.. _borg_diff: borg diff --------- :: usage: borg diff [-h] [-v] [--debug] [--lock-wait N] [--show-version] [--show-rc] [--no-files-cache] [--umask M] [--remote-path PATH] [-e PATTERN] [--exclude-from EXCLUDEFILE] [--numeric-owner] [--same-chunker-params] [--sort] ARCHIVE1 ARCHIVE2 [PATH [PATH ...]] Diff contents of two archives positional arguments: ARCHIVE1 archive ARCHIVE2 archive to compare with ARCHIVE1 (no repository location) PATH paths to compare; patterns are supported optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -v, --verbose, --info enable informative (verbose) output, work on log level INFO --debug enable debug output, work on log level DEBUG --lock-wait N wait for the lock, but max. N seconds (default: 1). --show-version show/log the borg version --show-rc show/log the return code (rc) --no-files-cache do not load/update the file metadata cache used to detect unchanged files --umask M set umask to M (local and remote, default: 0077) --remote-path PATH set remote path to executable (default: "borg") -e PATTERN, --exclude PATTERN exclude paths matching PATTERN --exclude-from EXCLUDEFILE read exclude patterns from EXCLUDEFILE, one per line --numeric-owner only consider numeric user and group identifiers --same-chunker-params Override check of chunker parameters. --sort Sort the output lines by file path. Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ This command finds differences in files (contents, user, group, mode) between archives. Both archives need to be in the same repository, and a repository location may only be specified for ARCHIVE1. For archives created with Borg 1.1 or newer diff automatically detects whether the archives are created with the same chunker params. If so, only chunk IDs are compared, which is very fast. For archives prior to Borg 1.1 chunk contents are compared by default. If you did not create the archives with different chunker params, pass --same-chunker-params. Note that the chunker params changed from Borg 0.xx to 1.0. See the output of the "borg help patterns" command for more help on exclude patterns.