
206 lines
10 KiB

# Completions for borg
# Note:
# Listing archives works on password protected repositories only if $BORG_PASSPHRASE is set.
# Install:
# Copy this file to /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/ or /etc/bash_completion.d/
compopt -o default
local cur="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD]}"
local prev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-1]}"
local prevprev="${COMP_WORDS[COMP_CWORD-2]}"
local common_opts="-h --help --critical --error --warning --info -v --verbose --debug --debug-topic -p --progress --iec --log-json --lock-wait --bypass-lock --show-version --show-rc --umask --remote-path --upload-ratelimit --upload-buffer --consider-part-files --debug-profile --rsh -r --repo"
local opts="${common_opts}"
# Commands
if [[ ${COMP_CWORD} == 1 ]] ; then
local borg_commands="benchmark break-lock check compact config create delete diff export-tar extract help import-tar info key list mount prune rcompress rcreate rdelete recreate rename rinfo rlist serve transfer umount with-lock"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${borg_commands}" -- ${cur}) )
compopt +o default
return 0
case "${prev}" in
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "change-location change-passphrase export import" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "cpu crud" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "patterns placeholders compression" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
'--encryption' | '-e')
local encryption_modes="authenticated authenticated-blake2 keyfile-aes-ocb keyfile-blake2-aes-ocb keyfile-blake2-chacha20-poly1305 keyfile-chacha20-poly1305 none repokey-aes-ocb repokey-blake2-aes-ocb repokey-blake2-chacha20-poly1305 repokey-chacha20-poly1305"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${encryption_modes}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
local files_cache_mode="ctime,size,inode mtime,size,inode ctime,size mtime,size rechunk,ctime rechunk,mtime size disabled"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${files_cache_mode}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
'--compression' | '-C')
local compression_methods="none auto lz4 zstd,1 zstd,2 zstd,3 zstd,4 zstd,5 zstd,6 zstd,7 zstd,8 zstd,9 zstd,10 zstd,11 zstd,12 zstd,13 zstd,14 zstd,15 zstd,16 zstd,17 zstd,18 zstd,19 zstd,20 zstd,21 zstd,22 zlib,1 zlib,2 zlib,3 zlib,4 zlib,5 zlib,6 zlib,7 zlib,8 zlib,9 lzma,0 lzma,1 lzma,2 lzma,3 lzma,4 lzma,5 lzma,6 lzma,7 lzma,8 lzma,9"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${compression_methods}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
local sort_keys="timestamp name id"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${sort_keys}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
# FIXME This list is probably not full, but I tried to pick only those that are relevant to borg mount -o:
local fuse_options="ac_attr_timeout= allow_damaged_files allow_other allow_root attr_timeout= auto auto_cache auto_unmount default_permissions entry_timeout= gid= group_id= kernel_cache max_read= negative_timeout= noauto noforget remember= remount rootmode= uid= umask= user user_id= versions"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${fuse_options}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
local recompress_when="if-different always never"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${recompress_when}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
local upgraders="From12To20 NoOp"
COMPREPLY=( $(compgren -W "${upgraders}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
if [[ ${cur} == -* ]] ; then
case "${COMP_LINE}" in
*' rcreate '*)
local opts="--other-repo -e --encryption --append-only --storage-quota --make-parent-dirs --copy-crypt-key ${common_opts}"
*' rlist '*)
local opts="--consider-checkpoints --short --format --json ${common_opts} -a --match-archives --sort-by --first --last"
*' rinfo '*)
local opts="--json ${common_opts}"
*' rcompress '*)
local opts="-C --compression -s --stats -c --checkpoint-interval ${common_opts}"
*' rdelete '*)
local opts="-n --dry-run --list --force --cache-only --keep-security-info ${common_opts}"
*' create '*)
local opts="-n --dry-run -s --stats --list --filter --json --no-cache-sync --stdin-name --stdin-user --stdin-group --stdin-mode --content-from-command --paths-from-stdin --paths-from-command --paths-delimiter -e --exclude --exclude-from --pattern --patterns-from --exclude-caches --exclude-if-present --keep-exclude-tags --exclude-nodump -x --one-file-system --numeric-ids --atime --noctime --nobirthtime --noflags --noacls --noxattrs --sparse --files-cache --read-special --comment --timestamp -c --checkpoint-interval --chunker-params -C --compression ${common_opts}"
*' extract '*)
local opts="--list -n --dry-run --numeric-ids --noflags --noacls --noxattrs --stdout --sparse -e --exclude --exclude-from --pattern --patterns-from --strip-components ${common_opts}"
*' check '*)
local opts="--repository-only --archives-only --verify-data --repair --max-duration -a --match-archives --sort-by --first --last ${common_opts}"
# rename
# no specific options
*" list "*)
local opts="--short --format --json-lines -e --exclude --exclude-from --pattern --patterns-from ${common_opts}"
*' diff '*)
local opts="--numeric-ids --same-chunker-params --sort --json-lines -e --exclude --exclude-from --pattern --patterns-from ${common_opts}"
*' delete '*)
local opts="-n --dry-run --list --consider-checkpoints -s --stats --cache-only --force -c --checkpoint-interval -a --match-archives --sort-by --first --last ${common_opts}"
*' prune '*)
local opts="-n --dry-run --force -s --stats --list --keep-within --keep-last --keep-secondly --keep-minutely -H --keep-hourly -d --keep-daily -w --keep-weekly -m --keep-monthly -y --keep-yearly -c --checkpoint-interval -a --match-archives ${common_opts}"
*' compact '*)
local opts="--threshold ${common_opts}"
*' info '*)
local opts="--json -a --match-archives --sort-by --first --last ${common_opts}"
*' mount '*)
local opts="--consider-checkpoints -f --foreground -o --numeric-ids -a --match-archives --sort-by --first --last -e --exclude --exclude-from --pattern --patterns-from --strip-components ${common_opts}"
# umount
# no specific options
# key change-passphrase
# no specific options
*' change-location '*)
local opts="${common_opts} keyfile repokey --keep"
*' export '*)
local opts="--paper --qr-html ${common_opts}"
*' import '*)
local opts="--paper ${common_opts}"
*' recreate '*)
local opts="--list --filter -n dry-run -s stats -e exclude --exclude-from --pattern --patterns-from --exclude-caches --exclude-if-present --keep-exclude-tags -a --match-archives --sort-by --first --last --target -c --checkpoint-interval --comment --timestamp -C --compression --recompress --chunker-params ${common_opts}"
*' export-tar '*)
local opts="--tar-filter --list --tar-format -e exclude --exclude-from --pattern --patterns-from --strip-components ${common_opts}"
*' import-tar '*)
local opts="--tar-filter -s --stats --list --filter --json ${common_opts} --comment --timestamp -c --checkpoint-interval --chunker-params -C --compression"
*' transfer '*)
local opts="-n --dry-run --other-repo --upgrader ${common_opts} -a --match-archives --sort-by --first --last"
*' serve '*)
local opts="--restrict-to-path --restrict-to-repository --append-only --storage-quota ${common_opts}"
*' config '*)
local opts="-c --cache -d --delete --list ${common_opts}"
# with-lock
# no specific options
# break-lock
# no specific options
# benchmark crud
# no specific options
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${opts}" -- ${cur}) )
return 0
# Get the repository name if available
# If there is a space before the "::" it means that no repository name was typed,
# so probably $BORG_REPO was set and we can still list the archives.
local repository_name="${COMP_LINE%%::*}"
repository_name=${repository_name##* }
# Listing archives.
# Since "::" is treated as separate word in Bash,
# it is $cur when the cursor is right behind it
# and $prev if the user has started to type an archive name.
local typed_word=${cur}
local -i list_archives=0
if [[ ${cur} == "::" ]] ; then
if [[ ${prev} == "::" ]] ; then
# Second archive listing for borg diff
if [[ ${COMP_LINE} =~ ^.*\ diff\ .*::[^\ ]+\ ${cur}$ ]] ; then
# Additional archive listing for borg delete
if [[ ${COMP_LINE} =~ ^.*\ delete\ .*::[^\ ]+.*${cur}$ ]] ; then
if (( $list_archives )) ; then
local archives=$(borg list --short "${repository_name}" 2>/dev/null)
COMPREPLY=( $(compgen -W "${archives}" -- "${typed_word}" ) )
return 0
return 0
complete -F _borg borg