# GooglePlay > I’m not really sure what the point of this video is, but I guess just be > generous. Be kind to people, because you never know how much they might need > it, or how far it’ll go. > > [NakeyJakey (2018)](//youtube.com/watch?v=Cr0UYNKmrUs) Download APK from Google Play or send API requests ## How to install? This module works with Windows, macOS or Linux. First, [download Go][2] and extract archive. Then download GooglePlay Zip and extract archive. Then navigate to: ~~~ googleplay-main/cmd/googleplay ~~~ and enter: ~~~ go build ~~~ [2]://go.dev/dl ## Tool examples Before trying to Sign in, make sure your location is correct, to avoid geo-blocking. You can test by logging into your Google account with a web browser. Also, make sure the Google account you are using has logged into the Play Store at least once before, using a physical or virtual Android device. Create a file containing token (`aas_et`) for future requests: ~~~ googleplay -email EMAIL -password PASSWORD ~~~ Create a file containing `X-DFE-Device-ID` (GSF ID) for future requests: ~~~ googleplay -device ~~~ Get app details: ~~~ > googleplay -a com.google.android.youtube Title: YouTube Creator: Google LLC Upload Date: Feb 10, 2023 Version: 18.06.35 Version Code: 1536024000 Num Downloads: 13.48 billion Installation Size: 48.08 megabyte File: APK APK APK APK Offer: 0 USD ~~~ Purchase app. Only needs to be done once per Google account: ~~~ googleplay -a com.google.android.youtube -purchase ~~~ Download APK. You need to specify any valid version code. The latest code is provided by the previous details command. If APK is split, all pieces will be downloaded: ~~~ googleplay -a com.google.android.youtube -v 1536024000 ~~~ ## Contact