
978 lines
36 KiB

import getpass
import os
import shlex
import sys
import textwrap
import subprocess
from binascii import a2b_base64, b2a_base64, hexlify
from hashlib import sha256, sha512, pbkdf2_hmac
from hmac import HMAC, compare_digest
from borg.logger import create_logger
logger = create_logger()
from ..constants import * # NOQA
from ..compress import Compressor
from ..helpers import StableDict
from ..helpers import Error, IntegrityError
from ..helpers import yes
from ..helpers import get_keys_dir, get_security_dir
from ..helpers import get_limited_unpacker
from ..helpers import bin_to_hex
from ..helpers import prepare_subprocess_env
from ..helpers import msgpack
from ..helpers import workarounds
from ..item import Key, EncryptedKey
from ..platform import SaveFile
from .nonces import NonceManager
from .low_level import AES, bytes_to_long, bytes_to_int, num_aes_blocks, hmac_sha256, blake2b_256, hkdf_hmac_sha512
PREFIX = b'\0' * 8
# workaround for lost passphrase or key in "authenticated" or "authenticated-blake2" mode
AUTHENTICATED_NO_KEY = 'authenticated_no_key' in workarounds
class NoPassphraseFailure(Error):
"""can not acquire a passphrase: {}"""
class PassphraseWrong(Error):
"""passphrase supplied in BORG_PASSPHRASE, by BORG_PASSCOMMAND or via BORG_PASSPHRASE_FD is incorrect."""
class PasscommandFailure(Error):
"""passcommand supplied in BORG_PASSCOMMAND failed: {}"""
class PasswordRetriesExceeded(Error):
"""exceeded the maximum password retries"""
class UnsupportedPayloadError(Error):
"""Unsupported payload type {}. A newer version is required to access this repository."""
class UnsupportedManifestError(Error):
"""Unsupported manifest envelope. A newer version is required to access this repository."""
class KeyfileNotFoundError(Error):
"""No key file for repository {} found in {}."""
class KeyfileInvalidError(Error):
"""Invalid key file for repository {} found in {}."""
class KeyfileMismatchError(Error):
"""Mismatch between repository {} and key file {}."""
class RepoKeyNotFoundError(Error):
"""No key entry found in the config of repository {}."""
class TAMRequiredError(IntegrityError):
__doc__ = textwrap.dedent("""
Manifest is unauthenticated, but it is required for this repository.
This either means that you are under attack, or that you modified this repository
with a Borg version older than 1.0.9 after TAM authentication was enabled.
In the latter case, use "borg upgrade --tam --force '{}'" to re-authenticate the manifest.
traceback = False
class ArchiveTAMRequiredError(TAMRequiredError):
__doc__ = textwrap.dedent("""
Archive '{}' is unauthenticated, but it is required for this repository.
traceback = False
class TAMInvalid(IntegrityError):
__doc__ = IntegrityError.__doc__
traceback = False
def __init__(self):
# Error message becomes: "Data integrity error: Manifest authentication did not verify"
super().__init__('Manifest authentication did not verify')
class ArchiveTAMInvalid(IntegrityError):
__doc__ = IntegrityError.__doc__
traceback = False
def __init__(self):
# Error message becomes: "Data integrity error: Archive authentication did not verify"
super().__init__('Archive authentication did not verify')
class TAMUnsupportedSuiteError(IntegrityError):
"""Could not verify manifest: Unsupported suite {!r}; a newer version is needed."""
traceback = False
class KeyBlobStorage:
NO_STORAGE = 'no_storage'
KEYFILE = 'keyfile'
REPO = 'repository'
def key_creator(repository, args):
if key.ARG_NAME == args.encryption:
assert key.ARG_NAME is not None
return key.create(repository, args)
raise ValueError('Invalid encryption mode "%s"' % args.encryption)
def key_argument_names():
return [key.ARG_NAME for key in AVAILABLE_KEY_TYPES if key.ARG_NAME]
def identify_key(manifest_data):
key_type = manifest_data[0]
if key_type == PassphraseKey.TYPE:
# we just dispatch to repokey mode and assume the passphrase was migrated to a repokey.
# see also comment in PassphraseKey class.
return RepoKey
if key.TYPE == key_type:
return key
raise UnsupportedPayloadError(key_type)
def key_factory(repository, manifest_data):
return identify_key(manifest_data).detect(repository, manifest_data)
def tam_required_file(repository):
security_dir = get_security_dir(bin_to_hex(
return os.path.join(security_dir, 'tam_required')
def tam_required(repository):
file = tam_required_file(repository)
return os.path.isfile(file)
class KeyBase:
# Numeric key type ID, must fit in one byte.
TYPE = None # override in subclasses
# Human-readable name
# Name used in command line / API (e.g. borg init --encryption=...)
# Storage type (no key blob storage / keyfile / repo)
# Seed for the buzhash chunker (borg.algorithms.chunker.Chunker)
# type: int
chunk_seed = None
# Whether this *particular instance* is encrypted from a practical point of view,
# i.e. when it's using encryption with a empty passphrase, then
# that may be *technically* called encryption, but for all intents and purposes
# that's as good as not encrypting in the first place, and this member should be False.
# The empty passphrase is also special because Borg tries it first when no passphrase
# was supplied, and if an empty passphrase works, then Borg won't ask for one.
logically_encrypted = False
def __init__(self, repository):
self.TYPE_STR = bytes([self.TYPE])
self.repository = repository = None # key location file path / repo obj
# Some commands write new chunks (e.g. rename) but don't take a --compression argument. This duplicates
# the default used by those commands who do take a --compression argument.
self.compressor = Compressor('lz4')
self.decompress = self.compressor.decompress
self.tam_required = True
def id_hash(self, data):
"""Return HMAC hash using the "id" HMAC key
def encrypt(self, chunk):
def decrypt(self, id, data, decompress=True):
def assert_id(self, id, data):
if id:
id_computed = self.id_hash(data)
if not compare_digest(id_computed, id):
raise IntegrityError('Chunk %s: id verification failed' % bin_to_hex(id))
def _tam_key(self, salt, context):
return hkdf_hmac_sha512(
ikm=self.id_key + self.enc_key + self.enc_hmac_key,
info=b'borg-metadata-authentication-' + context,
def pack_and_authenticate_metadata(self, metadata_dict, context=b'manifest', salt=None):
if salt is None:
salt = os.urandom(64)
metadata_dict = StableDict(metadata_dict)
tam = metadata_dict['tam'] = StableDict({
'type': 'HKDF_HMAC_SHA512',
'hmac': bytes(64),
'salt': salt,
packed = msgpack.packb(metadata_dict, unicode_errors='surrogateescape')
tam_key = self._tam_key(salt, context)
tam['hmac'] = HMAC(tam_key, packed, sha512).digest()
return msgpack.packb(metadata_dict, unicode_errors='surrogateescape')
def unpack_and_verify_manifest(self, data, force_tam_not_required=False):
"""Unpack msgpacked *data* and return (object, did_verify)."""
if data.startswith(b'\xc1' * 4):
# This is a manifest from the future, we can't read it.
raise UnsupportedManifestError()
tam_required = self.tam_required
if force_tam_not_required and tam_required:
logger.warning('Manifest authentication DISABLED.')
tam_required = False
data = bytearray(data)
unpacker = get_limited_unpacker('manifest')
unpacked = unpacker.unpack()
return unpacked, True # True is a lie.
if b'tam' not in unpacked:
if tam_required:
raise TAMRequiredError(self.repository._location.canonical_path())
logger.debug('Manifest TAM not found and not required')
return unpacked, False
tam = unpacked.pop(b'tam', None)
if not isinstance(tam, dict):
raise TAMInvalid()
tam_type = tam.get(b'type', b'<none>').decode('ascii', 'replace')
if tam_type != 'HKDF_HMAC_SHA512':
if tam_required:
raise TAMUnsupportedSuiteError(repr(tam_type))
logger.debug('Ignoring manifest TAM made with unsupported suite, since TAM is not required: %r', tam_type)
return unpacked, False
tam_hmac = tam.get(b'hmac')
tam_salt = tam.get(b'salt')
if not isinstance(tam_salt, bytes) or not isinstance(tam_hmac, bytes):
raise TAMInvalid()
offset = data.index(tam_hmac)
data[offset:offset + 64] = bytes(64)
tam_key = self._tam_key(tam_salt, context=b'manifest')
calculated_hmac = HMAC(tam_key, data, sha512).digest()
if not compare_digest(calculated_hmac, tam_hmac):
raise TAMInvalid()
logger.debug('TAM-verified manifest')
return unpacked, True
def unpack_and_verify_archive(self, data, force_tam_not_required=False):
"""Unpack msgpacked *data* and return (object, did_verify, salt)."""
tam_required = self.tam_required
if force_tam_not_required and tam_required:
# for a long time, borg only checked manifest for "tam_required" and
# people might have archives without TAM, so don't be too annoyingly loud here:
logger.debug('Archive authentication DISABLED.')
tam_required = False
data = bytearray(data)
unpacker = get_limited_unpacker('archive')
unpacked = unpacker.unpack()
if b'tam' not in unpacked:
if tam_required:
archive_name = unpacked.get(b'name', b'<unknown>').decode('ascii', 'replace')
raise ArchiveTAMRequiredError(archive_name)
logger.debug('Archive TAM not found and not required')
return unpacked, False, None
tam = unpacked.pop(b'tam', None)
if not isinstance(tam, dict):
raise ArchiveTAMInvalid()
tam_type = tam.get(b'type', b'<none>').decode('ascii', 'replace')
if tam_type != 'HKDF_HMAC_SHA512':
if tam_required:
raise TAMUnsupportedSuiteError(repr(tam_type))
logger.debug('Ignoring archive TAM made with unsupported suite, since TAM is not required: %r', tam_type)
return unpacked, False, None
tam_hmac = tam.get(b'hmac')
tam_salt = tam.get(b'salt')
if not isinstance(tam_salt, bytes) or not isinstance(tam_hmac, bytes):
raise ArchiveTAMInvalid()
offset = data.index(tam_hmac)
data[offset:offset + 64] = bytes(64)
tam_key = self._tam_key(tam_salt, context=b'archive')
calculated_hmac = HMAC(tam_key, data, sha512).digest()
if not compare_digest(calculated_hmac, tam_hmac):
if 'ignore_invalid_archive_tam' in workarounds:
logger.debug('ignoring invalid archive TAM due to BORG_WORKAROUNDS')
return unpacked, False, None # same as if no TAM is present
raise ArchiveTAMInvalid()
logger.debug('TAM-verified archive')
return unpacked, True, tam_salt
class PlaintextKey(KeyBase):
TYPE = 0x02
NAME = 'plaintext'
ARG_NAME = 'none'
chunk_seed = 0
logically_encrypted = False
def __init__(self, repository):
self.tam_required = False
def create(cls, repository, args):'Encryption NOT enabled.\nUse the "--encryption=repokey|keyfile" to enable encryption.')
return cls(repository)
def detect(cls, repository, manifest_data):
return cls(repository)
def id_hash(self, data):
return sha256(data).digest()
def encrypt(self, chunk):
data = self.compressor.compress(chunk)
return b''.join([self.TYPE_STR, data])
def decrypt(self, id, data, decompress=True):
if data[0] != self.TYPE:
id_str = bin_to_hex(id) if id is not None else '(unknown)'
raise IntegrityError('Chunk %s: Invalid encryption envelope' % id_str)
payload = memoryview(data)[1:]
if not decompress:
return payload
data = self.decompress(payload)
self.assert_id(id, data)
return data
def _tam_key(self, salt, context):
return salt + context
def random_blake2b_256_key():
# This might look a bit curious, but is the same construction used in the keyed mode of BLAKE2b.
# Why limit the key to 64 bytes and pad it with 64 nulls nonetheless? The answer is that BLAKE2b
# has a 128 byte block size, but only 64 bytes of internal state (this is also referred to as a
# "local wide pipe" design, because the compression function transforms (block, state) => state,
# and len(block) >= len(state), hence wide.)
# In other words, a key longer than 64 bytes would have simply no advantage, since the function
# has no way of propagating more than 64 bytes of entropy internally.
# It's padded to a full block so that the key is never buffered internally by blake2b_update, ie.
# it remains in a single memory location that can be tracked and could be erased securely, if we
# wanted to.
return os.urandom(64) + bytes(64)
class ID_BLAKE2b_256:
Key mix-in class for using BLAKE2b-256 for the id key.
The id_key length must be 32 bytes.
def id_hash(self, data):
return blake2b_256(self.id_key, data)
def init_from_random_data(self, data=None):
assert data is None # PassphraseKey is the only caller using *data*
self.enc_hmac_key = random_blake2b_256_key()
self.id_key = random_blake2b_256_key()
class ID_HMAC_SHA_256:
Key mix-in class for using HMAC-SHA-256 for the id key.
The id_key length must be 32 bytes.
def id_hash(self, data):
return hmac_sha256(self.id_key, data)
class AESKeyBase(KeyBase):
Common base class shared by KeyfileKey and PassphraseKey
Chunks are encrypted using 256bit AES in Counter Mode (CTR)
Payload layout: TYPE(1) + HMAC(32) + NONCE(8) + CIPHERTEXT
To reduce payload size only 8 bytes of the 16 bytes nonce is saved
in the payload, the first 8 bytes are always zeros. This does not
affect security but limits the maximum repository capacity to
only 295 exabytes!
MAC = hmac_sha256
logically_encrypted = True
def encrypt(self, chunk):
data = self.compressor.compress(chunk)
data = b''.join((self.enc_cipher.iv[8:], self.enc_cipher.encrypt(data)))
assert (self.MAC is blake2b_256 and len(self.enc_hmac_key) == 128 or
self.MAC is hmac_sha256 and len(self.enc_hmac_key) == 32)
hmac = self.MAC(self.enc_hmac_key, data)
return b''.join((self.TYPE_STR, hmac, data))
def decrypt(self, id, data, decompress=True):
if not (data[0] == self.TYPE or
data[0] == PassphraseKey.TYPE and isinstance(self, RepoKey)):
id_str = bin_to_hex(id) if id is not None else '(unknown)'
raise IntegrityError('Chunk %s: Invalid encryption envelope' % id_str)
data_view = memoryview(data)
hmac_given = data_view[1:33]
assert (self.MAC is blake2b_256 and len(self.enc_hmac_key) == 128 or
self.MAC is hmac_sha256 and len(self.enc_hmac_key) == 32)
hmac_computed = memoryview(self.MAC(self.enc_hmac_key, data_view[33:]))
if not compare_digest(hmac_computed, hmac_given):
id_str = bin_to_hex(id) if id is not None else '(unknown)'
raise IntegrityError('Chunk %s: Encryption envelope checksum mismatch' % id_str)
self.dec_cipher.reset(iv=PREFIX + data[33:41])
payload = self.dec_cipher.decrypt(data_view[41:])
if not decompress:
return payload
data = self.decompress(payload)
self.assert_id(id, data)
return data
def extract_nonce(self, payload):
if not (payload[0] == self.TYPE or
payload[0] == PassphraseKey.TYPE and isinstance(self, RepoKey)):
raise IntegrityError('Manifest: Invalid encryption envelope')
nonce = bytes_to_long(payload[33:41])
return nonce
def init_from_random_data(self, data=None):
if data is None:
data = os.urandom(100)
self.enc_key = data[0:32]
self.enc_hmac_key = data[32:64]
self.id_key = data[64:96]
self.chunk_seed = bytes_to_int(data[96:100])
# Convert to signed int32
if self.chunk_seed & 0x80000000:
self.chunk_seed = self.chunk_seed - 0xffffffff - 1
def init_ciphers(self, manifest_nonce=0):
self.enc_cipher = AES(is_encrypt=True, key=self.enc_key, iv=manifest_nonce.to_bytes(16, byteorder='big'))
self.nonce_manager = NonceManager(self.repository, self.enc_cipher, manifest_nonce)
self.dec_cipher = AES(is_encrypt=False, key=self.enc_key)
class Passphrase(str):
def _env_passphrase(cls, env_var, default=None):
passphrase = os.environ.get(env_var, default)
if passphrase is not None:
return cls(passphrase)
def env_passphrase(cls, default=None):
passphrase = cls._env_passphrase('BORG_PASSPHRASE', default)
if passphrase is not None:
return passphrase
passphrase = cls.env_passcommand()
if passphrase is not None:
return passphrase
passphrase = cls.fd_passphrase()
if passphrase is not None:
return passphrase
def env_passcommand(cls, default=None):
passcommand = os.environ.get('BORG_PASSCOMMAND', None)
if passcommand is not None:
# passcommand is a system command (not inside pyinstaller env)
env = prepare_subprocess_env(system=True)
passphrase = subprocess.check_output(shlex.split(passcommand), universal_newlines=True, env=env)
except (subprocess.CalledProcessError, FileNotFoundError) as e:
raise PasscommandFailure(e)
return cls(passphrase.rstrip('\n'))
def fd_passphrase(cls):
fd = int(os.environ.get('BORG_PASSPHRASE_FD'))
except (ValueError, TypeError):
return None
with os.fdopen(fd, mode='r') as f:
passphrase =
return cls(passphrase.rstrip('\n'))
def env_new_passphrase(cls, default=None):
return cls._env_passphrase('BORG_NEW_PASSPHRASE', default)
def getpass(cls, prompt):
pw = getpass.getpass(prompt)
except EOFError:
if prompt:
print() # avoid err msg appearing right of prompt
msg = []
env_var_set = os.environ.get(env_var) is not None
msg.append('%s is %s.' % (env_var, 'set' if env_var_set else 'not set'))
msg.append('Interactive password query failed.')
raise NoPassphraseFailure(' '.join(msg)) from None
return cls(pw)
def verification(cls, passphrase):
msg = 'Do you want your passphrase to be displayed for verification? [yN]: '
if yes(msg, retry_msg=msg, invalid_msg='Invalid answer, try again.',
retry=True, env_var_override='BORG_DISPLAY_PASSPHRASE'):
print('Your passphrase (between double-quotes): "%s"' % passphrase,
print('Make sure the passphrase displayed above is exactly what you wanted.',
except UnicodeEncodeError:
print('Your passphrase (UTF-8 encoding in hex): %s' %
print('As you have a non-ASCII passphrase, it is recommended to keep the UTF-8 encoding in hex together with the passphrase at a safe place.',
def new(cls, allow_empty=False):
passphrase = cls.env_new_passphrase()
if passphrase is not None:
return passphrase
passphrase = cls.env_passphrase()
if passphrase is not None:
return passphrase
for retry in range(1, 11):
passphrase = cls.getpass('Enter new passphrase: ')
if allow_empty or passphrase:
passphrase2 = cls.getpass('Enter same passphrase again: ')
if passphrase == passphrase2:
cls.verification(passphrase)'Remember your passphrase. Your data will be inaccessible without it.')
return passphrase
print('Passphrases do not match', file=sys.stderr)
print('Passphrase must not be blank', file=sys.stderr)
raise PasswordRetriesExceeded
def __repr__(self):
return '<Passphrase "***hidden***">'
def kdf(self, salt, iterations, length):
return pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', self.encode('utf-8'), salt, iterations, length)
class PassphraseKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, AESKeyBase):
# This mode was killed in borg 1.0, see:
# Reasons:
# - you can never ever change your passphrase for existing repos.
# - you can never ever use a different iterations count for existing repos.
# "Killed" means:
# - there is no automatic dispatch to this class via type byte
# - --encryption=passphrase is an invalid argument now
# This class is kept for a while to support migration from passphrase to repokey mode.
TYPE = 0x01
NAME = 'passphrase'
iterations = 100000 # must not be changed ever!
def create(cls, repository, args):
key = cls(repository)
logger.warning('WARNING: "passphrase" mode is unsupported since borg 1.0.')
passphrase =
key.init(repository, passphrase)
return key
def detect(cls, repository, manifest_data):
prompt = 'Enter passphrase for %s: ' % repository._location.canonical_path()
key = cls(repository)
passphrase = Passphrase.env_passphrase()
if passphrase is None:
passphrase = Passphrase.getpass(prompt)
for retry in range(1, 3):
key.init(repository, passphrase)
key.decrypt(None, manifest_data)
num_blocks = num_aes_blocks(len(manifest_data) - 41)
key.init_ciphers(key.extract_nonce(manifest_data) + num_blocks)
key._passphrase = passphrase
return key
except IntegrityError:
passphrase = Passphrase.getpass(prompt)
raise PasswordRetriesExceeded
def change_passphrase(self):
class ImmutablePassphraseError(Error):
"""The passphrase for this encryption key type can't be changed."""
raise ImmutablePassphraseError
def init(self, repository, passphrase):
self.init_from_random_data(passphrase.kdf(, self.iterations, 100))
self.tam_required = False
class KeyfileKeyBase(AESKeyBase):
def detect(cls, repository, manifest_data):
key = cls(repository)
target = key.find_key()
prompt = 'Enter passphrase for key %s: ' % target
passphrase = Passphrase.env_passphrase()
if passphrase is None:
passphrase = Passphrase()
if not key.load(target, passphrase):
for retry in range(0, 3):
passphrase = Passphrase.getpass(prompt)
if key.load(target, passphrase):
raise PasswordRetriesExceeded
if not key.load(target, passphrase):
raise PassphraseWrong
num_blocks = num_aes_blocks(len(manifest_data) - 41)
key.init_ciphers(key.extract_nonce(manifest_data) + num_blocks)
key._passphrase = passphrase
return key
def find_key(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def load(self, target, passphrase):
raise NotImplementedError
def _load(self, key_data, passphrase):
cdata = a2b_base64(key_data)
data = self.decrypt_key_file(cdata, passphrase)
if data:
data = msgpack.unpackb(data)
key = Key(internal_dict=data)
if key.version != 1:
raise Error("key version %d is not supported by this borg version.")
self.repository_id = key.repository_id
self.enc_key = key.enc_key
self.enc_hmac_key = key.enc_hmac_key
self.id_key = key.id_key
self.chunk_seed = key.chunk_seed
self.tam_required = key.get('tam_required', tam_required(self.repository))
return True
return False
def decrypt_key_file(self, data, passphrase):
unpacker = get_limited_unpacker('key')
data = unpacker.unpack()
enc_key = EncryptedKey(internal_dict=data)
if enc_key.version != 1:
raise Error("encrypted key version %d is not supported by this borg version." % enc_key.version)
if enc_key.algorithm != 'sha256':
raise Error("encrypted key algorithm '%s' is not supported by this borg version." % enc_key.algorithm)
key = passphrase.kdf(enc_key.salt, enc_key.iterations, 32)
data = AES(is_encrypt=False, key=key).decrypt(
if compare_digest(hmac_sha256(key, data), enc_key.hash):
return data
def encrypt_key_file(self, data, passphrase):
salt = os.urandom(32)
iterations = PBKDF2_ITERATIONS
key = passphrase.kdf(salt, iterations, 32)
hash = hmac_sha256(key, data)
cdata = AES(is_encrypt=True, key=key).encrypt(data)
enc_key = EncryptedKey(
return msgpack.packb(enc_key.as_dict())
def _save(self, passphrase):
key = Key(
data = self.encrypt_key_file(msgpack.packb(key.as_dict()), passphrase)
key_data = '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(b2a_base64(data).decode('ascii')))
return key_data
def change_passphrase(self, passphrase=None):
if passphrase is None:
passphrase =, passphrase)
def create(cls, repository, args):
passphrase =
key = cls(repository)
key.repository_id =
target = key.get_new_target(args), passphrase, create=True)'Key in "%s" created.' % target)'Keep this key safe. Your data will be inaccessible without it.')
return key
def save(self, target, passphrase, create=False):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_new_target(self, args):
raise NotImplementedError
class KeyfileKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, KeyfileKeyBase):
TYPE = 0x00
NAME = 'key file'
ARG_NAME = 'keyfile'
def sanity_check(self, filename, id):
file_id = self.FILE_ID.encode() + b' '
repo_id = hexlify(id)
with open(filename, 'rb') as fd:
# we do the magic / id check in binary mode to avoid stumbling over
# decoding errors if somebody has binary files in the keys dir for some reason.
if != file_id:
raise KeyfileInvalidError(self.repository._location.canonical_path(), filename)
if != repo_id:
raise KeyfileMismatchError(self.repository._location.canonical_path(), filename)
return filename
def find_key(self):
id =
keyfile = os.environ.get('BORG_KEY_FILE')
if keyfile:
return self.sanity_check(os.path.abspath(keyfile), id)
keys_dir = get_keys_dir()
for name in os.listdir(keys_dir):
filename = os.path.join(keys_dir, name)
return self.sanity_check(filename, id)
except (KeyfileInvalidError, KeyfileMismatchError):
raise KeyfileNotFoundError(self.repository._location.canonical_path(), get_keys_dir())
def get_new_target(self, args):
keyfile = os.environ.get('BORG_KEY_FILE')
if keyfile:
return os.path.abspath(keyfile)
filename = args.location.to_key_filename()
path = filename
i = 1
while os.path.exists(path):
i += 1
path = filename + '.%d' % i
return path
def load(self, target, passphrase):
with open(target, 'r') as fd:
key_data = ''.join(fd.readlines()[1:])
success = self._load(key_data, passphrase)
if success: = target
return success
def save(self, target, passphrase, create=False):
if create and os.path.isfile(target):
# if a new keyfile key repository is created, ensure that an existing keyfile of another
# keyfile key repo is not accidentally overwritten by careless use of the BORG_KEY_FILE env var.
# see issue #6036
raise Error('Aborting because key in "%s" already exists.' % target)
key_data = self._save(passphrase)
with SaveFile(target) as fd:
fd.write('%s %s\n' % (self.FILE_ID, bin_to_hex(self.repository_id)))
fd.write('\n') = target
class RepoKey(ID_HMAC_SHA_256, KeyfileKeyBase):
TYPE = 0x03
NAME = 'repokey'
ARG_NAME = 'repokey'
STORAGE = KeyBlobStorage.REPO
def find_key(self):
loc = self.repository._location.canonical_path()
key = self.repository.load_key()
if not key:
# if we got an empty key, it means there is no key.
raise RepoKeyNotFoundError(loc) from None
return loc
def get_new_target(self, args):
return self.repository
def load(self, target, passphrase):
# While the repository is encrypted, we consider a repokey repository with a blank
# passphrase an unencrypted repository.
self.logically_encrypted = passphrase != ''
# what we get in target is just a repo location, but we already have the repo obj:
target = self.repository
key_data = target.load_key()
if not key_data:
# if we got an empty key, it means there is no key.
loc = target._location.canonical_path()
raise RepoKeyNotFoundError(loc) from None
key_data = key_data.decode('utf-8') # remote repo: msgpack issue #99, getting bytes
success = self._load(key_data, passphrase)
if success: = target
return success
def save(self, target, passphrase, create=False):
self.logically_encrypted = passphrase != ''
key_data = self._save(passphrase)
key_data = key_data.encode('utf-8') # remote repo: msgpack issue #99, giving bytes
target.save_key(key_data) = target
class Blake2KeyfileKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, KeyfileKey):
TYPE = 0x04
NAME = 'key file BLAKE2b'
ARG_NAME = 'keyfile-blake2'
MAC = blake2b_256
class Blake2RepoKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, RepoKey):
TYPE = 0x05
NAME = 'repokey BLAKE2b'
ARG_NAME = 'repokey-blake2'
STORAGE = KeyBlobStorage.REPO
MAC = blake2b_256
class AuthenticatedKeyBase(RepoKey):
STORAGE = KeyBlobStorage.REPO
# It's only authenticated, not encrypted.
logically_encrypted = False
def _load(self, key_data, passphrase):
# fake _load if we have no key or passphrase
NOPE = bytes(32) # 256 bit all-zero
self.repository_id = NOPE
self.enc_key = NOPE
self.enc_hmac_key = NOPE
self.id_key = NOPE
self.chunk_seed = 0
self.tam_required = False
return True
return super()._load(key_data, passphrase)
def load(self, target, passphrase):
success = super().load(target, passphrase)
self.logically_encrypted = False
return success
def save(self, target, passphrase, create=False):
super().save(target, passphrase, create=create)
self.logically_encrypted = False
def extract_nonce(self, payload):
# This is called during set-up of the AES ciphers we're not actually using for this
# key. Therefore the return value of this method doesn't matter; it's just around
# to not have it crash should key identification be run against a very small chunk
# by "borg check" when the manifest is lost. (The manifest is always large enough
# to have the original method read some garbage from bytes 33-41). (Also, the return
# value must be larger than the 41 byte bloat of the original format).
if payload[0] != self.TYPE:
raise IntegrityError('Manifest: Invalid encryption envelope')
return 42
def encrypt(self, chunk):
data = self.compressor.compress(chunk)
return b''.join([self.TYPE_STR, data])
def decrypt(self, id, data, decompress=True):
if data[0] != self.TYPE:
raise IntegrityError('Chunk %s: Invalid envelope' % bin_to_hex(id))
payload = memoryview(data)[1:]
if not decompress:
return payload
data = self.decompress(payload)
return data
self.assert_id(id, data)
return data
class AuthenticatedKey(AuthenticatedKeyBase):
TYPE = 0x07
NAME = 'authenticated'
ARG_NAME = 'authenticated'
class Blake2AuthenticatedKey(ID_BLAKE2b_256, AuthenticatedKeyBase):
TYPE = 0x06
NAME = 'authenticated BLAKE2b'
ARG_NAME = 'authenticated-blake2'
KeyfileKey, RepoKey, AuthenticatedKey,
Blake2KeyfileKey, Blake2RepoKey, Blake2AuthenticatedKey,