# borgbackup - main setup code (extension building here, rest see pyproject.toml) import os import re import sys from collections import defaultdict try: import multiprocessing except ImportError: multiprocessing = None from setuptools.command.build_ext import build_ext from setuptools import setup, Extension from setuptools.command.sdist import sdist try: from Cython.Build import cythonize cythonize_import_error_msg = None except ImportError as exc: # either there is no Cython installed or there is some issue with it. cythonize = None cythonize_import_error_msg = "ImportError: " + str(exc) if "failed to map segment from shared object" in cythonize_import_error_msg: cythonize_import_error_msg += " Check if the borg build uses a +exec filesystem." sys.path += [os.path.dirname(__file__)] is_win32 = sys.platform.startswith("win32") is_openbsd = sys.platform.startswith("openbsd") # Number of threads to use for cythonize, not used on windows cpu_threads = multiprocessing.cpu_count() if multiprocessing and multiprocessing.get_start_method() != "spawn" else None # How the build process finds the system libs: # # 1. if BORG_{LIBXXX,OPENSSL}_PREFIX is set, it will use headers and libs from there. # 2. if not and pkg-config can locate the lib, the lib located by # pkg-config will be used. We use the pkg-config tool via the pkgconfig # python package, which must be installed before invoking setup.py. # if pkgconfig is not installed, this step is skipped. # 3. otherwise raise a fatal error. # Are we building on ReadTheDocs? on_rtd = os.environ.get("READTHEDOCS") # Extra cflags for all extensions, usually just warnings we want to enable explicitly cflags = ["-Wall", "-Wextra", "-Wpointer-arith"] compress_source = "src/borg/compress.pyx" crypto_ll_source = "src/borg/crypto/low_level.pyx" chunker_source = "src/borg/chunker.pyx" hashindex_source = "src/borg/hashindex.pyx" item_source = "src/borg/item.pyx" checksums_source = "src/borg/checksums.pyx" platform_posix_source = "src/borg/platform/posix.pyx" platform_linux_source = "src/borg/platform/linux.pyx" platform_syncfilerange_source = "src/borg/platform/syncfilerange.pyx" platform_darwin_source = "src/borg/platform/darwin.pyx" platform_freebsd_source = "src/borg/platform/freebsd.pyx" platform_windows_source = "src/borg/platform/windows.pyx" cython_sources = [ compress_source, crypto_ll_source, chunker_source, hashindex_source, item_source, checksums_source, platform_posix_source, platform_linux_source, platform_syncfilerange_source, platform_freebsd_source, platform_darwin_source, platform_windows_source, ] if cythonize: Sdist = sdist else: class Sdist(sdist): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): raise Exception("Cython is required to run sdist") cython_c_files = [fn.replace(".pyx", ".c") for fn in cython_sources] if not on_rtd and not all(os.path.exists(path) for path in cython_c_files): raise ImportError( "The GIT version of Borg needs a working Cython. " + "Install or fix Cython or use a released borg version. " + "Importing cythonize failed with: " + cythonize_import_error_msg ) cmdclass = {"build_ext": build_ext, "sdist": Sdist} ext_modules = [] if not on_rtd: def members_appended(*ds): result = defaultdict(list) for d in ds: for k, v in d.items(): assert isinstance(v, list) result[k].extend(v) return result try: import pkgconfig as pc except ImportError: print("Warning: can not import pkgconfig python package.") pc = None def lib_ext_kwargs(pc, prefix_env_var, lib_name, lib_pkg_name, pc_version, lib_subdir="lib"): system_prefix = os.environ.get(prefix_env_var) if system_prefix: print(f"Detected and preferring {lib_pkg_name} [via {prefix_env_var}]") return dict( include_dirs=[os.path.join(system_prefix, "include")], library_dirs=[os.path.join(system_prefix, lib_subdir)], libraries=[lib_name], ) if pc and pc.installed(lib_pkg_name, pc_version): print(f"Detected and preferring {lib_pkg_name} [via pkg-config]") return pc.parse(lib_pkg_name) raise Exception( f"Could not find {lib_name} lib/headers, please set {prefix_env_var} " f"or ensure {lib_pkg_name}.pc is in PKG_CONFIG_PATH." ) crypto_extra_objects = [] if is_win32: crypto_ext_lib = lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_OPENSSL_PREFIX", "libcrypto", "libcrypto", ">=1.1.1", lib_subdir="") elif is_openbsd: # Use openssl (not libressl) because we need AES-OCB via EVP api. Link # it statically to avoid conflicting with shared libcrypto from the base # OS pulled in via dependencies. crypto_ext_lib = {"include_dirs": ["/usr/local/include/eopenssl30"]} crypto_extra_objects += ["/usr/local/lib/eopenssl30/libcrypto.a"] else: crypto_ext_lib = lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_OPENSSL_PREFIX", "crypto", "libcrypto", ">=1.1.1") crypto_ext_kwargs = members_appended( dict(sources=[crypto_ll_source]), crypto_ext_lib, dict(extra_compile_args=cflags), dict(extra_objects=crypto_extra_objects), ) compress_ext_kwargs = members_appended( dict(sources=[compress_source]), lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_LIBLZ4_PREFIX", "lz4", "liblz4", ">= 1.7.0"), lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_LIBZSTD_PREFIX", "zstd", "libzstd", ">= 1.3.0"), dict(extra_compile_args=cflags), ) checksums_ext_kwargs = members_appended( dict(sources=[checksums_source]), lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_LIBXXHASH_PREFIX", "xxhash", "libxxhash", ">= 0.7.3"), dict(extra_compile_args=cflags), ) if sys.platform == "linux": linux_ext_kwargs = members_appended( dict(sources=[platform_linux_source]), lib_ext_kwargs(pc, "BORG_LIBACL_PREFIX", "acl", "libacl", ">= 2.2.47"), dict(extra_compile_args=cflags), ) else: linux_ext_kwargs = members_appended( dict(sources=[platform_linux_source], libraries=["acl"], extra_compile_args=cflags) ) # note: _chunker.c and _hashindex.c are relatively complex/large pieces of handwritten C code, # thus we undef NDEBUG for them, so the compiled code will contain and execute assert(). ext_modules += [ Extension("borg.crypto.low_level", **crypto_ext_kwargs), Extension("borg.compress", **compress_ext_kwargs), Extension("borg.hashindex", [hashindex_source], extra_compile_args=cflags, undef_macros=["NDEBUG"]), Extension("borg.item", [item_source], extra_compile_args=cflags), Extension("borg.chunker", [chunker_source], extra_compile_args=cflags, undef_macros=["NDEBUG"]), Extension("borg.checksums", **checksums_ext_kwargs), ] posix_ext = Extension("borg.platform.posix", [platform_posix_source], extra_compile_args=cflags) linux_ext = Extension("borg.platform.linux", **linux_ext_kwargs) syncfilerange_ext = Extension( "borg.platform.syncfilerange", [platform_syncfilerange_source], extra_compile_args=cflags ) freebsd_ext = Extension("borg.platform.freebsd", [platform_freebsd_source], extra_compile_args=cflags) darwin_ext = Extension("borg.platform.darwin", [platform_darwin_source], extra_compile_args=cflags) windows_ext = Extension("borg.platform.windows", [platform_windows_source], extra_compile_args=cflags) if not is_win32: ext_modules.append(posix_ext) else: ext_modules.append(windows_ext) if sys.platform == "linux": ext_modules.append(linux_ext) ext_modules.append(syncfilerange_ext) elif sys.platform.startswith("freebsd"): ext_modules.append(freebsd_ext) elif sys.platform == "darwin": ext_modules.append(darwin_ext) # sometimes there's no need to cythonize # this breaks chained commands like 'clean sdist' cythonizing = ( len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] not in (("clean", "egg_info", "--help-commands", "--version")) and "--help" not in sys.argv[1:] ) if cythonize and cythonizing: # 3str is the default in Cython3 and we do not support older Cython releases. # we only set this to avoid the related FutureWarning from Cython3. cython_opts = dict(compiler_directives={"language_level": "3str"}) if not is_win32: # compile .pyx extensions to .c in parallel, does not work on windows cython_opts["nthreads"] = cpu_threads # generate C code from Cython for ALL supported platforms, so we have them in the sdist. # the sdist does not require Cython at install time, so we need all as C. cythonize([posix_ext, linux_ext, syncfilerange_ext, freebsd_ext, darwin_ext, windows_ext], **cython_opts) # generate C code from Cython for THIS platform (and for all platform-independent Cython parts). ext_modules = cythonize(ext_modules, **cython_opts) def long_desc_from_readme(): with open("README.rst") as fd: long_description = fd.read() # remove header, but have one \n before first headline start = long_description.find("What is BorgBackup?") assert start >= 0 long_description = "\n" + long_description[start:] # remove badges long_description = re.compile(r"^\.\. start-badges.*^\.\. end-badges", re.M | re.S).sub("", long_description) # remove unknown directives long_description = re.compile(r"^\.\. highlight:: \w+$", re.M).sub("", long_description) return long_description setup(cmdclass=cmdclass, ext_modules=ext_modules, long_description=long_desc_from_readme())