
176 lines
5.0 KiB

import pytest
from ..cache import ChunkListEntry
from ..item import Item, chunks_contents_equal
from ..helpers import StableDict
from ..helpers.msgpack import Timestamp
def test_item_empty():
item = Item()
assert item.as_dict() == {}
assert "path" not in item
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
"invalid-key" in item
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
b"path" in item
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
42 in item
assert item.get("mode") is None
assert item.get("mode", 0o666) == 0o666
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
del item.path
"item_dict, path, mode",
[ # does not matter whether we get str or bytes keys
({b"path": "a/b/c", b"mode": 0o666}, "a/b/c", 0o666),
({"path": "a/b/c", "mode": 0o666}, "a/b/c", 0o666),
def test_item_from_dict(item_dict, path, mode):
item = Item(item_dict)
assert item.path == path
assert item.mode == mode
assert "path" in item
assert "mode" in item
"invalid_item, error",
(42, TypeError), # invalid - no dict
({42: 23}, TypeError), # invalid - no bytes/str key
({"foobar": "baz"}, ValueError), # invalid - unknown key
def test_item_invalid(invalid_item, error):
with pytest.raises(error):
def test_item_from_kw():
item = Item(path="a/b/c", mode=0o666)
assert item.path == "a/b/c"
assert item.mode == 0o666
def test_item_int_property():
item = Item()
item.mode = 0o666
assert item.mode == 0o666
assert item.as_dict() == {"mode": 0o666}
del item.mode
assert item.as_dict() == {}
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
item.mode = "invalid"
@pytest.mark.parametrize("atime", [42, 2**65])
def test_item_mptimestamp_property(atime):
item = Item()
item.atime = atime
assert item.atime == atime
assert item.as_dict() == {"atime": Timestamp.from_unix_nano(atime)}
def test_item_se_str_property():
# start simple
item = Item()
item.path = "a/b/c"
assert item.path == "a/b/c"
assert item.as_dict() == {"path": "a/b/c"}
del item.path
assert item.as_dict() == {}
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
item.path = 42
# non-utf-8 path, needing surrogate-escaping for latin-1 u-umlaut
item = Item(internal_dict={"path": b"a/\xfc/c"})
assert item.path == "a/\udcfc/c" # getting a surrogate-escaped representation
assert item.as_dict() == {"path": "a/\udcfc/c"}
del item.path
assert "path" not in item
item.path = "a/\udcfc/c" # setting using a surrogate-escaped representation
assert item.as_dict() == {"path": "a/\udcfc/c"}
def test_item_list_property():
item = Item()
item.chunks = []
assert item.chunks == []
assert item.chunks == [0]
assert item.chunks == [0, 1]
assert item.as_dict() == {"chunks": [0, 1]}
def test_item_dict_property():
item = Item()
item.xattrs = StableDict()
assert item.xattrs == StableDict()
item.xattrs["foo"] = "bar"
assert item.xattrs["foo"] == "bar"
item.xattrs["bar"] = "baz"
assert item.xattrs == StableDict({"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"})
assert item.as_dict() == {"xattrs": {"foo": "bar", "bar": "baz"}}
def test_unknown_property():
# we do not want the user to be able to set unknown attributes -
# they won't get into the .as_dict() result dictionary.
# also they might be just typos of known attributes.
item = Item()
with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
item.unknown_attribute = None
def test_item_file_size():
item = Item(mode=0o100666, chunks=[ChunkListEntry(size=1000, id=None), ChunkListEntry(size=2000, id=None)])
assert item.get_size() == 3000
assert item.size == 3000
def test_item_file_size_no_chunks():
item = Item(mode=0o100666)
assert item.get_size() == 0
def test_item_optr():
item = Item()
assert Item.from_optr(item.to_optr()) is item
"chunk_a, chunk_b, chunks_equal",
(["1234", "567A", "bC"], ["1", "23", "4567A", "b", "C"], True), # equal
(["12345"], ["1234", "56"], False), # one iterator exhausted before the other
(["1234", "65"], ["1234", "56"], False), # content mismatch
(["1234", "56"], ["1234", "565"], False), # first is the prefix of second
def test_chunk_content_equal(chunk_a: str, chunk_b: str, chunks_equal):
chunks_a = [data.encode() for data in chunk_a]
chunks_b = [data.encode() for data in chunk_b]
compare1 = chunks_contents_equal(iter(chunks_a), iter(chunks_b))
compare2 = chunks_contents_equal(iter(chunks_b), iter(chunks_a))
assert compare1 == compare2
assert compare1 == chunks_equal