
730 lines
33 KiB

import errno
import functools
import io
import os
import stat
import struct
import sys
import tempfile
import time
from collections import defaultdict
from signal import SIGINT
from .fuse_impl import llfuse, has_pyfuse3
if has_pyfuse3:
import trio
def async_wrapper(fn):
async def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
return fn(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
trio = None
def async_wrapper(fn):
return fn
from .logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
from .crypto.low_level import blake2b_128
from .archiver import Archiver
from .archive import Archive, get_item_uid_gid
from .hashindex import FuseVersionsIndex
from .helpers import daemonize, daemonizing, hardlinkable, signal_handler, format_file_size, Error
from .helpers import msgpack
from .item import Item
from .lrucache import LRUCache
from .platform import uid2user, gid2group
from .platformflags import is_darwin
from .remote import RemoteRepository
def fuse_main():
if has_pyfuse3:
return 1 # TODO return signal number if it was killed by signal
return None
return llfuse.main(workers=1)
# size of some LRUCaches (1 element per simultaneously open file)
# note: _inode_cache might have rather large elements - Item.chunks can be large!
# also, simultaneously reading too many files should be avoided anyway.
# thus, do not set FILES to high values.
class ItemCache:
This is the "meat" of the file system's metadata storage.
This class generates inode numbers that efficiently index items in archives,
and retrieves items from these inode numbers.
# 2 MiB are approximately ~230000 items (depends on the average number of items per metadata chunk).
# Since growing a bytearray has to copy it, growing it will converge to O(n^2), however,
# this is not yet relevant due to the swiftness of copying memory. If it becomes an issue,
# use an anonymous mmap and just resize that (or, if on 64 bit, make it so big you never need
# to resize it in the first place; that's free).
GROW_META_BY = 2 * 1024 * 1024
indirect_entry_struct = struct.Struct('=cII')
assert indirect_entry_struct.size == 9
def __init__(self, decrypted_repository):
self.decrypted_repository = decrypted_repository
# self.meta, the "meta-array" is a densely packed array of metadata about where items can be found.
# It is indexed by the inode number minus self.offset. (This is in a way eerily similar to how the first
# unices did this).
# The meta-array contains chunk IDs and item entries (described in iter_archive_items).
# The chunk IDs are referenced by item entries through relative offsets,
# which are bounded by the metadata chunk size.
self.meta = bytearray()
# The current write offset in self.meta
self.write_offset = 0
# Offset added to meta-indices, resulting in inodes,
# or subtracted from inodes, resulting in meta-indices.
# XXX: Merge FuseOperations.items and ItemCache to avoid
# this implicit limitation / hack (on the number of synthetic inodes, degenerate
# cases can inflate their number far beyond the number of archives).
self.offset = 1000000
# A temporary file that contains direct items, i.e. items directly cached in this layer.
# These are items that span more than one chunk and thus cannot be efficiently cached
# by the object cache (self.decrypted_repository), which would require variable-length structures;
# possible but not worth the effort, see iter_archive_items.
self.fd = tempfile.TemporaryFile(prefix='borg-tmp')
# A small LRU cache for chunks requested by ItemCache.get() from the object cache,
# this significantly speeds up directory traversal and similar operations which
# tend to re-read the same chunks over and over.
# The capacity is kept low because increasing it does not provide any significant advantage,
# but makes LRUCache's square behaviour noticeable and consumes more memory.
self.chunks = LRUCache(capacity=10, dispose=lambda _: None)
# Instrumentation
# Count of indirect items, i.e. data is cached in the object cache, not directly in this cache
self.indirect_items = 0
# Count of direct items, i.e. data is in self.fd
self.direct_items = 0
def get(self, inode):
offset = inode - self.offset
if offset < 0:
raise ValueError('ItemCache.get() called with an invalid inode number')
if self.meta[offset] == ord(b'I'):
_, chunk_id_relative_offset, chunk_offset = self.indirect_entry_struct.unpack_from(self.meta, offset)
chunk_id_offset = offset - chunk_id_relative_offset
# bytearray slices are bytearrays as well, explicitly convert to bytes()
chunk_id = bytes(self.meta[chunk_id_offset:chunk_id_offset + 32])
chunk = self.chunks.get(chunk_id)
if not chunk:
csize, chunk = next(self.decrypted_repository.get_many([chunk_id]))
self.chunks[chunk_id] = chunk
data = memoryview(chunk)[chunk_offset:]
unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker()
return Item(internal_dict=next(unpacker))
elif self.meta[offset] == ord(b'S'):
fd_offset = int.from_bytes(self.meta[offset + 1:offset + 9], 'little'), io.SEEK_SET)
return Item(internal_dict=next(msgpack.Unpacker(self.fd, read_size=1024)))
raise ValueError('Invalid entry type in self.meta')
def iter_archive_items(self, archive_item_ids, filter=None, consider_part_files=False):
unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker()
# Current offset in the metadata stream, which consists of all metadata chunks glued together
stream_offset = 0
# Offset of the current chunk in the metadata stream
chunk_begin = 0
# Length of the chunk preceding the current chunk
last_chunk_length = 0
msgpacked_bytes = b''
write_offset = self.write_offset
meta = self.meta
pack_indirect_into = self.indirect_entry_struct.pack_into
for key, (csize, data) in zip(archive_item_ids, self.decrypted_repository.get_many(archive_item_ids)):
# Store the chunk ID in the meta-array
if write_offset + 32 >= len(meta):
self.meta = meta = meta + bytes(self.GROW_META_BY)
meta[write_offset:write_offset + 32] = key
current_id_offset = write_offset
write_offset += 32
chunk_begin += last_chunk_length
last_chunk_length = len(data)
while True:
item = unpacker.unpack()
need_more_data = False
except msgpack.OutOfData:
need_more_data = True
start = stream_offset - chunk_begin
# tell() is not helpful for the need_more_data case, but we know it is the remainder
# of the data in that case. in the other case, tell() works as expected.
length = (len(data) - start) if need_more_data else (unpacker.tell() - stream_offset)
msgpacked_bytes += data[start:start+length]
stream_offset += length
if need_more_data:
# Need more data, feed the next chunk
item = Item(internal_dict=item)
if filter and not filter(item) or not consider_part_files and 'part' in item:
msgpacked_bytes = b''
current_item = msgpacked_bytes
current_item_length = len(current_item)
current_spans_chunks = stream_offset - current_item_length < chunk_begin
msgpacked_bytes = b''
if write_offset + 9 >= len(meta):
self.meta = meta = meta + bytes(self.GROW_META_BY)
# item entries in the meta-array come in two different flavours, both nine bytes long.
# (1) for items that span chunks:
# 'S' + 8 byte offset into the self.fd file, where the msgpacked item starts.
# (2) for items that are completely contained in one chunk, which usually is the great majority
# (about 700:1 for system backups)
# 'I' + 4 byte offset where the chunk ID is + 4 byte offset in the chunk
# where the msgpacked items starts
# The chunk ID offset is the number of bytes _back_ from the start of the entry, i.e.:
# |Chunk ID| .... |S1234abcd|
# ^------ offset ----------^
if current_spans_chunks:
pos =, io.SEEK_END)
meta[write_offset:write_offset + 9] = b'S' + pos.to_bytes(8, 'little')
self.direct_items += 1
item_offset = stream_offset - current_item_length - chunk_begin
pack_indirect_into(meta, write_offset, b'I', write_offset - current_id_offset, item_offset)
self.indirect_items += 1
inode = write_offset + self.offset
write_offset += 9
yield inode, item
self.write_offset = write_offset
class FuseBackend:
"""Virtual filesystem based on archive(s) to provide information to fuse
def __init__(self, key, manifest, repository, args, decrypted_repository):
self.repository_uncached = repository
self._args = args
self.numeric_ids = args.numeric_ids
self._manifest = manifest
self.key = key
# Maps inode numbers to Item instances. This is used for synthetic inodes, i.e. file-system objects that are
# made up and are not contained in the archives. For example archive directories or intermediate directories
# not contained in archives.
self._items = {}
# cache up to <FILES> Items
self._inode_cache = LRUCache(capacity=FILES, dispose=lambda _: None)
# _inode_count is the current count of synthetic inodes, i.e. those in self._items
self.inode_count = 0
# Maps inode numbers to the inode number of the parent
self.parent = {}
# Maps inode numbers to a dictionary mapping byte directory entry names to their inode numbers,
# i.e. this contains all dirents of everything that is mounted. (It becomes really big).
self.contents = defaultdict(dict)
self.default_uid = os.getuid()
self.default_gid = os.getgid()
self.default_dir = None
# Archives to be loaded when first accessed, mapped by their placeholder inode
self.pending_archives = {}
self.cache = ItemCache(decrypted_repository)
self.allow_damaged_files = False
self.versions = False
self.uid_forced = None
self.gid_forced = None
self.umask = 0
def _create_filesystem(self):
self._create_dir(parent=1) # first call, create root dir (inode == 1)
if self._args.location.archive:
if self.versions:
raise Error("for versions view, do not specify a single archive, "
"but always give the repository as location.")
self.versions_index = FuseVersionsIndex()
for archive in self._manifest.archives.list_considering(self._args):
if self.versions:
# process archives immediately
# lazily load archives, create archive placeholder inode
archive_inode = self._create_dir(parent=1, mtime=int(archive.ts.timestamp() * 1e9))
self.contents[1][os.fsencode(] = archive_inode
self.pending_archives[archive_inode] =
def get_item(self, inode):
item = self._inode_cache.get(inode)
if item is not None:
return item
# this is a cheap get-from-dictionary operation, no need to cache the result.
return self._items[inode]
except KeyError:
# while self.cache does some internal caching, it has still quite some overhead, so we cache the result.
item = self.cache.get(inode)
self._inode_cache[inode] = item
return item
def check_pending_archive(self, inode):
# Check if this is an archive we need to load
archive_name = self.pending_archives.pop(inode, None)
if archive_name is not None:
self._process_archive(archive_name, [os.fsencode(archive_name)])
def _allocate_inode(self):
self.inode_count += 1
return self.inode_count
def _create_dir(self, parent, mtime=None):
"""Create directory
ino = self._allocate_inode()
if mtime is not None:
self._items[ino] = Item(internal_dict=self.default_dir.as_dict())
self._items[ino].mtime = mtime
self._items[ino] = self.default_dir
self.parent[ino] = parent
return ino
def find_inode(self, path, prefix=[]):
segments = prefix + path.split(b'/')
inode = 1
for segment in segments:
inode = self.contents[inode][segment]
return inode
def _process_archive(self, archive_name, prefix=[]):
"""Build FUSE inode hierarchy from archive metadata
self.file_versions = {} # for versions mode: original path -> version
t0 = time.perf_counter()
archive = Archive(self.repository_uncached, self.key, self._manifest, archive_name,
strip_components = self._args.strip_components
matcher = Archiver.build_matcher(self._args.patterns, self._args.paths)
partial_extract = not matcher.empty() or strip_components
hardlink_masters = {} if partial_extract else None
def peek_and_store_hardlink_masters(item, matched):
if (partial_extract and not matched and hardlinkable(item.mode) and
item.get('hardlink_master', True) and 'source' not in item):
hardlink_masters[item.get('path')] = (item.get('chunks'), None)
filter = Archiver.build_filter(matcher, peek_and_store_hardlink_masters, strip_components)
for item_inode, item in self.cache.iter_archive_items(archive.metadata.items, filter=filter,
if strip_components:
item.path = os.sep.join(item.path.split(os.sep)[strip_components:])
path = os.fsencode(item.path)
is_dir = stat.S_ISDIR(item.mode)
if is_dir:
# This can happen if an archive was created with a command line like
# $ borg create ... dir1/file dir1
# In this case the code below will have created a default_dir inode for dir1 already.
inode = self.find_inode(path, prefix)
except KeyError:
self._items[inode] = item
segments = prefix + path.split(b'/')
parent = 1
for segment in segments[:-1]:
parent = self._process_inner(segment, parent)
self._process_leaf(segments[-1], item, parent, prefix, is_dir, item_inode,
hardlink_masters, strip_components)
duration = time.perf_counter() - t0
logger.debug('fuse: _process_archive completed in %.1f s for archive %s', duration,
def _process_leaf(self, name, item, parent, prefix, is_dir, item_inode, hardlink_masters, stripped_components):
path = item.path
del item.path # save some space
hardlink_masters = hardlink_masters or {}
def file_version(item, path):
if 'chunks' in item:
file_id = blake2b_128(path)
current_version, previous_id = self.versions_index.get(file_id, (0, None))
contents_id = blake2b_128(b''.join(chunk_id for chunk_id, _, _ in item.chunks))
if contents_id != previous_id:
current_version += 1
self.versions_index[file_id] = current_version, contents_id
return current_version
def make_versioned_name(name, version, add_dir=False):
if add_dir:
# add intermediate directory with same name as filename
path_fname = name.rsplit(b'/', 1)
name += b'/' + path_fname[-1]
# keep original extension at end to avoid confusing tools
name, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
version_enc = os.fsencode('.%05d' % version)
return name + version_enc + ext
if 'source' in item and hardlinkable(item.mode):
source = os.sep.join(item.source.split(os.sep)[stripped_components:])
chunks, link_target = hardlink_masters.get(item.source, (None, source))
if link_target:
# Hard link was extracted previously, just link
link_target = os.fsencode(link_target)
if self.versions:
# adjust link target name with version
version = self.file_versions[link_target]
link_target = make_versioned_name(link_target, version, add_dir=True)
inode = self.find_inode(link_target, prefix)
except KeyError:
logger.warning('Skipping broken hard link: %s -> %s', path, source)
item = self.get_item(inode)
item.nlink = item.get('nlink', 1) + 1
self._items[inode] = item
elif chunks is not None:
# assign chunks to this item, since the item which had the chunks was not extracted
item.chunks = chunks
inode = item_inode
self._items[inode] = item
if hardlink_masters:
# Update master entry with extracted item path, so that following hardlinks don't extract twice.
hardlink_masters[item.source] = (None, path)
inode = item_inode
if self.versions and not is_dir:
parent = self._process_inner(name, parent)
enc_path = os.fsencode(path)
version = file_version(item, enc_path)
if version is not None:
# regular file, with contents - maybe a hardlink master
name = make_versioned_name(name, version)
self.file_versions[enc_path] = version
self.parent[inode] = parent
if name:
self.contents[parent][name] = inode
def _process_inner(self, name, parent_inode):
dir = self.contents[parent_inode]
if name in dir:
inode = dir[name]
inode = self._create_dir(parent_inode)
if name:
dir[name] = inode
return inode
class FuseOperations(llfuse.Operations, FuseBackend):
"""Export archive as a FUSE filesystem
def __init__(self, key, repository, manifest, args, decrypted_repository):
FuseBackend.__init__(self, key, manifest, repository, args, decrypted_repository)
self.decrypted_repository = decrypted_repository
data_cache_capacity = int(os.environ.get('BORG_MOUNT_DATA_CACHE_ENTRIES', os.cpu_count() or 1))
logger.debug('mount data cache capacity: %d chunks', data_cache_capacity)
self.data_cache = LRUCache(capacity=data_cache_capacity, dispose=lambda _: None)
self._last_pos = LRUCache(capacity=FILES, dispose=lambda _: None)
def sig_info_handler(self, sig_no, stack):
logger.debug('fuse: %d synth inodes, %d edges (%s)',
self.inode_count, len(self.parent),
# getsizeof is the size of the dict itself; key and value are two small-ish integers,
# which are shared due to code structure (this has been verified).
format_file_size(sys.getsizeof(self.parent) + len(self.parent) * sys.getsizeof(self.inode_count)))
logger.debug('fuse: %d pending archives', len(self.pending_archives))
logger.debug('fuse: ItemCache %d entries (%d direct, %d indirect), meta-array size %s, direct items size %s',
self.cache.direct_items + self.cache.indirect_items, self.cache.direct_items, self.cache.indirect_items,
logger.debug('fuse: data cache: %d/%d entries, %s', len(self.data_cache.items()), self.data_cache._capacity,
format_file_size(sum(len(chunk) for key, chunk in self.data_cache.items())))
def mount(self, mountpoint, mount_options, foreground=False):
"""Mount filesystem on *mountpoint* with *mount_options*."""
def pop_option(options, key, present, not_present, wanted_type, int_base=0):
assert isinstance(options, list) # we mutate this
for idx, option in enumerate(options):
if option == key:
return present
if option.startswith(key + '='):
value = option.split('=', 1)[1]
if wanted_type is bool:
v = value.lower()
if v in ('y', 'yes', 'true', '1'):
return True
if v in ('n', 'no', 'false', '0'):
return False
raise ValueError('unsupported value in option: %s' % option)
if wanted_type is int:
return int(value, base=int_base)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('unsupported value in option: %s' % option) from None
return wanted_type(value)
except ValueError:
raise ValueError('unsupported value in option: %s' % option) from None
return not_present
# default_permissions enables permission checking by the kernel. Without
# this, any umask (or uid/gid) would not have an effect and this could
# cause security issues if used with allow_other mount option.
# When not using allow_other or allow_root, access is limited to the
# mounting user anyway.
options = ['fsname=borgfs', 'ro', 'default_permissions']
if mount_options:
if is_darwin:
# macFUSE supports a volname mount option to give what finder displays on desktop / in directory list.
volname = pop_option(options, 'volname', '', '', str)
# if the user did not specify it, we make something up,
# because otherwise it would be "macFUSE Volume 0 (Python)", #7690.
volname = volname or f"{os.path.basename(mountpoint)} (borgfs)"
ignore_permissions = pop_option(options, 'ignore_permissions', True, False, bool)
if ignore_permissions:
# in case users have a use-case that requires NOT giving "default_permissions",
# this is enabled by the custom "ignore_permissions" mount option which just
# removes "default_permissions" again:
pop_option(options, 'default_permissions', True, False, bool)
self.allow_damaged_files = pop_option(options, 'allow_damaged_files', True, False, bool)
self.versions = pop_option(options, 'versions', True, False, bool)
self.uid_forced = pop_option(options, 'uid', None, None, int)
self.gid_forced = pop_option(options, 'gid', None, None, int)
self.umask = pop_option(options, 'umask', 0, 0, int, int_base=8) # umask is octal, e.g. 222 or 0222
dir_uid = self.uid_forced if self.uid_forced is not None else self.default_uid
dir_gid = self.gid_forced if self.gid_forced is not None else self.default_gid
dir_user = uid2user(dir_uid)
dir_group = gid2group(dir_gid)
assert isinstance(dir_user, str)
assert isinstance(dir_group, str)
dir_mode = 0o40755 & ~self.umask
self.default_dir = Item(mode=dir_mode, mtime=int(time.time() * 1e9),
user=dir_user, group=dir_group, uid=dir_uid, gid=dir_gid)
llfuse.init(self, mountpoint, options)
if not foreground:
if isinstance(self.repository_uncached, RemoteRepository):
with daemonizing() as (old_id, new_id):
# local repo: the locking process' PID is changing, migrate it:
logger.debug('fuse: mount local repo, going to background: migrating lock.')
self.repository_uncached.migrate_lock(old_id, new_id)
# If the file system crashes, we do not want to umount because in that
# case the mountpoint suddenly appears to become empty. This can have
# nasty consequences, imagine the user has e.g. an active rsync mirror
# job - seeing the mountpoint empty, rsync would delete everything in the
# mirror.
umount = False
with signal_handler('SIGUSR1', self.sig_info_handler), \
signal_handler('SIGINFO', self.sig_info_handler):
signal = fuse_main()
# no crash and no signal (or it's ^C and we're in the foreground) -> umount request
umount = (signal is None or (signal == SIGINT and foreground))
def statfs(self, ctx=None):
stat_ = llfuse.StatvfsData()
stat_.f_bsize = 512
stat_.f_frsize = 512
stat_.f_blocks = 0
stat_.f_bfree = 0
stat_.f_bavail = 0
stat_.f_files = 0
stat_.f_ffree = 0
stat_.f_favail = 0
stat_.f_namemax = 255 # == NAME_MAX (depends on archive source OS / FS)
return stat_
def _getattr(self, inode, ctx=None):
item = self.get_item(inode)
entry = llfuse.EntryAttributes()
entry.st_ino = inode
entry.generation = 0
entry.entry_timeout = 300
entry.attr_timeout = 300
entry.st_mode = item.mode & ~self.umask
entry.st_nlink = item.get('nlink', 1)
entry.st_uid, entry.st_gid = get_item_uid_gid(item, numeric=self.numeric_ids,
uid_default=self.default_uid, gid_default=self.default_gid,
uid_forced=self.uid_forced, gid_forced=self.gid_forced)
entry.st_rdev = item.get('rdev', 0)
entry.st_size = item.get_size()
entry.st_blksize = 512
entry.st_blocks = (entry.st_size + entry.st_blksize - 1) // entry.st_blksize
# note: older archives only have mtime (not atime nor ctime)
entry.st_mtime_ns = mtime_ns = item.mtime
entry.st_atime_ns = item.get('atime', mtime_ns)
entry.st_ctime_ns = item.get('ctime', mtime_ns)
entry.st_birthtime_ns = item.get('birthtime', mtime_ns)
return entry
def getattr(self, inode, ctx=None):
return self._getattr(inode, ctx=ctx)
def listxattr(self, inode, ctx=None):
item = self.get_item(inode)
return item.get('xattrs', {}).keys()
def getxattr(self, inode, name, ctx=None):
item = self.get_item(inode)
return item.get('xattrs', {})[name] or b''
except KeyError:
raise llfuse.FUSEError(llfuse.ENOATTR) from None
def lookup(self, parent_inode, name, ctx=None):
if name == b'.':
inode = parent_inode
elif name == b'..':
inode = self.parent[parent_inode]
inode = self.contents[parent_inode].get(name)
if not inode:
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.ENOENT)
return self._getattr(inode)
def open(self, inode, flags, ctx=None):
if not self.allow_damaged_files:
item = self.get_item(inode)
if 'chunks_healthy' in item:
# Processed archive items don't carry the path anymore; for converting the inode
# to the path we'd either have to store the inverse of the current structure,
# or search the entire archive. So we just don't print it. It's easy to correlate anyway.
logger.warning('File has damaged (all-zero) chunks. Try running borg check --repair. '
'Mount with allow_damaged_files to read damaged files.')
raise llfuse.FUSEError(errno.EIO)
return llfuse.FileInfo(fh=inode) if has_pyfuse3 else inode
def opendir(self, inode, ctx=None):
return inode
def read(self, fh, offset, size):
parts = []
item = self.get_item(fh)
# optimize for linear reads:
# we cache the chunk number and the in-file offset of the chunk in _last_pos[fh]
chunk_no, chunk_offset = self._last_pos.get(fh, (0, 0))
if chunk_offset > offset:
# this is not a linear read, so we lost track and need to start from beginning again...
chunk_no, chunk_offset = (0, 0)
offset -= chunk_offset
chunks = item.chunks
# note: using index iteration to avoid frequently copying big (sub)lists by slicing
for idx in range(chunk_no, len(chunks)):
id, s, csize = chunks[idx]
if s < offset:
offset -= s
chunk_offset += s
chunk_no += 1
n = min(size, s - offset)
if id in self.data_cache:
data = self.data_cache[id]
if offset + n == len(data):
# evict fully read chunk from cache
del self.data_cache[id]
data = self.key.decrypt(id, self.repository_uncached.get(id))
if offset + n < len(data):
# chunk was only partially read, cache it
self.data_cache[id] = data
parts.append(data[offset:offset + n])
offset = 0
size -= n
if not size:
if fh in self._last_pos:
self._last_pos.upd(fh, (chunk_no, chunk_offset))
self._last_pos[fh] = (chunk_no, chunk_offset)
return b''.join(parts)
# note: we can't have a generator (with yield) and not a generator (async) in the same method
if has_pyfuse3:
async def readdir(self, fh, off, token):
entries = [(b'.', fh), (b'..', self.parent[fh])]
for i, (name, inode) in enumerate(entries[off:], off):
attrs = self._getattr(inode)
if not llfuse.readdir_reply(token, name, attrs, i + 1):
def readdir(self, fh, off):
entries = [(b'.', fh), (b'..', self.parent[fh])]
for i, (name, inode) in enumerate(entries[off:], off):
attrs = self._getattr(inode)
yield name, attrs, i + 1
def readlink(self, inode, ctx=None):
item = self.get_item(inode)
return os.fsencode(item.source)