
840 lines
31 KiB

import stat
from collections import namedtuple
from libc.string cimport memcmp
from cpython.bytes cimport PyBytes_AsStringAndSize
from .constants import ITEM_KEYS, ARCHIVE_KEYS
from .helpers import StableDict
from .helpers import format_file_size
from .helpers.fs import assert_sanitized_path, to_sanitized_path
from .helpers.msgpack import timestamp_to_int, int_to_timestamp, Timestamp
from .helpers.time import OutputTimestamp, safe_timestamp
cdef extern from "_item.c":
object _object_to_optr(object obj)
object _optr_to_object(object bytes)
API_VERSION = '1.2_01'
def fix_key(data, key, *, errors='strict'):
"""if k is a bytes-typed key, migrate key/value to a str-typed key in dict data"""
if isinstance(key, bytes):
value = data.pop(key)
key = key.decode('utf-8', errors=errors)
data[key] = value
assert isinstance(key, str)
return key
def fix_str_value(data, key, errors='surrogateescape'):
"""makes sure that data[key] is a str (decode if it is bytes)"""
assert isinstance(key, str) # fix_key must be called first
value = data[key]
value = want_str(value, errors=errors)
data[key] = value
return value
def fix_bytes_value(data, key):
"""makes sure that data[key] is bytes (encode if it is str)"""
assert isinstance(key, str) # fix_key must be called first
value = data[key]
value = want_bytes(value)
data[key] = value
return value
def fix_list_of_str(v):
"""make sure we have a list of str"""
assert isinstance(v, (tuple, list))
return [want_str(e) for e in v]
def fix_list_of_bytes(v):
"""make sure we have a list of bytes"""
assert isinstance(v, (tuple, list))
return [want_bytes(e) for e in v]
def fix_list_of_chunkentries(v):
"""make sure we have a list of correct chunkentries"""
assert isinstance(v, (tuple, list))
chunks = []
for ce in v:
assert isinstance(ce, (tuple, list))
assert len(ce) in (2, 3) # id, size[, csize]
assert isinstance(ce[1], int)
assert len(ce) == 2 or isinstance(ce[2], int)
ce_fixed = [want_bytes(ce[0]), ce[1]] # list! id, size only, drop csize
chunks.append(ce_fixed) # create a list of lists
return chunks
def fix_tuple_of_str(v):
"""make sure we have a tuple of str"""
assert isinstance(v, (tuple, list))
return tuple(want_str(e) for e in v)
def fix_tuple_of_str_and_int(v):
"""make sure we have a tuple of str or int"""
assert isinstance(v, (tuple, list))
t = tuple(e.decode() if isinstance(e, bytes) else e for e in v)
assert all(isinstance(e, (str, int)) for e in t), repr(t)
return t
def fix_timestamp(v):
"""make sure v is a Timestamp"""
if isinstance(v, Timestamp):
return v
# legacy support
if isinstance(v, bytes): # was: bigint_to_int()
v = int.from_bytes(v, 'little', signed=True)
assert isinstance(v, int)
return int_to_timestamp(v)
def want_bytes(v, *, errors='surrogateescape'):
"""we know that we want bytes and the value should be bytes"""
# legacy support: it being str can be caused by msgpack unpack decoding old data that was packed with use_bin_type=False
if isinstance(v, str):
v = v.encode('utf-8', errors=errors)
assert isinstance(v, bytes), f'not a bytes object, but {v!r}'
return v
def want_str(v, *, errors='surrogateescape'):
"""we know that we want str and the value should be str"""
if isinstance(v, bytes):
v = v.decode('utf-8', errors=errors)
assert isinstance(v, str), f'not a str object, but {v!r}'
return v
cdef class PropDict:
Manage a dictionary via properties.
- initialization by giving a dict or kw args
- on initialization, normalize dict keys to be str type
- access dict via properties, like: x.key_name
- membership check via: 'key_name' in x
- optionally, encode when setting a value
- optionally, decode when getting a value
- be safe against typos in key names: check against VALID_KEYS
- when setting a value: check type of value
When "packing" a dict, i.e. you have a dict with some data and want to convert it into an instance,
then use e.g. Item({'a': 1, ...}). This way all keys in your dictionary are validated.
When "unpacking", that is you've read a dictionary with some data from somewhere (e.g. msgpack),
then use e.g. Item(internal_dict={...}). This does not validate the keys, therefore unknown keys
are ignored instead of causing an error.
VALID_KEYS = frozenset() # override with <set of str> in child class
cdef object _dict
def __cinit__(self, data_dict=None, internal_dict=None, **kw):
self._dict = {}
if internal_dict is None:
pass # nothing to do
elif isinstance(internal_dict, dict):
raise TypeError("internal_dict must be a dict")
if data_dict is None:
data = kw
elif isinstance(data_dict, dict):
data = data_dict
raise TypeError("data_dict must be a dict")
if data:
def update(self, d):
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(k, bytes):
k = k.decode()
setattr(self, self._check_key(k), v)
def update_internal(self, d):
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(k, bytes):
k = k.decode()
self._dict[k] = v
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.as_dict() == other.as_dict()
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(internal_dict=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._dict)
def as_dict(self):
"""return the internal dictionary"""
return StableDict(self._dict)
def _check_key(self, key):
"""make sure key is of type str and known"""
if not isinstance(key, str):
raise TypeError("key must be str")
if key not in self.VALID_KEYS:
raise ValueError("key '%s' is not a valid key" % key)
return key
def __contains__(self, key):
"""do we have this key?"""
return self._check_key(key) in self._dict
def get(self, key, default=None):
"""get value for key, return default if key does not exist"""
return getattr(self, self._check_key(key), default)
cdef class PropDictProperty:
"""return a property that deals with self._dict[key] of PropDict"""
cdef readonly str key
cdef readonly object value_type
cdef str value_type_name
cdef readonly str __doc__
cdef object encode
cdef object decode
cdef str type_error_msg
cdef str attr_error_msg
def __cinit__(self, value_type, value_type_name=None, encode=None, decode=None):
self.key = None
self.value_type = value_type
self.value_type_name = value_type_name if value_type_name is not None else value_type.__name__
self.encode = encode
self.decode = decode
def __get__(self, PropDict instance, owner):
value = instance._dict[self.key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(self.attr_error_msg) from None
if self.decode is not None:
value = self.decode(value)
if not isinstance(value, self.value_type):
raise TypeError(self.type_error_msg)
return value
def __set__(self, PropDict instance, value):
if not isinstance(value, self.value_type):
raise TypeError(self.type_error_msg)
if self.encode is not None:
value = self.encode(value)
instance._dict[self.key] = value
def __delete__(self, PropDict instance):
del instance._dict[self.key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(self.attr_error_msg) from None
cpdef __set_name__(self, name):
self.key = name
self.__doc__ = "%s (%s)" % (name, self.value_type_name)
self.type_error_msg = "%s value must be %s" % (name, self.value_type_name)
self.attr_error_msg = "attribute %s not found" % name
ChunkListEntry = namedtuple('ChunkListEntry', 'id size')
cdef class Item(PropDict):
Item abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
Items are created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack unpacker gives us a dict, just give it to Item(internal_dict=d) and use item.key_name later.
If an Item shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
VALID_KEYS = ITEM_KEYS | {'deleted', 'nlink', }
# properties statically defined, so that IDEs can know their names:
path = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=assert_sanitized_path, decode=to_sanitized_path)
source = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str') # legacy borg 1.x. borg 2: see .target
target = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str')
user = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str')
group = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str')
acl_access = PropDictProperty(bytes)
acl_default = PropDictProperty(bytes)
acl_extended = PropDictProperty(bytes)
acl_nfs4 = PropDictProperty(bytes)
mode = PropDictProperty(int)
uid = PropDictProperty(int)
gid = PropDictProperty(int)
rdev = PropDictProperty(int)
bsdflags = PropDictProperty(int)
atime = PropDictProperty(int, 'int (ns)', encode=int_to_timestamp, decode=timestamp_to_int)
ctime = PropDictProperty(int, 'int (ns)', encode=int_to_timestamp, decode=timestamp_to_int)
mtime = PropDictProperty(int, 'int (ns)', encode=int_to_timestamp, decode=timestamp_to_int)
birthtime = PropDictProperty(int, 'int (ns)', encode=int_to_timestamp, decode=timestamp_to_int)
# size is only present for items with a chunk list and then it is sum(chunk_sizes)
size = PropDictProperty(int)
hlid = PropDictProperty(bytes) # hard link id: same value means same hard link.
hardlink_master = PropDictProperty(bool) # legacy
chunks = PropDictProperty(list, 'list')
chunks_healthy = PropDictProperty(list, 'list')
xattrs = PropDictProperty(StableDict)
deleted = PropDictProperty(bool)
nlink = PropDictProperty(int)
part = PropDictProperty(int) # legacy only
def get_size(self, *, memorize=False, from_chunks=False, consider_ids=None):
Determine the uncompressed size of this item.
:param memorize: Whether the computed size value will be stored into the item.
:param from_chunks: If true, size is computed from chunks even if a precomputed value is available.
:param consider_ids: Returns the size of the given ids only.
attr = 'size'
assert not (consider_ids is not None and memorize), "Can't store size when considering only certain ids"
if from_chunks or consider_ids is not None:
raise AttributeError
size = getattr(self, attr)
except AttributeError:
if stat.S_ISLNK(self.mode):
# get out of here quickly. symlinks have no own chunks, their fs size is the length of the target name.
if 'source' in self: # legacy borg 1.x archives
return len(self.source)
return len(
# no precomputed (c)size value available, compute it:
chunks = getattr(self, 'chunks')
except AttributeError:
return 0
if consider_ids is not None:
size = sum(getattr(ChunkListEntry(*chunk), attr) for chunk in chunks if in consider_ids)
size = sum(getattr(ChunkListEntry(*chunk), attr) for chunk in chunks)
# if requested, memorize the precomputed (c)size for items that have an own chunks list:
if memorize:
setattr(self, attr, size)
return size
def to_optr(self):
Return an "object pointer" (optr), an opaque bag of bytes.
The return value is effectively a reference to this object
that can be passed exactly once to Item.from_optr to get this
object back.
to_optr/from_optr must be used symmetrically,
don't call from_optr multiple times.
This object can't be deallocated after a call to to_optr()
until from_optr() is called.
return _object_to_optr(self)
def from_optr(self, optr):
return _optr_to_object(optr)
def create_deleted(cls, path):
return cls(deleted=True, chunks=[], mode=0, path=path)
def is_link(self):
return self._is_type(stat.S_ISLNK)
def is_dir(self):
return self._is_type(stat.S_ISDIR)
def is_fifo(self):
return self._is_type(stat.S_ISFIFO)
def is_blk(self):
return self._is_type(stat.S_ISBLK)
def is_chr(self):
return self._is_type(stat.S_ISCHR)
def _is_type(self, typetest):
return typetest(self.mode)
except AttributeError:
return False
def update_internal(self, d):
# legacy support for migration (data from old msgpacks comes in as bytes always, but sometimes we want str),
# also need to fix old timestamp data types.
for k, v in list(d.items()):
k = fix_key(d, k)
if k in ('user', 'group') and d[k] is None:
# borg 1 stored some "not known" values with a None value.
# borg 2 policy for such cases is to just not have the key/value pair.
if k in ('path', 'source', 'target', 'user', 'group'):
v = fix_str_value(d, k)
if k in ('chunks', 'chunks_healthy'):
v = fix_list_of_chunkentries(v)
if k in ('atime', 'ctime', 'mtime', 'birthtime'):
v = fix_timestamp(v)
if k in ('acl_access', 'acl_default', 'acl_extended', 'acl_nfs4'):
v = fix_bytes_value(d, k)
if k == 'xattrs':
if not isinstance(v, StableDict):
v = StableDict(v)
v_new = StableDict()
for xk, xv in list(v.items()):
xk = want_bytes(xk)
# old borg used to store None instead of a b'' value
xv = b'' if xv is None else want_bytes(xv)
v_new[xk] = xv
v = v_new # xattrs is a StableDict(bytes keys -> bytes values)
self._dict[k] = v
cdef class EncryptedKey(PropDict):
EncryptedKey abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
A EncryptedKey is created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack unpacker gives us a dict, just give it to EncryptedKey(d) and use later.
If a EncryptedKey shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
VALID_KEYS = {'version', 'algorithm', 'iterations', 'salt', 'hash', 'data',
'argon2_time_cost', 'argon2_memory_cost', 'argon2_parallelism', 'argon2_type'}
version = PropDictProperty(int)
algorithm = PropDictProperty(str)
iterations = PropDictProperty(int)
salt = PropDictProperty(bytes)
hash = PropDictProperty(bytes)
data = PropDictProperty(bytes)
argon2_time_cost = PropDictProperty(int)
argon2_memory_cost = PropDictProperty(int)
argon2_parallelism = PropDictProperty(int)
argon2_type = PropDictProperty(str)
def update_internal(self, d):
# legacy support for migration (data from old msgpacks comes in as bytes always, but sometimes we want str)
for k, v in list(d.items()):
k = fix_key(d, k)
if k == 'version':
assert isinstance(v, int)
if k in ('algorithm', 'argon2_type'):
v = fix_str_value(d, k)
if k in ('salt', 'hash', 'data'):
v = fix_bytes_value(d, k)
self._dict[k] = v
cdef class Key(PropDict):
Key abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
A Key is created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack unpacker gives us a dict, just give it to Key(d) and use later.
If a Key shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
VALID_KEYS = {'version', 'repository_id', 'crypt_key', 'id_key', 'chunk_seed', 'tam_required'}
version = PropDictProperty(int)
repository_id = PropDictProperty(bytes)
crypt_key = PropDictProperty(bytes)
id_key = PropDictProperty(bytes)
chunk_seed = PropDictProperty(int)
tam_required = PropDictProperty(bool) # legacy. borg now implicitly always requires TAM.
def update_internal(self, d):
# legacy support for migration (data from old msgpacks comes in as bytes always, but sometimes we want str)
for k, v in list(d.items()):
k = fix_key(d, k)
if k == 'version':
assert isinstance(v, int)
if k in ('repository_id', 'crypt_key', 'id_key'):
v = fix_bytes_value(d, k)
self._dict[k] = v
if 'crypt_key' not in self._dict: # legacy, we're loading an old v1 key
k = fix_bytes_value(d, 'enc_key') + fix_bytes_value(d, 'enc_hmac_key')
assert isinstance(k, bytes), "k == %r" % k
assert len(k) in (32 + 32, 32 + 128) # 256+256 or 256+1024 bits
self._dict['crypt_key'] = k
cdef class ArchiveItem(PropDict):
ArchiveItem abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
An ArchiveItem is created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack unpacker gives us a dict, just give it to ArchiveItem(d) and use later.
If a ArchiveItem shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
version = PropDictProperty(int)
name = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str')
items = PropDictProperty(list) # list of chunk ids of item metadata stream (only in memory)
item_ptrs = PropDictProperty(list) # list of blocks with list of chunk ids of ims, arch v2
cmdline = PropDictProperty(list) # legacy, list of s-e-str
command_line = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str')
hostname = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str')
username = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str')
time = PropDictProperty(str)
time_end = PropDictProperty(str)
comment = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str')
chunker_params = PropDictProperty(tuple)
recreate_cmdline = PropDictProperty(list) # legacy, list of s-e-str
recreate_command_line = PropDictProperty(str, 'surrogate-escaped str')
# recreate_source_id, recreate_args, recreate_partial_chunks were used in 1.1.0b1 .. b2
recreate_source_id = PropDictProperty(bytes)
recreate_args = PropDictProperty(list) # list of s-e-str
recreate_partial_chunks = PropDictProperty(list) # list of tuples
size = PropDictProperty(int)
nfiles = PropDictProperty(int)
size_parts = PropDictProperty(int) # legacy only
nfiles_parts = PropDictProperty(int) # legacy only
def update_internal(self, d):
# legacy support for migration (data from old msgpacks comes in as bytes always, but sometimes we want str)
for k, v in list(d.items()):
k = fix_key(d, k)
if k == 'version':
assert isinstance(v, int)
if k in ('name', 'hostname', 'username', 'comment'):
v = fix_str_value(d, k)
if k in ('time', 'time_end'):
v = fix_str_value(d, k, 'replace')
if k == 'chunker_params':
v = fix_tuple_of_str_and_int(v)
if k in ('command_line', 'recreate_command_line'):
v = fix_str_value(d, k)
if k in ('cmdline', 'recreate_cmdline'): # legacy
v = fix_list_of_str(v)
if k == 'items': # legacy
v = fix_list_of_bytes(v)
if k == 'item_ptrs':
v = fix_list_of_bytes(v)
self._dict[k] = v
cdef class ManifestItem(PropDict):
ManifestItem abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
A ManifestItem is created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack unpacker gives us a dict, just give it to ManifestItem(d) and use later.
If a ManifestItem shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
VALID_KEYS = {'version', 'archives', 'timestamp', 'config', 'item_keys', }
version = PropDictProperty(int)
archives = PropDictProperty(dict, 'dict of str -> dict') # name -> dict
timestamp = PropDictProperty(str)
config = PropDictProperty(dict)
item_keys = PropDictProperty(tuple, 'tuple of str') # legacy. new location is inside config.
def update_internal(self, d):
# legacy support for migration (data from old msgpacks comes in as bytes always, but sometimes we want str)
for k, v in list(d.items()):
k = fix_key(d, k)
if k == 'version':
assert isinstance(v, int)
if k == 'archives':
ad = v
assert isinstance(ad, dict)
for ak, av in list(ad.items()):
ak = fix_key(ad, ak, errors='surrogateescape')
assert isinstance(av, dict)
for ik, iv in list(av.items()):
ik = fix_key(av, ik)
if ik == 'id':
fix_bytes_value(av, 'id')
if ik == 'time':
fix_str_value(av, 'time')
assert set(av) == {'id', 'time'}
if k == 'timestamp':
v = fix_str_value(d, k, 'replace')
if k == 'config':
cd = v
assert isinstance(cd, dict)
for ck, cv in list(cd.items()):
ck = fix_key(cd, ck)
if ck == 'tam_required':
assert isinstance(cv, bool)
if ck == 'feature_flags':
assert isinstance(cv, dict)
ops = {'read', 'check', 'write', 'delete'}
for op, specs in list(cv.items()):
op = fix_key(cv, op)
assert op in ops
for speck, specv in list(specs.items()):
speck = fix_key(specs, speck)
if speck == 'mandatory':
specs[speck] = fix_tuple_of_str(specv)
assert set(cv).issubset(ops)
if k == 'item_keys':
v = fix_tuple_of_str(v)
self._dict[k] = v
cpdef _init_names():
re-implements python __set_name__
for cls in PropDict.__subclasses__():
for name, value in vars(cls).items():
if isinstance(value, PropDictProperty):
class DiffChange:
Stores a change in a diff.
The diff_type denotes the type of change, e.g. "added", "removed", "modified".
The diff_data contains additional information about the change, e.g. the old and new mode.
def __init__(self, diff_type, diff_data=None):
self.diff_type = diff_type
self.diff_data = diff_data or {}
def to_dict(self):
return {"type": self.diff_type, **self.diff_data}
class ItemDiff:
Comparison of two items from different archives.
The items may have different paths and still be considered equal (e.g. for renames).
def __init__(self, path, item1, item2, chunk_1, chunk_2, numeric_ids=False, can_compare_chunk_ids=False):
self.path = path
self._item1 = item1
self._item2 = item2
self._numeric_ids = numeric_ids
self._can_compare_chunk_ids = can_compare_chunk_ids
self._chunk_1 = chunk_1
self._chunk_2 = chunk_2
self._changes = {}
if self._item1.is_link() or self._item2.is_link():
if 'chunks' in self._item1 and 'chunks' in self._item2:
if self._item1.is_dir() or self._item2.is_dir():
if self._item1.is_blk() or self._item2.is_blk():
if self._item1.is_chr() or self._item2.is_chr():
if self._item1.is_fifo() or self._item2.is_fifo():
if not (self._item1.get('deleted') or self._item2.get('deleted')):
def changes(self):
return self._changes
def __repr__(self):
return (' '.join(self._changes.keys())) or 'equal'
def equal(self, content_only=False):
# if both are deleted, there is nothing at path regardless of what was deleted
if self._item1.get('deleted') and self._item2.get('deleted'):
return True
attr_list = ['deleted', 'target']
if not content_only:
attr_list += ['mode', 'ctime', 'mtime']
attr_list += ['uid', 'gid'] if self._numeric_ids else ['user', 'group']
for attr in attr_list:
if self._item1.get(attr) != self._item2.get(attr):
return False
if 'mode' in self._item1: # mode of item1 and item2 is equal
if (self._item1.is_link() and 'target' in self._item1 and 'target' in self._item2
and !=
return False
if 'chunks' in self._item1 and 'chunks' in self._item2:
return self._content_equal()
return True
def _presence_diff(self, item_type):
if not self._item1.get('deleted') and self._item2.get('deleted'):
self._changes[item_type] = DiffChange(f"removed {item_type}")
return True
if self._item1.get('deleted') and not self._item2.get('deleted'):
self._changes[item_type] = DiffChange(f"added {item_type}")
return True
def _link_diff(self):
if self._presence_diff('link'):
return True
if 'target' in self._item1 and 'target' in self._item2 and !=
self._changes['link'] = DiffChange('changed link')
return True
def _content_diff(self):
if self._item1.get('deleted'):
sz = self._item2.get_size()
self._changes['content'] = DiffChange("added", {"added": sz, "removed": 0})
return True
if self._item2.get('deleted'):
sz = self._item1.get_size()
self._changes['content'] = DiffChange("removed", {"added": 0, "removed": sz})
return True
if not self._can_compare_chunk_ids:
self._changes['content'] = DiffChange("modified")
return True
chunk_ids1 = { for c in self._item1.chunks}
chunk_ids2 = { for c in self._item2.chunks}
added_ids = chunk_ids2 - chunk_ids1
removed_ids = chunk_ids1 - chunk_ids2
added = self._item2.get_size(consider_ids=added_ids)
removed = self._item1.get_size(consider_ids=removed_ids)
self._changes['content'] = DiffChange("modified", {"added": added, "removed": removed})
return True
def _owner_diff(self):
u_attr, g_attr = ('uid', 'gid') if self._numeric_ids else ('user', 'group')
u1, g1 = self._item1.get(u_attr), self._item1.get(g_attr)
u2, g2 = self._item2.get(u_attr), self._item2.get(g_attr)
if (u1, g1) == (u2, g2):
return False
self._changes['owner'] = DiffChange("changed owner", {"item1": (u1, g1), "item2": (u2, g2)})
if u1 != u2:
self._changes['user'] = DiffChange("changed user", {"item1": u1, "item2": u2})
if g1 != g2:
self._changes['group'] = DiffChange("changed group", {"item1": g1, "item2": g2})
return True
def _mode_diff(self):
if 'mode' in self._item1 and 'mode' in self._item2 and self._item1.mode != self._item2.mode:
mode1 = stat.filemode(self._item1.mode)
mode2 = stat.filemode(self._item2.mode)
self._changes['mode'] = DiffChange("changed mode", {"item1": mode1, "item2": mode2})
if mode1[0] != mode2[0]:
self._changes['type'] = DiffChange("changed type", {"item1": mode1[0], "item2": mode2[0]})
def _time_diffs(self):
attrs = ["ctime", "mtime"]
for attr in attrs:
if attr in self._item1 and attr in self._item2 and self._item1.get(attr) != self._item2.get(attr):
ts1 = OutputTimestamp(safe_timestamp(self._item1.get(attr)))
ts2 = OutputTimestamp(safe_timestamp(self._item2.get(attr)))
self._changes[attr] = DiffChange(attr, {"item1": ts1, "item2": ts2},)
return True
def content(self):
return self._changes.get('content')
def ctime(self):
return self._changes.get('ctime')
def mtime(self):
return self._changes.get('mtime')
def mode(self):
return self._changes.get('mode')
def type(self):
return self._changes.get('type')
def owner(self):
return self._changes.get('owner')
def user(self):
return self._changes.get('user')
def group(self):
return self._changes.get('group')
def _content_equal(self):
if self._can_compare_chunk_ids:
return self._item1.chunks == self._item2.chunks
if self._item1.get_size() != self._item2.get_size():
return False
return chunks_contents_equal(self._chunk_1, self._chunk_2)
def chunks_contents_equal(chunks_a, chunks_b):
Compare chunk content and return True if they are identical.
The chunks must be given as chunk iterators (like returned by :meth:`.DownloadPipeline.fetch_many`).
bytes a, b
char * ap
char * bp
Py_ssize_t slicelen = 0
Py_ssize_t alen = 0
Py_ssize_t blen = 0
while True:
if not alen:
a = next(chunks_a, None)
if a is None:
return not blen and next(chunks_b, None) is None
PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(a, &ap, &alen)
if not blen:
b = next(chunks_b, None)
if b is None:
return not alen and next(chunks_a, None) is None
PyBytes_AsStringAndSize(b, &bp, &blen)
slicelen = min(alen, blen)
if memcmp(ap, bp, slicelen) != 0:
return False
ap += slicelen
bp += slicelen
alen -= slicelen
blen -= slicelen