.. include:: global.rst.inc Darc ==== |project_name| is a Deduplicating ARChiver written in Python. The main goal of darc is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data. Main Features ------------- Space efficient storage Variable block size `deduplication`_ is used to reduce the number of bytes stored by detecting redundant data. Each file is split into a number of variable length chunks and only chunks that have never been seen before are compressed and added to the repository. Optional data encryption All data can be protected using 256-bit AES_ encryption and data integrity and authenticity is verified using `HMAC-SHA256`_. Off-site backups |project_name| can store data on any remote host accessible over SSH as long as |project_name| is installed. Easy to use ----------- Initialize a new backup :ref:`repository ` and create your first backup :ref:`archive ` in two lines:: $ darc init /usbdrive/my-backup.darc $ darc create -v /usbdrive/my-backup.darc::documents ~/Documents See the :ref:`generalusage` section for more detailed examples. Easy installation ----------------- You can use pip to install |project_name| quickly and easily:: $ pip install darc Need more help with installing? See :ref:`installation` User's Guide ============ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 installation generalusage faq definitions Contribute ========== Found a bug? Have any ideas to improve |project_name|? Head over to |project_name|'s github_ page and create an issue or a pull request. You can also ask the author a question directly by `email `_.