2020-07-09 15:24:28 +00:00
defmodule Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier.LeaveTest do
use Mobilizon.DataCase
import Mobilizon.Factory
alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor
alias Mobilizon.Events
alias Mobilizon.Events.{Event, Participant}
2021-09-28 17:40:37 +00:00
alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.{Actions, Transmogrifier}
2020-07-09 15:24:28 +00:00
describe "handle incoming leave activities on events" do
test "it accepts Leave activities" do
%Actor{url: _organizer_url} = organizer = insert(:actor)
%Actor{url: participant_url} = participant_actor = insert(:actor)
%Event{url: event_url} =
event = insert(:event, organizer_actor: organizer, join_options: :restricted)
organizer_participation =
%Participant{} = insert(:participant, event: event, actor: organizer, role: :creator)
2021-09-28 17:40:37 +00:00
{:ok, _join_activity, _participation} = Actions.Join.join(event, participant_actor)
2020-07-09 15:24:28 +00:00
join_data =
|> Jason.decode!()
|> Map.put("actor", participant_url)
|> Map.put("object", event_url)
assert {:ok, activity, _} = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(join_data)
assert activity.data["object"] == event_url
assert activity.data["actor"] == participant_url
# The only participant left is the organizer
assert event.id
|> Events.list_participants_for_event()
|> Map.get(:elements)
|> Enum.map(& &1.id) ==
test "it refuses Leave activities when actor is the only organizer" do
%Actor{url: organizer_url} = organizer = insert(:actor)
%Event{url: event_url} =
event = insert(:event, organizer_actor: organizer, join_options: :restricted)
%Participant{} = insert(:participant, event: event, actor: organizer, role: :creator)
join_data =
|> Jason.decode!()
|> Map.put("actor", organizer_url)
|> Map.put("object", event_url)
assert :error = Transmogrifier.handle_incoming(join_data)