.. IMPORTANT: this file is auto-generated from borg's built-in help, do not edit! .. _borg_create: borg create ----------- :: borg create ARCHIVE PATH positional arguments ARCHIVE name of archive to create (must be also a valid directory name) PATH paths to archive optional arguments ``-n``, ``--dry-run`` | do not create a backup archive ``-s``, ``--stats`` | print statistics for the created archive ``-p``, ``--progress`` | show progress display while creating the archive, showing Original, Compressed and Deduplicated sizes, followed by the Number of files seen and the path being processed, default: False ``--list`` | output verbose list of items (files, dirs, ...) ``--filter STATUSCHARS`` | only display items with the given status characters `Common options`_ | Exclusion options ``-e PATTERN``, ``--exclude PATTERN`` | exclude paths matching PATTERN ``--exclude-from EXCLUDEFILE`` | read exclude patterns from EXCLUDEFILE, one per line ``--exclude-caches`` | exclude directories that contain a CACHEDIR.TAG file (http://www.brynosaurus.com/cachedir/spec.html) ``--exclude-if-present FILENAME`` | exclude directories that contain the specified file ``--keep-tag-files`` | keep tag files of excluded caches/directories Filesystem options ``-x``, ``--one-file-system`` | stay in same file system, do not cross mount points ``--numeric-owner`` | only store numeric user and group identifiers ``--ignore-inode`` | ignore inode data in the file metadata cache used to detect unchanged files. ``--read-special`` | open and read block and char device files as well as FIFOs as if they were regular files. Also follows symlinks pointing to these kinds of files. Archive options ``--comment COMMENT`` | add a comment text to the archive ``--timestamp yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss`` | manually specify the archive creation date/time (UTC). alternatively, give a reference file/directory. ``-c SECONDS``, ``--checkpoint-interval SECONDS`` | write checkpoint every SECONDS seconds (Default: 1800) ``--chunker-params CHUNK_MIN_EXP,CHUNK_MAX_EXP,HASH_MASK_BITS,HASH_WINDOW_SIZE`` | specify the chunker parameters. default: 19,23,21,4095 ``-C COMPRESSION``, ``--compression COMPRESSION`` | select compression algorithm, see the output of the "borg help compression" command for details. ``--compression-from COMPRESSIONCONFIG`` | read compression patterns from COMPRESSIONCONFIG, see the output of the "borg help compression" command for details. Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ This command creates a backup archive containing all files found while recursively traversing all paths specified. The archive will consume almost no disk space for files or parts of files that have already been stored in other archives. The archive name needs to be unique. It must not end in '.checkpoint' or '.checkpoint.N' (with N being a number), because these names are used for checkpoints and treated in special ways. In the archive name, you may use the following format tags: {now}, {utcnow}, {fqdn}, {hostname}, {user}, {pid}, {uuid4}, {borgversion} To speed up pulling backups over sshfs and similar network file systems which do not provide correct inode information the --ignore-inode flag can be used. This potentially decreases reliability of change detection, while avoiding always reading all files on these file systems. See the output of the "borg help patterns" command for more help on exclude patterns. See the output of the "borg help placeholders" command for more help on placeholders.