import os import pytest # IMPORTANT keep this above all other borg imports to avoid inconsistent values # for `from borg.constants import PBKDF2_ITERATIONS` (or star import) usages before # this is executed from borg import constants # no fixture-based monkey-patching since star-imports are used for the constants module constants.PBKDF2_ITERATIONS = 1 # needed to get pretty assertion failures in unit tests: if hasattr(pytest, 'register_assert_rewrite'): pytest.register_assert_rewrite('borg.testsuite') import borg.cache from borg.logger import setup_logging # Ensure that the loggers exist for all tests setup_logging() from borg.testsuite import has_lchflags, has_llfuse, has_pyfuse3 from borg.testsuite import are_symlinks_supported, are_hardlinks_supported, is_utime_fully_supported from borg.testsuite.platform import fakeroot_detected, are_acls_working from borg import xattr @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def clean_env(tmpdir_factory, monkeypatch): # avoid that we access / modify the user's normal .config / .cache directory: monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('xdg-config-home'))) monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME', str(tmpdir_factory.mktemp('xdg-cache-home'))) # also avoid to use anything from the outside environment: keys = [key for key in os.environ if key.startswith('BORG_') and key not in ('BORG_FUSE_IMPL', )] for key in keys: monkeypatch.delenv(key, raising=False) def pytest_report_header(config, startdir): tests = { "BSD flags": has_lchflags, "fuse2": has_llfuse, "fuse3": has_pyfuse3, "root": not fakeroot_detected(), "symlinks": are_symlinks_supported(), "hardlinks": are_hardlinks_supported(), "atime/mtime": is_utime_fully_supported(), "modes": "BORG_TESTS_IGNORE_MODES" not in os.environ } enabled = [] disabled = [] for test in tests: if tests[test]: enabled.append(test) else: disabled.append(test) output = "Tests enabled: " + ", ".join(enabled) + "\n" output += "Tests disabled: " + ", ".join(disabled) return output class DefaultPatches: def __init__(self, request): self.org_cache_wipe_cache = borg.cache.LocalCache.wipe_cache def wipe_should_not_be_called(*a, **kw): raise AssertionError("Cache wipe was triggered, if this is part of the test add @pytest.mark.allow_cache_wipe") if 'allow_cache_wipe' not in request.keywords: borg.cache.LocalCache.wipe_cache = wipe_should_not_be_called request.addfinalizer(self.undo) def undo(self): borg.cache.LocalCache.wipe_cache = self.org_cache_wipe_cache @pytest.fixture(autouse=True) def default_patches(request): return DefaultPatches(request)