from contextlib import contextmanager import functools import os try: import posix except ImportError: posix = None import stat import sys import sysconfig import tempfile import unittest # Note: this is used by borg.selftest, do not *require* pytest functionality here. try: from pytest import raises except: # noqa raises = None from ..fuse_impl import llfuse, has_llfuse, has_pyfuse3 # NOQA from .. import platform from ..platformflags import is_win32 # Does this version of llfuse support ns precision? have_fuse_mtime_ns = hasattr(llfuse.EntryAttributes, "st_mtime_ns") if llfuse else False has_lchflags = hasattr(os, "lchflags") or sys.platform.startswith("linux") try: with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as file: platform.set_flags(, stat.UF_NODUMP) except OSError: has_lchflags = False # The mtime get/set precision varies on different OS and Python versions if posix and "HAVE_FUTIMENS" in getattr(posix, "_have_functions", []): st_mtime_ns_round = 0 # 1ns resolution elif "HAVE_UTIMES" in sysconfig.get_config_vars(): st_mtime_ns_round = -3 # 1us resolution else: st_mtime_ns_round = -9 # 1s resolution if sys.platform.startswith("netbsd"): st_mtime_ns_round = -4 # 10us - strange: only >1 microsecond resolution here? def same_ts_ns(ts_ns1, ts_ns2): """compare 2 timestamps (both in nanoseconds) whether they are (roughly) equal""" diff_ts = int(abs(ts_ns1 - ts_ns2)) diff_max = 10 ** (-st_mtime_ns_round) return diff_ts <= diff_max rejected_dotdot_paths = ( "..", "../", "../etc/shadow", "/..", "/../", "/../etc", "/../etc/", "etc/..", "/etc/..", "/etc/../etc/shadow", "//etc/..", "etc//..", "etc/..//", "foo/../bar", ) @contextmanager def unopened_tempfile(): with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tempdir: yield os.path.join(tempdir, "file") @contextmanager def changedir(dir): cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(dir) yield os.chdir(cwd) def is_root(): """return True if running with high privileges, like as root""" if is_win32: return False # TODO else: return os.getuid() == 0 @functools.lru_cache def are_symlinks_supported(): with unopened_tempfile() as filepath: try: os.symlink("somewhere", filepath) if os.stat(filepath, follow_symlinks=False) and os.readlink(filepath) == "somewhere": return True except OSError: pass return False @functools.lru_cache def are_hardlinks_supported(): if not hasattr(os, "link"): # some pythons do not have return False with unopened_tempfile() as file1path, unopened_tempfile() as file2path: open(file1path, "w").close() try:, file2path) stat1 = os.stat(file1path) stat2 = os.stat(file2path) if stat1.st_nlink == stat2.st_nlink == 2 and stat1.st_ino == stat2.st_ino: return True except OSError: pass return False @functools.lru_cache def are_fifos_supported(): with unopened_tempfile() as filepath: try: os.mkfifo(filepath) return True except OSError: pass except NotImplementedError: pass except AttributeError: pass return False @functools.lru_cache def is_utime_fully_supported(): with unopened_tempfile() as filepath: # Some filesystems (such as SSHFS) don't support utime on symlinks if are_symlinks_supported(): os.symlink("something", filepath) else: open(filepath, "w").close() try: os.utime(filepath, (1000, 2000), follow_symlinks=False if os.utime in os.supports_follow_symlinks else True) new_stats = os.stat(filepath, follow_symlinks=False if os.stat in os.supports_follow_symlinks else True) if new_stats.st_atime == 1000 and new_stats.st_mtime == 2000: return True except OSError: pass except NotImplementedError: pass return False @functools.lru_cache def is_birthtime_fully_supported(): if not hasattr(os.stat_result, "st_birthtime"): return False with unopened_tempfile() as filepath: # Some filesystems (such as SSHFS) don't support utime on symlinks if are_symlinks_supported(): os.symlink("something", filepath) else: open(filepath, "w").close() try: birthtime, mtime, atime = 946598400, 946684800, 946771200 os.utime(filepath, (atime, birthtime), follow_symlinks=False) os.utime(filepath, (atime, mtime), follow_symlinks=False) new_stats = os.stat(filepath, follow_symlinks=False) if new_stats.st_birthtime == birthtime and new_stats.st_mtime == mtime and new_stats.st_atime == atime: return True except OSError: pass except NotImplementedError: pass return False def no_selinux(x): # selinux fails our FUSE tests, thus ignore selinux xattrs SELINUX_KEY = b"security.selinux" if isinstance(x, dict): return {k: v for k, v in x.items() if k != SELINUX_KEY} if isinstance(x, list): return [k for k in x if k != SELINUX_KEY] class BaseTestCase(unittest.TestCase): assert_in = unittest.TestCase.assertIn assert_not_in = unittest.TestCase.assertNotIn assert_equal = unittest.TestCase.assertEqual assert_not_equal = unittest.TestCase.assertNotEqual assert_raises = staticmethod(raises) if raises else unittest.TestCase.assertRaises # type: ignore class FakeInputs: """Simulate multiple user inputs, can be used as input() replacement""" def __init__(self, inputs): self.inputs = inputs def __call__(self, prompt=None): if prompt is not None: print(prompt, end="") try: return self.inputs.pop(0) except IndexError: raise EOFError from None