a remote server (using a ssh: repo URL), it sometimes stops after a while (some minutes, hours, ... - not immediately) with "connection closed by remote" error message. Why? That's a good question and we are trying to find a good answer in :issue:`636`. Why am I seeing idle borg serve processes on the repo server? ------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe the ssh connection between client and server broke down and that was not yet noticed on the server. Try these settings: :: # /etc/ssh/sshd_config on borg repo server - kill connection to client # after ClientAliveCountMax * ClientAliveInterval seconds with no response ClientAliveInterval 20 ClientAliveCountMax 3 If you have multiple borg create ... ; borg create ... commands in a already serialized way in a single script, you need to give them --lock-wait N (with N being a bit more than the time the server needs to terminate broken down connections and release the lock). The borg cache eats way too much disk space, what can I do? ----------------------------------------------------------- There is a temporary (but maybe long lived) hack to avoid using lots of disk space for chunks.archive.d (see :issue:`235` for details): :: # this assumes you are working with the same user as the backup. # you can get the REPOID from the "config" file inside the repository. cd ~/.cache/borg/ rm -rf chunks.archive.d ; touch chunks.archive.d This deletes all the cached archive chunk indexes and replaces the directory that kept them with a file, so borg won't be able to store anything "in" there in future. This has some pros and cons, though: - much less disk space needs for ~/.cache/borg. - chunk cache resyncs will be slower as it will have to transfer chunk usage metadata for all archives from the repository (which might be slow if your repo connection is slow) and it will also have to build the hashtables from that data. chunk cache resyncs happen e.g. if your repo was written to by another machine (if you share same backup repo between multiple machines) or if your local chunks cache was lost somehow. The long term plan to improve this is called "borgception", see :issue:`474`. If a backup stops mid-way, does the already-backed-up data stay there? ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, |project_name| supports resuming backups. During a backup a special checkpoint archive named ``.checkpoint`` is saved every checkpoint interval (the default value for this is 5 minutes) containing all the data backed-up until that point. Checkpoints only happen between files (so they don't help for interruptions happening while a very large file is being processed). This checkpoint archive is a valid archive (all files in it are valid and complete), but it is only a partial backup (not all files that you wanted to backup are contained in it). Having it in the repo until a successful, full backup is completed is useful because it references all the transmitted chunks up to the checkpoint. This means that in case of an interruption, you only need to retransfer the data since the last checkpoint. If a backup was interrupted, you do not need to do any special considerations, just invoke ``borg create`` as you always do. You may use the same archive name as in previous attempt or a different one (e.g. if you always include the current datetime), it does not matter. |project_name| always does full single-pass backups, so it will start again from the beginning - but it will be much faster, because some of the data was already stored into the repo (and is still referenced by the checkpoint archive), so it does not need to get transmitted and stored again. Once your backup has finished successfully, you can delete all ``.checkpoint`` archives. If you run ``borg prune``, it will also care for deleting unneeded checkpoints. How can I backup huge file(s) over a unstable connection? --------------------------------------------------------- You can use this "split trick" as a workaround for the in-between-files-only checkpoints (see above), huge files and a instable connection to the repository: Split the huge file(s) into parts of manageable size (e.g. 100MB) and create a temporary archive of them. Borg will create checkpoints now more frequently than if you try to backup the files in their original form (e.g. 100GB). After that, you can remove the parts again and backup the huge file(s) in their original form. This will now work a lot faster as a lot of content chunks are already in the repository. After you have successfully backed up the huge original file(s), you can remove the temporary archive you made from the parts. We realize that this is just a better-than-nothing workaround, see :issue:`1198` for a potential solution. Please note that this workaround only helps you for backup, not for restore. If it crashes with a UnicodeError, what can I do? ------------------------------------------------- Check if your encoding is set correctly. For most POSIX-like systems, try:: export LANG=en_US.UTF-8 # or similar, important is correct charset I can't extract non-ascii filenames by giving them on the commandline!? ----------------------------------------------------------------------- This might be due to different ways to represent some characters in unicode or due to other non-ascii encoding issues. If you run into that, try this: - avoid the non-ascii characters on the commandline by e.g. extracting the parent directory (or even everything) - mount the repo using FUSE and use some file manager Can |project_name| add redundancy to the backup data to deal with hardware malfunction? --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- No, it can't. While that at first sounds like a good idea to defend against some defect HDD sectors or SSD flash blocks, dealing with this in a reliable way needs a lot of low-level storage layout information and control which we do not have (and also can't get, even if we wanted). So, if you need that, consider RAID or a filesystem that offers redundant storage or just make backups to different locations / different hardware. See also :issue:`225`. Can |project_name| verify data integrity of a backup archive? ------------------------------------------------------------- Yes, if you want to detect accidental data damage (like bit rot), use the ``check`` operation. It will notice corruption using CRCs and hashes. If you want to be able to detect malicious tampering also, use an encrypted repo. It will then be able to check using CRCs and HMACs. .. _a_status_oddity: I am seeing 'A' (added) status for a unchanged file!? ----------------------------------------------------- The files cache is used to determine whether |project_name| already "knows" / has backed up a file and if so, to skip the file from chunking. It does intentionally *not* contain files that: - have >= 10 as "entry age" (|project_name| has not seen this file for a while) - have a modification time (mtime) same as the newest mtime in the created archive So, if you see an 'A' status for unchanged file(s), they are likely the files with the most recent mtime in that archive. This is expected: it is to avoid data loss with files that are backed up from a snapshot and that are immediately changed after the snapshot (but within mtime granularity time, so the mtime would not change). Without the code that removes these files from the files cache, the change that happened right after the snapshot would not be contained in the next backup as |project_name| would think the file is unchanged. This does not affect deduplication, the file will be chunked, but as the chunks will often be the same and already stored in the repo (except in the above mentioned rare condition), it will just re-use them as usual and not store new data chunks. If you want to avoid unnecessary chunking, just create or touch a small or empty file in your backup source file set (so that one has the latest mtime, not your 50GB VM disk image) and, if you do snapshots, do the snapshot after that. Since only the files cache is used in the display of files status, those files are reported as being added when, really, chunks are already used. Is there a way to limit bandwidth with |project_name|? ------------------------------------------------------ There is no command line option to limit bandwidth with |project_name|, but bandwidth limiting can be accomplished with pipeviewer_: Create a wrapper script: /usr/local/bin/pv-wrapper :: #!/bin/bash ## -q, --quiet do not output any transfer information at all ## -L, --rate-limit RATE limit transfer to RATE bytes per second export RATE=307200 pv -q -L $RATE | "$@" Add BORG_RSH environment variable to use pipeviewer wrapper script with ssh. :: export BORG_RSH='/usr/local/bin/pv-wrapper.sh ssh' Now |project_name| will be bandwidth limited. Nice thing about pv is that you can change rate-limit on the fly: :: pv -R $(pidof pv) -L 102400 .. _pipeviewer: http://www.ivarch.com/programs/pv.shtml I am having troubles with some network/FUSE/special filesystem, why? -------------------------------------------------------------------- |project_name| is doing nothing special in the filesystem, it only uses very common and compatible operations (even the locking is just "mkdir"). So, if you are encountering issues like slowness, corruption or malfunction when using a specific filesystem, please try if you can reproduce the issues with a local (non-network) and proven filesystem (like ext4 on Linux). If you can't reproduce the issue then, you maybe have found an issue within the filesystem code you used (not with |project_name|). For this case, it is recommended that you talk to the developers / support of the network fs and maybe open an issue in their issue tracker. Do not file an issue in the |project_name| issue tracker. If you can reproduce the issue with the proven filesystem, please file an issue in the |project_name| issue tracker about that. Why was Borg forked from Attic? ------------------------------- Borg was created in May 2015 in response to the difficulty of getting new code or larger changes incorporated into Attic and establishing a bigger developer community / more open development. More details can be found in `ticket 217 `_ that led to the fork. Borg intends to be: * simple: * as simple as possible, but no simpler * do the right thing by default, but offer options * open: * welcome feature requests * accept pull requests of good quality and coding style * give feedback on PRs that can't be accepted "as is" * discuss openly, don't work in the dark * changing: * Borg is not compatible with Attic * do not break compatibility accidentally, without a good reason or without warning. allow compatibility breaking for other cases. * if major version number changes, it may have incompatible changes