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.TH "BORG-ANALYZE" 1 "2024-10-03" "" "borg backup tool"
borg-analyze \- Analyze archives
borg [common options] analyze [options]
Analyze archives to find \(dqhot spots\(dq.
Borg analyze relies on the usual archive matching options to select the
archives that should be considered for analysis (e.g. \fB\-a series_name\fP).
Then it iterates over all matching archives, over all contained files and
collects information about chunks stored in all directories it encountered.
It considers chunk IDs and their plaintext sizes (we don\(aqt have the compressed
size in the repository easily available) and adds up added/removed chunks\(aq
sizes per direct parent directory and outputs a list of \(dqdirectory: size\(dq.
You can use that list to find directories with a lot of \(dqactivity\(dq \- maybe
some of these are temporary or cache directories you did forget to exclude.
To not have these unwanted directories in your backups, you could carefully
exclude these in \fBborg create\fP (for future backups) or use \fBborg recreate\fP
to re\-create existing archives without these.
See \fIborg\-common(1)\fP for common options of Borg commands.
.SS Archive filters
.BI \-a \ PATTERN\fR,\fB \ \-\-match\-archives \ PATTERN
only consider archives matching all patterns. see \(dqborg help match\-archives\(dq.
.BI \-\-sort\-by \ KEYS
Comma\-separated list of sorting keys; valid keys are: timestamp, archive, name, id, tags, host, user; default is: timestamp
.BI \-\-first \ N
consider first N archives after other filters were applied
.BI \-\-last \ N
consider last N archives after other filters were applied
.BI \-\-oldest \ TIMESPAN
consider archives between the oldest archive\(aqs timestamp and (oldest + TIMESPAN), e.g. 7d or 12m.
.BI \-\-newest \ TIMESPAN
consider archives between the newest archive\(aqs timestamp and (newest \- TIMESPAN), e.g. 7d or 12m.
.BI \-\-older \ TIMESPAN
consider archives older than (now \- TIMESPAN), e.g. 7d or 12m.
.BI \-\-newer \ TIMESPAN
consider archives newer than (now \- TIMESPAN), e.g. 7d or 12m.
The Borg Collective
.\" Generated by docutils manpage writer.