Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/borgbackup/borg.git synced 2025-02-24 07:01:59 +00:00
Marian Beermann f2f50efc28 check: handle duplicate archive items neatly
Signed-off-by: Thomas Waldmann <tw@waldmann-edv.de>
2016-12-17 20:06:41 +01:00

1163 lines
48 KiB

from contextlib import contextmanager
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from getpass import getuser
from itertools import groupby
import errno
from .logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
from .key import key_factory
from .remote import cache_if_remote
import os
import socket
import stat
import sys
import time
from io import BytesIO
from . import xattr
from .helpers import Error, uid2user, user2uid, gid2group, group2gid, bin_to_hex, \
parse_timestamp, to_localtime, format_time, format_timedelta, remove_surrogates, \
Manifest, Statistics, decode_dict, make_path_safe, StableDict, int_to_bigint, bigint_to_int, \
ProgressIndicatorPercent, IntegrityError
from .platform import acl_get, acl_set
from .chunker import Chunker
from .hashindex import ChunkIndex
from .repository import Repository
import msgpack
ITEMS_BUFFER = 1024 * 1024
CHUNK_MIN_EXP = 19 # 2**19 == 512kiB
CHUNK_MAX_EXP = 23 # 2**23 == 8MiB
HASH_WINDOW_SIZE = 0xfff # 4095B
HASH_MASK_BITS = 21 # results in ~2MiB chunks statistically
# defaults, use --chunker-params to override
# chunker params for the items metadata stream, finer granularity
has_lchmod = hasattr(os, 'lchmod')
has_lchflags = hasattr(os, 'lchflags')
flags_normal = os.O_RDONLY | getattr(os, 'O_BINARY', 0)
flags_noatime = flags_normal | getattr(os, 'O_NOATIME', 0)
def is_special(mode):
# file types that get special treatment in --read-special mode
return stat.S_ISBLK(mode) or stat.S_ISCHR(mode) or stat.S_ISFIFO(mode)
class BackupOSError(Exception):
Wrapper for OSError raised while accessing backup files.
Borg does different kinds of IO, and IO failures have different consequences.
This wrapper represents failures of input file or extraction IO.
These are non-critical and are only reported (exit code = 1, warning).
Any unwrapped IO error is critical and aborts execution (for example repository IO failure).
def __init__(self, os_error):
self.os_error = os_error
self.errno = os_error.errno
self.strerror = os_error.strerror
self.filename = os_error.filename
def __str__(self):
return str(self.os_error)
def backup_io():
"""Context manager changing OSError to BackupOSError."""
except OSError as os_error:
raise BackupOSError(os_error) from os_error
def backup_io_iter(iterator):
while True:
with backup_io():
item = next(iterator)
except StopIteration:
yield item
class DownloadPipeline:
def __init__(self, repository, key):
self.repository = repository
self.key = key
def unpack_many(self, ids, filter=None, preload=False):
Return iterator of items.
*ids* is a chunk ID list of an item stream. *filter* is a callable
to decide whether an item will be yielded. *preload* preloads the data chunks of every yielded item.
Warning: if *preload* is True then all data chunks of every yielded item have to be retrieved,
otherwise preloaded chunks will accumulate in RemoteRepository and create a memory leak.
unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(use_list=False)
for data in self.fetch_many(ids):
items = [decode_dict(item, (b'path', b'source', b'user', b'group')) for item in unpacker]
if filter:
items = [item for item in items if filter(item)]
if preload:
for item in items:
if b'chunks' in item:
self.repository.preload([c[0] for c in item[b'chunks']])
for item in items:
yield item
def fetch_many(self, ids, is_preloaded=False):
for id_, data in zip(ids, self.repository.get_many(ids, is_preloaded=is_preloaded)):
yield self.key.decrypt(id_, data)
class ChunkBuffer:
BUFFER_SIZE = 1 * 1024 * 1024
def __init__(self, key, chunker_params=ITEMS_CHUNKER_PARAMS):
self.buffer = BytesIO()
self.packer = msgpack.Packer(unicode_errors='surrogateescape')
self.chunks = []
self.key = key
self.chunker = Chunker(self.key.chunk_seed, *chunker_params)
def add(self, item):
if self.is_full():
def write_chunk(self, chunk):
raise NotImplementedError
def flush(self, flush=False):
if self.buffer.tell() == 0:
chunks = list(bytes(s) for s in self.chunker.chunkify(self.buffer))
# Leave the last partial chunk in the buffer unless flush is True
end = None if flush or len(chunks) == 1 else -1
for chunk in chunks[:end]:
if end == -1:
def is_full(self):
return self.buffer.tell() > self.BUFFER_SIZE
class CacheChunkBuffer(ChunkBuffer):
def __init__(self, cache, key, stats, chunker_params=ITEMS_CHUNKER_PARAMS):
super().__init__(key, chunker_params)
self.cache = cache
self.stats = stats
def write_chunk(self, chunk):
id_, _, _ = self.cache.add_chunk(self.key.id_hash(chunk), chunk, self.stats)
return id_
class Archive:
class DoesNotExist(Error):
"""Archive {} does not exist"""
class AlreadyExists(Error):
"""Archive {} already exists"""
class IncompatibleFilesystemEncodingError(Error):
"""Failed to encode filename "{}" into file system encoding "{}". Consider configuring the LANG environment variable."""
def __init__(self, repository, key, manifest, name, cache=None, create=False,
checkpoint_interval=300, numeric_owner=False, noatime=False, noctime=False, progress=False,
chunker_params=CHUNKER_PARAMS, start=None, start_monotonic=None, end=None):
self.cwd = os.getcwd()
self.key = key
self.repository = repository
self.cache = cache
self.manifest = manifest
self.hard_links = {}
self.stats = Statistics()
self.show_progress = progress
self.name = name
self.checkpoint_interval = checkpoint_interval
self.numeric_owner = numeric_owner
self.noatime = noatime
self.noctime = noctime
assert (start is None) == (start_monotonic is None), 'Logic error: if start is given, start_monotonic must be given as well and vice versa.'
if start is None:
start = datetime.utcnow()
start_monotonic = time.monotonic()
self.start = start
self.start_monotonic = start_monotonic
if end is None:
end = datetime.utcnow()
self.end = end
self.pipeline = DownloadPipeline(self.repository, self.key)
if create:
self.items_buffer = CacheChunkBuffer(self.cache, self.key, self.stats)
self.chunker = Chunker(self.key.chunk_seed, *chunker_params)
if name in manifest.archives:
raise self.AlreadyExists(name)
self.last_checkpoint = time.monotonic()
i = 0
while True:
self.checkpoint_name = '%s.checkpoint%s' % (name, i and ('.%d' % i) or '')
if self.checkpoint_name not in manifest.archives:
i += 1
if name not in self.manifest.archives:
raise self.DoesNotExist(name)
info = self.manifest.archives[name]
self.zeros = b'\0' * (1 << chunker_params[1])
def _load_meta(self, id):
data = self.key.decrypt(id, self.repository.get(id))
metadata = msgpack.unpackb(data, unicode_errors='surrogateescape')
if metadata[b'version'] != 1:
raise Exception('Unknown archive metadata version')
return metadata
def load(self, id):
self.id = id
self.metadata = self._load_meta(self.id)
decode_dict(self.metadata, (b'name', b'hostname', b'username', b'time', b'time_end'))
self.metadata[b'cmdline'] = [arg.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') for arg in self.metadata[b'cmdline']]
self.name = self.metadata[b'name']
def ts(self):
"""Timestamp of archive creation (start) in UTC"""
ts = self.metadata[b'time']
return parse_timestamp(ts)
def ts_end(self):
"""Timestamp of archive creation (end) in UTC"""
# fall back to time if there is no time_end present in metadata
ts = self.metadata.get(b'time_end') or self.metadata[b'time']
return parse_timestamp(ts)
def fpr(self):
return bin_to_hex(self.id)
def duration(self):
return format_timedelta(self.end - self.start)
def __str__(self):
return '''\
Archive name: {0.name}
Archive fingerprint: {0.fpr}
Time (start): {start}
Time (end): {end}
Duration: {0.duration}
Number of files: {0.stats.nfiles}'''.format(
def __repr__(self):
return 'Archive(%r)' % self.name
def iter_items(self, filter=None, preload=False):
for item in self.pipeline.unpack_many(self.metadata[b'items'], filter=filter, preload=preload):
yield item
def add_item(self, item):
unknown_keys = set(item) - self.manifest.item_keys
assert not unknown_keys, ('unknown item metadata keys detected, please update ITEM_KEYS: %s',
','.join(k.decode('ascii') for k in unknown_keys))
if self.show_progress:
self.stats.show_progress(item=item, dt=0.2)
if time.monotonic() - self.last_checkpoint > self.checkpoint_interval:
self.last_checkpoint = time.monotonic()
def write_checkpoint(self):
del self.manifest.archives[self.checkpoint_name]
self.cache.chunk_decref(self.id, self.stats)
def save(self, name=None, timestamp=None):
name = name or self.name
if name in self.manifest.archives:
raise self.AlreadyExists(name)
duration = timedelta(seconds=time.monotonic() - self.start_monotonic)
if timestamp is None:
self.end = datetime.utcnow()
self.start = self.end - duration
start = self.start
end = self.end
self.end = timestamp
self.start = timestamp - duration
end = timestamp
start = self.start
metadata = StableDict({
'version': 1,
'name': name,
'items': self.items_buffer.chunks,
'cmdline': sys.argv,
'hostname': socket.gethostname(),
'username': getuser(),
'time': start.isoformat(),
'time_end': end.isoformat(),
data = self.key.pack_and_authenticate_metadata(metadata, context=b'archive')
self.id = self.key.id_hash(data)
self.cache.add_chunk(self.id, data, self.stats)
self.manifest.archives[name] = {'id': self.id, 'time': metadata['time']}
def calc_stats(self, cache):
def add(id):
count, size, csize = cache.chunks[id]
stats.update(size, csize, count == 1)
cache.chunks[id] = count - 1, size, csize
def add_file_chunks(chunks):
for id, _, _ in chunks:
# This function is a bit evil since it abuses the cache to calculate
# the stats. The cache transaction must be rolled back afterwards
unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(use_list=False)
stats = Statistics()
for id, chunk in zip(self.metadata[b'items'], self.repository.get_many(self.metadata[b'items'])):
unpacker.feed(self.key.decrypt(id, chunk))
for item in unpacker:
if b'chunks' in item:
stats.nfiles += 1
return stats
def extract_item(self, item, restore_attrs=True, dry_run=False, stdout=False, sparse=False):
has_damaged_chunks = b'chunks_healthy' in item
if dry_run or stdout:
if b'chunks' in item:
for data in self.pipeline.fetch_many([c[0] for c in item[b'chunks']], is_preloaded=True):
if stdout:
if stdout:
if has_damaged_chunks:
logger.warning('File %s has damaged (all-zero) chunks. Try running borg check --repair.' %
dest = self.cwd
if item[b'path'].startswith('/') or item[b'path'].startswith('..'):
raise Exception('Path should be relative and local')
path = os.path.join(dest, item[b'path'])
# Attempt to remove existing files, ignore errors on failure
st = os.lstat(path)
if stat.S_ISDIR(st.st_mode):
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise self.IncompatibleFilesystemEncodingError(path, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) from None
except OSError:
mode = item[b'mode']
if stat.S_ISREG(mode):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
with backup_io():
# Hard link?
if b'source' in item:
source = os.path.join(dest, item[b'source'])
with backup_io():
if os.path.exists(path):
os.link(source, path)
with backup_io():
fd = open(path, 'wb')
with fd:
ids = [c[0] for c in item[b'chunks']]
for data in self.pipeline.fetch_many(ids, is_preloaded=True):
with backup_io():
if sparse and self.zeros.startswith(data):
# all-zero chunk: create a hole in a sparse file
fd.seek(len(data), 1)
with backup_io():
pos = fd.tell()
self.restore_attrs(path, item, fd=fd.fileno())
if has_damaged_chunks:
logger.warning('File %s has damaged (all-zero) chunks. Try running borg check --repair.' %
with backup_io():
# No repository access beyond this point.
if stat.S_ISDIR(mode):
if not os.path.exists(path):
if restore_attrs:
self.restore_attrs(path, item)
elif stat.S_ISLNK(mode):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
source = item[b'source']
if os.path.exists(path):
os.symlink(source, path)
except UnicodeEncodeError:
raise self.IncompatibleFilesystemEncodingError(source, sys.getfilesystemencoding()) from None
self.restore_attrs(path, item, symlink=True)
elif stat.S_ISFIFO(mode):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(path)):
self.restore_attrs(path, item)
elif stat.S_ISCHR(mode) or stat.S_ISBLK(mode):
os.mknod(path, item[b'mode'], item[b'rdev'])
self.restore_attrs(path, item)
raise Exception('Unknown archive item type %r' % item[b'mode'])
def restore_attrs(self, path, item, symlink=False, fd=None):
Restore filesystem attributes on *path* (*fd*) from *item*.
Does not access the repository.
uid = gid = None
if not self.numeric_owner:
uid = user2uid(item[b'user'])
gid = group2gid(item[b'group'])
uid = item[b'uid'] if uid is None else uid
gid = item[b'gid'] if gid is None else gid
# This code is a bit of a mess due to os specific differences
if fd:
os.fchown(fd, uid, gid)
os.lchown(path, uid, gid)
except OSError:
if fd:
os.fchmod(fd, item[b'mode'])
elif not symlink:
os.chmod(path, item[b'mode'])
elif has_lchmod: # Not available on Linux
os.lchmod(path, item[b'mode'])
mtime = bigint_to_int(item[b'mtime'])
if b'atime' in item:
atime = bigint_to_int(item[b'atime'])
# old archives only had mtime in item metadata
atime = mtime
if fd:
os.utime(fd, None, ns=(atime, mtime))
os.utime(path, None, ns=(atime, mtime), follow_symlinks=False)
acl_set(path, item, self.numeric_owner)
# Only available on OS X and FreeBSD
if has_lchflags and b'bsdflags' in item:
os.lchflags(path, item[b'bsdflags'])
except OSError:
# chown removes Linux capabilities, so set the extended attributes at the end, after chown, since they include
# the Linux capabilities in the "security.capability" attribute.
xattrs = item.get(b'xattrs', {})
for k, v in xattrs.items():
xattr.setxattr(fd or path, k, v, follow_symlinks=False)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno not in (errno.ENOTSUP, errno.EACCES):
# only raise if the errno is not on our ignore list:
# ENOTSUP == xattrs not supported here
# EACCES == permission denied to set this specific xattr
# (this may happen related to security.* keys)
def rename(self, name):
if name in self.manifest.archives:
raise self.AlreadyExists(name)
metadata = StableDict(self._load_meta(self.id))
metadata[b'name'] = name
data = msgpack.packb(metadata, unicode_errors='surrogateescape')
new_id = self.key.id_hash(data)
self.cache.add_chunk(new_id, data, self.stats)
self.manifest.archives[name] = {'id': new_id, 'time': metadata[b'time']}
self.cache.chunk_decref(self.id, self.stats)
del self.manifest.archives[self.name]
def delete(self, stats, progress=False, forced=False):
class ChunksIndexError(Error):
"""Chunk ID {} missing from chunks index, corrupted chunks index - aborting transaction."""
def chunk_decref(id, stats):
nonlocal error
self.cache.chunk_decref(id, stats)
except KeyError:
cid = bin_to_hex(id)
raise ChunksIndexError(cid)
except Repository.ObjectNotFound as e:
# object not in repo - strange, but we wanted to delete it anyway.
if not forced:
error = True
error = False
unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(use_list=False)
items_ids = self.metadata[b'items']
pi = ProgressIndicatorPercent(total=len(items_ids), msg="Decrementing references %3.0f%%", same_line=True)
for (i, (items_id, data)) in enumerate(zip(items_ids, self.repository.get_many(items_ids))):
if progress:
unpacker.feed(self.key.decrypt(items_id, data))
chunk_decref(items_id, stats)
for item in unpacker:
if b'chunks' in item:
for chunk_id, size, csize in item[b'chunks']:
chunk_decref(chunk_id, stats)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
# if items metadata spans multiple chunks and one chunk got dropped somehow,
# it could be that unpacker yields bad types
if not forced:
error = True
if progress:
except (msgpack.UnpackException, Repository.ObjectNotFound):
# items metadata corrupted
if not forced:
error = True
# in forced delete mode, we try hard to delete at least the manifest entry,
# if possible also the archive superblock, even if processing the items raises
# some harmless exception.
chunk_decref(self.id, stats)
del self.manifest.archives[self.name]
if error:
logger.warning('forced deletion succeeded, but the deleted archive was corrupted.')
logger.warning('borg check --repair is required to free all space.')
def stat_attrs(self, st, path):
item = {
b'mode': st.st_mode,
b'uid': st.st_uid, b'user': uid2user(st.st_uid),
b'gid': st.st_gid, b'group': gid2group(st.st_gid),
b'mtime': int_to_bigint(st.st_mtime_ns),
# borg can work with archives only having mtime (older attic archives do not have
# atime/ctime). it can be useful to omit atime/ctime, if they change without the
# file content changing - e.g. to get better metadata deduplication.
if not self.noatime:
item[b'atime'] = int_to_bigint(st.st_atime_ns)
if not self.noctime:
item[b'ctime'] = int_to_bigint(st.st_ctime_ns)
if self.numeric_owner:
item[b'user'] = item[b'group'] = None
with backup_io():
xattrs = xattr.get_all(path, follow_symlinks=False)
if xattrs:
item[b'xattrs'] = StableDict(xattrs)
if has_lchflags and st.st_flags:
item[b'bsdflags'] = st.st_flags
with backup_io():
acl_get(path, item, st, self.numeric_owner)
return item
def process_dir(self, path, st):
item = {b'path': make_path_safe(path)}
item.update(self.stat_attrs(st, path))
return 'd' # directory
def process_fifo(self, path, st):
item = {b'path': make_path_safe(path)}
item.update(self.stat_attrs(st, path))
return 'f' # fifo
def process_dev(self, path, st):
item = {b'path': make_path_safe(path), b'rdev': st.st_rdev}
item.update(self.stat_attrs(st, path))
if stat.S_ISCHR(st.st_mode):
return 'c' # char device
elif stat.S_ISBLK(st.st_mode):
return 'b' # block device
def process_symlink(self, path, st):
with backup_io():
source = os.readlink(path)
item = {b'path': make_path_safe(path), b'source': source}
item.update(self.stat_attrs(st, path))
return 's' # symlink
def process_stdin(self, path, cache):
uid, gid = 0, 0
fd = sys.stdin.buffer # binary
chunks = []
for chunk in backup_io_iter(self.chunker.chunkify(fd)):
chunks.append(cache.add_chunk(self.key.id_hash(chunk), chunk, self.stats))
self.stats.nfiles += 1
t = int_to_bigint(int(time.time()) * 1000000000)
item = {
b'path': path,
b'chunks': chunks,
b'mode': 0o100660, # regular file, ug=rw
b'uid': uid, b'user': uid2user(uid),
b'gid': gid, b'group': gid2group(gid),
b'mtime': t, b'atime': t, b'ctime': t,
return 'i' # stdin
def process_file(self, path, st, cache, ignore_inode=False):
status = None
safe_path = make_path_safe(path)
# Is it a hard link?
if st.st_nlink > 1:
source = self.hard_links.get((st.st_ino, st.st_dev))
if source is not None:
item = self.stat_attrs(st, path)
item.update({b'path': safe_path, b'source': source})
status = 'h' # regular file, hardlink (to already seen inodes)
return status
self.hard_links[st.st_ino, st.st_dev] = safe_path
is_special_file = is_special(st.st_mode)
if not is_special_file:
path_hash = self.key.id_hash(os.path.join(self.cwd, path).encode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape'))
ids = cache.file_known_and_unchanged(path_hash, st, ignore_inode)
# in --read-special mode, we may be called for special files.
# there should be no information in the cache about special files processed in
# read-special mode, but we better play safe as this was wrong in the past:
path_hash = ids = None
first_run = not cache.files
if first_run:
logger.debug('Processing files ...')
chunks = None
if ids is not None:
# Make sure all ids are available
for id_ in ids:
if not cache.seen_chunk(id_):
chunks = [cache.chunk_incref(id_, self.stats) for id_ in ids]
status = 'U' # regular file, unchanged
status = 'A' # regular file, added
item = {b'path': safe_path}
# Only chunkify the file if needed
if chunks is None:
with backup_io():
fh = Archive._open_rb(path)
with os.fdopen(fh, 'rb') as fd:
chunks = []
for chunk in backup_io_iter(self.chunker.chunkify(fd, fh)):
chunks.append(cache.add_chunk(self.key.id_hash(chunk), chunk, self.stats))
if self.show_progress:
self.stats.show_progress(item=item, dt=0.2)
if not is_special_file:
# we must not memorize special files, because the contents of e.g. a
# block or char device will change without its mtime/size/inode changing.
cache.memorize_file(path_hash, st, [c[0] for c in chunks])
status = status or 'M' # regular file, modified (if not 'A' already)
item[b'chunks'] = chunks
item.update(self.stat_attrs(st, path))
if is_special_file:
# we processed a special file like a regular file. reflect that in mode,
# so it can be extracted / accessed in FUSE mount like a regular file:
item[b'mode'] = stat.S_IFREG | stat.S_IMODE(item[b'mode'])
self.stats.nfiles += 1
return status
def list_archives(repository, key, manifest, cache=None):
# expensive! see also Manifest.list_archive_infos.
for name, info in manifest.archives.items():
yield Archive(repository, key, manifest, name, cache=cache)
def _open_rb(path):
# if we have O_NOATIME, this likely will succeed if we are root or owner of file:
return os.open(path, flags_noatime)
except PermissionError:
if flags_noatime == flags_normal:
# we do not have O_NOATIME, no need to try again:
# Was this EPERM due to the O_NOATIME flag? Try again without it:
return os.open(path, flags_normal)
# this set must be kept complete, otherwise the RobustUnpacker might malfunction:
ITEM_KEYS = frozenset([b'path', b'source', b'rdev', b'chunks', b'chunks_healthy',
b'mode', b'user', b'group', b'uid', b'gid', b'mtime', b'atime', b'ctime',
b'xattrs', b'bsdflags', b'acl_nfs4', b'acl_access', b'acl_default', b'acl_extended', ])
# this is the set of keys that are always present in items:
REQUIRED_ITEM_KEYS = frozenset([b'path', b'mtime', ])
# this set must be kept complete, otherwise rebuild_manifest might malfunction:
ARCHIVE_KEYS = frozenset([b'version', b'name', b'items', b'cmdline', b'hostname', b'username', b'time', b'time_end', ])
# this is the set of keys that are always present in archives:
REQUIRED_ARCHIVE_KEYS = frozenset([b'version', b'name', b'items', b'cmdline', b'time', ])
def valid_msgpacked_dict(d, keys_serialized):
"""check if the data <d> looks like a msgpacked dict"""
d_len = len(d)
if d_len == 0:
return False
if d[0] & 0xf0 == 0x80: # object is a fixmap (up to 15 elements)
offs = 1
elif d[0] == 0xde: # object is a map16 (up to 2^16-1 elements)
offs = 3
# object is not a map (dict)
# note: we must not have dicts with > 2^16-1 elements
return False
if d_len <= offs:
return False
# is the first dict key a bytestring?
if d[offs] & 0xe0 == 0xa0: # key is a small bytestring (up to 31 chars)
elif d[offs] in (0xd9, 0xda, 0xdb): # key is a str8, str16 or str32
# key is not a bytestring
return False
# is the bytestring any of the expected key names?
key_serialized = d[offs:]
return any(key_serialized.startswith(pattern) for pattern in keys_serialized)
class RobustUnpacker:
"""A restartable/robust version of the streaming msgpack unpacker
class UnpackerCrashed(Exception):
"""raise if unpacker crashed"""
def __init__(self, validator, item_keys):
self.item_keys = [msgpack.packb(name) for name in item_keys]
self.validator = validator
self._buffered_data = []
self._resync = False
self._unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(object_hook=StableDict)
def resync(self):
self._buffered_data = []
self._resync = True
def feed(self, data):
if self._resync:
def __iter__(self):
return self
def __next__(self):
def unpack_next():
return next(self._unpacker)
except (TypeError, ValueError) as err:
# transform exceptions that might be raised when feeding
# msgpack with invalid data to a more specific exception
raise self.UnpackerCrashed(str(err))
if self._resync:
data = b''.join(self._buffered_data)
while self._resync:
if not data:
raise StopIteration
# Abort early if the data does not look like a serialized item dict
if not valid_msgpacked_dict(data, self.item_keys):
data = data[1:]
self._unpacker = msgpack.Unpacker(object_hook=StableDict)
item = unpack_next()
except (self.UnpackerCrashed, StopIteration):
# as long as we are resyncing, we also ignore StopIteration
if self.validator(item):
self._resync = False
return item
data = data[1:]
return unpack_next()
class ArchiveChecker:
def __init__(self):
self.error_found = False
self.possibly_superseded = set()
def check(self, repository, repair=False, archive=None, last=None, prefix=None, save_space=False):
logger.info('Starting archive consistency check...')
self.check_all = archive is None and last is None and prefix is None
self.repair = repair
self.repository = repository
if not self.chunks:
logger.error('Repository contains no apparent data at all, cannot continue check/repair.')
return False
self.key = self.identify_key(repository)
if Manifest.MANIFEST_ID not in self.chunks:
logger.error("Repository manifest not found!")
self.error_found = True
self.manifest = self.rebuild_manifest()
self.manifest, _ = Manifest.load(repository, key=self.key)
except IntegrityError as exc:
logger.error('Repository manifest is corrupted: %s', exc)
self.error_found = True
del self.chunks[Manifest.MANIFEST_ID]
self.manifest = self.rebuild_manifest()
self.rebuild_refcounts(archive=archive, last=last, prefix=prefix)
if self.error_found:
logger.error('Archive consistency check complete, problems found.')
logger.info('Archive consistency check complete, no problems found.')
return self.repair or not self.error_found
def init_chunks(self):
"""Fetch a list of all object keys from repository
# Explicitly set the initial hash table capacity to avoid performance issues
# due to hash table "resonance".
# Since reconstruction of archive items can add some new chunks, add 10 % headroom
capacity = int(len(self.repository) / ChunkIndex.MAX_LOAD_FACTOR * 1.1)
self.chunks = ChunkIndex(capacity)
marker = None
while True:
result = self.repository.list(limit=10000, marker=marker)
if not result:
marker = result[-1]
for id_ in result:
self.chunks[id_] = (0, 0, 0)
def identify_key(self, repository):
some_chunkid, _ = next(self.chunks.iteritems())
except StopIteration:
# repo is completely empty, no chunks
return None
cdata = repository.get(some_chunkid)
return key_factory(repository, cdata)
def rebuild_manifest(self):
"""Rebuild the manifest object if it is missing
Iterates through all objects in the repository looking for archive metadata blocks.
def valid_archive(obj):
if not isinstance(obj, dict):
return False
keys = set(obj)
return REQUIRED_ARCHIVE_KEYS.issubset(keys)
logger.info('Rebuilding missing manifest, this might take some time...')
# as we have lost the manifest, we do not know any more what valid item keys we had.
# collecting any key we encounter in a damaged repo seems unwise, thus we just use
# the hardcoded list from the source code. thus, it is not recommended to rebuild a
# lost manifest on a older borg version than the most recent one that was ever used
# within this repository (assuming that newer borg versions support more item keys).
manifest = Manifest(self.key, self.repository)
archive_keys_serialized = [msgpack.packb(name) for name in ARCHIVE_KEYS]
for chunk_id, _ in self.chunks.iteritems():
cdata = self.repository.get(chunk_id)
data = self.key.decrypt(chunk_id, cdata)
except IntegrityError as exc:
logger.error('Skipping corrupted chunk: %s', exc)
self.error_found = True
if not valid_msgpacked_dict(data, archive_keys_serialized):
if b'cmdline' not in data or b'\xa7version\x01' not in data:
archive = msgpack.unpackb(data)
# Ignore exceptions that might be raised when feeding
# msgpack with invalid data
except (TypeError, ValueError, StopIteration):
if valid_archive(archive):
name = archive[b'name'].decode()
logger.info('Found archive %s', name)
if name in manifest.archives:
i = 1
while True:
new_name = '%s.%d' % (name, i)
if new_name not in manifest.archives:
i += 1
logger.warning('Duplicate archive name %s, storing as %s', name, new_name)
name = new_name
manifest.archives[name] = {b'id': chunk_id, b'time': archive[b'time']}
logger.info('Manifest rebuild complete.')
return manifest
def rebuild_refcounts(self, archive=None, last=None, prefix=None):
"""Rebuild object reference counts by walking the metadata
Missing and/or incorrect data is repaired when detected
# Exclude the manifest from chunks
del self.chunks[Manifest.MANIFEST_ID]
def mark_as_possibly_superseded(id_):
if self.chunks.get(id_, (0,))[0] == 0:
def add_callback(chunk):
id_ = self.key.id_hash(chunk)
cdata = self.key.encrypt(chunk)
add_reference(id_, len(chunk), len(cdata), cdata)
return id_
def add_reference(id_, size, csize, cdata=None):
except KeyError:
assert cdata is not None
self.chunks[id_] = 1, size, csize
if self.repair:
self.repository.put(id_, cdata)
def verify_file_chunks(item):
"""Verifies that all file chunks are present.
Missing file chunks will be replaced with new chunks of the same length containing all zeros.
If a previously missing file chunk re-appears, the replacement chunk is replaced by the correct one.
offset = 0
chunk_list = []
chunks_replaced = False
has_chunks_healthy = b'chunks_healthy' in item
chunks_current = item[b'chunks']
chunks_healthy = item[b'chunks_healthy'] if has_chunks_healthy else chunks_current
assert len(chunks_current) == len(chunks_healthy)
for chunk_current, chunk_healthy in zip(chunks_current, chunks_healthy):
chunk_id, size, csize = chunk_healthy
if chunk_id not in self.chunks:
# a chunk of the healthy list is missing
if chunk_current == chunk_healthy:
logger.error('{}: New missing file chunk detected (Byte {}-{}). '
'Replacing with all-zero chunk.'.format(
item[b'path'].decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape'), offset, offset + size))
self.error_found = chunks_replaced = True
data = bytes(size)
chunk_id = self.key.id_hash(data)
cdata = self.key.encrypt(data)
csize = len(cdata)
add_reference(chunk_id, size, csize, cdata)
logger.info('{}: Previously missing file chunk is still missing (Byte {}-{}). '
'It has a all-zero replacement chunk already.'.format(
item[b'path'].decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape'), offset, offset + size))
chunk_id, size, csize = chunk_current
add_reference(chunk_id, size, csize)
if chunk_current == chunk_healthy:
# normal case, all fine.
add_reference(chunk_id, size, csize)
logger.info('{}: Healed previously missing file chunk! (Byte {}-{}).'.format(
item[b'path'].decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape'), offset, offset + size))
add_reference(chunk_id, size, csize)
mark_as_possibly_superseded(chunk_current[0]) # maybe orphaned the all-zero replacement chunk
chunk_list.append([chunk_id, size, csize]) # list-typed element as chunks_healthy is list-of-lists
offset += size
if chunks_replaced and not has_chunks_healthy:
# if this is first repair, remember the correct chunk IDs, so we can maybe heal the file later
item[b'chunks_healthy'] = item[b'chunks']
if has_chunks_healthy and chunk_list == chunks_healthy:
logger.info('{}: Completely healed previously damaged file!'.format(
item[b'path'].decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape')))
del item[b'chunks_healthy']
item[b'chunks'] = chunk_list
def robust_iterator(archive):
"""Iterates through all archive items
Missing item chunks will be skipped and the msgpack stream will be restarted
item_keys = self.manifest.item_keys
unpacker = RobustUnpacker(lambda item: isinstance(item, dict) and b'path' in item, item_keys)
_state = 0
def missing_chunk_detector(chunk_id):
nonlocal _state
if _state % 2 != int(chunk_id not in self.chunks):
_state += 1
return _state
def report(msg, chunk_id, chunk_no):
cid = bin_to_hex(chunk_id)
msg += ' [chunk: %06d_%s]' % (chunk_no, cid) # see debug-dump-archive-items
self.error_found = True
def list_keys_safe(keys):
return ', '.join((k.decode() if isinstance(k, bytes) else str(k) for k in keys))
def valid_item(obj):
if not isinstance(obj, StableDict):
return False, 'not a dictionary'
# A bug in Attic up to and including release 0.13 added a (meaningless) b'acl' key to every item.
# We ignore it here, should it exist. See test_attic013_acl_bug for details.
obj.pop(b'acl', None)
keys = set(obj)
if not REQUIRED_ITEM_KEYS.issubset(keys):
return False, 'missing required keys: ' + list_keys_safe(REQUIRED_ITEM_KEYS - keys)
if not keys.issubset(item_keys):
return False, 'invalid keys: ' + list_keys_safe(keys - item_keys)
return True, ''
i = 0
for state, items in groupby(archive[b'items'], missing_chunk_detector):
items = list(items)
if state % 2:
for chunk_id in items:
report('item metadata chunk missing', chunk_id, i)
i += 1
if state > 0:
for chunk_id, cdata in zip(items, repository.get_many(items)):
unpacker.feed(self.key.decrypt(chunk_id, cdata))
for item in unpacker:
valid, reason = valid_item(item)
if valid:
yield item
report('Did not get expected metadata dict when unpacking item metadata (%s)' % reason, chunk_id, i)
except RobustUnpacker.UnpackerCrashed as err:
report('Unpacker crashed while unpacking item metadata, trying to resync...', chunk_id, i)
except Exception:
report('Exception while unpacking item metadata', chunk_id, i)
i += 1
if archive is None:
# we need last N or all archives
archive_items = sorted(self.manifest.archives.items(), reverse=True,
key=lambda name_info: name_info[1][b'time'])
if prefix is not None:
archive_items = [item for item in archive_items if item[0].startswith(prefix)]
num_archives = len(archive_items)
end = None if last is None else min(num_archives, last)
# we only want one specific archive
archive_items = [item for item in self.manifest.archives.items() if item[0] == archive]
num_archives = 1
end = 1
with cache_if_remote(self.repository) as repository:
for i, (name, info) in enumerate(archive_items[:end]):
logger.info('Analyzing archive {} ({}/{})'.format(name, num_archives - i, num_archives))
archive_id = info[b'id']
if archive_id not in self.chunks:
logger.error('Archive metadata block is missing!')
self.error_found = True
del self.manifest.archives[name]
cdata = self.repository.get(archive_id)
data = self.key.decrypt(archive_id, cdata)
archive = StableDict(msgpack.unpackb(data))
if archive[b'version'] != 1:
raise Exception('Unknown archive metadata version')
decode_dict(archive, (b'name', b'hostname', b'username', b'time', b'time_end'))
archive[b'cmdline'] = [arg.decode('utf-8', 'surrogateescape') for arg in archive[b'cmdline']]
items_buffer = ChunkBuffer(self.key)
items_buffer.write_chunk = add_callback
for item in robust_iterator(archive):
if b'chunks' in item:
for previous_item_id in archive[b'items']:
archive[b'items'] = items_buffer.chunks
data = msgpack.packb(archive, unicode_errors='surrogateescape')
new_archive_id = self.key.id_hash(data)
cdata = self.key.encrypt(data)
add_reference(new_archive_id, len(data), len(cdata), cdata)
info[b'id'] = new_archive_id
def orphan_chunks_check(self):
if self.check_all:
unused = set()
for id_, (count, size, csize) in self.chunks.iteritems():
if count == 0:
orphaned = unused - self.possibly_superseded
if orphaned:
logger.error('{} orphaned objects found!'.format(len(orphaned)))
self.error_found = True
if self.repair:
for id_ in unused:
logger.info('Orphaned objects check skipped (needs all archives checked).')
def finish(self, save_space=False):
if self.repair: