.. IMPORTANT: this file is auto-generated from borg's built-in help, do not edit! .. _borg_patterns: borg help patterns ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Exclusion patterns support four separate styles, fnmatch, shell, regular expressions and path prefixes. By default, fnmatch is used. If followed by a colon (':') the first two characters of a pattern are used as a style selector. Explicit style selection is necessary when a non-default style is desired or when the desired pattern starts with two alphanumeric characters followed by a colon (i.e. `aa:something/*`). `Fnmatch `_, selector `fm:` This is the default style. These patterns use a variant of shell pattern syntax, with '*' matching any number of characters, '?' matching any single character, '[...]' matching any single character specified, including ranges, and '[!...]' matching any character not specified. For the purpose of these patterns, the path separator ('\' for Windows and '/' on other systems) is not treated specially. Wrap meta-characters in brackets for a literal match (i.e. `[?]` to match the literal character `?`). For a path to match a pattern, it must completely match from start to end, or must match from the start to just before a path separator. Except for the root path, paths will never end in the path separator when matching is attempted. Thus, if a given pattern ends in a path separator, a '*' is appended before matching is attempted. Shell-style patterns, selector `sh:` Like fnmatch patterns these are similar to shell patterns. The difference is that the pattern may include `**/` for matching zero or more directory levels, `*` for matching zero or more arbitrary characters with the exception of any path separator. Regular expressions, selector `re:` Regular expressions similar to those found in Perl are supported. Unlike shell patterns regular expressions are not required to match the complete path and any substring match is sufficient. It is strongly recommended to anchor patterns to the start ('^'), to the end ('$') or both. Path separators ('\' for Windows and '/' on other systems) in paths are always normalized to a forward slash ('/') before applying a pattern. The regular expression syntax is described in the `Python documentation for the re module `_. Prefix path, selector `pp:` This pattern style is useful to match whole sub-directories. The pattern `pp:/data/bar` matches `/data/bar` and everything therein. Exclusions can be passed via the command line option `--exclude`. When used from within a shell the patterns should be quoted to protect them from expansion. The `--exclude-from` option permits loading exclusion patterns from a text file with one pattern per line. Lines empty or starting with the number sign ('#') after removing whitespace on both ends are ignored. The optional style selector prefix is also supported for patterns loaded from a file. Due to whitespace removal paths with whitespace at the beginning or end can only be excluded using regular expressions. Examples:: # Exclude '/home/user/file.o' but not '/home/user/file.odt': $ borg create -e '*.o' backup / # Exclude '/home/user/junk' and '/home/user/subdir/junk' but # not '/home/user/importantjunk' or '/etc/junk': $ borg create -e '/home/*/junk' backup / # Exclude the contents of '/home/user/cache' but not the directory itself: $ borg create -e /home/user/cache/ backup / # The file '/home/user/cache/important' is *not* backed up: $ borg create -e /home/user/cache/ backup / /home/user/cache/important # The contents of directories in '/home' are not backed up when their name # ends in '.tmp' $ borg create --exclude 're:^/home/[^/]+\.tmp/' backup / # Load exclusions from file $ cat >exclude.txt <`_, e.g. {now:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S} {utcnow} The current UTC date and time, by default in ISO-8601 format. You can also supply your own `format string `_, e.g. {utcnow:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S} {user} The user name (or UID, if no name is available) of the user running borg. {pid} The current process ID. {borgversion} The version of borg. Examples:: borg create /path/to/repo::{hostname}-{user}-{utcnow} ... borg create /path/to/repo::{hostname}-{now:%Y-%m-%d_%H:%M:%S} ... borg prune --prefix '{hostname}-' ... .. _borg_compression: borg help compression ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Compression is off by default, if you want some, you have to specify what you want. Valid compression specifiers are: none Do not compress. (default) lz4 Use lz4 compression. High speed, low compression. zlib[,L] Use zlib ("gz") compression. Medium speed, medium compression. If you do not explicitely give the compression level L (ranging from 0 to 9), it will use level 6. Giving level 0 (means "no compression", but still has zlib protocol overhead) is usually pointless, you better use "none" compression. lzma[,L] Use lzma ("xz") compression. Low speed, high compression. If you do not explicitely give the compression level L (ranging from 0 to 9), it will use level 6. Giving levels above 6 is pointless and counterproductive because it does not compress better due to the buffer size used by borg - but it wastes lots of CPU cycles and RAM. auto,C[,L] Use a built-in heuristic to decide per chunk whether to compress or not. The heuristic tries with lz4 whether the data is compressible. For incompressible data, it will not use compression (uses "none"). For compressible data, it uses the given C[,L] compression - with C[,L] being any valid compression specifier. The decision about which compression to use is done by borg like this: 1. find a compression specifier (per file): match the path/filename against all patterns in all --compression-from files (if any). If a pattern matches, use the compression spec given for that pattern. If no pattern matches (and also if you do not give any --compression-from option), default to the compression spec given by --compression. See docs/misc/compression.conf for an example config. 2. if the found compression spec is not "auto", the decision is taken: use the found compression spec. 3. if the found compression spec is "auto", test compressibility of each chunk using lz4. If it is compressible, use the C,[L] compression spec given within the "auto" specifier. If it is not compressible, use no compression. Examples:: borg create --compression lz4 REPO::ARCHIVE data borg create --compression zlib REPO::ARCHIVE data borg create --compression zlib,1 REPO::ARCHIVE data borg create --compression auto,lzma,6 REPO::ARCHIVE data borg create --compression-from compression.conf --compression auto,lzma ... compression.conf has entries like:: # example config file for --compression-from option # # Format of non-comment / non-empty lines: # : # compression-spec is same format as for --compression option # path/filename pattern is same format as for --exclude option none:*.gz none:*.zip none:*.mp3 none:*.ogg General remarks: It is no problem to mix different compression methods in one repo, deduplication is done on the source data chunks (not on the compressed or encrypted data). If some specific chunk was once compressed and stored into the repo, creating another backup that also uses this chunk will not change the stored chunk. So if you use different compression specs for the backups, whichever stores a chunk first determines its compression. See also borg recreate.