.. IMPORTANT: this file is auto-generated from borg's built-in help, do not edit! .. _borg_upgrade: borg upgrade ------------ .. code-block:: none borg [common options] upgrade [options] [REPOSITORY] .. only:: html .. class:: borg-options-table +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **positional arguments** | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``REPOSITORY`` | path to the repository to be upgraded | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | **optional arguments** | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``-n``, ``--dry-run`` | do not change repository | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``--inplace`` | rewrite repository in place, with no chance of going back to older versions of the repository. | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``--force`` | Force upgrade | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``--tam`` | Enable manifest authentication (in key and cache) (Borg 1.0.9 and later). | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | | ``--disable-tam`` | Disable manifest authentication (in key and cache). | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | .. class:: borg-common-opt-ref | | | | :ref:`common_options` | +-------------------------------------------------------+-----------------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ .. raw:: html .. only:: latex REPOSITORY path to the repository to be upgraded optional arguments -n, --dry-run do not change repository --inplace rewrite repository in place, with no chance of going back to older versions of the repository. --force Force upgrade --tam Enable manifest authentication (in key and cache) (Borg 1.0.9 and later). --disable-tam Disable manifest authentication (in key and cache). :ref:`common_options` | Description ~~~~~~~~~~~ Upgrade an existing, local Borg repository. When you do not need borg upgrade +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Not every change requires that you run ``borg upgrade``. You do **not** need to run it when: - moving your repository to a different place - upgrading to another point release (like 1.0.x to 1.0.y), except when noted otherwise in the changelog - upgrading from 1.0.x to 1.1.x, except when noted otherwise in the changelog Borg 1.x.y upgrades +++++++++++++++++++ Use ``borg upgrade --tam REPO`` to require manifest authentication introduced with Borg 1.0.9 to address security issues. This means that modifying the repository after doing this with a version prior to 1.0.9 will raise a validation error, so only perform this upgrade after updating all clients using the repository to 1.0.9 or newer. This upgrade should be done on each client for safety reasons. If a repository is accidentally modified with a pre-1.0.9 client after this upgrade, use ``borg upgrade --tam --force REPO`` to remedy it. If you routinely do this you might not want to enable this upgrade (which will leave you exposed to the security issue). You can reverse the upgrade by issuing ``borg upgrade --disable-tam REPO``. See https://borgbackup.readthedocs.io/en/stable/changes.html#pre-1-0-9-manifest-spoofing-vulnerability for details. Borg 0.xx to Borg 1.x +++++++++++++++++++++ This currently supports converting Borg 0.xx to 1.0. Currently, only LOCAL repositories can be upgraded (issue #465). Please note that ``borg create`` (since 1.0.0) uses bigger chunks by default than old borg did, so the new chunks won't deduplicate with the old chunks in the upgraded repository. See ``--chunker-params`` option of ``borg create`` and ``borg recreate``.