
42 lines
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.. _borg_delete:
borg delete
usage: borg delete [-h] [--critical] [--error] [--warning] [--info] [--debug]
[--lock-wait N] [--show-rc] [--no-files-cache] [--umask M]
[--remote-path PATH] [-p] [-s] [-c] [--save-space]
Delete an existing repository or archive
positional arguments:
TARGET archive or repository to delete
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--critical work on log level CRITICAL
--error work on log level ERROR
--warning work on log level WARNING (default)
--info, -v, --verbose
work on log level INFO
--debug work on log level DEBUG
--lock-wait N wait for the lock, but max. N seconds (default: 1).
--show-rc show/log the return code (rc)
--no-files-cache do not load/update the file metadata cache used to
detect unchanged files
--umask M set umask to M (local and remote, default: 0077)
--remote-path PATH set remote path to executable (default: "borg")
-p, --progress show progress display while deleting a single archive
-s, --stats print statistics for the deleted archive
-c, --cache-only delete only the local cache for the given repository
--save-space work slower, but using less space
This command deletes an archive from the repository or the complete repository.
Disk space is reclaimed accordingly. If you delete the complete repository, the
local cache for it (if any) is also deleted.