
336 lines
15 KiB

import stat
from collections import namedtuple
from .constants import ITEM_KEYS
from .helpers import safe_encode, safe_decode
from .helpers import bigint_to_int, int_to_bigint
from .helpers import StableDict
API_VERSION = '1.1_02'
class PropDict:
Manage a dictionary via properties.
- initialization by giving a dict or kw args
- on initialization, normalize dict keys to be str type
- access dict via properties, like: x.key_name
- membership check via: 'key_name' in x
- optionally, encode when setting a value
- optionally, decode when getting a value
- be safe against typos in key names: check against VALID_KEYS
- when setting a value: check type of value
When "packing" a dict, ie. you have a dict with some data and want to convert it into an instance,
then use eg. Item({'a': 1, ...}). This way all keys in your dictionary are validated.
When "unpacking", that is you've read a dictionary with some data from somewhere (eg. msgpack),
then use eg. Item(internal_dict={...}). This does not validate the keys, therefore unknown keys
are ignored instead of causing an error.
VALID_KEYS = None # override with <set of str> in child class
__slots__ = ("_dict", ) # avoid setting attributes not supported by properties
def __init__(self, data_dict=None, internal_dict=None, **kw):
if data_dict is None:
data = kw
elif not isinstance(data_dict, dict):
raise TypeError("data_dict must be dict")
data = data_dict
self._dict = {}
self.update_internal(internal_dict or {})
def update(self, d):
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(k, bytes):
k = k.decode()
setattr(self, self._check_key(k), v)
def update_internal(self, d):
for k, v in d.items():
if isinstance(k, bytes):
k = k.decode()
self._dict[k] = v
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.as_dict() == other.as_dict()
def __repr__(self):
return '%s(internal_dict=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, self._dict)
def as_dict(self):
"""return the internal dictionary"""
return StableDict(self._dict)
def _check_key(self, key):
"""make sure key is of type str and known"""
if not isinstance(key, str):
raise TypeError("key must be str")
if key not in self.VALID_KEYS:
raise ValueError("key '%s' is not a valid key" % key)
return key
def __contains__(self, key):
"""do we have this key?"""
return self._check_key(key) in self._dict
def get(self, key, default=None):
"""get value for key, return default if key does not exist"""
return getattr(self, self._check_key(key), default)
def _make_property(key, value_type, value_type_name=None, encode=None, decode=None):
"""return a property that deals with self._dict[key]"""
assert isinstance(key, str)
if value_type_name is None:
value_type_name = value_type.__name__
doc = "%s (%s)" % (key, value_type_name)
type_error_msg = "%s value must be %s" % (key, value_type_name)
attr_error_msg = "attribute %s not found" % key
def _get(self):
value = self._dict[key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(attr_error_msg) from None
if decode is not None:
value = decode(value)
return value
def _set(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, value_type):
raise TypeError(type_error_msg)
if encode is not None:
value = encode(value)
self._dict[key] = value
def _del(self):
del self._dict[key]
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError(attr_error_msg) from None
return property(_get, _set, _del, doc=doc)
ChunkListEntry = namedtuple('ChunkListEntry', 'id size csize')
class Item(PropDict):
Item abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
Items are created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack gives us a dict with bytes-typed keys, just give it to Item(internal_dict=d) and use item.key_name later.
msgpack gives us byte-typed values for stuff that should be str, we automatically decode when getting
such a property and encode when setting it.
If an Item shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
A bug in Attic up to and including release 0.13 added a (meaningless) 'acl' key to every item.
We must never re-use this key. See test_attic013_acl_bug for details.
VALID_KEYS = ITEM_KEYS | {'deleted', 'nlink', } # str-typed keys
__slots__ = ("_dict", ) # avoid setting attributes not supported by properties
# properties statically defined, so that IDEs can know their names:
path = PropDict._make_property('path', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
source = PropDict._make_property('source', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
user = PropDict._make_property('user', (str, type(None)), 'surrogate-escaped str or None', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
group = PropDict._make_property('group', (str, type(None)), 'surrogate-escaped str or None', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
acl_access = PropDict._make_property('acl_access', bytes)
acl_default = PropDict._make_property('acl_default', bytes)
acl_extended = PropDict._make_property('acl_extended', bytes)
acl_nfs4 = PropDict._make_property('acl_nfs4', bytes)
mode = PropDict._make_property('mode', int)
uid = PropDict._make_property('uid', int)
gid = PropDict._make_property('gid', int)
rdev = PropDict._make_property('rdev', int)
bsdflags = PropDict._make_property('bsdflags', int)
# note: we need to keep the bigint conversion for compatibility with borg 1.0 archives.
atime = PropDict._make_property('atime', int, 'bigint', encode=int_to_bigint, decode=bigint_to_int)
ctime = PropDict._make_property('ctime', int, 'bigint', encode=int_to_bigint, decode=bigint_to_int)
mtime = PropDict._make_property('mtime', int, 'bigint', encode=int_to_bigint, decode=bigint_to_int)
# size is only present for items with a chunk list and then it is sum(chunk_sizes)
# compatibility note: this is a new feature, in old archives size will be missing.
size = PropDict._make_property('size', int)
hardlink_master = PropDict._make_property('hardlink_master', bool)
chunks = PropDict._make_property('chunks', (list, type(None)), 'list or None')
chunks_healthy = PropDict._make_property('chunks_healthy', (list, type(None)), 'list or None')
xattrs = PropDict._make_property('xattrs', StableDict)
deleted = PropDict._make_property('deleted', bool)
nlink = PropDict._make_property('nlink', int)
part = PropDict._make_property('part', int)
def get_size(self, hardlink_masters=None, memorize=False, compressed=False, from_chunks=False):
Determine the (uncompressed or compressed) size of this item.
For hardlink slaves, the size is computed via the hardlink master's
chunk list, if available (otherwise size will be returned as 0).
If memorize is True, the computed size value will be stored into the item.
attr = 'csize' if compressed else 'size'
assert not (compressed and memorize), 'Item does not have a csize field.'
if from_chunks:
raise AttributeError
size = getattr(self, attr)
except AttributeError:
if stat.S_ISLNK(self.mode):
# get out of here quickly. symlinks have no own chunks, their fs size is the length of the target name.
# also, there is the dual-use issue of .source (#2343), so don't confuse it with a hardlink slave.
return len(self.source)
# no precomputed (c)size value available, compute it:
chunks = getattr(self, 'chunks')
having_chunks = True
except AttributeError:
having_chunks = False
# this item has no (own) chunks list, but if this is a hardlink slave
# and we know the master, we can still compute the size.
if hardlink_masters is None:
chunks = None
master = getattr(self, 'source')
except AttributeError:
# not a hardlink slave, likely a directory or special file w/o chunks
chunks = None
# hardlink slave, try to fetch hardlink master's chunks list
# todo: put precomputed size into hardlink_masters' values and use it, if present
chunks, _ = hardlink_masters.get(master, (None, None))
if chunks is None:
return 0
size = sum(getattr(ChunkListEntry(*chunk), attr) for chunk in chunks)
# if requested, memorize the precomputed (c)size for items that have an own chunks list:
if memorize and having_chunks:
setattr(self, attr, size)
return size
class EncryptedKey(PropDict):
EncryptedKey abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
A EncryptedKey is created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack gives us a dict with bytes-typed keys, just give it to EncryptedKey(d) and use later.
If a EncryptedKey shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
VALID_KEYS = {'version', 'algorithm', 'iterations', 'salt', 'hash', 'data'} # str-typed keys
__slots__ = ("_dict", ) # avoid setting attributes not supported by properties
version = PropDict._make_property('version', int)
algorithm = PropDict._make_property('algorithm', str, encode=str.encode, decode=bytes.decode)
iterations = PropDict._make_property('iterations', int)
salt = PropDict._make_property('salt', bytes)
hash = PropDict._make_property('hash', bytes)
data = PropDict._make_property('data', bytes)
class Key(PropDict):
Key abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
A Key is created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack gives us a dict with bytes-typed keys, just give it to Key(d) and use later.
If a Key shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
VALID_KEYS = {'version', 'repository_id', 'enc_key', 'enc_hmac_key', 'id_key', 'chunk_seed', 'tam_required'} # str-typed keys
__slots__ = ("_dict", ) # avoid setting attributes not supported by properties
version = PropDict._make_property('version', int)
repository_id = PropDict._make_property('repository_id', bytes)
enc_key = PropDict._make_property('enc_key', bytes)
enc_hmac_key = PropDict._make_property('enc_hmac_key', bytes)
id_key = PropDict._make_property('id_key', bytes)
chunk_seed = PropDict._make_property('chunk_seed', int)
tam_required = PropDict._make_property('tam_required', bool)
class ArchiveItem(PropDict):
ArchiveItem abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
An ArchiveItem is created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack gives us a dict with bytes-typed keys, just give it to ArchiveItem(d) and use later.
If a ArchiveItem shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
VALID_KEYS = {'version', 'name', 'items', 'cmdline', 'hostname', 'username', 'time', 'time_end',
'comment', 'chunker_params',
'recreate_cmdline', 'recreate_source_id', 'recreate_args', 'recreate_partial_chunks',
} # str-typed keys
__slots__ = ("_dict", ) # avoid setting attributes not supported by properties
version = PropDict._make_property('version', int)
name = PropDict._make_property('name', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
items = PropDict._make_property('items', list)
cmdline = PropDict._make_property('cmdline', list) # list of s-e-str
hostname = PropDict._make_property('hostname', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
username = PropDict._make_property('username', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
time = PropDict._make_property('time', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
time_end = PropDict._make_property('time_end', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
comment = PropDict._make_property('comment', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
chunker_params = PropDict._make_property('chunker_params', tuple)
recreate_source_id = PropDict._make_property('recreate_source_id', bytes)
recreate_cmdline = PropDict._make_property('recreate_cmdline', list) # list of s-e-str
recreate_args = PropDict._make_property('recreate_args', list) # list of s-e-str
recreate_partial_chunks = PropDict._make_property('recreate_partial_chunks', list) # list of tuples
class ManifestItem(PropDict):
ManifestItem abstraction that deals with validation and the low-level details internally:
A ManifestItem is created either from msgpack unpacker output, from another dict, from kwargs or
built step-by-step by setting attributes.
msgpack gives us a dict with bytes-typed keys, just give it to ManifestItem(d) and use later.
If a ManifestItem shall be serialized, give as_dict() method output to msgpack packer.
VALID_KEYS = {'version', 'archives', 'timestamp', 'config', 'item_keys', } # str-typed keys
__slots__ = ("_dict", ) # avoid setting attributes not supported by properties
version = PropDict._make_property('version', int)
archives = PropDict._make_property('archives', dict) # name -> dict
timestamp = PropDict._make_property('timestamp', str, 'surrogate-escaped str', encode=safe_encode, decode=safe_decode)
config = PropDict._make_property('config', dict)
item_keys = PropDict._make_property('item_keys', tuple)