
1053 lines
40 KiB

import errno
import getpass
import hashlib
import os
import shutil
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentTypeError
from datetime import datetime, timezone, timedelta
from io import StringIO, BytesIO
from time import sleep
import pytest
from .. import platform
from ..constants import MAX_DATA_SIZE
from ..helpers import Location
from ..helpers import Buffer
from ..helpers import partial_format, format_file_size, parse_file_size, format_timedelta, format_line, PlaceholderError, replace_placeholders
from ..helpers import make_path_safe, clean_lines
from ..helpers import interval, prune_within, prune_split
from ..helpers import get_base_dir, get_cache_dir, get_keys_dir, get_security_dir, get_config_dir
from ..helpers import is_slow_msgpack
from ..helpers import msgpack
from ..helpers import yes, TRUISH, FALSISH, DEFAULTISH
from ..helpers import StableDict, bin_to_hex
from ..helpers import parse_timestamp, ChunkIteratorFileWrapper, ChunkerParams
from ..helpers import ProgressIndicatorPercent, ProgressIndicatorEndless
from ..helpers import swidth_slice
from ..helpers import chunkit
from ..helpers import safe_ns, safe_s, SUPPORT_32BIT_PLATFORMS
from ..helpers import popen_with_error_handling
from ..helpers import dash_open
from ..helpers import iter_separated
from ..helpers import eval_escapes
from ..helpers import safe_unlink
from ..helpers.passphrase import Passphrase, PasswordRetriesExceeded
from . import BaseTestCase, FakeInputs
def test_bin_to_hex():
assert bin_to_hex(b'') == ''
assert bin_to_hex(b'\x00\x01\xff') == '0001ff'
class TestLocationWithoutEnv:
def keys_dir(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
tmpdir = str(tmpdir)
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_KEYS_DIR', tmpdir)
if not tmpdir.endswith(os.path.sep):
tmpdir += os.path.sep
return tmpdir
def test_ssh(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_REPO', raising=False)
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@host:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='host', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert Location('ssh://user@host:1234/some/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'host__some_path'
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@host:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='host', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@host/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='host', port=None, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[::]:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='::', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[::]:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='::', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert Location('ssh://user@[::]:1234/some/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + '____some_path'
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[::]/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='::', port=None, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::]:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2001:db8::', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::]:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2001:db8::', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::]:1234/some/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + '2001_db8____some_path'
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::]/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2001:db8::', port=None, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::c0:ffee]:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2001:db8::c0:ffee', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::c0:ffee]:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2001:db8::c0:ffee', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::c0:ffee]/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2001:db8::c0:ffee', port=None, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::]:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2001:db8::', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::]:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2001:db8::', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::]/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2001:db8::', port=None, path='/some/path')"
assert Location('ssh://user@[2001:db8::]/some/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + '2001_db8__192_0_2_1__some_path'
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2a02:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007]/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2a02:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007', port=None, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@[2a02:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007]:1234/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='2a02:0001:0002:0003:0004:0005:0006:0007', port=1234, path='/some/path')"
def test_file(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_REPO', raising=False)
assert repr(Location('file:///some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='/some/path')"
assert repr(Location('file:///some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='/some/path')"
assert Location('file:///some/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'some_path'
def test_smb(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_REPO', raising=False)
assert repr(Location('file:////server/share/path')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='//server/share/path')"
assert Location('file:////server/share/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'server_share_path'
def test_folder(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_REPO', raising=False)
assert repr(Location('path')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='path')"
assert Location('path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'path'
def test_long_path(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_REPO', raising=False)
assert Location(os.path.join(*(40 * ['path']))).to_key_filename() == keys_dir + '_'.join(20 * ['path']) + '_'
def test_abspath(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_REPO', raising=False)
assert repr(Location('/some/absolute/path')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='/some/absolute/path')"
assert repr(Location('/some/absolute/path')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='/some/absolute/path')"
assert Location('/some/absolute/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'some_absolute_path'
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@host/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='host', port=None, path='/some/path')"
assert Location('ssh://user@host/some/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'host__some_path'
def test_relpath(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_REPO', raising=False)
assert repr(Location('some/relative/path')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='some/relative/path')"
assert repr(Location('some/relative/path')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='some/relative/path')"
assert Location('some/relative/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'some_relative_path'
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@host/./some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='host', port=None, path='/./some/path')"
assert Location('ssh://user@host/./some/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'host__some_path'
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@host/~/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='host', port=None, path='/~/some/path')"
assert Location('ssh://user@host/~/some/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'host__some_path'
assert repr(Location('ssh://user@host/~user/some/path')) == \
"Location(proto='ssh', user='user', host='host', port=None, path='/~user/some/path')"
assert Location('ssh://user@host/~user/some/path').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'host__user_some_path'
def test_with_colons(self, monkeypatch, keys_dir):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_REPO', raising=False)
assert repr(Location('/abs/path:w:cols')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='/abs/path:w:cols')"
assert repr(Location('/abs/path:with:colons')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='/abs/path:with:colons')"
assert repr(Location('/abs/path:with:colons')) == \
"Location(proto='file', user=None, host=None, port=None, path='/abs/path:with:colons')"
assert Location('/abs/path:with:colons').to_key_filename() == keys_dir + 'abs_path_with_colons'
def test_canonical_path(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_REPO', raising=False)
locations = ['some/path', 'file://some/path', 'host:some/path',
'host:~user/some/path', 'ssh://host/some/path',
for location in locations:
assert Location(location).canonical_path() == \
Location(Location(location).canonical_path()).canonical_path(), "failed: %s" % location
def test_bad_syntax(self):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
# this is invalid due to the 2nd colon, correct: 'ssh://user@host/path'
class FormatTimedeltaTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test(self):
t0 = datetime(2001, 1, 1, 10, 20, 3, 0)
t1 = datetime(2001, 1, 1, 12, 20, 4, 100000)
format_timedelta(t1 - t0),
'2 hours 1.10 seconds'
def test_chunkerparams():
assert ChunkerParams('default') == ('buzhash', 19, 23, 21, 4095)
assert ChunkerParams('19,23,21,4095') == ('buzhash', 19, 23, 21, 4095)
assert ChunkerParams('buzhash,19,23,21,4095') == ('buzhash', 19, 23, 21, 4095)
assert ChunkerParams('10,23,16,4095') == ('buzhash', 10, 23, 16, 4095)
assert ChunkerParams('fixed,4096') == ('fixed', 4096, 0)
assert ChunkerParams('fixed,4096,200') == ('fixed', 4096, 200)
# invalid values checking
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ChunkerParams('crap,1,2,3,4') # invalid algo
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ChunkerParams('buzhash,5,7,6,4095') # too small min. size
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ChunkerParams('buzhash,19,24,21,4095') # too big max. size
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ChunkerParams('buzhash,23,19,21,4095') # violates min <= mask <= max
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ChunkerParams('fixed,63') # too small block size
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ChunkerParams('fixed,%d,%d' % (MAX_DATA_SIZE + 1, 4096)) # too big block size
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
ChunkerParams('fixed,%d,%d' % (4096, MAX_DATA_SIZE + 1)) # too big header size
class MakePathSafeTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test(self):
self.assert_equal(make_path_safe('/foo/bar'), 'foo/bar')
self.assert_equal(make_path_safe('/foo/bar'), 'foo/bar')
self.assert_equal(make_path_safe('/f/bar'), 'f/bar')
self.assert_equal(make_path_safe('fo/bar'), 'fo/bar')
self.assert_equal(make_path_safe('../foo/bar'), 'foo/bar')
self.assert_equal(make_path_safe('../../foo/bar'), 'foo/bar')
self.assert_equal(make_path_safe('/'), '.')
self.assert_equal(make_path_safe('/'), '.')
class MockArchive:
def __init__(self, ts, id):
self.ts = ts = id
def __repr__(self):
return f"{}: {self.ts.isoformat()}"
"rule,num_to_keep,expected_ids", [
("yearly", 3, (13, 2, 1)),
("monthly", 3, (13, 8, 4)),
("weekly", 2, (13, 8)),
("daily", 3, (13, 8, 7)),
("hourly", 3, (13, 10, 8)),
("minutely", 3, (13, 10, 9)),
("secondly", 4, (13, 12, 11, 10)),
("daily", 0, []),
def test_prune_split(rule, num_to_keep, expected_ids):
def subset(lst, ids):
return {i for i in lst if in ids}
archives = [
# years apart
MockArchive(datetime(2015, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 1),
MockArchive(datetime(2016, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 2),
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 3),
# months apart
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 2, 1, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 4),
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 3, 1, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 5),
# days apart
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 3, 2, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 6),
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 3, 3, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 7),
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 3, 4, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 8),
# minutes apart
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 10, 1, 9, 45, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 9),
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 10, 1, 9, 55, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 10),
# seconds apart
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 10, 1, 10, 0, 1, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 11),
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 10, 1, 10, 0, 3, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 12),
MockArchive(datetime(2017, 10, 1, 10, 0, 5, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 13),
kept_because = {}
keep = prune_split(archives, rule, num_to_keep, kept_because)
assert set(keep) == subset(archives, expected_ids)
for item in keep:
assert kept_because[][0] == rule
def test_prune_split_keep_oldest():
def subset(lst, ids):
return {i for i in lst if in ids}
archives = [
# oldest backup, but not last in its year
MockArchive(datetime(2018, 1, 1, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 1),
# an interim backup
MockArchive(datetime(2018, 12, 30, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 2),
# year end backups
MockArchive(datetime(2018, 12, 31, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 3),
MockArchive(datetime(2019, 12, 31, 10, 0, 0, tzinfo=timezone.utc), 4),
# Keep oldest when retention target can't otherwise be met
kept_because = {}
keep = prune_split(archives, "yearly", 3, kept_because)
assert set(keep) == subset(archives, [1, 3, 4])
assert kept_because[1][0] == "yearly[oldest]"
assert kept_because[3][0] == "yearly"
assert kept_because[4][0] == "yearly"
# Otherwise, prune it
kept_because = {}
keep = prune_split(archives, "yearly", 2, kept_because)
assert set(keep) == subset(archives, [3, 4])
assert kept_because[3][0] == "yearly"
assert kept_because[4][0] == "yearly"
def test_prune_split_no_archives():
def subset(lst, ids):
return {i for i in lst if in ids}
archives = []
kept_because = {}
keep = prune_split(archives, "yearly", 3, kept_because)
assert keep == []
assert kept_because == {}
class IntervalTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_interval(self):
self.assert_equal(interval('1H'), 1)
self.assert_equal(interval('1d'), 24)
self.assert_equal(interval('1w'), 168)
self.assert_equal(interval('1m'), 744)
self.assert_equal(interval('1y'), 8760)
def test_interval_time_unit(self):
with pytest.raises(ArgumentTypeError) as exc:
('Unexpected interval number "": expected an integer greater than 0',))
with pytest.raises(ArgumentTypeError) as exc:
('Unexpected interval number "-1": expected an integer greater than 0',))
with pytest.raises(ArgumentTypeError) as exc:
('Unexpected interval number "foo": expected an integer greater than 0',))
def test_interval_number(self):
with pytest.raises(ArgumentTypeError) as exc:
("Unexpected interval time unit \"5\": expected one of ['H', 'd', 'w', 'm', 'y']",))
class PruneWithinTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test_prune_within(self):
def subset(lst, indices):
return {lst[i] for i in indices}
def dotest(test_archives, within, indices):
for ta in test_archives, reversed(test_archives):
kept_because = {}
keep = prune_within(ta, interval(within), kept_because)
subset(test_archives, indices))
assert all("within" == kept_because[][0] for a in keep)
# 1 minute, 1.5 hours, 2.5 hours, 3.5 hours, 25 hours, 49 hours
test_offsets = [60, 90*60, 150*60, 210*60, 25*60*60, 49*60*60]
now =
test_dates = [now - timedelta(seconds=s) for s in test_offsets]
test_archives = [
MockArchive(date, i) for i, date in enumerate(test_dates)
dotest(test_archives, '1H', [0])
dotest(test_archives, '2H', [0, 1])
dotest(test_archives, '3H', [0, 1, 2])
dotest(test_archives, '24H', [0, 1, 2, 3])
dotest(test_archives, '26H', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
dotest(test_archives, '2d', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4])
dotest(test_archives, '50H', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
dotest(test_archives, '3d', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
dotest(test_archives, '1w', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
dotest(test_archives, '1m', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
dotest(test_archives, '1y', [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
class StableDictTestCase(BaseTestCase):
def test(self):
d = StableDict(foo=1, bar=2, boo=3, baz=4)
self.assert_equal(list(d.items()), [('bar', 2), ('baz', 4), ('boo', 3), ('foo', 1)])
self.assert_equal(hashlib.md5(msgpack.packb(d)).hexdigest(), 'fc78df42cd60691b3ac3dd2a2b39903f')
class TestParseTimestamp(BaseTestCase):
def test(self):
self.assert_equal(parse_timestamp('2015-04-19T20:25:00.226410'), datetime(2015, 4, 19, 20, 25, 0, 226410, timezone.utc))
self.assert_equal(parse_timestamp('2015-04-19T20:25:00'), datetime(2015, 4, 19, 20, 25, 0, 0, timezone.utc))
def test_get_base_dir(monkeypatch):
"""test that get_base_dir respects environment"""
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_BASE_DIR', raising=False)
monkeypatch.delenv('HOME', raising=False)
monkeypatch.delenv('USER', raising=False)
assert get_base_dir() == os.path.expanduser('~')
monkeypatch.setenv('USER', 'root')
assert get_base_dir() == os.path.expanduser('~root')
monkeypatch.setenv('HOME', '/var/tmp/home')
assert get_base_dir() == '/var/tmp/home'
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_BASE_DIR', '/var/tmp/base')
assert get_base_dir() == '/var/tmp/base'
def test_get_config_dir(monkeypatch):
"""test that get_config_dir respects environment"""
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_CONFIG_DIR', raising=False)
monkeypatch.delenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', raising=False)
assert get_config_dir() == os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'borg')
monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '/var/tmp/.config')
assert get_config_dir() == os.path.join('/var/tmp/.config', 'borg')
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_CONFIG_DIR', '/var/tmp')
assert get_config_dir() == '/var/tmp'
def test_get_cache_dir(monkeypatch):
"""test that get_cache_dir respects environment"""
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_CACHE_DIR', raising=False)
monkeypatch.delenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME', raising=False)
assert get_cache_dir() == os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.cache', 'borg')
monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_CACHE_HOME', '/var/tmp/.cache')
assert get_cache_dir() == os.path.join('/var/tmp/.cache', 'borg')
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_CACHE_DIR', '/var/tmp')
assert get_cache_dir() == '/var/tmp'
def test_get_keys_dir(monkeypatch):
"""test that get_keys_dir respects environment"""
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_KEYS_DIR', raising=False)
monkeypatch.delenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', raising=False)
assert get_keys_dir() == os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'borg', 'keys')
monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '/var/tmp/.config')
assert get_keys_dir() == os.path.join('/var/tmp/.config', 'borg', 'keys')
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_KEYS_DIR', '/var/tmp')
assert get_keys_dir() == '/var/tmp'
def test_get_security_dir(monkeypatch):
"""test that get_security_dir respects environment"""
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_SECURITY_DIR', raising=False)
monkeypatch.delenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', raising=False)
assert get_security_dir() == os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'borg', 'security')
assert get_security_dir(repository_id='1234') == os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.config', 'borg', 'security', '1234')
monkeypatch.setenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', '/var/tmp/.config')
assert get_security_dir() == os.path.join('/var/tmp/.config', 'borg', 'security')
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_SECURITY_DIR', '/var/tmp')
assert get_security_dir() == '/var/tmp'
def test_file_size():
"""test the size formatting routines"""
si_size_map = {
0: '0 B', # no rounding necessary for those
1: '1 B',
142: '142 B',
999: '999 B',
1000: '1.00 kB', # rounding starts here
1001: '1.00 kB', # should be rounded away
1234: '1.23 kB', # should be rounded down
1235: '1.24 kB', # should be rounded up
1010: '1.01 kB', # rounded down as well
999990000: '999.99 MB', # rounded down
999990001: '999.99 MB', # rounded down
999995000: '1.00 GB', # rounded up to next unit
10**6: '1.00 MB', # and all the remaining units, megabytes
10**9: '1.00 GB', # gigabytes
10**12: '1.00 TB', # terabytes
10**15: '1.00 PB', # petabytes
10**18: '1.00 EB', # exabytes
10**21: '1.00 ZB', # zottabytes
10**24: '1.00 YB', # yottabytes
-1: '-1 B', # negative value
-1010: '-1.01 kB', # negative value with rounding
for size, fmt in si_size_map.items():
assert format_file_size(size) == fmt
def test_file_size_iec():
"""test the size formatting routines"""
iec_size_map = {
0: '0 B',
2**0: '1 B',
2**10: '1.00 KiB',
2**20: '1.00 MiB',
2**30: '1.00 GiB',
2**40: '1.00 TiB',
2**50: '1.00 PiB',
2**60: '1.00 EiB',
2**70: '1.00 ZiB',
2**80: '1.00 YiB',
-2**0: '-1 B',
-2**10: '-1.00 KiB',
-2**20: '-1.00 MiB',
for size, fmt in iec_size_map.items():
assert format_file_size(size, iec=True) == fmt
def test_file_size_precision():
assert format_file_size(1234, precision=1) == '1.2 kB' # rounded down
assert format_file_size(1254, precision=1) == '1.3 kB' # rounded up
assert format_file_size(999990000, precision=1) == '1.0 GB' # and not 999.9 MB or 1000.0 MB
def test_file_size_sign():
si_size_map = {
0: '0 B',
1: '+1 B',
1234: '+1.23 kB',
-1: '-1 B',
-1234: '-1.23 kB',
for size, fmt in si_size_map.items():
assert format_file_size(size, sign=True) == fmt
@pytest.mark.parametrize('string,value', (
('1', 1),
('20', 20),
('5K', 5000),
('1.75M', 1750000),
('1e+9', 1e9),
('-1T', -1e12),
def test_parse_file_size(string, value):
assert parse_file_size(string) == int(value)
@pytest.mark.parametrize('string', (
'', '5 Äpfel', '4E', '2229 bit', '1B',
def test_parse_file_size_invalid(string):
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_is_slow_msgpack():
# we need to import upstream msgpack package here, not helpers.msgpack:
import msgpack
import msgpack.fallback
saved_packer = msgpack.Packer
msgpack.Packer = msgpack.fallback.Packer
assert is_slow_msgpack()
msgpack.Packer = saved_packer
# this tests that we have fast msgpack on test platform:
assert not is_slow_msgpack()
class TestBuffer:
def test_type(self):
buffer = Buffer(bytearray)
assert isinstance(buffer.get(), bytearray)
buffer = Buffer(bytes) # don't do that in practice
assert isinstance(buffer.get(), bytes)
def test_len(self):
buffer = Buffer(bytearray, size=0)
b = buffer.get()
assert len(buffer) == len(b) == 0
buffer = Buffer(bytearray, size=1234)
b = buffer.get()
assert len(buffer) == len(b) == 1234
def test_resize(self):
buffer = Buffer(bytearray, size=100)
assert len(buffer) == 100
b1 = buffer.get()
assert len(buffer) == 200
b2 = buffer.get()
assert b2 is not b1 # new, bigger buffer
assert len(buffer) >= 100
b3 = buffer.get()
assert b3 is b2 # still same buffer (200)
buffer.resize(100, init=True)
assert len(buffer) == 100 # except on init
b4 = buffer.get()
assert b4 is not b3 # new, smaller buffer
def test_limit(self):
buffer = Buffer(bytearray, size=100, limit=200)
assert len(buffer) == 200
with pytest.raises(Buffer.MemoryLimitExceeded):
assert len(buffer) == 200
def test_get(self):
buffer = Buffer(bytearray, size=100, limit=200)
b1 = buffer.get(50)
assert len(b1) >= 50 # == 100
b2 = buffer.get(100)
assert len(b2) >= 100 # == 100
assert b2 is b1 # did not need resizing yet
b3 = buffer.get(200)
assert len(b3) == 200
assert b3 is not b2 # new, resized buffer
with pytest.raises(Buffer.MemoryLimitExceeded):
buffer.get(201) # beyond limit
assert len(buffer) == 200
def test_yes_input():
inputs = list(TRUISH)
input = FakeInputs(inputs)
for i in inputs:
assert yes(input=input)
inputs = list(FALSISH)
input = FakeInputs(inputs)
for i in inputs:
assert not yes(input=input)
def test_yes_input_defaults():
inputs = list(DEFAULTISH)
input = FakeInputs(inputs)
for i in inputs:
assert yes(default=True, input=input)
input = FakeInputs(inputs)
for i in inputs:
assert not yes(default=False, input=input)
def test_yes_input_custom():
input = FakeInputs(['YES', 'SURE', 'NOPE', ])
assert yes(truish=('YES', ), input=input)
assert yes(truish=('SURE', ), input=input)
assert not yes(falsish=('NOPE', ), input=input)
def test_yes_env(monkeypatch):
for value in TRUISH:
monkeypatch.setenv('OVERRIDE_THIS', value)
assert yes(env_var_override='OVERRIDE_THIS')
for value in FALSISH:
monkeypatch.setenv('OVERRIDE_THIS', value)
assert not yes(env_var_override='OVERRIDE_THIS')
def test_yes_env_default(monkeypatch):
for value in DEFAULTISH:
monkeypatch.setenv('OVERRIDE_THIS', value)
assert yes(env_var_override='OVERRIDE_THIS', default=True)
assert not yes(env_var_override='OVERRIDE_THIS', default=False)
def test_yes_defaults():
input = FakeInputs(['invalid', '', ' '])
assert not yes(input=input) # default=False
assert not yes(input=input)
assert not yes(input=input)
input = FakeInputs(['invalid', '', ' '])
assert yes(default=True, input=input)
assert yes(default=True, input=input)
assert yes(default=True, input=input)
input = FakeInputs([])
assert yes(default=True, input=input)
assert not yes(default=False, input=input)
with pytest.raises(ValueError):
def test_yes_retry():
input = FakeInputs(['foo', 'bar', TRUISH[0], ])
assert yes(retry_msg='Retry: ', input=input)
input = FakeInputs(['foo', 'bar', FALSISH[0], ])
assert not yes(retry_msg='Retry: ', input=input)
def test_yes_no_retry():
input = FakeInputs(['foo', 'bar', TRUISH[0], ])
assert not yes(retry=False, default=False, input=input)
input = FakeInputs(['foo', 'bar', FALSISH[0], ])
assert yes(retry=False, default=True, input=input)
def test_yes_output(capfd):
input = FakeInputs(['invalid', 'y', 'n'])
assert yes(msg='intro-msg', false_msg='false-msg', true_msg='true-msg', retry_msg='retry-msg', input=input)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert out == ''
assert 'intro-msg' in err
assert 'retry-msg' in err
assert 'true-msg' in err
assert not yes(msg='intro-msg', false_msg='false-msg', true_msg='true-msg', retry_msg='retry-msg', input=input)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert out == ''
assert 'intro-msg' in err
assert 'retry-msg' not in err
assert 'false-msg' in err
def test_yes_env_output(capfd, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv(env_var, 'yes')
assert yes(env_var_override=env_var)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert out == ''
assert env_var in err
assert 'yes' in err
def test_progress_percentage_sameline(capfd, monkeypatch):
# run the test as if it was in a 4x1 terminal
monkeypatch.setenv('COLUMNS', '4')
monkeypatch.setenv('LINES', '1')
pi = ProgressIndicatorPercent(1000, step=5, start=0, msg="%3.0f%%")
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == ' 0%\r'
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == ' 42%\r 68%\r'
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == '100%\r'
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == ' ' * 4 + '\r'
def test_progress_percentage_step(capfd, monkeypatch):
# run the test as if it was in a 4x1 terminal
monkeypatch.setenv('COLUMNS', '4')
monkeypatch.setenv('LINES', '1')
pi = ProgressIndicatorPercent(100, step=2, start=0, msg="%3.0f%%")
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == ' 0%\r'
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == '' # no output at 1% as we have step == 2
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == ' 2%\r'
def test_progress_percentage_quiet(capfd):
pi = ProgressIndicatorPercent(1000, step=5, start=0, msg="%3.0f%%")
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == ''
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == ''
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == ''
def test_progress_endless(capfd):
pi = ProgressIndicatorEndless(step=1, file=sys.stderr)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == '.'
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == '.'
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == '\n'
def test_progress_endless_step(capfd):
pi = ProgressIndicatorEndless(step=2, file=sys.stderr)
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == '' # no output here as we have step == 2
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == '.'
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == '' # no output here as we have step == 2
out, err = capfd.readouterr()
assert err == '.'
def test_partial_format():
assert partial_format('{space:10}', {'space': ' '}) == ' ' * 10
assert partial_format('{foobar}', {'bar': 'wrong', 'foobar': 'correct'}) == 'correct'
assert partial_format('{unknown_key}', {}) == '{unknown_key}'
assert partial_format('{key}{{escaped_key}}', {}) == '{key}{{escaped_key}}'
assert partial_format('{{escaped_key}}', {'escaped_key': 1234}) == '{{escaped_key}}'
def test_chunk_file_wrapper():
cfw = ChunkIteratorFileWrapper(iter([b'abc', b'def']))
assert == b'ab'
assert == b'cdef'
assert cfw.exhausted
cfw = ChunkIteratorFileWrapper(iter([]))
assert == b''
assert cfw.exhausted
def test_chunkit():
it = chunkit('abcdefg', 3)
assert next(it) == ['a', 'b', 'c']
assert next(it) == ['d', 'e', 'f']
assert next(it) == ['g']
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
with pytest.raises(StopIteration):
it = chunkit('ab', 3)
assert list(it) == [['a', 'b']]
it = chunkit('', 3)
assert list(it) == []
def test_clean_lines():
conf = """\
data1 #data1
assert list(clean_lines(conf)) == ['data1 #data1', 'data2', 'data3', ]
assert list(clean_lines(conf, lstrip=False)) == ['data1 #data1', 'data2', ' data3', ]
assert list(clean_lines(conf, rstrip=False)) == ['data1 #data1\n', 'data2\n', 'data3\n', ]
assert list(clean_lines(conf, remove_empty=False)) == ['data1 #data1', 'data2', '', 'data3', ]
assert list(clean_lines(conf, remove_comments=False)) == ['#comment', 'data1 #data1', 'data2', 'data3', ]
def test_format_line():
data = dict(foo='bar baz')
assert format_line('', data) == ''
assert format_line('{foo}', data) == 'bar baz'
assert format_line('foo{foo}foo', data) == 'foobar bazfoo'
def test_format_line_erroneous():
data = dict()
with pytest.raises(PlaceholderError):
assert format_line('{invalid}', data)
with pytest.raises(PlaceholderError):
assert format_line('{}', data)
with pytest.raises(PlaceholderError):
assert format_line('{now!r}', data)
with pytest.raises(PlaceholderError):
assert format_line('{now.__class__.__module__.__builtins__}', data)
def test_replace_placeholders():
now =
assert " " not in replace_placeholders('{now}')
assert int(replace_placeholders('{now:%Y}')) == now.year
def test_override_placeholders():
assert replace_placeholders('{uuid4}', overrides={'uuid4': "overridden"}) == "overridden"
def working_swidth():
return platform.swidth('') == 2
@pytest.mark.skipif(not working_swidth(), reason='swidth() is not supported / active')
def test_swidth_slice():
string = '나윤선나윤선나윤선나윤선나윤선'
assert swidth_slice(string, 1) == ''
assert swidth_slice(string, -1) == ''
assert swidth_slice(string, 4) == '나윤'
assert swidth_slice(string, -4) == '윤선'
@pytest.mark.skipif(not working_swidth(), reason='swidth() is not supported / active')
def test_swidth_slice_mixed_characters():
string = '나윤a선나윤선나윤선나윤선나윤선'
assert swidth_slice(string, 5) == '나윤a'
assert swidth_slice(string, 6) == '나윤a'
def test_safe_timestamps():
# ns fit into int64
assert safe_ns(2 ** 64) <= 2 ** 63 - 1
assert safe_ns(-1) == 0
# s fit into int32
assert safe_s(2 ** 64) <= 2 ** 31 - 1
assert safe_s(-1) == 0
# datetime won't fall over its y10k problem
beyond_y10k = 2 ** 100
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
assert datetime.utcfromtimestamp(safe_s(beyond_y10k)) > datetime(2038, 1, 1)
assert datetime.utcfromtimestamp(safe_ns(beyond_y10k) / 1000000000) > datetime(2038, 1, 1)
# ns fit into int64
assert safe_ns(2 ** 64) <= 2 ** 63 - 1
assert safe_ns(-1) == 0
# s are so that their ns conversion fits into int64
assert safe_s(2 ** 64) * 1000000000 <= 2 ** 63 - 1
assert safe_s(-1) == 0
# datetime won't fall over its y10k problem
beyond_y10k = 2 ** 100
with pytest.raises(OverflowError):
assert datetime.utcfromtimestamp(safe_s(beyond_y10k)) > datetime(2262, 1, 1)
assert datetime.utcfromtimestamp(safe_ns(beyond_y10k) / 1000000000) > datetime(2262, 1, 1)
class TestPopenWithErrorHandling:
@pytest.mark.skipif(not shutil.which('test'), reason='"test" binary is needed')
def test_simple(self):
proc = popen_with_error_handling('test 1')
assert proc.wait() == 0
@pytest.mark.skipif(shutil.which('borg-foobar-test-notexist'), reason='"borg-foobar-test-notexist" binary exists (somehow?)')
def test_not_found(self):
proc = popen_with_error_handling('borg-foobar-test-notexist 1234')
assert proc is None
@pytest.mark.parametrize('cmd', (
'mismatched "quote',
'foo --bar="baz',
def test_bad_syntax(self, cmd):
proc = popen_with_error_handling(cmd)
assert proc is None
def test_shell(self):
with pytest.raises(AssertionError):
popen_with_error_handling('', shell=True)
def test_dash_open():
assert dash_open('-', 'r') is sys.stdin
assert dash_open('-', 'w') is sys.stdout
assert dash_open('-', 'rb') is sys.stdin.buffer
assert dash_open('-', 'wb') is sys.stdout.buffer
def test_iter_separated():
# newline and utf-8
sep, items = '\n', ['foo', 'bar/baz', 'αáčő']
fd = StringIO(sep.join(items))
assert list(iter_separated(fd)) == items
# null and bogus ending
sep, items = '\0', ['foo/bar', 'baz', 'spam']
fd = StringIO(sep.join(items) + '\0')
assert list(iter_separated(fd, sep=sep)) == ['foo/bar', 'baz', 'spam']
# multichar
sep, items = 'SEP', ['foo/bar', 'baz', 'spam']
fd = StringIO(sep.join(items))
assert list(iter_separated(fd, sep=sep)) == items
# bytes
sep, items = b'\n', [b'foo', b'blop\t', b'gr\xe4ezi']
fd = BytesIO(sep.join(items))
assert list(iter_separated(fd)) == items
def test_eval_escapes():
assert eval_escapes('\\n\\0\\x23') == '\n\0#'
assert eval_escapes('äç\\n') == 'äç\n'
def test_safe_unlink_is_safe(tmpdir):
contents = b"Hello, world\n"
victim = tmpdir / 'victim'
hard_link = tmpdir / 'hardlink'
assert victim.read_binary() == contents
def test_safe_unlink_is_safe_ENOSPC(tmpdir, monkeypatch):
contents = b"Hello, world\n"
victim = tmpdir / 'victim'
hard_link = tmpdir / 'hardlink'
def os_unlink(_):
raise OSError(errno.ENOSPC, "Pretend that we ran out of space")
monkeypatch.setattr(os, "unlink", os_unlink)
with pytest.raises(OSError):
assert victim.read_binary() == contents
class TestPassphrase:
def test_passphrase_new_verification(self, capsys, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setattr(getpass, 'getpass', lambda prompt: "12aöäü")
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_DISPLAY_PASSPHRASE', 'no')
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "12" not in out
assert "12" not in err
monkeypatch.setenv('BORG_DISPLAY_PASSPHRASE', 'yes')
passphrase =
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "313261c3b6c3a4c3bc" not in out
assert "313261c3b6c3a4c3bc" in err
assert passphrase == "12aöäü"
monkeypatch.setattr(getpass, 'getpass', lambda prompt: "1234/@=")
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "1234/@=" not in out
assert "1234/@=" in err
def test_passphrase_new_empty(self, capsys, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', False)
monkeypatch.setattr(getpass, 'getpass', lambda prompt: "")
with pytest.raises(PasswordRetriesExceeded):
out, err = capsys.readouterr()
assert "must not be blank" in err
def test_passphrase_new_retries(self, monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.delenv('BORG_PASSPHRASE', False)
ascending_numbers = iter(range(20))
monkeypatch.setattr(getpass, 'getpass', lambda prompt: str(next(ascending_numbers)))
with pytest.raises(PasswordRetriesExceeded):
def test_passphrase_repr(self):
assert "secret" not in repr(Passphrase("secret"))