.. include:: global.rst.inc Welcome to Attic ================ |project_name| is a deduplicating backup program written in Python. The main goal of |project_name| is to provide an efficient and secure way to backup data. The data deduplication technique used makes |project_name| suitable for daily backups since only the changes are stored. Easy to use ----------- Initialize a new backup :ref:`repository ` and create your first backup :ref:`archive ` in two lines:: $ attic init /usbdrive/my-backup.attic $ attic create -v /usbdrive/my-backup.attic::documents ~/Documents See the :ref:`quickstart` chapter for a more detailed example. Easy installation ----------------- You can use pip to install |project_name| quickly and easily:: $ pip install attic |project_name| is also part of the Debian_, Ubuntu_, `Arch Linux`_ and Slackware_ distributions of GNU/Linux. Need more help with installing? See :ref:`installation`. User's Guide ============ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 foreword installation quickstart usage faq Getting help ============ If you've found a bug or have a concrete feature request, you can add your bug report or feature request directly to the project's `issue tracker`_. For more general questions or discussions, a post to the mailing list is preferred. Mailing list ------------ There is a mailing list for Attic on librelist_ that you can use for feature requests and general discussions about Attic. A mailing list archive is available `here `_. To subscribe to the list, send an email to attic@librelist.com and reply to the confirmation mail. Likewise, to unsubscribe, send an email to attic-unsubscribe@librelist.com and reply to the confirmation mail.