
244 lines
8.1 KiB

import errno
import os
import io
import time
from unittest.mock import patch
import pytest
from ..constants import ROBJ_FILE_STREAM
from ..remote import SleepingBandwidthLimiter, RepositoryCache, cache_if_remote
from ..repository import Repository
from ..crypto.key import PlaintextKey
from ..helpers import IntegrityError
from ..repoobj import RepoObj
from .hashindex import H
from .repository import fchunk, pdchunk
from .key import TestKey
class TestSleepingBandwidthLimiter:
def expect_write(self, fd, data):
self.expected_fd = fd
self.expected_data = data
def check_write(self, fd, data):
assert fd == self.expected_fd
assert data == self.expected_data
return len(data)
def test_write_unlimited(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "write", self.check_write)
it = SleepingBandwidthLimiter(0)
self.expect_write(5, b"test")
it.write(5, b"test")
def test_write(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "write", self.check_write)
monkeypatch.setattr(time, "monotonic", lambda: now)
monkeypatch.setattr(time, "sleep", lambda x: None)
now = 100
it = SleepingBandwidthLimiter(100)
# all fits
self.expect_write(5, b"test")
it.write(5, b"test")
# only partial write
self.expect_write(5, b"123456")
it.write(5, b"1234567890")
# sleeps
self.expect_write(5, b"123456")
it.write(5, b"123456")
# long time interval between writes
now += 10
self.expect_write(5, b"1")
it.write(5, b"1")
# long time interval between writes, filling up quota
now += 10
self.expect_write(5, b"1")
it.write(5, b"1")
# long time interval between writes, filling up quota to clip to maximum
now += 10
self.expect_write(5, b"1")
it.write(5, b"1")
class TestRepositoryCache:
def repository(self, tmpdir):
self.repository_location = os.path.join(str(tmpdir), "repository")
with Repository(self.repository_location, exclusive=True, create=True) as repository:
repository.put(H(1), fchunk(b"1234"))
repository.put(H(2), fchunk(b"5678"))
repository.put(H(3), fchunk(bytes(100)))
yield repository
def cache(self, repository):
return RepositoryCache(repository)
def test_simple(self, cache: RepositoryCache):
# Single get()s are not cached, since they are used for unique objects like archives.
assert pdchunk(cache.get(H(1))) == b"1234"
assert cache.misses == 1
assert cache.hits == 0
assert [pdchunk(ch) for ch in cache.get_many([H(1)])] == [b"1234"]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 0
assert [pdchunk(ch) for ch in cache.get_many([H(1)])] == [b"1234"]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 1
assert pdchunk(cache.get(H(1))) == b"1234"
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 2
def test_meta(self, cache: RepositoryCache):
# same as test_simple, but not reading the chunk data (metadata only).
# Single get()s are not cached, since they are used for unique objects like archives.
assert pdchunk(cache.get(H(1), read_data=False)) == b""
assert cache.misses == 1
assert cache.hits == 0
assert [pdchunk(ch) for ch in cache.get_many([H(1)], read_data=False)] == [b""]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 0
assert [pdchunk(ch) for ch in cache.get_many([H(1)], read_data=False)] == [b""]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 1
assert pdchunk(cache.get(H(1), read_data=False)) == b""
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 2
def test_mixed(self, cache: RepositoryCache):
assert [pdchunk(ch) for ch in cache.get_many([H(1)], read_data=False)] == [b""]
assert cache.misses == 1
assert cache.hits == 0
assert [pdchunk(ch) for ch in cache.get_many([H(1)], read_data=True)] == [b"1234"]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 0
assert [pdchunk(ch) for ch in cache.get_many([H(1)], read_data=False)] == [b""]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 1
assert [pdchunk(ch) for ch in cache.get_many([H(1)], read_data=True)] == [b"1234"]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.hits == 2
def test_backoff(self, cache: RepositoryCache):
def query_size_limit():
cache.size_limit = 0
assert [pdchunk(ch) for ch in cache.get_many([H(1), H(2)])] == [b"1234", b"5678"]
assert cache.misses == 2
assert cache.evictions == 0
iterator = cache.get_many([H(1), H(3), H(2)])
assert pdchunk(next(iterator)) == b"1234"
# Force cache to back off
qsl = cache.query_size_limit
cache.query_size_limit = query_size_limit # type: ignore[assignment]
cache.query_size_limit = qsl # type: ignore[assignment]
# Evicted H(1) and H(2)
assert cache.evictions == 2
assert H(1) not in cache.cache
assert H(2) not in cache.cache
assert pdchunk(next(iterator)) == bytes(100)
assert cache.slow_misses == 0
# Since H(2) was in the cache when we called get_many(), but has
# been evicted during iterating the generator, it will be a slow miss.
assert pdchunk(next(iterator)) == b"5678"
assert cache.slow_misses == 1
def test_enospc(self, cache: RepositoryCache):
class enospc_open:
def __init__(self, *args):
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
def write(self, data):
raise OSError(errno.ENOSPC, "foo")
def truncate(self, n=None):
iterator = cache.get_many([H(1), H(2), H(3)])
assert pdchunk(next(iterator)) == b"1234"
with patch("", enospc_open):
assert pdchunk(next(iterator)) == b"5678"
assert cache.enospc == 1
# We didn't patch query_size_limit which would set size_limit to some low
# value, so nothing was actually evicted.
assert cache.evictions == 0
assert pdchunk(next(iterator)) == bytes(100)
def key(self, repository, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("BORG_PASSPHRASE", "test")
key = PlaintextKey.create(repository, TestKey.MockArgs())
return key
def repo_objs(self, key):
return RepoObj(key)
def _put_encrypted_object(self, repo_objs, repository, data):
id_ = repo_objs.id_hash(data)
repository.put(id_, repo_objs.format(id_, {}, data, ro_type=ROBJ_FILE_STREAM))
return id_
def H1(self, repo_objs, repository):
return self._put_encrypted_object(repo_objs, repository, b"1234")
def H2(self, repo_objs, repository):
return self._put_encrypted_object(repo_objs, repository, b"5678")
def H3(self, repo_objs, repository):
return self._put_encrypted_object(repo_objs, repository, bytes(100))
def decrypted_cache(self, repo_objs, repository):
return cache_if_remote(repository, decrypted_cache=repo_objs, force_cache=True)
def test_cache_corruption(self, decrypted_cache: RepositoryCache, H1, H2, H3):
list(decrypted_cache.get_many([H1, H2, H3]))
iterator = decrypted_cache.get_many([H1, H2, H3])
assert next(iterator) == (4, b"1234")
pkey = decrypted_cache.prefixed_key(H2, complete=True)
with open(decrypted_cache.key_filename(pkey), "a+b") as fd:, io.SEEK_END)
corrupted = (int.from_bytes(, "little") ^ 2).to_bytes(1, "little"), io.SEEK_END)
with pytest.raises(IntegrityError):
assert next(iterator) == (4, b"5678")