import argparse from datetime import datetime, date, timedelta from operator import attrgetter import os import stat import sys from .archive import Archive from .store import Store from .cache import Cache from .key import Key from .helpers import location_validator, format_file_size, format_time,\ format_file_mode, IncludePattern, ExcludePattern, exclude_path, to_localtime, \ get_cache_dir from .remote import StoreServer, RemoteStore class Archiver(object): def __init__(self): self.exit_code = 0 def open_store(self, location, create=False): if location.proto == 'ssh': return RemoteStore(location, create=create) else: return Store(location.path, create=create) def print_error(self, msg, *args): msg = args and msg % args or msg self.exit_code = 1 print >> sys.stderr, msg def print_verbose(self, msg, *args, **kw): if self.verbose: msg = args and msg % args or msg if kw.get('newline', True): print msg else: print msg, def do_serve(self, args): return StoreServer().serve() def do_init(self, args): store = self.open_store(, create=True) key = Key.create(store,, password=args.password) return self.exit_code def do_create(self, args): store = self.open_store(args.archive) key = Key(store) try: Archive(store, key, args.archive.archive) except Archive.DoesNotExist: pass else: self.print_error('Archive already exists') return self.exit_code cache = Cache(store, key) archive = Archive(store, key, cache=cache) # Add darc cache dir to inode_skip list skip_inodes = set() try: st = os.stat(get_cache_dir()) skip_inodes.add((st.st_ino, st.st_dev)) except IOError: pass # Add local store dir to inode_skip list if not try: st = os.stat(args.archive.path) skip_inodes.add((st.st_ino, st.st_dev)) except IOError: pass for path in args.paths: self._process(archive, cache, args.patterns, skip_inodes, path), cache) return self.exit_code def _process(self, archive, cache, patterns, skip_inodes, path): if exclude_path(path, patterns): return try: st = os.lstat(path) except OSError, e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) return if (st.st_ino, st.st_dev) in skip_inodes: return self.print_verbose(path) if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode): archive.process_dir(path, st) try: entries = os.listdir(path) except OSError, e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) else: for filename in sorted(entries): self._process(archive, cache, patterns, skip_inodes, os.path.join(path, filename)) elif stat.S_ISLNK(st.st_mode): archive.process_symlink(path, st) elif stat.S_ISFIFO(st.st_mode): archive.process_fifo(path, st) elif stat.S_ISREG(st.st_mode): try: archive.process_file(path, st, cache) except IOError, e: self.print_error('%s: %s', path, e) else: self.print_error('Unknown file type: %s', path) def do_extract(self, args): def start_cb(item): self.print_verbose(item['path']) def extract_cb(item): if exclude_path(item['path'], args.patterns): return archive.extract_item(item, args.dest, start_cb) if stat.S_ISDIR(item['mode']): dirs.append(item) if dirs and not item['path'].startswith(dirs[-1]['path']): # Extract directories twice to make sure mtime is correctly restored archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1), args.dest) store = self.open_store(args.archive) key = Key(store) archive = Archive(store, key, args.archive.archive) dirs = [] archive.iter_items(extract_cb) store.flush_rpc() while dirs: archive.extract_item(dirs.pop(-1), args.dest) return self.exit_code def do_delete(self, args): store = self.open_store(args.archive) key = Key(store) cache = Cache(store, key) archive = Archive(store, key, args.archive.archive, cache=cache) archive.delete(cache) return self.exit_code def do_list(self, args): def callback(item): type = tmap.get(item['mode'] / 4096, '?') mode = format_file_mode(item['mode']) size = 0 if type == '-': try: size = sum(size for _, size, _ in item['chunks']) except KeyError: pass mtime = format_time(datetime.fromtimestamp(item['mtime'])) if 'source' in item: if type == 'l': extra = ' -> %s' % item['source'] else: type = 'h' extra = ' link to %s' % item['source'] else: extra = '' print '%s%s %-6s %-6s %8d %s %s%s' % (type, mode, item['user'], item['group'], size, mtime, item['path'], extra) store = self.open_store(args.src) key = Key(store) if args.src.archive: tmap = {1: 'p', 2: 'c', 4: 'd', 6: 'b', 010: '-', 012: 'l', 014: 's'} archive = Archive(store, key, args.src.archive) archive.iter_items(callback) store.flush_rpc() else: for archive in sorted(Archive.list_archives(store, key), key=attrgetter('ts')): print '%-20s %s' % (archive.metadata['name'], to_localtime(archive.ts).strftime('%c')) return self.exit_code def do_verify(self, args): store = self.open_store(args.archive) key = Key(store) archive = Archive(store, key, args.archive.archive) def start_cb(item): self.print_verbose('%s ...', item['path'], newline=False) def result_cb(item, success): if success: self.print_verbose('OK') else: self.print_verbose('ERROR') self.print_error('%s: verification failed' % item['path']) def callback(item): if exclude_path(item['path'], args.patterns): return if stat.S_ISREG(item['mode']) and 'chunks' in item: archive.verify_file(item, start_cb, result_cb) archive.iter_items(callback) store.flush_rpc() return self.exit_code def do_info(self, args): store = self.open_store(args.archive) key = Key(store) cache = Cache(store, key) archive = Archive(store, key, args.archive.archive, cache=cache) stats = archive.stats(cache) print 'Name:', archive.metadata['name'] print 'Hostname:', archive.metadata['hostname'] print 'Username:', archive.metadata['username'] print 'Time:', archive.metadata['time'] print 'Command line:', ' '.join(archive.metadata['cmdline']) print 'Original size:', format_file_size(stats['osize']) print 'Compressed size:', format_file_size(stats['csize']) print 'Unique data:', format_file_size(stats['usize']) return self.exit_code def do_purge(self, args): store = self.open_store( key = Key(store) cache = Cache(store, key) archives = list(sorted(Archive.list_archives(store, key, cache), key=attrgetter('ts'), reverse=True)) num_daily = args.daily num_weekly = args.weekly num_monthly = args.monthly if args.daily + args.weekly + args.monthly == 0: self.print_error('At least one of the "daily", "weekly", "monthly" ' 'settings must be specified') return 1 t0 = + timedelta(days=1) # Tomorrow daily = weekly = monthly = 0 for archive in archives: t = to_localtime(archive.ts).date() if daily < args.daily and t < t0: daily += 1 self.print_verbose('Archive "%s" is daily archive number %d', archive.metadata['name'], daily) t0 = t elif weekly < args.weekly and t < t0 and t.weekday() == 1: weekly += 1 self.print_verbose('Archive "%s" is weekly archive number %d', archive.metadata['name'], weekly) t0 = t elif monthly < args.monthly and t < t0 and == 1: num_weekly += 1 self.print_verbose('Archive "%s" is monthly archive number %d', archive.metadata['name'], monthly) t0 = t else: self.print_verbose('Purging archive %s', archive.metadata['name']) if args.really: archive.delete(cache) else: print ('Archive "%s" marked for deletion. ' 'Use the "--really" option to actually delete it' % archive.metadata['name']) return self.exit_code def run(self, args=None): dot_path = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.darc') if not os.path.exists(dot_path): os.mkdir(dot_path) os.mkdir(os.path.join(dot_path, 'keys')) os.mkdir(os.path.join(dot_path, 'cache')) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='DARC - Deduplicating Archiver') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='Verbose output') subparsers = parser.add_subparsers(title='Available subcommands') subparser = subparsers.add_parser('serve') subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_serve) subparser = subparsers.add_parser('init') subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_init) subparser.add_argument('-p', '--password', dest='password', help='Protect store key with password (Default: prompt)') subparser.add_argument('store', type=location_validator(archive=False), help='Store to create') subparser = subparsers.add_parser('create') subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_create) subparser.add_argument('-i', '--include', dest='patterns', type=IncludePattern, action='append', help='Include condition') subparser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', dest='patterns', type=ExcludePattern, action='append', help='Include condition') subparser.add_argument('archive', metavar='ARCHIVE', type=location_validator(archive=True), help='Archive to create') subparser.add_argument('paths', metavar='PATH', nargs='+', type=str, help='Paths to add to archive') subparser = subparsers.add_parser('extract') subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_extract) subparser.add_argument('-i', '--include', dest='patterns', type=IncludePattern, action='append', help='Include condition') subparser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', dest='patterns', type=ExcludePattern, action='append', help='Include condition') subparser.add_argument('archive', metavar='ARCHIVE', type=location_validator(archive=True), help='Archive to create') subparser.add_argument('dest', metavar='DEST', type=str, nargs='?', help='Where to extract files') subparser = subparsers.add_parser('delete') subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_delete) subparser.add_argument('archive', metavar='ARCHIVE', type=location_validator(archive=True), help='Archive to delete') subparser = subparsers.add_parser('list') subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_list) subparser.add_argument('src', metavar='SRC', type=location_validator(), help='Store/Archive to list contents of') subparser= subparsers.add_parser('verify') subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_verify) subparser.add_argument('-i', '--include', dest='patterns', type=IncludePattern, action='append', help='Include condition') subparser.add_argument('-e', '--exclude', dest='patterns', type=ExcludePattern, action='append', help='Include condition') subparser.add_argument('archive', metavar='ARCHIVE', type=location_validator(archive=True), help='Archive to verity integrity of') subparser = subparsers.add_parser('info') subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_info) subparser.add_argument('archive', metavar='ARCHIVE', type=location_validator(archive=True), help='Archive to display information about') subparser = subparsers.add_parser('purge') subparser.set_defaults(func=self.do_purge) subparser.add_argument('-d', '--daily', dest='daily', type=int, default=0, help='Number of daily archives to keep') subparser.add_argument('-w', '--weekly', dest='weekly', type=int, default=0, help='Number of daily archives to keep') subparser.add_argument('-m', '--monthly', dest='monthly', type=int, default=0, help='Number of monthly archives to keep') subparser.add_argument('-r', '--really', dest='really', action='store_true', default=False, help='Actually delete archives') subparser.add_argument('store', metavar='STORE', type=location_validator(archive=False), help='Store to purge') args = parser.parse_args(args) self.verbose = args.verbose return args.func(args) def main(): archiver = Archiver() sys.exit( if __name__ == '__main__': main()