from datetime import datetime import hashlib import logging import msgpack import os import stat import sys import zlib from .cache import NS_ARCHIVES, NS_CHUNKS from .chunkifier import chunkify from .helpers import uid2user, user2uid, gid2group, group2gid CHUNK_SIZE = 55001 class Archive(object): def __init__(self, store, cache, name=None): = store self.cache = cache self.items = [] self.chunks = [] self.chunk_idx = {} self.hard_links = {} if name: def open(self, name): id = self.cache.archives[name] data =, id) if hashlib.sha256(data).digest() != id: raise Exception('Archive hash did not match') archive = msgpack.unpackb(zlib.decompress(data)) version = archive.get('version') if version != 1: raise Exception('Archive version %r not supported' % version) self.items = archive['items'] = archive['name'] self.chunks = archive['chunks'] for i, chunk in enumerate(archive['chunks']): self.chunk_idx[i] = chunk[0] def save(self, name): archive = { 'version': 1, 'name': name, 'cmdline': ' '.join(sys.argv), 'ts': datetime.utcnow().isoformat(), 'items': self.items, 'chunks': self.chunks } data = zlib.compress(msgpack.packb(archive)) = hashlib.sha256(data).digest(),, data) def add_chunk(self, id, size): try: return self.chunk_idx[id] except KeyError: idx = len(self.chunks) self.chunks.append((id, size)) self.chunk_idx[id] = idx return idx def stats(self, cache): osize = csize = usize = 0 for item in self.items: if item['type'] == 'FILE': osize += item['size'] for id, size in self.chunks: csize += size if self.cache.seen_chunk(id) == 1: usize += size return osize, csize, usize def list(self): for item in self.items: print item['path'] def extract(self, dest=None): dest = dest or os.getcwdu() dir_stat_queue = [] for item in self.items: assert item['path'][0] not in ('/', '\\', ':') path = os.path.join(dest, item['path'].decode('utf-8')) if item['type'] == 'DIRECTORY': if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) dir_stat_queue.append((path, item)) continue elif item['type'] == 'SYMLINK': if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) source = item['source']'%s -> %s', path, source) if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path) os.symlink(source, path) self.restore_stat(path, item, call_utime=False) elif item['type'] == 'HARDLINK': if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) source = os.path.join(dest, item['source'])'%s => %s', path, source) if os.path.exists(path): os.unlink(path), path) elif item['type'] == 'FILE': if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(path)) with open(path, 'wb') as fd: for chunk in item['chunks']: id = self.chunk_idx[chunk] data =, id) cid = data[:32] data = data[32:] if hashlib.sha256(data).digest() != cid: raise Exception('Invalid chunk checksum') data = zlib.decompress(data) fd.write(data) self.restore_stat(path, item) else: raise Exception('Unknown archive item type %r' % item['type']) if dir_stat_queue and not path.startswith(dir_stat_queue[-1][0]): self.restore_stat(*dir_stat_queue.pop()) def restore_stat(self, path, item, call_utime=True): os.lchmod(path, item['mode']) uid = user2uid(item['user']) or item['uid'] gid = group2gid(item['group']) or item['gid'] try: os.lchown(path, uid, gid) except OSError: pass if call_utime: # FIXME: We should really call futimes here (c extension required) os.utime(path, (item['ctime'], item['mtime'])) def verify(self): for item in self.items: if item['type'] == 'FILE': item['path'] = item['path'].decode('utf-8') for chunk in item['chunks']: id = self.chunk_idx[chunk] data =, id) cid = data[:32] data = data[32:] if (hashlib.sha256(data).digest() != cid): logging.error('%s ... ERROR', item['path']) break else:'%s ... OK', item['path']) def delete(self, cache):, self.cache.archives[]) for id, size in self.chunks: cache.chunk_decref(id) del cache.archives[] def _walk(self, path): st = os.lstat(path) yield path, st if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): for f in os.listdir(path): for x in self._walk(os.path.join(path, f)): yield x def create(self, name, paths, cache): if name in cache.archives: raise NameError('Archive already exists') for path in paths: for path, st in self._walk(unicode(path)): if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): self.process_dir(path, st) elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): self.process_symlink(path, st) elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): self.process_file(path, st) else: logging.error('Unknown file type: %s', path) cache.archives[name] = def process_dir(self, path, st): path = path.lstrip('/\\:') self.items.append({ 'type': 'DIRECTORY', 'path': path, 'mode': st.st_mode, 'uid': st.st_uid, 'user': uid2user(st.st_uid), 'gid': st.st_gid, 'group': gid2group(st.st_gid), 'ctime': st.st_ctime, 'mtime': st.st_mtime, }) def process_symlink(self, path, st): source = os.readlink(path) path = path.lstrip('/\\:')'%s -> %s', path, source) self.items.append({ 'type': 'SYMLINK', 'path': path, 'source': source, 'mode': st.st_mode, 'uid': st.st_uid, 'user': uid2user(st.st_uid), 'gid': st.st_gid, 'group': gid2group(st.st_gid), 'ctime': st.st_ctime, 'mtime': st.st_mtime, }) def process_file(self, path, st): safe_path = path.lstrip('/\\:') if st.st_nlink > 1: source = self.hard_links.get((st.st_ino, st.st_dev)) if (st.st_ino, st.st_dev) in self.hard_links:'%s => %s', path, source) self.items.append({ 'type': 'HARDLINK', 'path': path, 'source': source}) return else: self.hard_links[st.st_ino, st.st_dev] = safe_path try: fd = open(path, 'rb') except IOError, e: logging.error(e) return with fd: chunks = [] size = 0 for chunk in chunkify(fd, CHUNK_SIZE, 30): chunks.append(self.process_chunk(chunk)) size += len(chunk) self.items.append({ 'type': 'FILE', 'path': safe_path, 'chunks': chunks, 'size': size, 'mode': st.st_mode, 'uid': st.st_uid, 'user': uid2user(st.st_uid), 'gid': st.st_gid, 'group': gid2group(st.st_gid), 'ctime': st.st_ctime, 'mtime': st.st_mtime, }) def process_chunk(self, data): id = hashlib.sha256(data).digest() try: return self.chunk_idx[id] except KeyError: idx = len(self.chunks) size = self.cache.add_chunk(id, data) self.chunks.append((id, size)) self.chunk_idx[idx] = id return idx