
39 lines
1002 B

import pytest
from ..helpers.nanorst import rst_to_text
def test_inline():
assert rst_to_text("*foo* and ``bar``.") == "foo and bar."
def test_inline_spread():
assert rst_to_text("*foo and bar, thusly\nfoobar*.") == "foo and bar, thusly\nfoobar."
def test_comment_inline():
assert rst_to_text("Foo and Bar\n.. foo\nbar") == "Foo and Bar\n.. foo\nbar"
def test_inline_escape():
assert rst_to_text('Such as "\\*" characters.') == 'Such as "*" characters.'
def test_comment():
assert rst_to_text("Foo and Bar\n\n.. foo\nbar") == "Foo and Bar\n\nbar"
def test_directive_note():
assert rst_to_text(".. note::\n Note this and that") == "Note:\n Note this and that"
def test_ref():
references = {"foo": "baz"}
assert rst_to_text("See :ref:`fo\no`.", references=references) == "See baz."
def test_undefined_ref():
with pytest.raises(ValueError) as exc_info:
rst_to_text("See :ref:`foo`.")
assert "Undefined reference" in str(exc_info.value)