import argparse from binascii import unhexlify, hexlify import functools import json import textwrap from ..archive import Archive from ..compress import CompressionSpec from ..constants import * # NOQA from ..helpers import msgpack from ..helpers import sysinfo from ..helpers import bin_to_hex, prepare_dump_dict from ..helpers import dash_open from ..helpers import StableDict from ..helpers import positive_int_validator, archivename_validator from ..helpers import CommandError, RTError from ..manifest import Manifest from ..platform import get_process_id from ..repository import Repository, LIST_SCAN_LIMIT, TAG_PUT, TAG_DELETE, TAG_COMMIT from ..repoobj import RepoObj from ._common import with_repository, Highlander from ._common import process_epilog class DebugMixIn: def do_debug_info(self, args): """display system information for debugging / bug reports""" print(sysinfo()) print("Process ID:", get_process_id()) return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(compatibility=Manifest.NO_OPERATION_CHECK) def do_debug_dump_archive_items(self, args, repository, manifest): """dump (decrypted, decompressed) archive items metadata (not: data)""" repo_objs = manifest.repo_objs archive = Archive(manifest, for i, item_id in enumerate(archive.metadata.items): _, data = repo_objs.parse(item_id, repository.get(item_id), ro_type=ROBJ_ARCHIVE_STREAM) filename = "%06d_%s.items" % (i, bin_to_hex(item_id)) print("Dumping", filename) with open(filename, "wb") as fd: fd.write(data) print("Done.") return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(compatibility=Manifest.NO_OPERATION_CHECK) def do_debug_dump_archive(self, args, repository, manifest): """dump decoded archive metadata (not: data)""" repo_objs = manifest.repo_objs try: archive_meta_orig = manifest.archives.get_raw_dict()[] except KeyError: raise Archive.DoesNotExist( indent = 4 def do_indent(d): return textwrap.indent(json.dumps(d, indent=indent), prefix=" " * indent) def output(fd): # this outputs megabytes of data for a modest sized archive, so some manual streaming json output fd.write("{\n") fd.write(' "_name": ' + json.dumps( + ",\n") fd.write(' "_manifest_entry":\n') fd.write(do_indent(prepare_dump_dict(archive_meta_orig))) fd.write(",\n") archive_id = archive_meta_orig["id"] _, data = repo_objs.parse(archive_id, repository.get(archive_id), ro_type=ROBJ_ARCHIVE_META) archive_org_dict = msgpack.unpackb(data, object_hook=StableDict) fd.write(' "_meta":\n') fd.write(do_indent(prepare_dump_dict(archive_org_dict))) fd.write(",\n") fd.write(' "_items": [\n') unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(use_list=False, object_hook=StableDict) first = True items = [] for chunk_id in archive_org_dict["item_ptrs"]: _, data = repo_objs.parse(chunk_id, repository.get(chunk_id), ro_type=ROBJ_ARCHIVE_CHUNKIDS) items.extend(msgpack.unpackb(data)) for item_id in items: _, data = repo_objs.parse(item_id, repository.get(item_id), ro_type=ROBJ_ARCHIVE_STREAM) unpacker.feed(data) for item in unpacker: item = prepare_dump_dict(item) if first: first = False else: fd.write(",\n") fd.write(do_indent(item)) fd.write("\n") fd.write(" ]\n}\n") with dash_open(args.path, "w") as fd: output(fd) return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(compatibility=Manifest.NO_OPERATION_CHECK) def do_debug_dump_manifest(self, args, repository, manifest): """dump decoded repository manifest""" repo_objs = manifest.repo_objs _, data = repo_objs.parse(manifest.MANIFEST_ID, repository.get(manifest.MANIFEST_ID), ro_type=ROBJ_MANIFEST) meta = prepare_dump_dict(msgpack.unpackb(data, object_hook=StableDict)) with dash_open(args.path, "w") as fd: json.dump(meta, fd, indent=4) return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(manifest=False) def do_debug_dump_repo_objs(self, args, repository): """dump (decrypted, decompressed) repo objects, repo index MUST be current/correct""" from ..crypto.key import key_factory def decrypt_dump(i, id, cdata, tag=None, segment=None, offset=None): if cdata is not None: _, data = repo_objs.parse(id, cdata, ro_type=ROBJ_DONTCARE) else: _, data = {}, b"" tag_str = "" if tag is None else "_" + tag segment_str = "_" + str(segment) if segment is not None else "" offset_str = "_" + str(offset) if offset is not None else "" id_str = "_" + bin_to_hex(id) if id is not None else "" filename = "%08d%s%s%s%s.obj" % (i, segment_str, offset_str, tag_str, id_str) print("Dumping", filename) with open(filename, "wb") as fd: fd.write(data) if args.ghost: # dump ghosty stuff from segment files: not yet committed objects, deleted / superseded objects, commit tags # set up the key without depending on a manifest obj for id, cdata, tag, segment, offset in repository.scan_low_level(): if tag == TAG_PUT: key = key_factory(repository, cdata) repo_objs = RepoObj(key) break i = 0 for id, cdata, tag, segment, offset in repository.scan_low_level(segment=args.segment, offset=args.offset): if tag == TAG_PUT: decrypt_dump(i, id, cdata, tag="put", segment=segment, offset=offset) elif tag == TAG_DELETE: decrypt_dump(i, id, None, tag="del", segment=segment, offset=offset) elif tag == TAG_COMMIT: decrypt_dump(i, None, None, tag="commit", segment=segment, offset=offset) i += 1 else: # set up the key without depending on a manifest obj ids = repository.list(limit=1, marker=None) cdata = repository.get(ids[0]) key = key_factory(repository, cdata) repo_objs = RepoObj(key) state = None i = 0 while True: ids, state = repository.scan(limit=LIST_SCAN_LIMIT, state=state) # must use on-disk order scanning here if not ids: break for id in ids: cdata = repository.get(id) decrypt_dump(i, id, cdata) i += 1 print("Done.") return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(manifest=False) def do_debug_search_repo_objs(self, args, repository): """search for byte sequences in repo objects, repo index MUST be current/correct""" context = 32 def print_finding(info, wanted, data, offset): before = data[offset - context : offset] after = data[offset + len(wanted) : offset + len(wanted) + context] print( "{}: {} {} {} == {!r} {!r} {!r}".format( info, before.hex(), wanted.hex(), after.hex(), before, wanted, after ) ) wanted = args.wanted try: if wanted.startswith("hex:"): wanted = unhexlify(wanted[4:]) elif wanted.startswith("str:"): wanted = wanted[4:].encode() else: raise ValueError("unsupported search term") except (ValueError, UnicodeEncodeError): wanted = None if not wanted: raise CommandError("search term needs to be hex:123abc or str:foobar style") from ..crypto.key import key_factory # set up the key without depending on a manifest obj ids = repository.list(limit=1, marker=None) cdata = repository.get(ids[0]) key = key_factory(repository, cdata) repo_objs = RepoObj(key) state = None last_data = b"" last_id = None i = 0 while True: ids, state = repository.scan(limit=LIST_SCAN_LIMIT, state=state) # must use on-disk order scanning here if not ids: break for id in ids: cdata = repository.get(id) _, data = repo_objs.parse(id, cdata, ro_type=ROBJ_DONTCARE) # try to locate wanted sequence crossing the border of last_data and data boundary_data = last_data[-(len(wanted) - 1) :] + data[: len(wanted) - 1] if wanted in boundary_data: boundary_data = last_data[-(len(wanted) - 1 + context) :] + data[: len(wanted) - 1 + context] offset = boundary_data.find(wanted) info = "%d %s | %s" % (i, last_id.hex(), id.hex()) print_finding(info, wanted, boundary_data, offset) # try to locate wanted sequence in data count = data.count(wanted) if count: offset = data.find(wanted) # only determine first occurrence's offset info = "%d %s #%d" % (i, id.hex(), count) print_finding(info, wanted, data, offset) last_id, last_data = id, data i += 1 if i % 10000 == 0: print("%d objects processed." % i) print("Done.") return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(manifest=False) def do_debug_get_obj(self, args, repository): """get object contents from the repository and write it into file""" hex_id = try: id = unhexlify(hex_id) if len(id) != 32: # 256bit raise ValueError("id must be 256bits or 64 hex digits") except ValueError as err: raise CommandError(f"object id {hex_id} is invalid [{str(err)}].") try: data = repository.get(id) except Repository.ObjectNotFound: raise RTError("object %s not found." % hex_id) with open(args.path, "wb") as f: f.write(data) print("object %s fetched." % hex_id) return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(compatibility=Manifest.NO_OPERATION_CHECK) def do_debug_id_hash(self, args, repository, manifest): """compute id-hash for file contents""" with open(args.path, "rb") as f: data = key = manifest.key id = key.id_hash(data) print(id.hex()) return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(compatibility=Manifest.NO_OPERATION_CHECK) def do_debug_parse_obj(self, args, repository, manifest): """parse borg object file into meta dict and data (decrypting, decompressing)""" # get the object from id hex_id = try: id = unhexlify(hex_id) if len(id) != 32: # 256bit raise ValueError("id must be 256bits or 64 hex digits") except ValueError as err: raise CommandError(f"object id {hex_id} is invalid [{str(err)}].") with open(args.object_path, "rb") as f: cdata = repo_objs = manifest.repo_objs meta, data = repo_objs.parse(id=id, cdata=cdata, ro_type=ROBJ_DONTCARE) with open(args.json_path, "w") as f: json.dump(meta, f) with open(args.binary_path, "wb") as f: f.write(data) return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(compatibility=Manifest.NO_OPERATION_CHECK) def do_debug_format_obj(self, args, repository, manifest): """format file and metadata into borg object file""" # get the object from id hex_id = try: id = unhexlify(hex_id) if len(id) != 32: # 256bit raise ValueError("id must be 256bits or 64 hex digits") except ValueError as err: raise CommandError(f"object id {hex_id} is invalid [{str(err)}].") with open(args.binary_path, "rb") as f: data = with open(args.json_path) as f: meta = json.load(f) repo_objs = manifest.repo_objs # TODO: support misc repo object types other than ROBJ_FILE_STREAM data_encrypted = repo_objs.format(id=id, meta=meta, data=data, ro_type=ROBJ_FILE_STREAM) with open(args.object_path, "wb") as f: f.write(data_encrypted) return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(manifest=False, exclusive=True) def do_debug_put_obj(self, args, repository): """put file contents into the repository""" with open(args.path, "rb") as f: data = hex_id = try: id = unhexlify(hex_id) if len(id) != 32: # 256bit raise ValueError("id must be 256bits or 64 hex digits") except ValueError as err: raise CommandError(f"object id {hex_id} is invalid [{str(err)}].") repository.put(id, data) print("object %s put." % hex_id) repository.commit(compact=False) return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(manifest=False, exclusive=True) def do_debug_delete_obj(self, args, repository): """delete the objects with the given IDs from the repo""" modified = False for hex_id in args.ids: try: id = unhexlify(hex_id) except ValueError: print("object id %s is invalid." % hex_id) else: try: repository.delete(id) modified = True print("object %s deleted." % hex_id) except Repository.ObjectNotFound: print("object %s not found." % hex_id) if modified: repository.commit(compact=False) print("Done.") return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(manifest=False, exclusive=True, cache=True, compatibility=Manifest.NO_OPERATION_CHECK) def do_debug_refcount_obj(self, args, repository, manifest, cache): """display refcounts for the objects with the given IDs""" for hex_id in args.ids: try: id = unhexlify(hex_id) except ValueError: print("object id %s is invalid." % hex_id) else: try: refcount = cache.chunks[id][0] print("object %s has %d referrers [info from chunks cache]." % (hex_id, refcount)) except KeyError: print("object %s not found [info from chunks cache]." % hex_id) return EXIT_SUCCESS @with_repository(manifest=False, exclusive=True) def do_debug_dump_hints(self, args, repository): """dump repository hints""" if not repository._active_txn: repository.prepare_txn(repository.get_transaction_id()) try: hints = dict( segments=repository.segments, compact=repository.compact, storage_quota_use=repository.storage_quota_use, shadow_index={hexlify(k).decode(): v for k, v in repository.shadow_index.items()}, ) with dash_open(args.path, "w") as fd: json.dump(hints, fd, indent=4) finally: repository.rollback() return EXIT_SUCCESS def do_debug_convert_profile(self, args): """convert Borg profile to Python profile""" import marshal with args.output, args.input: marshal.dump(msgpack.unpack(args.input, use_list=False, raw=False), args.output) return EXIT_SUCCESS def build_parser_debug(self, subparsers, common_parser, mid_common_parser): debug_epilog = process_epilog( """ These commands are not intended for normal use and potentially very dangerous if used incorrectly. They exist to improve debugging capabilities without direct system access, e.g. in case you ever run into some severe malfunction. Use them only if you know what you are doing or if a trusted developer tells you what to do.""" ) subparser = subparsers.add_parser( "debug", parents=[mid_common_parser], add_help=False, description="debugging command (not intended for normal use)", epilog=debug_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="debugging command (not intended for normal use)", ) debug_parsers = subparser.add_subparsers(title="required arguments", metavar="") subparser.set_defaults(fallback_func=functools.partial(self.do_subcommand_help, subparser)) debug_info_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command displays some system information that might be useful for bug reports and debugging problems. If a traceback happens, this information is already appended at the end of the traceback. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "info", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_info.__doc__, epilog=debug_info_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="show system infos for debugging / bug reports (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_info) debug_dump_archive_items_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command dumps raw (but decrypted and decompressed) archive items (only metadata) to files. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "dump-archive-items", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_dump_archive_items.__doc__, epilog=debug_dump_archive_items_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="dump archive items (metadata) (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_dump_archive_items) subparser.add_argument("name", metavar="NAME", type=archivename_validator, help="specify the archive name") debug_dump_archive_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command dumps all metadata of an archive in a decoded form to a file. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "dump-archive", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_dump_archive.__doc__, epilog=debug_dump_archive_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="dump decoded archive metadata (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_dump_archive) subparser.add_argument("name", metavar="NAME", type=archivename_validator, help="specify the archive name") subparser.add_argument("path", metavar="PATH", type=str, help="file to dump data into") debug_dump_manifest_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command dumps manifest metadata of a repository in a decoded form to a file. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "dump-manifest", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_dump_manifest.__doc__, epilog=debug_dump_manifest_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="dump decoded repository metadata (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_dump_manifest) subparser.add_argument("path", metavar="PATH", type=str, help="file to dump data into") debug_dump_repo_objs_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command dumps raw (but decrypted and decompressed) repo objects to files. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "dump-repo-objs", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_dump_repo_objs.__doc__, epilog=debug_dump_repo_objs_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="dump repo objects (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_dump_repo_objs) subparser.add_argument( "--ghost", dest="ghost", action="store_true", help="dump all segment file contents, including deleted/uncommitted objects and commits.", ) subparser.add_argument( "--segment", metavar="SEG", dest="segment", type=positive_int_validator, default=None, action=Highlander, help="used together with --ghost: limit processing to given segment.", ) subparser.add_argument( "--offset", metavar="OFFS", dest="offset", type=positive_int_validator, default=None, action=Highlander, help="used together with --ghost: limit processing to given offset.", ) debug_search_repo_objs_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command searches raw (but decrypted and decompressed) repo objects for a specific bytes sequence. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "search-repo-objs", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_search_repo_objs.__doc__, epilog=debug_search_repo_objs_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="search repo objects (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_search_repo_objs) subparser.add_argument( "wanted", metavar="WANTED", type=str, action=Highlander, help="term to search the repo for, either 0x1234abcd hex term or a string", ) debug_id_hash_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command computes the id-hash for some file content. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "id-hash", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_id_hash.__doc__, epilog=debug_id_hash_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="compute id-hash for some file content (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_id_hash) subparser.add_argument( "path", metavar="PATH", type=str, help="content for which the id-hash shall get computed" ) # parse_obj debug_parse_obj_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command parses the object file into metadata (as json) and uncompressed data. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "parse-obj", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_parse_obj.__doc__, epilog=debug_parse_obj_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="parse borg object file into meta dict and data", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_parse_obj) subparser.add_argument("id", metavar="ID", type=str, help="hex object ID to get from the repo") subparser.add_argument( "object_path", metavar="OBJECT_PATH", type=str, help="path of the object file to parse data from" ) subparser.add_argument( "binary_path", metavar="BINARY_PATH", type=str, help="path of the file to write uncompressed data into" ) subparser.add_argument( "json_path", metavar="JSON_PATH", type=str, help="path of the json file to write metadata into" ) # format_obj debug_format_obj_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command formats the file and metadata into objectfile. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "format-obj", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_format_obj.__doc__, epilog=debug_format_obj_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="format file and metadata into borg objectfile", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_format_obj) subparser.add_argument("id", metavar="ID", type=str, help="hex object ID to get from the repo") subparser.add_argument( "binary_path", metavar="BINARY_PATH", type=str, help="path of the file to convert into objectfile" ) subparser.add_argument( "json_path", metavar="JSON_PATH", type=str, help="path of the json file to read metadata from" ) subparser.add_argument( "-C", "--compression", metavar="COMPRESSION", dest="compression", type=CompressionSpec, default=CompressionSpec("lz4"), action=Highlander, help="select compression algorithm, see the output of the " '"borg help compression" command for details.', ) subparser.add_argument( "object_path", metavar="OBJECT_PATH", type=str, help="path of the objectfile to write compressed encrypted data into", ) debug_get_obj_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command gets an object from the repository. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "get-obj", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_get_obj.__doc__, epilog=debug_get_obj_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="get object from repository (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_get_obj) subparser.add_argument("id", metavar="ID", type=str, help="hex object ID to get from the repo") subparser.add_argument("path", metavar="PATH", type=str, help="file to write object data into") debug_put_obj_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command puts an object into the repository. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "put-obj", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_put_obj.__doc__, epilog=debug_put_obj_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="put object to repository (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_put_obj) subparser.add_argument("id", metavar="ID", type=str, help="hex object ID to put into the repo") subparser.add_argument("path", metavar="PATH", type=str, help="file to read and create object from") debug_delete_obj_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command deletes objects from the repository. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "delete-obj", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_delete_obj.__doc__, epilog=debug_delete_obj_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="delete object from repository (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_delete_obj) subparser.add_argument( "ids", metavar="IDs", nargs="+", type=str, help="hex object ID(s) to delete from the repo" ) debug_refcount_obj_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command displays the reference count for objects from the repository. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "refcount-obj", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_refcount_obj.__doc__, epilog=debug_refcount_obj_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="show refcount for object from repository (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_refcount_obj) subparser.add_argument("ids", metavar="IDs", nargs="+", type=str, help="hex object ID(s) to show refcounts for") debug_dump_hints_epilog = process_epilog( """ This command dumps the repository hints data. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "dump-hints", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_dump_hints.__doc__, epilog=debug_dump_hints_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="dump repo hints (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_dump_hints) subparser.add_argument("path", metavar="PATH", type=str, help="file to dump data into") debug_convert_profile_epilog = process_epilog( """ Convert a Borg profile to a Python cProfile compatible profile. """ ) subparser = debug_parsers.add_parser( "convert-profile", parents=[common_parser], add_help=False, description=self.do_debug_convert_profile.__doc__, epilog=debug_convert_profile_epilog, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter, help="convert Borg profile to Python profile (debug)", ) subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_debug_convert_profile) subparser.add_argument("input", metavar="INPUT", type=argparse.FileType("rb"), help="Borg profile") subparser.add_argument("output", metavar="OUTPUT", type=argparse.FileType("wb"), help="Output file")