language: python cache: directories: - $HOME/.cache/pip matrix: fast_finish: true include: - python: "3.6" os: linux dist: bionic env: TOXENV=py36-fuse2 - python: "3.7" os: linux dist: bionic env: TOXENV=py37-fuse2 - python: "3.8" os: linux dist: focal env: TOXENV=py38-fuse3 - python: "3.9" os: linux dist: focal env: TOXENV=py39-fuse3 - python: "3.8" os: linux dist: focal env: TOXENV=flake8 before_install: # Abort installation and don't run tests for pull requests if commit only changed the docs - | test $TRAVIS_EVENT_TYPE != "pull_request" || { echo Checking whether $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE changed only docs git diff --name-only $TRAVIS_COMMIT_RANGE | grep --quiet --invert-match --extended-regexp '(AUTHORS|README\.rst|^(docs)/)' || { echo "Only docs were updated, stopping build process." exit } } install: ./.travis/ script: ./.travis/ after_success: ./.travis/ notifications: irc: channels: - "" use_notice: true skip_join: true