from binascii import hexlify from datetime import datetime, timedelta, timezone from getpass import getuser from itertools import groupby import shutil import tempfile from attic.key import key_factory import msgpack import os import socket import stat import sys import time from io import BytesIO from attic import xattr from attic.chunker import chunkify from attic.hashindex import ChunkIndex from attic.helpers import Error, uid2user, user2uid, gid2group, group2gid, \ Manifest, Statistics, decode_dict, st_mtime_ns, make_path_safe, StableDict ITEMS_BUFFER = 1024 * 1024 CHUNK_MIN = 1024 WINDOW_SIZE = 0xfff CHUNK_MASK = 0xffff utime_supports_fd = os.utime in getattr(os, 'supports_fd', {}) has_mtime_ns = sys.version >= '3.3' has_lchmod = hasattr(os, 'lchmod') class DownloadPipeline: def __init__(self, repository, key): self.repository = repository self.key = key def unpack_many(self, ids, filter=None, preload=False): unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(use_list=False) for data in self.fetch_many(ids): unpacker.feed(data) items = [decode_dict(item, (b'path', b'source', b'user', b'group')) for item in unpacker] if filter: items = [item for item in items if filter(item)] if preload: for item in items: if b'chunks' in item: self.repository.preload([c[0] for c in item[b'chunks']]) for item in items: yield item def fetch_many(self, ids, is_preloaded=False): for id_, data in zip(ids, self.repository.get_many(ids, is_preloaded=is_preloaded)): yield self.key.decrypt(id_, data) class ChunkBuffer: BUFFER_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024 def __init__(self, key): self.buffer = BytesIO() self.packer = msgpack.Packer(unicode_errors='surrogateescape') self.chunks = [] self.key = key def add(self, item): self.buffer.write(self.packer.pack(StableDict(item))) if self.is_full(): self.flush() def write_chunk(self, chunk): raise NotImplementedError def flush(self, flush=False): if self.buffer.tell() == 0: return chunks = list(bytes(s) for s in chunkify(self.buffer, WINDOW_SIZE, CHUNK_MASK, CHUNK_MIN, self.key.chunk_seed)) self.buffer.truncate(0) # Leave the last parital chunk in the buffer unless flush is True end = None if flush or len(chunks) == 1 else -1 for chunk in chunks[:end]: self.chunks.append(self.write_chunk(chunk)) if end == -1: self.buffer.write(chunks[-1]) def is_full(self): return self.buffer.tell() > self.BUFFER_SIZE class CacheChunkBuffer(ChunkBuffer): def __init__(self, cache, key, stats): super(CacheChunkBuffer, self).__init__(key) self.cache = cache self.stats = stats def write_chunk(self, chunk): id_, _, _ = self.cache.add_chunk(self.key.id_hash(chunk), chunk, self.stats) return id_ class Archive: class DoesNotExist(Error): """Archive {} does not exist""" class AlreadyExists(Error): """Archive {} already exists""" def __init__(self, repository, key, manifest, name, cache=None, create=False, checkpoint_interval=300, numeric_owner=False): self.cwd = os.getcwd() self.key = key self.repository = repository self.cache = cache self.manifest = manifest self.hard_links = {} self.stats = Statistics() = name self.checkpoint_interval = checkpoint_interval self.numeric_owner = numeric_owner self.items_buffer = CacheChunkBuffer(self.cache, self.key, self.stats) self.pipeline = DownloadPipeline(self.repository, self.key) if create: if name in manifest.archives: raise self.AlreadyExists(name) self.last_checkpoint = time.time() i = 0 while True: self.checkpoint_name = '%s.checkpoint%s' % (name, i and ('.%d' % i) or '') if not self.checkpoint_name in manifest.archives: break i += 1 else: if name not in self.manifest.archives: raise self.DoesNotExist(name) info = self.manifest.archives[name] self.load(info[b'id']) def load(self, id): = id data = self.key.decrypt(, self.repository.get( self.metadata = msgpack.unpackb(data) if self.metadata[b'version'] != 1: raise Exception('Unknown archive metadata version') decode_dict(self.metadata, (b'name', b'hostname', b'username', b'time')) self.metadata[b'cmdline'] = [arg.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') for arg in self.metadata[b'cmdline']] = self.metadata[b'name'] @property def ts(self): """Timestamp of archive creation in UTC""" t, f = self.metadata[b'time'].split('.', 1) return datetime.strptime(t, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S').replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc) + timedelta(seconds=float('.' + f)) def __repr__(self): return 'Archive(%r)' % def iter_items(self, filter=None, preload=False): for item in self.pipeline.unpack_many(self.metadata[b'items'], filter=filter, preload=preload): yield item def add_item(self, item): self.items_buffer.add(item) now = time.time() if now - self.last_checkpoint > self.checkpoint_interval: self.last_checkpoint = now self.write_checkpoint() def write_checkpoint(self): del self.manifest.archives[self.checkpoint_name] self.cache.chunk_decref( def save(self, name=None): name = name or if name in self.manifest.archives: raise self.AlreadyExists(name) self.items_buffer.flush(flush=True) metadata = { 'version': 1, 'name': name, 'items': self.items_buffer.chunks, 'cmdline': sys.argv, 'hostname': socket.gethostname(), 'username': getuser(), 'time': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), } data = msgpack.packb(metadata, unicode_errors='surrogateescape') = self.key.id_hash(data) self.cache.add_chunk(, data, self.stats) self.manifest.archives[name] = {'id':, 'time': metadata['time']} self.manifest.write() self.repository.commit() self.cache.commit() def calc_stats(self, cache): def add(id): count, size, csize = self.cache.chunks[id] stats.update(size, csize, count == 1) self.cache.chunks[id] = count - 1, size, csize def add_file_chunks(chunks): for id, _, _ in chunks: add(id) # This function is a bit evil since it abuses the cache to calculate # the stats. The cache transaction must be rolled back afterwards unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(use_list=False) cache.begin_txn() stats = Statistics() add( for id, chunk in zip(self.metadata[b'items'], self.repository.get_many(self.metadata[b'items'])): add(id) unpacker.feed(self.key.decrypt(id, chunk)) for item in unpacker: if b'chunks' in item: stats.nfiles += 1 add_file_chunks(item[b'chunks']) cache.rollback() return stats def extract_item(self, item, restore_attrs=True): dest = self.cwd if item[b'path'].startswith('/') or item[b'path'].startswith('..'): raise Exception('Path should be relative and local') path = os.path.join(dest, item[b'path']) # Attempt to remove existing files, ignore errors on failure try: st = os.lstat(path) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): os.rmdir(path) else: os.unlink(path) except OSError: pass mode = item[b'mode'] if stat.S_ISDIR(mode): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) if restore_attrs: self.restore_attrs(path, item) elif stat.S_ISREG(mode): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) # Hard link? if b'source' in item: source = os.path.join(dest, item[b'source']) if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path), path) else: with open(path, 'wb') as fd: ids = [c[0] for c in item[b'chunks']] for data in self.pipeline.fetch_many(ids, is_preloaded=True): fd.write(data) fd.flush() self.restore_attrs(path, item, fd=fd.fileno()) elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) os.mkfifo(path) self.restore_attrs(path, item) elif stat.S_ISLNK(mode): if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) source = item[b'source'] if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) os.symlink(source, path) self.restore_attrs(path, item, symlink=True) elif stat.S_ISCHR(mode) or stat.S_ISBLK(mode): os.mknod(path, item[b'mode'], item[b'rdev']) self.restore_attrs(path, item) else: raise Exception('Unknown archive item type %r' % item[b'mode']) def restore_attrs(self, path, item, symlink=False, fd=None): xattrs = item.get(b'xattrs') if xattrs: for k, v in xattrs.items(): xattr.setxattr(fd or path, k, v) uid = gid = None if not self.numeric_owner: uid = user2uid(item[b'user']) gid = group2gid(item[b'group']) uid = uid or item[b'uid'] gid = gid or item[b'gid'] # This code is a bit of a mess due to os specific differences try: if fd: os.fchown(fd, uid, gid) else: os.lchown(path, uid, gid) except OSError: pass if fd: os.fchmod(fd, item[b'mode']) elif not symlink: os.chmod(path, item[b'mode']) elif has_lchmod: # Not available on Linux os.lchmod(path, item[b'mode']) if fd and utime_supports_fd: # Python >= 3.3 os.utime(fd, None, ns=(item[b'mtime'], item[b'mtime'])) elif utime_supports_fd: # Python >= 3.3 os.utime(path, None, ns=(item[b'mtime'], item[b'mtime']), follow_symlinks=False) elif not symlink: os.utime(path, (item[b'mtime'] / 10**9, item[b'mtime'] / 10**9)) def verify_file(self, item, start, result): if not item[b'chunks']: start(item) result(item, True) else: start(item) ids = [id for id, size, csize in item[b'chunks']] try: for _ in self.pipeline.fetch_many(ids, is_preloaded=True): pass except Exception: result(item, False) return result(item, True) def delete(self, cache): unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(use_list=False) for id_, data in zip(self.metadata[b'items'], self.repository.get_many(self.metadata[b'items'])): unpacker.feed(self.key.decrypt(id_, data)) self.cache.chunk_decref(id_) for item in unpacker: if b'chunks' in item: for chunk_id, size, csize in item[b'chunks']: self.cache.chunk_decref(chunk_id) self.cache.chunk_decref( del self.manifest.archives[] self.manifest.write() self.repository.commit() cache.commit() def stat_attrs(self, st, path): item = { b'mode': st.st_mode, b'uid': st.st_uid, b'user': uid2user(st.st_uid), b'gid': st.st_gid, b'group': gid2group(st.st_gid), b'mtime': st_mtime_ns(st), } if self.numeric_owner: item[b'user'] = item[b'group'] = None xattrs = xattr.get_all(path, follow_symlinks=False) if xattrs: item[b'xattrs'] = StableDict(xattrs) return item def process_item(self, path, st): item = {b'path': make_path_safe(path)} item.update(self.stat_attrs(st, path)) self.add_item(item) def process_dev(self, path, st): item = {b'path': make_path_safe(path), b'rdev': st.st_rdev} item.update(self.stat_attrs(st, path)) self.add_item(item) def process_symlink(self, path, st): source = os.readlink(path) item = {b'path': make_path_safe(path), b'source': source} item.update(self.stat_attrs(st, path)) self.add_item(item) def process_file(self, path, st, cache): safe_path = make_path_safe(path) # Is it a hard link? if st.st_nlink > 1: source = self.hard_links.get((st.st_ino, st.st_dev)) if (st.st_ino, st.st_dev) in self.hard_links: item = self.stat_attrs(st, path) item.update({b'path': safe_path, b'source': source}) self.add_item(item) return else: self.hard_links[st.st_ino, st.st_dev] = safe_path path_hash = self.key.id_hash(os.path.join(self.cwd, path).encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape')) ids = cache.file_known_and_unchanged(path_hash, st) chunks = None if ids is not None: # Make sure all ids are available for id_ in ids: if not cache.seen_chunk(id_): break else: chunks = [cache.chunk_incref(id_, self.stats) for id_ in ids] # Only chunkify the file if needed if chunks is None: with open(path, 'rb') as fd: chunks = [] for chunk in chunkify(fd, WINDOW_SIZE, CHUNK_MASK, CHUNK_MIN, self.key.chunk_seed): chunks.append(cache.add_chunk(self.key.id_hash(chunk), chunk, self.stats)) cache.memorize_file(path_hash, st, [c[0] for c in chunks]) item = {b'path': safe_path, b'chunks': chunks} item.update(self.stat_attrs(st, path)) self.stats.nfiles += 1 self.add_item(item) @staticmethod def list_archives(repository, key, manifest, cache=None): for name, info in manifest.archives.items(): yield Archive(repository, key, manifest, name, cache=cache) class ArchiveChecker: def __init__(self): self.error_found = False self.progress = True self.possibly_superseded = set() self.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def __del__(self): shutil.rmtree(self.tmpdir) def init_chunks(self): # Explicity set the initial hash table capacity to avoid performance issues # due to hash table "resonance" capacity = int(len(self.repository) * 1.2) self.chunks = ChunkIndex.create(os.path.join(self.tmpdir, 'chunks').encode('utf-8'), capacity=capacity) marker = None while True: result = self.repository.list(limit=10000, marker=marker) if not result: break marker = result[-1] for id_ in result: self.chunks[id_] = (0, 0, 0) def report_progress(self, msg, error=False): if error: self.error_found = True if error or self.progress: print(msg, file=sys.stderr) sys.stderr.flush() def identify_key(self, repository): cdata = repository.get(next(self.chunks.iteritems())[0]) return key_factory(repository, cdata) def rebuild_manifest(self): self.report_progress('Rebuilding missing manifest, this might take some time...', error=True) manifest = Manifest(self.key, self.repository) for chunk_id, _ in self.chunks.iteritems(): cdata = self.repository.get(chunk_id) data = self.key.decrypt(chunk_id, cdata) try: archive = msgpack.unpackb(data) except: continue if isinstance(archive, dict) and b'items' in archive and b'cmdline' in archive: self.report_progress('Found archive ' + archive[b'name'].decode('utf-8'), error=True) manifest.archives[archive[b'name'].decode('utf-8')] = {b'id': chunk_id, b'time': archive[b'time']} self.report_progress('Manifest rebuild complete', error=True) return manifest def check(self, repository, progress=True, repair=False): self.report_progress('Starting archive consistency check...') = repair self.progress = progress self.repository = repository self.init_chunks() self.key = self.identify_key(repository) if not Manifest.MANIFEST_ID in self.chunks: self.manifest = self.rebuild_manifest() else: self.manifest, _ = Manifest.load(repository, key=self.key) self.rebuild_chunks() self.verify_chunks() if not self.error_found: self.report_progress('Archive consistency check complete, no problems found.') return or not self.error_found def verify_chunks(self): unused = set() for id_, (count, size, csize) in self.chunks.iteritems(): if count == 0: unused.add(id_) unexpected = unused - self.possibly_superseded if unexpected: self.report_progress('{} excessive objects found'.format(len(unexpected)), error=True) if for id_ in unused: self.repository.delete(id_) self.manifest.write() self.repository.commit() def rebuild_chunks(self): # Exclude the manifest from chunks del self.chunks[Manifest.MANIFEST_ID] def record_unused(id_): if self.chunks.get(id_, (0,))[0] == 0: self.possibly_superseded.add(id_) def add_callback(chunk): id_ = self.key.id_hash(chunk) cdata = self.key.encrypt(chunk) add_reference(id_, len(chunk), len(cdata), cdata) return id_ def add_reference(id_, size, csize, cdata=None): try: count, _, _ = self.chunks[id_] self.chunks[id_] = count + 1, size, csize except KeyError: assert cdata is not None self.chunks[id_] = 1, size, csize if self.repository.put(id_, cdata) def verify_file_chunks(item): offset = 0 chunk_list = [] for chunk_id, size, csize in item[b'chunks']: if not chunk_id in self.chunks: # If a file chunk is missing, create an all empty replacement chunk self.report_progress('{}: Missing file chunk detected (Byte {}-{})'.format(item[b'path'].decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape'), offset, offset + size), error=True) data = bytes(size) chunk_id = self.key.id_hash(data) cdata = self.key.encrypt(data) csize = len(cdata) add_reference(chunk_id, size, csize, cdata) else: add_reference(chunk_id, size, csize) chunk_list.append((chunk_id, size, csize)) offset += size item[b'chunks'] = chunk_list def msgpack_resync(data): data = memoryview(data) while data: unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker() unpacker.feed(data) item = next(unpacker) if isinstance(item, dict) and b'path' in item: return data data = data[1:] def robust_iterator(archive): prev_state = None state = 0 def missing_chunk_detector(chunk_id): nonlocal state if state % 2 != int(not chunk_id in self.chunks): state += 1 return state for state, items in groupby(archive[b'items'], missing_chunk_detector): if state != prev_state: unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(object_hook=StableDict) prev_state = state if state % 2: self.report_progress('Archive metadata damage detected', error=True) return items = list(items) for i, (chunk_id, cdata) in enumerate(zip(items, self.repository.get_many(items))): data = self.key.decrypt(chunk_id, cdata) if state and i == 0: data = msgpack_resync(data) unpacker.feed(data) for item in unpacker: yield item num_archives = len(self.manifest.archives) for i, (name, info) in enumerate(list(self.manifest.archives.items()), 1): self.report_progress('Analyzing archive {} ({}/{})'.format(name, i, num_archives)) archive_id = info[b'id'] if not archive_id in self.chunks: self.report_progress('Archive metadata block is missing', error=True) del self.manifest.archives[name] continue items_buffer = ChunkBuffer(self.key) items_buffer.write_chunk = add_callback cdata = self.repository.get(archive_id) data = self.key.decrypt(archive_id, cdata) archive = msgpack.unpackb(data) if archive[b'version'] != 1: raise Exception('Unknown archive metadata version') decode_dict(archive, (b'name', b'hostname', b'username', b'time')) # fixme: argv for item in robust_iterator(archive): if b'chunks' in item: verify_file_chunks(item) items_buffer.add(item) items_buffer.flush(flush=True) for previous_item_id in archive[b'items']: record_unused(previous_item_id) archive[b'items'] = items_buffer.chunks data = msgpack.packb(archive, unicode_errors='surrogateescape') new_archive_id = self.key.id_hash(data) cdata = self.key.encrypt(data) add_reference(new_archive_id, len(data), len(cdata), cdata) record_unused(archive_id) info[b'id'] = new_archive_id