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Merge branch 'weblate-mobilizon-frontend' into 'master'

Translations update from Weblate

See merge request framasoft/mobilizon!817
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Citharel 2021-02-08 11:37:27 +00:00
commit 7069f72921
10 changed files with 915 additions and 730 deletions

View file

@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
"About this event": "Пра гэту падзею",
"About this instance": "Пра гэты сервер",
"Accepted": "Прынята",
"Account": "Рахунак",
"Add": "Дадаць",
"Add a note": "Дадаць нататку",
"Add an address": "Дадаць адрас",
@ -15,15 +16,20 @@
"Add some tags": "Дадаць цэтлікі",
"Add to my calendar": "Дадаць у календар",
"Additional comments": "Дадатковыя каментарыі",
"Admin": "Адміністратар",
"Admin settings successfully saved.": "Налады адміністратара захаваны.",
"Administration": "Адміністрацыя",
"All the places have already been taken": "Усе месцы занятыя|Даступнае адно месца|Даступныя {places} месцы|Даступна {places} месцаў",
"Allow all comments": "Дазволіць усе каментарыі",
"Allow registrations": "Дазволіць рэгістравацца",
"An error has occurred.": "Адбылася памылка.",
"Anonymous participant": "Ананімны ўдзельнік",
"Anonymous participations": "Ананімныя ўдзельнікі",
"Approve": "Пацвердзіць",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Вы сапраўды хочаце <b>выдаліць</b> гэты каментарый? Гэта дзеянне нельга адмяніць.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead.": "Вы сапраўды жадаеце <b>выдаліць</b> гэту падзею? Гэта дзеянне нельга адмяніць. Магчыма, варта замест гэтага пагаварыць з аўтарам ці аўтаркай падзеі ці адрэдагаваць падзею.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "Вы сапраўды хочаце адмяніць стварэнне падзеі? Вы страціце ўсе свае рэдагаванні.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "Вы сапраўды хочаце адмяніць рэдагаванне падзеі? Вы страціце ўсе рэдагаванні.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event creation? You'll lose all modifications.": "Вы сапраўды жадаеце адмяніць стварэнне падзеі? Вы страціце ўсе свае рэдагаванні.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel the event edition? You'll lose all modifications.": "Вы сапраўды жадаеце адмяніць рэдагаванне падзеі? Вы страціце ўсе рэдагаванні.",
"Are you sure you want to cancel your participation at event \"{title}\"?": "Вы сапраўды хочаце адмовіцца ад удзелу ў падзеі «{title}»?",
"Are you sure you want to delete this event? This action cannot be reverted.": "Вы сапраўды хочаце выдаліць гэту падзею? Гэта дзеянне нельга адмяніць.",
"Avatar": "Аватар",
@ -71,16 +77,21 @@
"Date": "Дата",
"Date and time settings": "Наладкі даты і часу",
"Date parameters": "Параметры даты",
"Default": "Па змоўчанні",
"Delete": "Выдаліць",
"Delete Comment": "Выдаліць каментарый",
"Delete Event": "Выдаліць падзею",
"Delete account": "Выдаліць рахунак",
"Delete event": "Выдаліць падзею",
"Delete everything": "Выдаліць усё",
"Delete my account": "Выдаліць мой рахунак",
"Delete this identity": "Выдаліць гэту ідэнтычнасць",
"Delete your identity": "Выдаліць ідэнтычнасць",
"Delete {eventTitle}": "Выдаліць {eventTitle}",
"Delete {preferredUsername}": "Выдаліць {preferredUsername}",
"Deleting comment": "Выдаліць каментарый",
"Deleting event": "Выдаліць падзею",
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Выдаленне вашага Mobilizon рахунку",
"Description": "Апісанне",
"Didn't receive the instructions ?": "Не атрымалі інструкцыі?",
"Display name": "Адлюстравальнае імя",
@ -95,6 +106,7 @@
"Ends on…": "Заканчваецца…",
"Enjoy discovering Mobilizon!": "Зычым прыемнага знаёмства з функцыямі Mobilizon!",
"Enter the link URL": "Увядзіце адрас URL",
"Error while changing email": "Памылка пры змяненні email",
"Error while communicating with the server.": "Памылка падчас звязку з серверам.",
"Error while saving report.": "Памылка падчас запісу паведамлення пра праблемы.",
"Error while validating account": "Памылка падчас пацвярджэння ўліковага запісу",
@ -113,8 +125,10 @@
"Ex: mobilizon.fr": "Напр.: mobilizon.fr",
"Exclude": "Вылучыць",
"Explore": "Агляд",
"Failed to save admin settings": "Памылка пры захаванні налад адміністратара",
"Featured events": "Прапанаваныя падзеі",
"Features": "Магчымасці",
"Federation": "Федерацыя",
"Find an address": "Знайсці адрас",
"Find an instance": "Знайсці сервер",
"Followers": "Падпісчыкі",
@ -126,8 +140,10 @@
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "Ад {startDate}, {startTime} да {endDate}, {endTime}",
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "Ад {startDate} да {endDate}",
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Сход ⋅ Арганізацыя ⋅ Мабілізацыя",
"General": "Галоўны",
"General information": "Агульная інфармацыя",
"Getting location": "Атрыманне месцапалажэння",
"Go": "Перайсці",
"Going as {name}": "Іду як {name}",
"Group List": "Спіс груп",
"Group full name": "Поўная назва групы",
@ -137,7 +153,11 @@
"Headline picture": "Ілюстрацыя да загалоўка",
"Hide replies": "Прыхаваць адказы",
"I create an identity": "Я ствараю ідэнтычнасць",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Я ня маю рахунку Mobilizon",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "У мяне ёсць рахунак Mobilizon",
"I have an account on another Mobilizon instance.": "Мой Mobilizon рахунак знаходзіцца на іншым серверы.",
"I participate": "Я прымаю ўдзел",
"I want to allow people to participate without an account.": "Я жадаю дазволіць людзям удзельнічаць без стварэння рахунку.",
"I want to approve every participation request": "Я хачу пацвярджаць кожны запыт на ўдзел",
"Identity {displayName} created": "Створаная ідэнтычнасць {displayName}",
"Identity {displayName} deleted": "Выдаленая ідэнтычнасць {displayName}",
@ -147,7 +167,10 @@
"Impossible to login, your email or password seems incorrect.": "Немагчыма ўвайсці, памылка ці ў адрасе, ці ў паролі.",
"In the meantime, please consider that the software is not (yet) finished. More information {onBlog}.": "Пакуль што разумейце, што гэта праграма (пакуль што) недаробленая. Болей інфармацыі {onBlog}.",
"Installing Mobilizon will allow communities to free themselves from the services of tech giants by creating <b>their own event platform</b>.": "Mobilizon дазваляе супольнасцям вызваліцца ад паслуг тэхнічных гігантаў і стварыць<b>уласную платформу для падзей</b>.",
"Instance Name": "Імя сервера",
"Instance settings": "Налады сервера",
"Instances": "Серверы",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Далучайцеся да <b>{instance}</b>, які з'яўляецца серверам Mobilizon",
"Join {instance}, a Mobilizon instance": "Прыяднайцеся да {instance}, сервера Mobilizon",
"Last published event": "Апошняя апублікаваная падзея",
"Last week": "На мінулым тыдні",
@ -177,6 +200,7 @@
"Name": "Імя",
"New note": "Новая нататка",
"New password": "Новы пароль",
"Next page": "Наступная старонка",
"No actors found": "Дзеячы не знойдзеныя",
"No address defined": "Адрас не вызначаны",
"No closed reports yet": "Пакуль што закрытых паведамленняў пра праблемы няма",
@ -190,6 +214,7 @@
"No instance to approve|Approve instance|Approve {number} instances": "Няма сервераў для ўхвалення|Ухваліць сервер|Ухваліць {number} сервера|Ухваліць {number} сервераў",
"No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances": "Няма серверам для адмаўлення|Адмовіць серверу|Адмовіць {number} серверам|Адмовіць {number} серверам",
"No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances": "Няма сервераў для выдалення|Выдаліць сервер|Выдаліць {number} сервера|Выдаліць {number} сервера",
"No message": "Няма поведамленняў",
"No open reports yet": "Адкрытых паведамленняў пра праблемы няма",
"No resolved reports yet": "Вырашаных праблем, пра якія былі паведамленні, няма",
"No results for \"{queryText}\"": "Рэзультатаў па «{queryText}» няма",
@ -198,6 +223,15 @@
"Number of places": "Колькасць месцаў",
"OK": "OK",
"Old password": "Стары пароль",
"Open": "Адчыніць",
"Page": "Старонка",
"Participant": "Удзельнік",
"Participants": "Удзельнікі",
"Participate": "Удзельнічаць",
"Participation approval": "Дазваленне ўдзелу",
"Participation confirmation": "Паццьвярджэнне ўдзелу",
"Post a comment": "Даслаць каментар",
"Post a reply": "Даслаць адказ",
"Register for an event by choosing one of your identities": "Рэгіструйцеся на падзеі, выбіраючы любую з сваіх ідэнтычнасцяў",
"This is a demonstration site to test the beta version of Mobilizon.": "Гэта дэманстрацыйны сайт для праверкі бэта-версіі Mobilizon."

View file

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"+ Post a public message": "+ Schreibe eine öffentliche Nachricht",
"+ Start a discussion": "+ Starte eine Diskussion",
"<b>Please do not use it in any real way.</b>": "<b>Bitte benutze diese Seite nicht für tatsächliche Veranstaltungsplanung.</b>",
"<b>{contact}</b> will be displayed as contact.": "<b>{contact}</b> wird als Kontakt eingeblendet.| <b>{contact}</b> wird als Kontakte eingeblendet.|",
"<b>{contact}</b> will be displayed as contact.": "<b>{contact}</b> wird als Kontakt angezeigt.|<b>{contact}</b> wird als Kontakte angezeigt.",
"@{group}": "@{group}",
"@{username}": "@{username}",
"@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
"A place to publish something to the whole world, your community or just your group members.": "Ein Ort, an dem Sie etwas für die ganze Welt, Ihre Community oder nur für Ihre Gruppenmitglieder veröffentlichen können.",
"A place to store links to documents or resources of any type.": "Ein Ort um Links zu Dokumenten oder Ressourcen jeden Typs zu speichern.",
"A practical tool": "Ein praktisches Werkzeug",
"A short tagline for your instance homepage. Defaults to \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"": "Eine kurze Tagline für Ihre Instanz-Homepage. Standardmäßig ist \"Sammeln ⋅ Organisieren ⋅ Mobilisieren\" eingestellt.",
"A short tagline for your instance homepage. Defaults to \"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize\"": "Eine kurze Tagline für Ihre Instanz-Homepage. Standardmäßig steht dort: \"Sammeln ⋅ Organisieren ⋅ Mobilisieren\"",
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Ein benutzerfreundliches, emanzipatorisches und ethisches Instrument zum Sammeln, Organisieren und Mobilisieren.",
"A validation email was sent to {email}": "Es wurde eine Bestätigungs-Mail an {email} gesendet",
"API": "API",
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@
"Allow all comments": "Erlaube alle Kommentare",
"Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Erlaube alle Kommentare von eingeloggten Usern",
"Allow registrations": "Erlaube Registrierungen",
"An error has occured. Sorry about that. You may try to reload the page.": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte entschuldige. Du kannst versuchen die Seite neu zu laden.",
"An error has occurred.": "Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten.",
"An ethical alternative": "Eine ethische Alternative",
"An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance.": "Als Instanz bezeichnen wir eine Installation der Mobilizon-Software auf einem Server. Eine Instanz kann von jedem mit Hilfe der {mobilizon_software} oder anderer kompatibler Software betrieben werden. Der Name dieser Instanz lautet „{instance_name}“. Diese Instanz ist Teil des „Fediverse“, einem Netzwerk aus vielen verbundenen Instanzen, die alle miteinander kommunizieren können. Nutzer von verschiedenen Instanzen können so - genau wie beim E-Mail-System - miteinander kommunizieren, auch wenn sie Accounts bei völlig verschiedenen Instanzen registriert haben.",
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@
"Application": "Anwendung",
"Approve": "Bestätigen",
"Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Sind Sie sich sicher, dass Sie Ihren gesamten Nutzeraccount löschen möchten? Sie verlieren dadurch alles. Identitäten, Einstellungen, erstellte Veranstaltungen, Nachrichten, Teilnahmen sind dann für immer verschwunden.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>completely delete</b> this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and <b>all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed</b>.": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Gruppe <b>vollständig löschen</b> wollen? Alle Mitglieder - auch die entfernten - werden benachrichtigt und aus der Gruppe entfernt, und <b>alle Daten der Gruppe (Ereignisse, Beiträge, Diskussionen, ToDos...) werden unwiederbringlich zerstört</b>.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>completely delete</b> this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and <b>all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed</b>.": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Gruppe <b>vollständig löschen</b> wollen? Alle Mitglieder - auch die verbundenen - werden benachrichtigt und aus der Gruppe entfernt, und <b>alle Daten der Gruppe (Ereignisse, Beiträge, Diskussionen, ToDos...) werden unwiederbringlich zerstört</b>.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diesen Kommentar <b>löschen</b> wollen? Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead.": "Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie diese Veranstaltung <b>löschen</b> wollen? Diese Aktion kann nicht rückgängig gemacht werden.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>suspend</b> this group? All members - including remote ones - will be notified and removed from the group, and <b>all of the group data (events, posts, discussions, todos…) will be irretrievably destroyed</b>.": "Möchten Sie diese Gruppe wirklich <b>auflösen</b>? Alle Mitglieder - einschließlich externe - werden benachrichtigt und aus der Gruppe entfernt. Es werden <b>alle Gruppendaten (Veranstaltungen, Beiträge, Diskussionen, Aufgaben, ...) irreversibel gelöscht</b>.",
@ -145,6 +146,7 @@
"Contact": "Kontakt",
"Continue editing": "Bearbeitung fortsetzen",
"Cookies and Local storage": "Cookies und lokaler Web-Storage",
"Copy details to clipboard": "Details in die Zwischenablage kopieren",
"Country": "Land",
"Create": "Erstellen",
"Create a calc": "Tabelle erstellen",
@ -216,8 +218,8 @@
"Displayed nickname": "Angezeigter Nutzername",
"Displayed on homepage and meta tags. Describe what Mobilizon is and what makes this instance special in a single paragraph.": "Wird auf der Startseite und in den Meta-Tags angezeigt. Beschreiben Sie in einem Absatz was Mobilizon ist und was diese Instanz besonders macht.",
"Do not receive any mail": "Keine E-Mails erhalten",
"Do you wish to {create_event} or {explore_events}?": "Wollen Sie {create_event} oder {explore_events}?",
"Do you wish to {create_group} or {explore_groups}?": "Wollen Sie {create_group} oder {explore_groups}?",
"Do you wish to {create_event} or {explore_events}?": "Möchten Sie ein {create_event} oder {explore_events}?",
"Do you wish to {create_group} or {explore_groups}?": "Möchten Sie eine {create_group} oder {explore_groups}?",
"Domain": "Domain",
"Don't show @{organizer} as event host alongside @{group}": "Zeige @{organizer} nicht neben @{group} als Veranstalter:in an",
"Draft": "Entwurf",
@ -244,6 +246,9 @@
"Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template.": "Geben Sie Ihre eigene Datenschutzerklärung ein. HTML tags sind erlaubt. Die {mobilizon_privacy_policy} ist als Vorlage bereitgestellt.",
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template.": "Geben Sie Ihre eigenen Bedingungen an. HTML-Tags sind erlaubt. Die {mobilizon_terms} sind als Vorlage gegeben.",
"Error": "Fehler",
"Error details copied!": "Fehlerdetails kopiert!",
"Error message": "Fehlermeldung",
"Error stacktrace": "Error-Stacktrace",
"Error while changing email": "Fehler beim Ändern der E-Mail-Adresse",
"Error while communicating with the server.": "Fehler bei der Kommunikation mit dem Server.",
"Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way.": "Fehler bei der Anmeldung mit {provider}. Versuchen Sie es erneut oder nutzen Sie eine andere Login-Möglichkeit.",
@ -277,13 +282,13 @@
"Failed to save admin settings": "Admin-Einstellungen konnten nicht gespeichert werden",
"Featured events": "Vorgestellte Veranstaltungen",
"Features": "Funktionen",
"Federated Group Name": "Federierter Gruppenname",
"Federated Group Name": "Föderierter Gruppenname",
"Federation": "Federation",
"Fetch more": "Mehr abrufen",
"Find an address": "Adresse finden",
"Find an instance": "Eine Instanz finden",
"Find another instance": "Weitere Instanz finden",
"Follower": "Follower",
"Follower": "Folgende",
"Followers": "Folgende",
"Followers will receive new public events and posts.": "Follower werden über neue öffentliche Ereignisse und Beiträge informiert.",
"Followings": "Folgen",
@ -343,7 +348,7 @@
"If allowed by organizer": "Wenn vom Organisator erlaubt",
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Falls ein Konto mit dieser E-Mail-Adresse existiert, senden wir eine neue Bestätigung an {email}",
"If the direction given by the development team does not suit you, you have the legal right to create your own version of the software, with your own governance choices.": "Wenn dir die von den Entwickler:innen vorgegebene Richtung nicht passt, hast du das Recht, deine eigene Version der Software nach deinen eigenen Regeln zu erstellen.",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Falls diese Identität die einzige Administrator einer oder mehrerer Gruppen sein sollte, müssen Sie zunächst die Gruppen löschen, bevor Sie diese Identität löschen können.",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Falls diese Identität der einzige Administrator einer oder mehrerer Gruppen sein sollte, ist zunächst die Gruppe zu löschen, bevor diese Identität gelöscht werden kann.",
"If you are being asked for your federated indentity, it's composed of your username and your instance. For instance, the federated identity for your first profile is:": "Wenn Sie nach Ihrer federierten Identität gefragt werden, setzt sich dieser aus Ihrem Benutzernamen und Ihrer Instanz zusammen. Die federierte Identität für Ihr erstes Profil lautet zum Beispiel:",
"If you have opted for manual validation of participants, Mobilizon will send you an email to inform you of new participations to be processed. You can choose the frequency of these notifications below.": "Wenn Sie sich für die manuelle Validierung von Teilnehmern entschieden haben, sendet Ihnen Mobilizon eine E-Mail, um Sie über neue zu bearbeitende Teilnahmen zu informieren. Sie können die Häufigkeit dieser Benachrichtigungen unten auswählen.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Wenn Sie möchten, können Sie dem Organisator eine Nachricht hinterlassen.",
@ -440,7 +445,7 @@
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Moderierte Kommentare (werden nach manueller Freigabe angezeigt)",
"Moderation": "Moderation",
"Moderation log": "Moderations-Logbuch",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Moderator": "Moderator*in",
"Move": "Verschieben",
"Move \"{resourceName}\"": "„{resourceName}“ verschieben",
"Move resource to {folder}": "Verschiebe Ressource nach {folder}",
@ -526,6 +531,8 @@
"Only group members can access discussions": "Nur Gruppenmitglieder können die Diskussion anzeigen",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Nur Gruppenmoderatoren können Beiträge erstellen, editieren oder löschen.",
"Open": "Offen",
"Open a topic on our forum": "Eröffne ein Thema in unserem Forum",
"Open an issue on our bug tracker (advanced users)": "Eröffne eine Meldung in unserem Fehlermeldesystem (Bug-Tracker für erfahrene Benutzer)",
"Opened reports": "Geöffnete Meldungen",
"Or": "Oder",
"Organize and take action, freely": "Organisiert euch und legt los, selbstbestimmt",
@ -565,6 +572,7 @@
"Pick a profile or a group": "Wähle ein Profil der eine Gruppe",
"Pick an identity": "Wählen Sie eine Identität",
"Pick an instance": "Wähle eine Instanz",
"Please add as many details as possible to help identify the problem.": "Bitte gib uns so viele Details wie möglich, die uns helfen könnten, das Problem zu analysieren.",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Bitte sehen Sie auch in Ihrem Spam-Ordner nach, wenn Sie keine E-Mail erhalten haben.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Bitte kontaktieren Sie den Administrator dieser Mobilizon-Instanz, wenn Sie denken, dass dies ein Fehler ist.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Bitte nicht im praktischen Einsatz verwenden.",
@ -572,7 +580,7 @@
"Please make sure the address is correct and that the page hasn't been moved.": "Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass die Adresse korrekt ist und die Seite nicht verschoben wurde.",
"Please read the full rules": "Bitte ließ die kompletten Regeln",
"Please read the instance's {fullRules}": "Bitte lese die {fullRules} der Instanz",
"Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Bitte lesen Sie die {fullRules} veröffentlicht von {instance}'s Administratoren.",
"Please read the {fullRules} published by {instance}'s administrators.": "Bitte lesen Sie die {fullRules}, veröffentlicht von den Administratoren von {instance}.",
"Please refresh the page and retry.": "Bitte lade die Seite neu und versuche es erneut.",
"Please type at least 5 characters": "Bitte tippe wenigstens 5 Zeichen",
"Post": "Beitrag",
@ -696,6 +704,7 @@
"Suspend group": "Gruppe ausschließen",
"Suspended": "Gesperrt",
"Task lists": "Aufgabenliste",
"Technical details": "Technische Details",
"Tentative": "Vorläufige",
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Vorläufig: Wird später bestätigt",
"Terms": "Nutzungsbedingungen",
@ -731,6 +740,7 @@
"The password provided is invalid": "Das angegebene Passwort ist ungültig",
"The password was successfully changed": "Das Passwort wurde erfolgreich geändert",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "Die Meldung wird an die Moderatoren Ihrer Instanz gesendet. Sie können unten erläutern, warum Sie diesen Inhalt melden.",
"The technical details of the error can help developers solve the problem more easily. Please add them to your feedback.": "Die technischen Details des Fehlers können den Entwickler*innen helfen, das Problem einfacher zu lösen. Bitte füge sie der Rückmeldung hinzu.",
"The user account you're trying to login as has not been confirmed yet. Check your email inbox and eventually your spam folder.": "Der Account, mit dem Du dich einloggen willst, wurde noch nicht bestätigt. Schau in deinem E-Mail-Postfach und in deinem Spam-Ordner nach.",
"The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Die {default_privacy_policy} wird verwendet. Sie wird in die Sprache des Nutzers übersetzt.",
"The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Die {default_terms} werden verwendet. Sie werden in die Sprache der Nuttzer übersetzt.",
@ -778,9 +788,10 @@
"Tomorrow": "Morgen",
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Zu {outsideDomain} übertragen",
"Type": "Typ",
"Type or select a date…": "Datum wählen",
"Type or select a date…": "Datum wählen",
"URL": "URL",
"URL copied to clipboard": "URL in die Zwischenablage kopiert",
"Unable to copy to clipboard": "Kopieren in die Zwischenablage nicht möglich",
"Unable to detect timezone.": "Zeitzone kann nicht erkannt werden.",
"Unable to load event for participation. The error details are provided below:": "Event für die Teilnahme kann nicht geladen werden. Die Fehlerdetails finden Sie unten:",
"Unable to save your participation in this browser.": "Ihre Teilnahme kann in diesem Browser nicht gespeichert werden.",
@ -822,6 +833,7 @@
"Waiting list": "Warteliste",
"Warning": "Warnung",
"We asked professional designers to help us develop our vision for Mobilizon. We took time to study the {digital_habits} in order to understand the features they need to gather, organize, and mobilize.": "Wir haben professionelle Designer:innen gebeten, uns bei der Entwicklung der Vision von Mobilizon zu helfen. Wir haben uns Zeit genommen, die {digital_habits} zu untersuchen und zu verstehen, welche Funktionalitäten wir benötigen, um zusammenzukommen, zu organisieren und zu mobilisieren.",
"We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):": "Vielen Dank für Deine Rückmeldung. Wir werden die Software verbessern. Es gibt zwei Möglichkeiten, um uns dieses Problem mitzuteilen (beider erfordern leider das Anlegen eines eigenen Benutzerkontos):'",
"We just sent an email to {email}": "Wir haben gerade eine E-Mail an {email} gesendet",
"We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time.": "Wir nutzen Ihre Zeitzone, um sicherzustellen, dass Sie Benachrichtigungen für eine Veranstaltung zur richtigen Zeit erhalten.",
"We want to develop a <b>digital common</b>, that everyone can make their own, which respects <b>privacy and activism by design</b>.": "Wir wollen ein <b>digitales Gemeingut</b> schaffen, das jeder selbst mitgestalten kann, das <b>Privatsphäre und Aktivismus</b> respektiert.",
@ -836,6 +848,7 @@
"Welcome back!": "Willkommen zurück!",
"Welcome on your administration panel": "Willkommen in deiner Administrationsansicht",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Willkommen zu Mobilizon, {username}!",
"What can I do to help?": "Was kann ich tun, wenn ich helfen möchte?",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Wenn ein Moderator der Gruppe ein Ereignis erstellt und es der Gruppe zuordnet, wird es hier angezeigt.",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Wer kann diese Veranstaltung sehen und daran teilnehmen kann",
"Who can view this post": "Wer kann diesen Beitrag sehen",
@ -852,7 +865,7 @@
"You are not part of any group.": "Sie sind kein Teil einer Gruppe.",
"You are participating in this event anonymously": "Sie nehmen anonym an dieser Veranstaltung teil",
"You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "Sie nehmen an dieser Veranstaltung anonym teil, haben aber Ihre Teilnahme noch nicht bestätigt",
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Sie können Tags hinzufügen, indem Sie Enter drücken oder ein Komma hinzufügen",
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Sie können Tags hinzufügen, indem Sie Enter drücken oder durch ein Komma trennen",
"You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Sie können Ihre Zeitzone in den Einstellungen festlegen.",
"You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Sie können einen anderen Suchbegriff verwenden oder die Markierung auf der Karte verschieben",
"You can't change your password because you are registered through {provider}.": "Sie können Ihr Passwort nicht ändern, weil Sie über {provider} angemeldet sind.",
@ -885,7 +898,7 @@
"Your account has been validated": "Ihr Account wurde validiert",
"Your account is being validated": "Ihr Account wird validiert",
"Your account is nearly ready, {username}": "Ihr Account ist fast bereit, {username}",
"Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "Ihre aktuelle E-Mail-Adresse ist {email}. Nutzen Sie sie zum Einloggen.",
"Your current email is {email}. You use it to log in.": "Ihre aktuelle E-Mail-Adresse ist {email}. Diese kann zum Anmelden verwendet werden.",
"Your email": "Ihre E-Mail",
"Your email address was automatically set based on your {provider} account.": "Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wurde automatisch basierend auf Ihrem {provider}-Account gesetzt.",
"Your email has been changed": "Deine E-Mail-Adresse wurde geändert",
@ -951,6 +964,7 @@
"{count} team members": "{count} Teammitglieder",
"{group}'s events": "{group} Events",
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} ist eine Instanz der {mobilizon}-Software.",
"{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community.": "{instanceName} ist eine Instanz von {mobilizon_link}. Es ist eine freie Software, aus einer gemeinschaftlichen Entwicklung.",
"{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who will use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} garantiert den {respect} der Leute die es Nutzen. Da {sources}, kann jeder ihn einsehen und analysieren, was Tranzparenz verspricht.",
"{moderator} added a note on {report}": "{moderator} hat eine Notiz zu {report} hinzugefügt",
"{moderator} closed {report}": "{moderator} hat die Meldung {report} geschlossen",

View file

@ -68,6 +68,7 @@
"Allow all comments": "Permitir todos los comentarios",
"Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Permitir todos los comentarios de los usuarios registrados",
"Allow registrations": "Permitir registros",
"An error has occured. Sorry about that. You may try to reload the page.": "Ha ocurrido un error. Lo siento por eso. Puede intentar volver a cargar la página.",
"An error has occurred.": "Se ha producido un error.",
"An ethical alternative": "Una alternativa ética",
"An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance.": "Una instancia es una versión instalada del software Mobilizon que se ejecuta en un servidor. Cualquier persona que utilice {mobilizon_software} u otras aplicaciones federadas, también conocido como \"fediverse\", puede ejecutar una instancia. El nombre de esta instancia es {nombre_instancia}. Mobilizon es una red federada de múltiples instancias (al igual que los servidores de correo electrónico), los usuarios registrados en diferentes instancias pueden comunicarse aunque no se hayan registrado en la misma instancia.",
@ -149,6 +150,7 @@
"Contact": "Contacto",
"Continue editing": "Continua editando",
"Cookies and Local storage": "Cookies y almacenamiento local",
"Copy details to clipboard": "Copiar detalles al portapapeles",
"Country": "País",
"Create": "Crear",
"Create a calc": "Crear un calco",
@ -255,6 +257,9 @@
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. Mobilizon.org's terms are provided as template.": "Introduzca sus propios términos. Etiquetas HTML permitidas. Los términos de Mobilizon.org se proporcionan como plantilla.",
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template.": "Ingrese sus propios términos. Etiquetas HTML permitidas. Los {mobilizon_terms} se proporcionan como plantilla.",
"Error": "Error",
"Error details copied!": "¡Se copiaron los detalles del error!",
"Error message": "Mensaje de error",
"Error stacktrace": "Seguimiento de errores",
"Error while changing email": "Error al cambiar el correo electrónico",
"Error while communicating with the server.": "Error al comunicarse con el servidor.",
"Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way.": "Error al iniciar sesión con {provider}. Vuelva a intentarlo o inicie sesión de otra manera.",
@ -545,6 +550,8 @@
"Only group members can access discussions": "Solo los miembros del grupo pueden acceder a las discusiones",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Solo los moderadores de grupo pueden crear, editar y eliminar publicaciones.",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Open a topic on our forum": "Abrir un tema en nuestro foro",
"Open an issue on our bug tracker (advanced users)": "Abrir un problema en nuestro rastreador de errores (usuarios avanzados)",
"Opened reports": "Informes abiertos",
"Or": "O",
"Organize and take action, freely": "Organiza y actua, libremente",
@ -583,6 +590,7 @@
"Pick a profile or a group": "Elige un perfil o un grupo",
"Pick an identity": "Elige una identidad",
"Pick an instance": "Elige una instancia",
"Please add as many details as possible to help identify the problem.": "Agregue tantos detalles como sea posible para ayudar a identificar el problema.",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Verifique su carpeta de correo no deseado (spam) si no recibió el correo electrónico.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Póngase en contacto con el administrador de Mobilizon de esta instancia si cree que esto es un error.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Por favor, no lo use de ninguna manera real.",
@ -714,6 +722,7 @@
"Suspend group": "Suspender grupo",
"Suspended": "Suspendido",
"Task lists": "Listas de tareas",
"Technical details": "Detalles técnicos",
"Tentative": "Tentativa",
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Intento: se confirmará más tarde",
"Terms": "Condiciones",
@ -749,6 +758,7 @@
"The password provided is invalid": "La contraseña proporcionada no es válida",
"The password was successfully changed": "La contraseña fue cambiada con éxito",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "El informe se enviará a los moderadores de su instancia. Puede explicar por qué declara este contenido a continuación.",
"The technical details of the error can help developers solve the problem more easily. Please add them to your feedback.": "Los detalles técnicos del error pueden ayudar a los desarrolladores a resolver el problema más fácilmente. Agrégalos a tus comentarios.",
"The user account you're trying to login as has not been confirmed yet. Check your email inbox and eventually your spam folder.": "La cuenta de usuario que está intentando iniciar sesión aún no se ha confirmado. Verifique su bandeja de entrada de correo electrónico y eventualmente su carpeta de correo no deseado.",
"The username is a unique identifier of your account on this and all the other instances. It's as unique as an email address, which makes it easy for other people to interact with it.": "El nombre de usuario es un identificador único de su cuenta en esta y todas las demás instancias. Es tan único como una dirección de correo electrónico, lo que facilita que otras personas interactúen con él.",
"The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Se utilizará {default_privacy_policy}. Se traducirán en el idioma del usuario.",
@ -802,6 +812,7 @@
"Type or select a date…": "Escriba o seleccione una fecha …",
"URL": "URL",
"URL copied to clipboard": "URL copiada al portapapeles",
"Unable to copy to clipboard": "No se puede copiar al portapapeles",
"Unable to detect timezone.": "No se pudo detectar la zona horaria.",
"Unable to load event for participation. The error details are provided below:": "No se puede cargar el evento para participar. Los detalles del error se proporcionan a continuación:",
"Unable to save your participation in this browser.": "No se puede guardar su participación en este navegador.",
@ -846,6 +857,7 @@
"We asked professional designers to help us develop our vision for Mobilizon. We took time to study the {digital_habits} in order to understand the features they need to gather, organize, and mobilize so that right from its conception, Mobilizon would {fit_needs_uses_people} who are going to use it.": "Le pedimos a diseñadores profesionales que nos ayudaran a desarrollar nuestra visión de Mobilizon. Nos tomamos un tiempo para estudiar los {digital_habits} a fin de comprender las funciones que necesitan para recopilar, organizar y movilizar de modo que, desde su concepción, Mobilizon {fit_needs_uses_people} vaya a usarlo.",
"We asked professional designers to help us develop our vision for Mobilizon. We took time to study the {digital_habits} in order to understand the features they need to gather, organize, and mobilize.": "Pedimos a los diseñadores profesionales que nos ayuden a desarrollar nuestra visión para Mobilizon. Nos tomamos el tiempo de estudiar los {digital_habits} para comprender las características que necesitan para reunir, organizar y movilizar.",
"We cant change the world from within Facebook. The tool we dream of, surveillance capitalism corporations wont develop, as they cannot profit from it. This is an opportunity to build something better, by taking another approach.": "No podemos cambiar el mundo desde Facebook. La herramienta con la que soñamos, las corporaciones del capitalismo de vigilancia no la desarrollarán, ya que no pueden beneficiarse de ella. Esta es una oportunidad para construir algo mejor, adoptando otro enfoque.",
"We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):": "Mejoramos este software gracias a sus comentarios. Para informarnos sobre este problema, hay dos posibilidades (ambas lamentablemente requieren la creación de una cuenta de usuario): '",
"We just sent an email to {email}": "Acabamos de enviar un correo electrónico a {email}",
"We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time.": "Usamos su zona horaria para asegurarnos de que reciba notificaciones de un evento en el momento correcto.",
"We want to develop a <b>digital common</b> that everyone can make their own, one which respects <b>privacy and activism by design</b>.": "Queremos desarrollar un <b> común digital </b> que todos puedan crear, uno que respete <b> la privacidad y el activismo por diseño </b>.",
@ -861,6 +873,7 @@
"Welcome back!": "¡Bienvenido de nuevo!",
"Welcome on your administration panel": "Bienvenido en tu panel de administración",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "¡Bienvenido a Mobilizon, {username}!",
"What can I do to help?": "¿Que puedo hacer para ayudar?",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Cuando un moderador del grupo crea un evento y lo atribuye al grupo, se mostrará aquí.",
"When someone from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Cuando alguien del grupo crea un evento y lo atribuye al grupo, se mostrará aquí.",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Quién puede ver este evento y participar",
@ -978,6 +991,7 @@
"{count} team members": "{count} miembros del equipo",
"{group}'s events": "Eventos de {group}",
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} es una instancia de lsoftware {mobilizon .",
"{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community.": "{instanceName} es una instancia de {mobilizon_link}, un software gratuito creado con la comunidad.",
"{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} garantiza {respeto} a las personas que lo utilizan. Desde {fuente}, cualquiera puede auditarlo, lo que garantiza su transparencia.",
"{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who will use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} garantiza {respect} de las personas que lo usarán. Desde {source}, cualquiera puede auditarlo, lo que garantiza su transparencia.",
"{moderator} added a note on {report}": "{moderator} agregó una nota en{report}",

View file

@ -62,6 +62,7 @@
"Allow all comments": "Permitir tódolos comentarios",
"Allow all comments from users with accounts": "Permitir comentarios de usuarias conectadas",
"Allow registrations": "Permitir o rexistro",
"An error has occured. Sorry about that. You may try to reload the page.": "Algo fallou, lamentámolo. Podes intentar recargar a páxina.",
"An error has occurred.": "Aconteceu un erro.",
"An ethical alternative": "Unha alternativa ética",
"An instance is an installed version of the Mobilizon software running on a server. An instance can be run by anyone using the {mobilizon_software} or other federated apps, aka the “fediverse”. This instance's name is {instance_name}. Mobilizon is a federated network of multiple instances (just like email servers), users registered on different instances may communicate even though they didn't register on the same instance.": "Unha instancia é unha versión do software Mobilizon instalada nun servidor. Calquera persoa pode instalar unha instancia usando o {mobilizon_software} ou outras apps federadas, coñecidas como \"fediverso\". O nome desta instancia é {instance_name}. Mobilizon é unha rede federada de múltiples instancias (como os servidores de email), usuarias rexistradas en diferentes servidores que poden comunicarse incluso se non están rexistradas na mesma instancia.",
@ -140,6 +141,7 @@
"Contact": "Contactar",
"Continue editing": "Continuar editando",
"Cookies and Local storage": "Cookies e Almacenaxe Local",
"Copy details to clipboard": "Copiar detalles ao portapapeis",
"Country": "País",
"Create": "Crear",
"Create a calc": "Crear folla cálculo",
@ -238,6 +240,9 @@
"Enter your own privacy policy. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_privacy_policy} is provided as template.": "Escribe a túa propia política de privacidade. Permítese marcado HTML. A {mobilizon_privacy_policy} proporciónase como modelo.",
"Enter your own terms. HTML tags allowed. The {mobilizon_terms} are provided as template.": "Escribe os teus propios termos. Permítese o marcado HTML. Os {mobilizon_terms} proporciónanse como modelo.",
"Error": "Erro",
"Error details copied!": "Detalles do erro copiados!",
"Error message": "Mensaxe do erro",
"Error stacktrace": "Informe do erro",
"Error while changing email": "Fallo ó cambiar o email",
"Error while communicating with the server.": "Fallo de comunicación co servidor.",
"Error while login with {provider}. Retry or login another way.": "Erro ó conectar con {provider}. Reintentar ou conectar doutro xeito.",
@ -508,6 +513,8 @@
"Only group members can access discussions": "Só os membros do grupo poden acceder ás conversas",
"Only group moderators can create, edit and delete posts.": "Só as moderadoras do grupo poden crear, editar e eliminar publicacións.",
"Open": "Abrir",
"Open a topic on our forum": "Abrir un tema no noso foro",
"Open an issue on our bug tracker (advanced users)": "Abrir un informe no noso seguimento de fallos (usuarias avanzadas)",
"Opened reports": "Denuncias abertas",
"Or": "Ou",
"Organize and take action, freely": "Organiza e empodérate, libremente",
@ -543,6 +550,7 @@
"Pick a profile or a group": "Escolle un perfil ou un grupo",
"Pick an identity": "Escolle unha identidade",
"Pick an instance": "Escolle unha instancia",
"Please add as many details as possible to help identify the problem.": "Por favor engade tódolos detalles posibles para axudarnos a identificar o problema.",
"Please check your spam folder if you didn't receive the email.": "Comproba o cartafol de spam se non recibiches o email.",
"Please contact this instance's Mobilizon admin if you think this is a mistake.": "Contacta coa administración da instancia Mobilizon se cres que é un erro.",
"Please do not use it in any real way.": "Non o utilices para eventos reais.",
@ -664,6 +672,7 @@
"Suspend group": "Suspende grupo",
"Suspended": "Suspendida",
"Task lists": "Listas de tarefas",
"Technical details": "Detalles técnicos",
"Tentative": "Provisional",
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Tentativa: será confirmada máis tarde",
"Terms": "Termos",
@ -693,6 +702,7 @@
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "A páxina que buscas non existe.",
"The password was successfully changed": "Cambiouse correctamente o contrasinal",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "A denuncia vaise enviar á moderación da instancia. Podes explicar aquí abaixo as razóns para denunciar.",
"The technical details of the error can help developers solve the problem more easily. Please add them to your feedback.": "Os detalles técnicos do erro axudan ás desenvolvedoras a solucionar o problema máis facilmente. Engádeos ao teu informe.",
"The {default_privacy_policy} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Vaise usar a {default_privacy_policy} e será traducida ó idioma da usuaria.",
"The {default_terms} will be used. They will be translated in the user's language.": "Serán utilizados os {default_terms}. Serán traducidos ó idioma da usuaria.",
"There are {participants} participants.": "Hai {participants} participantes.",
@ -739,6 +749,7 @@
"Type or select a date…": "Escribe o elixe unha data…",
"URL": "URL",
"URL copied to clipboard": "URL copiado ó portapapeis",
"Unable to copy to clipboard": "Non se puido copiar ao portapapeis",
"Unable to detect timezone.": "Non se detectou a zona horaria.",
"Unable to load event for participation. The error details are provided below:": "Non se puido cargar a participación no evento. Aquí abaixo tes detalles do erro:",
"Unable to save your participation in this browser.": "Non se puido gardar a túa participación neste navegador.",
@ -777,6 +788,7 @@
"Warning": "Aviso",
"We asked professional designers to help us develop our vision for Mobilizon. We took time to study the {digital_habits} in order to understand the features they need to gather, organize, and mobilize so that right from its conception, Mobilizon would {fit_needs_uses_people} who are going to use it.": "Pedímoslle a deseñadoras profesionais que nos axuden a desenvolver as nosas ideas para Mobilizon. Levounos tempo estudar os {digital_habits} para poder comprender as características que se precisan para xuntar, organizar e mobilizar e que desde os seus comezos Mobilizon {fit_needs_uses_people} das persoas que a usen.",
"We cant change the world from within Facebook. The tool we dream of, surveillance capitalism corporations wont develop, as they cannot profit from it. This is an opportunity to build something better, by taking another approach.": "Non podemos cambiar o mundo desde dentro de Facebook. A ferramenta que precisamos non nola vai dar o capitalismo de vixilancia, porque non pode sacar cartos dela. Esta é unha oportunidade para construír algo mellor, adoptando un enfoque diferente.",
"We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):": "Melloramos este software grazas á túa colaboración. Infórmanos acerca deste asunto, tes dúas posibilidades (desafortunadamente as dúas requiren a creación dunha conta):'",
"We just sent an email to {email}": "Enviámosche un email a {email}",
"We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time.": "Usamos a túa zona horaria para asegurarnos de que recibes as notificacións para o evento na hora correcta.",
"We want to develop a <b>digital common</b> that everyone can make their own, one which respects <b>privacy and activism by design</b>.": "Queremos desenvolver un <b>ben común dixital</b> que todas poidamos desfrutar, que por deseño respecte a <b>privacidade e o activismo</b>.",
@ -789,6 +801,7 @@
"Welcome back {username}!": "Benvida {username}!",
"Welcome back!": "Benvida!",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Benvida a Mobilizon, {username}!",
"What can I do to help?": "Que podo facer para axudar?",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Aquí aparecerá un evento cando un moderador do grupo o cree e o atribúa ó grupo.",
"When someone from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Cando alguén do grupo crea un evento e o atribúe ó grupo, aparecerá aquí.",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Quen pode ver e participar neste evento",
@ -895,6 +908,7 @@
"{count} team members": "{count} membros do equipo",
"{group}'s events": "Eventos de {group}",
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} é unha instancia do software {mobilizon}.",
"{instanceName} is an instance of {mobilizon_link}, a free software built with the community.": "{instanceName} é unha instancia de {mobilizon_link}, software libre feito para a comunidade.",
"{license} guarantees {respect} of the people who use it. Since {source}, anyone can audit it, which guarantees its transparency.": "{license} garante o {respect} polas persoas que a usan. Desde {source}, calquera pode auditar o código, o que garante a súa transparencia.",
"{moderator} added a note on {report}": "{moderator} engadeu unha nota a {report}",
"{moderator} closed {report}": "{moderator} pechou {report}",

View file

@ -1 +1,3 @@
"Gather ⋅ Organize ⋅ Mobilize": "Собирай ⋅ Организуй ⋅ Мобилизуй"

View file

@ -4,6 +4,7 @@
"@{username} ({role})": "@{username} ({role})",
"A user-friendly, emancipatory and ethical tool for gathering, organising, and mobilising.": "Uporabniku prijazno, emancipatorno in etično orodje za zbiranje, organiziranje in mobilizacijo.",
"A validation email was sent to {email}": "E-pošta za potrditev je bla poslana na {email}",
"API": "API",
"Abandon editing": "Opusti urejanje",
"About Mobilizon": "O Mobilizon-u",
"About this event": "O tem dogodku",
@ -11,6 +12,9 @@
"Accept": "Sprejmi",
"Accepted": "Sprejet",
"Account": "Račun",
"Actions": "Dejanja",
"Activated": "Dejavno",
"Active": "Aktivno",
"Actor": "Igralec",
"Add": "Dodaj",
"Add a group": "Dodaj supino",
@ -24,11 +28,16 @@
"Admin": "Skrbnik",
"Admin settings successfully saved.": "Nastavitve skrbnika so bile uspešno shranjene.",
"Administration": "Skrbništvo",
"Administrator": "Skrbnik",
"All good, let's continue!": "Vse je dobro, nadaljujmo!",
"All the places have already been taken": "Vsa mesta so zasedena|Eno mesto je še na voljo|{places} mest je še na voljo",
"Allow registrations": "Dovoli registracije",
"An “application programming interface” or “API” is a communication protocol that allows software components to communicate with each other. The Mobilizon API, for example, can allow third-party software tools to communicate with Mobilizon instances to carry out certain actions, such as posting events on your behalf, automatically and remotely.": "\"Vmesnik za namensko programiranje\" ali \"API\" je komunikacijski protokol, ki komponentam programske opreme omogoča medsebojno komunikacijo. API Mobilizon, na primer, lahko dovoli programskim orodjem tretjih oseb, da komunicirajo z Mobilizon vozlišči, da samodejno in na daljavo izvedejo določena dejanja, na primer objavljanje dogodkov v vašem imenu.",
"And {number} comments": "In {number} komentarjev",
"Anonymous participant": "Anonimni udeleženec",
"Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.": "Anonimni udeleženci bodo morali svojo udeležbo potrditi preko e-pošte.",
"Anonymous participations": "Anonimni udeleženci",
"Application": "Program",
"Are you really sure you want to delete your whole account? You'll lose everything. Identities, settings, events created, messages and participations will be gone forever.": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite izbrisati celoten račun? Izgubili boste vse. Identitete, nastavitve, ustvarjeni dogodki, sporočila in udeležbe bodo za vedno izbrisane.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this comment? This action cannot be undone.": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite <b>izbrisati</b> ta komentar? Tega dejanja ni mogoče razveljaviti.",
"Are you sure you want to <b>delete</b> this event? This action cannot be undone. You may want to engage the discussion with the event creator or edit its event instead.": "Ali ste prepričani, da želite <b>izbrisati</b> ta dogodek? Tega dejanja ni mogoče razveljaviti. Morda boste želeli sodelovati v razpravi z ustvarjalcem dogodka ali urediti njegov dogodek.",
@ -40,6 +49,7 @@
"Avatar": "Podoba",
"Back to previous page": "Nazaj na prejšnjo stran",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Preden se lahko prijavite, morate klikniti na povezavo znotraj njega, da potrdite svoj račun.",
"Begins on": "Začne se v",
"Bold": "Krepko",
"By @{group}": "Avtor @{group}",
"By @{username}": "Od @{username}",
@ -54,6 +64,7 @@
"Change my email": "Spremeni moj e-poštni naslov",
"Change my identity…": "Spremeni mojo identiteto …",
"Change my password": "Spremeni moje geslo",
"Change timezone": "Spremeni časovni pas",
"Clear": "Izbriši",
"Click to select": "Kliknite za izbiro",
"Click to upload": "Kliknite za pošiljanje",
@ -65,9 +76,12 @@
"Comments": "Komentarji",
"Confirm my participation": "Potrdi mojo udeležbo",
"Confirm my particpation": "Potrdi mojo udeležbo",
"Confirmed": "Potrjeno",
"Confirmed at": "Potrjeno ob",
"Confirmed: Will happen": "Potrjeno: Zgodilo se bo",
"Contact": "Kontakt",
"Continue editing": "Nadaljuj z urejanjem",
"Cookies and Local storage": "Piškotki in lokalna shramba",
"Country": "Država",
"Create": "Ustvari",
"Create a calc": "Ustvari tabelo",
@ -88,6 +102,7 @@
"Custom": "Po meri",
"Custom URL": "URL po meri",
"Custom text": "Besedilo po meri",
"Daily email summary": "Dnevni povzetek po e-pošti",
"Dashboard": "Nadzorna plošča",
"Date": "Datum",
"Date and time": "Datum in čas",
@ -111,9 +126,11 @@
"Deleting my account will delete all of my identities.": "Če izbrišete račun, se izbrišejo vse moje identitete.",
"Deleting your Mobilizon account": "Brisanje računa Mobilizon",
"Description": "Opis",
"Disabled": "Onemogočeno",
"Discussions": "Razprave",
"Display name": "Prikazno ime",
"Display participation price": "Prikaži ceno udeležbe",
"Do not receive any mail": "Ne prejemaj nobene e-pošte",
"Domain": "Domena",
"Draft": "Osnutek",
"Drafts": "Osnutki",
@ -126,9 +143,11 @@
"Either the email has already been changed, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Ali je bil e-poštni naslov že spremenjen, ali je žeton za preverjanje veljavnosti napačen.",
"Either the participation request has already been validated, either the validation token is incorrect.": "Ali je bila prošnja za udeležbo že potrjena, ali je žeton za preverjanje veljavnosti napačen.",
"Email": "E-pošta",
"Email address": "E-poštni naslov",
"Email notifications": "Obvestila po e-pošti",
"Ends on…": "Se konča …",
"Enter the link URL": "Vnesite URL povezave",
"Enter your email address below, and we'll email you instructions on how to change your password.": "Spodaj vnesite svoj e-poštni naslov, mi pa vam bomo poslali navodila, kako spremeniti geslo.",
"Error while changing email": "Napaka pri spreminjanju e-poštnega naslova",
"Error while validating account": "Napaka pri preverjanju veljavnosti računa",
"Error while validating participation request": "Napaka pri preverjanju veljavnosti računa",
@ -142,6 +161,7 @@
"Event {eventTitle} deleted": "Dogodek {eventTitle} je izbrisan",
"Event {eventTitle} reported": "Dogodek {eventTitle} je prijavljen",
"Events": "Dogodki",
"Everything": "Vse",
"Ex: mobilizon.fr": "Npr.: mobilizon.fr",
"Ex: someone@mobilizon.org": "Npr.: nekdo@mobilizon.org",
"Explore": "Razišči",
@ -153,6 +173,7 @@
"Followings": "",
"For instance: London, Taekwondo, Architecture…": "Na primer: London, taekwondo, arhitektura …",
"Forgot your password ?": "Ste pozabili geslo?",
"Forgot your password?": "Ste pozabili geslo?",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate}": "Od {startDate} ob {startTime}, do {endDate}",
"From the {startDate} at {startTime} to the {endDate} at {endTime}": "Od {startDate} ob {startTime}, do {endDate} ob {endTime}",
"From the {startDate} to the {endDate}": "Od {startDate}, do {endDate}",
@ -160,6 +181,7 @@
"General": "Splošno",
"General information": "Splošne informacije",
"Getting location": "Pridobivanje lokacije",
"Glossary": "Slovar",
"Go": "Pojdi",
"Group Members": "Člani skupine",
"Group name": "Ime skupine",
@ -168,6 +190,9 @@
"Headline picture": "Naslovna slika",
"Hide replies": "Skrij odgovore",
"Home": "Domov",
"Home to {number} users": "Dom {number} uporabnikom",
"Hourly email summary": "Urni povzetek po e-pošti",
"I agree to the {instanceRules} and {termsOfService}": "Strinjam se s {instanceRules} in {termsOfService}",
"I create an identity": "Ustvarim identiteto",
"I don't have a Mobilizon account": "Nimam Mobilizon računa",
"I have a Mobilizon account": "Imam Mobilizon račun",
@ -181,39 +206,55 @@
"If an account with this email exists, we just sent another confirmation email to {email}": "Če račun s tem e-poštnim naslovom obstaja, smo pravkar poslali novo potrditveno e-pošto na {email}",
"If this identity is the only administrator of some groups, you need to delete them before being able to delete this identity.": "Če je ta identiteta edini skrbnik katerih skupin, jih morate izbrisati, preden lahko izbrišete identiteto.",
"If you want, you may send a message to the event organizer here.": "Če želite, lahko tukaj pošljete sporočilo organizatorju dogodka.",
"In the following context, an application is a software, either provided by the Mobilizon team or by a 3rd-party, used to interact with your instance.": "V naslednjem kontekstu je program programska oprema, ki jo je zagotovila skupina Mobilizon ali neodvisna stranka in se uporablja za interakcijo z vašim vozliščem.",
"Instance": "Vozlišče",
"Instance Name": "Ime vozlišča",
"Instance Rules": "Pravila vozlišča",
"Instance Terms": "Pogoji uporabe vozlišča",
"Instance Terms Source": "Viri pogojev uporabe vozlišča",
"Instance Terms URL": "URL pogojev uporabe vozlišča",
"Instance administrator": "Skrbnik vozlišča",
"Instance configuration": "Nastavitve vozlišča",
"Instance rules": "Pravila vozlišča",
"Instance settings": "Nastavitve vozlišča",
"Instances": "Vozlišča",
"Invite a new member": "Povabi novega člana",
"Invite member": "Povabi člana",
"Italic": "Ležeče",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Pridruži se <b>{instance}</b>, ki je Mobilizon vozlišče",
"Language": "Jezik",
"Last published event": "Zadnji objavljeni dogodek",
"Last week": "Prejšnji teden",
"Latest posts": "Zadnje objave",
"Learn more about Mobilizon": "Preberite več o Mobilizonu",
"Leave event": "Zapusti dogodek",
"Leaving event \"{title}\"": "Zapuščanje dogodka »{title}«",
"Legal": "Pravno",
"Let's define a few settings": "Določimo nekaj nastavitev",
"License": "Licenca",
"Limited number of places": "Omejeno število mest",
"List title": "Naslov seznama",
"Load more": "Naloži več",
"Local": "Lokalno",
"Location": "Lokacija",
"Log in": "Vpiši se",
"Log out": "Odjava",
"Login": "Prijava",
"Login on Mobilizon!": "Prijava v Mobilizon!",
"Login on {instance}": "Prijava v {instance}",
"Login status": "Stanje prijave",
"Manage participations": "Upravljaj udeležbe",
"Mark as resolved": "Označi kot razrešeno",
"Members": "Člani",
"Message": "Sporočilo",
"Mobilizon": "Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon is a federated network. You can interact with this event from a different server.": "Mobilizon je združeno omrežje. S tem dogodkom lahko komunicirate z drugega strežnika.",
"Mobilizon software": "Programska oprema Mobilizon",
"Mobilizon version": "Mobilizon različica",
"Mobilizon will send you an email when the events you are attending have important changes: date and time, address, confirmation or cancellation, etc.": "Mobilizon vam bo poslal e-pošto, ko se bodo dogodki, ki se jih udeležujete, spremenili: datum in čas, naslov, potrditev ali odpoved itd.",
"Moderated comments (shown after approval)": "Moderirani komentarji (prikazani po odobritvi)",
"Moderation log": "Dnevnik moderiranja",
"Moderator": "Moderator",
"Move": "Premakni",
"My account": "Moj račun",
"My events": "Moji dogodki",
@ -240,16 +281,26 @@
"No instance to reject|Reject instance|Reject {number} instances": "Nobenega vozlišča za zavrnitev|Zavrni vozlišče|Zavrni {number} vozlišč",
"No instance to remove|Remove instance|Remove {number} instances": "Nobenega vozlišča za odstranitev|Odstrani vozlišče|Odstrani {number} vozlišč",
"No message": "Ni sporočil",
"No moderation logs yet": "Nobenega dnevnika moderiranja še ni",
"No one is going to this event": "Nihče ne gre na ta dogodek|Ena oseba gre|{going} oseb gre",
"No open reports yet": "Še ni odprtih poročil",
"No participant matches the filters": "Noben udeleženec se ne ujema s filtri",
"No participant to approve|Approve participant|Approve {number} participants": "Nobenega udeleženca za odobritev|Odobri udeleženca|Odobri {number} udeležencev",
"No participant to reject|Reject participant|Reject {number} participants": "Nobenega udeleženca za zavrnitev|Zavrni udeleženca|Zavrni {number} udeležencev",
"No profile matches the filters": "Noben profil se ne ujema s filtri",
"No public upcoming events": "Ni javnih prihajajočih dogodkov",
"No resolved reports yet": "Še ni razrešenih poročil",
"No resources selected": "Izbran ni noben vir|En vir je izbran|{count} virov je izbranih",
"No results for \"{queryText}\"": "Ni rezultatov za \"{queryText}\"",
"No rules defined yet.": "Pravila še niso določena.",
"None": "Nihče",
"Not approved": "Ni odobreno",
"Not confirmed": "Ni potrjeno",
"Notes": "Opombe",
"Nothing to see here": "Tukaj ni ničesar za videti",
"Notification before the event": "Obvestilo pred dogodkom",
"Notification on the day of the event": "Obvestilo na dan dogodka",
"Notifications for manually approved participations to an event": "Obvestila o ročno odobrenih udeležbah na dogodku",
"Number of places": "Število mest",
"OK": "V redu",
"Old password": "Staro geslo",
@ -265,7 +316,10 @@
"Organized": "Organizirano",
"Organized by {name}": "Organizira {name}",
"Organizer": "Organizator",
"Organizer notifications": "Obvestila organizatorja",
"Organizers": "Organizatorji",
"Other": "Ostali",
"Other notification options:": "Druge možnosti obveščanja:",
"Other software may also support this.": "To lahko podpira tudi druga programska oprema.",
"Otherwise this identity will just be removed from the group administrators.": "V nasprotnem primeru bo ta identiteta odstranjena samo iz skupine skrbnikov.",
"Page": "Stran",
@ -276,7 +330,9 @@
"Participate using your email address": "Udeleži se s svojim e-poštnim naslovom",
"Participation approval": "Odobritev udeležbe",
"Participation confirmation": "Potrditev udeležbe",
"Participation notifications": "Obvestila o udeležbi",
"Participation requested!": "Udeležba zahtevana!",
"Participations": "Udeležbe",
"Password": "Geslo",
"Password (confirmation)": "Geslo (potrditev)",
"Password reset": "Ponastavitev gesla",
@ -292,9 +348,11 @@
"Post a comment": "Objavi komentar",
"Post a reply": "Objavi odgovor",
"Postal Code": "Poštna številka",
"Powered by {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} The Mobilizon Contributors - Made with the financial support of {contributors}.": "Poganja {mobilizon}. © 2018 - {date} Mobilizon sodelavci - Izdelano s finančno podporo {contributors}.",
"Preferences": "Možnosti",
"Previous page": "Prejšnja stran",
"Privacy Policy": "Pravilnik o zasebnosti",
"Privacy policy": "Politika zasebnosti",
"Private event": "Zasebni dogodek",
"Private feeds": "Zasebni viri",
"Profiles": "Profili",
@ -309,10 +367,13 @@
"Published events with <b>{comments}</b> comments and <b>{participations}</b> confirmed participations": "Objavljeni dogodki s <b>{comments}</b> komentarji in <b>{participations}</b> potrjenimi udeležbami",
"RSS/Atom Feed": "Vir RSS/Atom",
"Recap every week": "Povzetek vsak teden",
"Receive one email per request": "Na zahtevo prejmi eno e-pošto",
"Region": "Regija",
"Register on this instance": "Registriraj se na tem vozlišču",
"Registration is allowed, anyone can register.": "Registracija je dovoljena, prijavi se lahko vsak.",
"Registration is closed.": "Registracija je zaprta.",
"Registration is currently closed.": "Registracija je trenutno zaprta.",
"Registrations": "Registracije",
"Rejected": "Zavrnjeno",
"Rename": "Preimenuj",
"Rename resource": "Preimenuj vir",
@ -332,12 +393,17 @@
"Resource provided is not an URL": "Navedeni vir ni URL",
"Resources": "Viri",
"Role": "Vloga",
"Rules": "Pravila",
"Save": "Shrani",
"Save draft": "Shrani osnutek",
"Search": "Poišči",
"Search events, groups, etc.": "Poišči dogodke, skupine itd.",
"Searching…": "Iskanje…",
"Select a language": "Izberi jezik",
"Select a timezone": "Izberi časovni pas",
"Send email": "Pošlji e-pošto",
"Send the confirmation email again": "Ponovno pošlji potrditveno e-pošto",
"Send the report": "Pošlji prijavo",
"Set an URL to a page with your own terms.": "Nastavi URL na stran s svojimi pogoji.",
"Settings": "Nastavitve",
@ -347,12 +413,17 @@
"Show the time when the event begins": "Prikaži uro, ko se dogodek začne",
"Show the time when the event ends": "Prikaži uro, ko se dogodek konča",
"Sign up": "Vpis",
"Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Nekateri izrazi, tehnični ali drugačni, uporabljeni v spodnjem besedilu, lahko zajemajo pojme, ki jih je težko razumeti. Tukaj smo pripravili slovar, ki vam bo pomagal bolje jih razumeti:",
"Starts on…": "Začne se…",
"Status": "Stanje",
"Street": "Ulica",
"Submit": "Pošlji",
"Suspend": "Suspendiraj",
"Suspended": "Suspendirano",
"Task lists": "Seznami nalog",
"Tentative: Will be confirmed later": "Okvirno: kasneje bo potrjeno",
"Terms": "Pogoji",
"Terms of service": "Pogoji storitve",
"Text": "Tekst",
"The account's email address was changed. Check your emails to verify it.": "E-poštni naslov računa je bil spremenjen. Poglejte e-pošto, da preverite naslov.",
"The actual number of participants may differ, as this event is hosted on another instance.": "Dejansko število udeležencev se lahko razlikuje, saj ta dogodek gosti drugo vozlišče.",
@ -367,6 +438,7 @@
"The event organizer manually approves participations. Since you've chosen to participate without an account, please explain why you want to participate to this event.": "Organizator dogodka ročno odobri udeležbe. Ker ste se odločili za udeležbo brez računa, pojasnite, zakaj želite sodelovati na tem dogodku.",
"The event title will be ellipsed.": "Naslov dogodka bo zatemnjen.",
"The event will show the group as organizer.": "Na dogodku bo skupina prikazana kot organizator.",
"The instance administrator is the person or entity that runs this Mobilizon instance.": "Skrbnik vozlišča je fizična ali pravna oseba, ki vodi to Mobilizon vozlišče.",
"The page you're looking for doesn't exist.": "Stran, ki jo iščete, ne obstaja.",
"The password was successfully changed": "Geslo je bilo uspešno spremenjeno",
"The report will be sent to the moderators of your instance. You can explain why you report this content below.": "Poročilo bo poslano moderatorjem vašega vozlišča. Spodaj lahko razložite, zakaj prijavljate to vsebino.",
@ -375,13 +447,17 @@
"There will be no way to recover your data.": "Vaših podatkov ne bo mogoče obnoviti.",
"These events may interest you": "Ti dogodki vas lahko zanimajo",
"This Mobilizon instance and this event organizer allows anonymous participations, but requires validation through email confirmation.": "To Mobilizon vozlišče in organizator dogodkov omogočata anonimne udeležbe, vendar zahtevata potrditev po e-pošti.",
"This event has been cancelled.": "Ta dogodek je bil preklican.",
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Ta dogodek je dostopen samo prek njegove povezave. Bodite previdni, kje objavite to povezavo.",
"This identity is not a member of any group.": "Ta identiteta ni članica nobene skupine.",
"This information is saved only on your computer. Click for details": "Ti podatki so shranjeni samo na vašem računalniku. Kliknite za podrobnosti",
"This instance isn't opened to registrations, but you can register on other instances.": "To vozlišče ni odprto za registracije, lahko pa se registrirate na drugih vozliščih.",
"This is a demonstration site to test Mobilizon.": "To je demonstracijska stran za preizkušanje Mobilizona.",
"This will delete / anonymize all content (events, comments, messages, participations…) created from this identity.": "S tem boste izbrisali / anonimizirali vso vsebino (dogodke, komentarje, sporočila, udeležbe ...), ustvarjeno iz te identitete.",
"Timezone": "Časovni pas",
"Timezone detected as {timezone}.": "Časovni pas je zaznan kot {timezone}.",
"Title": "Naslov",
"To activate more notifications, head over to the notification settings.": "Če želite omogočiti več obvestil, pojdite na nastavitve obvestil.",
"To confirm, type your event title \"{eventTitle}\"": "Za potrditev vnesite naslov dogodka \"{eventTitle}\"",
"To confirm, type your identity username \"{preferredUsername}\"": "Za potrditev vnesite svoje uporabniško ime \"{preferredUsername}\"",
"Transfer to {outsideDomain}": "Prenesi na {outsideDomain}",
@ -394,12 +470,14 @@
"Unknown error.": "Neznana napaka.",
"Unsaved changes": "Neshranjene spremembe",
"Unset group": "Ponastavi skupino",
"Unsuspend": "Odsuspendiraj",
"Upcoming": "Prihajajoči",
"Upcoming events": "Prihajajoči dogodki",
"Update event {name}": "Posodobi dogodek {name}",
"Update my event": "Posodobi moj dogodek",
"Updated": "Posodobljeno",
"Use my location": "Uporabi mojo lokacijo",
"User": "Uporabnik",
"Username": "Uporabniško ime",
"Users": "Uporabniki",
"View a reply": "|Pokaži en odgovor|Pokaži {totalReplies} odgovorov",
@ -410,17 +488,21 @@
"Waiting for organization team approval.": "Čakanje na odobritev organizacijske ekipe.",
"Warning": "Opozorilo",
"We just sent an email to {email}": "Pravkar smo poslali e-pošto na naslov {email}",
"We use your timezone to make sure you get notifications for an event at the correct time.": "Vaš časovni pas uporabljamo za to, da ob pravem času prejemate obvestila o dogodku.",
"We will redirect you to your instance in order to interact with this event": "Za interakcijo s tem dogodkom vas bomo preusmerili na vaše vozlišče",
"We'll send you an email one hour before the event begins, to be sure you won't forget about it.": "Eno uro pred začetkom dogodka vam bomo poslali e-pošto, da ne boste pozabili na dogodek.",
"Website": "Spletna stran",
"Website / URL": "URL spletne strani",
"Welcome back {username}!": "Dobrodošli nazaj {username}!",
"Welcome back!": "Dobrodošli nazaj!",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Dobrodošli na Mobilizonu, {username}!",
"Who can view this event and participate": "Kdo si lahko ogleda ta dogodek in se ga udeleži",
"Who published {number} events": "Ki so objavili {number} dogodkov",
"Write something…": "Napišite nekaj …",
"You are participating in this event anonymously": "Tega dogodka se udeležujete anonimno",
"You are participating in this event anonymously but didn't confirm participation": "Tega dogodka se udeležujete anonimno, vendar niste potrdili udeležbe",
"You can add tags by hitting the Enter key or by adding a comma": "Oznake lahko dodate tako, da pritisnete tipko Enter ali z vejico",
"You can pick your timezone into your preferences.": "Časovni pas lahko izberete po svojih željah.",
"You can try another search term or drag and drop the marker on the map": "Lahko poskusite z drugim iskalnim izrazom ali povlečete in spustite oznako na zemljevidu",
"You don't follow any instances yet.": "Še nobenega vozlišča ne spremljate.",
"You have been disconnected": "Oklopljeni ste",
@ -433,6 +515,7 @@
"You need to login.": "Morate se prijaviti.",
"You will be redirected to the original instance": "Preusmerjeni boste na prvotno vozlišče",
"You wish to participate to the following event": "Želite se udeležiti naslednjega dogodka",
"You'll get a weekly recap every Monday for upcoming events, if you have any.": "Vsak ponedeljek boste dobili tedenski povzetek prihajajočih dogodkov.",
"You'll receive a confirmation email.": "Prejeli boste potrditveno e-pošto.",
"Your account has been successfully deleted": "Vaš račun je uspešno izbrisan",
"Your account has been validated": "Vaš račun je potrjen",
@ -450,18 +533,37 @@
"Your participation request is being validated": "Vaša udeležba je v procesu potrjevanja",
"Your participation status has been changed": "Vaše stanje udeležbe je bilo spremenjeno",
"Your timezone is currently set to {timezone}.": "Vaš časovni pas je trenutno nastavljen na {timezone}.",
"Your timezone was detected as {timezone}.": "Vaš časovni pas je bil zaznan kot {timezone}.",
"[This comment has been deleted]": "[Ta komentar je bil izbrisan]",
"[deleted]": "[izbrisano]",
"a non-existent report": "neobstoječe poročilo",
"as {identity}": "kot {identity}",
"default Mobilizon terms": "privzeti pogoji Mobilizona",
"e.g. 10 Rue Jangot": "npr. Kersnikova ulica 4",
"full rules": "polna pravila",
"iCal Feed": "vir iCal",
"instance rules": "pravila vozlišča",
"more than 1360 contributors": "več kot 1360 sodelavcev",
"profile@instance": "profil@vozlišče",
"report #{report_number}": "poročilo #{report_number}",
"terms of service": "pogoji storitve",
"with another identity…": "z drugo identiteto…",
"{approved} / {total} seats": "{approved} / {total} mest",
"{available}/{capacity} available places": "Prostih mest ni več|{available}/{capacity} prostih mest",
"{count} participants": "Še ni udeležencev | En udeleženec | {count} udeležencev",
"{count} requests waiting": "{count} zahtev čaka",
"{instanceName} is an instance of the {mobilizon} software.": "{instanceName} je vozlišče programske opreme {mobilizon}.",
"{moderator} added a note on {report}": "{moderator} je dodal_a opombo o {report}",
"{moderator} closed {report}": "{moderator} zaprl_a {report}",
"{moderator} deleted an event named \"{title}\"": "{moderator} je izbrisal_a dogodek z imenom \"{title}\"",
"{moderator} has deleted user {user}": "{moderator} je izbrisal_a uporabnika_co {user}",
"{moderator} has unsuspended profile {profile}": "{moderator} je odsuspendiral_a profil {profile}",
"{moderator} marked {report} as resolved": "{moderator} je označil_a {report} kot razrešeno",
"{moderator} reopened {report}": "{moderator} je ponovno odprl_a {report}",
"{moderator} suspended profile {profile}": "{moderator} je suspendiral_a profil {profile}",
"{number} organized events": "Ni organiziranih dogodkov|En organiziran dogodek|{number} organiziranih dogodkov",
"{number} participations": "Ni udeležencev|En udeleženec|{number} udeležencev",
"{profile} (by default)": "{profile} (privzeto)",
"{title} ({count} todos)": "{title} ({count} todos)",
"© The OpenStreetMap Contributors": "© The OpenStreetMap Contributors"

js/src/i18n/zh_Hant.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"About this event": "開於這個活動"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff

View file

@ -8,15 +8,15 @@
## to merge POT files into PO files.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"PO-Revision-Date: 2020-12-17 10:26+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Kate <zuyhybbjzjbsf0648ty5uqd4@systemli.org>\n"
"PO-Revision-Date: 2021-02-08 11:01+0000\n"
"Last-Translator: Valentin Bachem <vbachem@gmx.de>\n"
"Language-Team: German <https://weblate.framasoft.org/projects/mobilizon/"
"Language: de\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.1\n"
"X-Generator: Weblate 4.4.2\n"
msgid "can't be blank"
msgstr "darf nicht leer sein"
@ -55,28 +55,28 @@ msgstr[1] "sollten %{count} Zeichen sein"
msgid "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[0] "sollte ein Stück haben"
msgstr[1] "sollte %{count} Stück haben"
msgid "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at least %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[0] "sollte mindestens ein Zeichen haben"
msgstr[1] "sollte mindestens %{count} Zeichen haben"
msgid "should have at least %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have at least %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[0] "sollte mindestens einen Artikel haben"
msgstr[1] "sollte mindestens %{count} Artikel haben"
msgid "should be at most %{count} character(s)"
msgid_plural "should be at most %{count} character(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[0] "sollte höchstens ein Zeichen haben"
msgstr[1] "sollte höchstens %{count} Zeichen haben"
msgid "should have at most %{count} item(s)"
msgid_plural "should have at most %{count} item(s)"
msgstr[0] ""
msgstr[1] ""
msgstr[0] "sollte maximal einen Artikel haben"
msgstr[1] "sollte maximal %{count} Artikel haben"
msgid "must be less than %{number}"
msgstr "muss kleiner sein als %{number}"
@ -93,773 +93,773 @@ msgstr "muss größer oder gleich %{number} sein"
msgid "must be equal to %{number}"
msgstr "muss gleich %{number} sein"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:103
#, elixir-format
msgid "Cannot refresh the token"
msgstr "Der Token konnte nicht aktualisiert werden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:195
#, elixir-format
msgid "Current profile is not a member of this group"
msgstr "Aktuelles Profil ist nicht Mitglied dieser Gruppe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:199
#, elixir-format
msgid "Current profile is not an administrator of the selected group"
msgstr "Aktuelles Profil ist kein Administrator der ausgewählten Gruppe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:512
#, elixir-format
msgid "Error while saving user settings"
msgstr "Fehler beim Speichern von Benutzereinstellungen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:90 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:192
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:223 lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:258 lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:80
#, elixir-format
msgid "Group not found"
msgstr "Gruppe nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:63
#, elixir-format
msgid "Group with ID %{id} not found"
msgstr "Gruppe mit der ID %{id} nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:83
#, elixir-format
msgid "Impossible to authenticate, either your email or password are invalid."
msgstr ""
"Die Authentifizierung ist nicht möglich, entweder Ihre E-Mail oder Ihr "
"Passwort sind ungültig."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:255
#, elixir-format
msgid "Member not found"
msgstr "Mitglied wurde nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:58 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:88
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:417
#, elixir-format
msgid "No profile found for the moderator user"
msgstr "Kein Profil für den Moderator-Benutzer gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:195
#, elixir-format
msgid "No user to validate with this email was found"
msgstr ""
"Es wurde kein Benutzer gefunden, der mit dieser E-Mail validiert werden kann"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:249 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:219
#, elixir-format
msgid "No user with this email was found"
msgstr "Es wurde kein Benutzer mit dieser E-Mail gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:28
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:28 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:159
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:188 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:161 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:195
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:273 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:302 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:315
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile is not owned by authenticated user"
msgstr "Profil ist nicht im Besitz des authentifizierten Benutzers"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:125
#, elixir-format
msgid "Registrations are not open"
msgstr "Registrierungen sind nicht geöffnet"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:330
#, elixir-format
msgid "The current password is invalid"
msgstr "Das aktuelle Passwort ist ungültig"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:382
#, elixir-format
msgid "The new email doesn't seem to be valid"
msgstr "Die neue E-Mail scheint nicht gültig zu sein"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:379
#, elixir-format
msgid "The new email must be different"
msgstr "Die neue E-Mail muss anders lauten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:333
#, elixir-format
msgid "The new password must be different"
msgstr "Das neue Passwort muss anders lauten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:376 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:439
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:442
#, elixir-format
msgid "The password provided is invalid"
msgstr "Das angegebene Passwort ist ungültig"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:337
#, elixir-format
msgid "The password you have chosen is too short. Please make sure your password contains at least 6 characters."
msgstr ""
"Das von Ihnen gewählte Passwort ist zu kurz. Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass "
"Ihr Passwort mindestens 6 Zeichen enthält."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:215
#, elixir-format
msgid "This user can't reset their password"
msgstr "Dieser Benutzer kann sein Passwort nicht zurücksetzen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:79
#, elixir-format
msgid "This user has been disabled"
msgstr "Dieser Benutzer wurde deaktiviert"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:179
#, elixir-format
msgid "Unable to validate user"
msgstr "Benutzer kann nicht validiert werden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:420
#, elixir-format
msgid "User already disabled"
msgstr "Benutzer bereits deaktiviert"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:487
#, elixir-format
msgid "User requested is not logged-in"
msgstr "Angeforderter Benutzer ist nicht eingeloggt"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:229
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are already a member of this group"
msgstr "Sie sind bereits Mitglied in dieser Gruppe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:262
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't leave this group because you are the only administrator"
msgstr ""
"Sie können diese Gruppe nicht verlassen, da Sie der einzige Administrator "
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:226
#, elixir-format
msgid "You cannot join this group"
msgstr "Sie können dieser Gruppe nicht beitreten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:91
#, elixir-format
msgid "You may not list groups unless moderator."
msgstr "Sie dürfen keine Gruppen auflisten, es sei denn, Sie sind Moderator."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:387
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your email"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Ihre E-Mail zu ändern"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:345
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to change your password"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Ihr Passwort zu ändern"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:204
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete a group"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um eine Gruppe zu löschen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:447
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete your account"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Ihr Konto zu löschen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:234
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join a group"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um einer Gruppe beizutreten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:267
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave a group"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um eine Gruppe zu verlassen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:169
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update a group"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um eine Gruppe zu aktualisieren"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:108
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to have an existing token to get a refresh token"
msgstr ""
"Sie müssen ein bestehendes Token haben, um ein Refresh-Token zu erhalten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:198 lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:222
#, elixir-format
msgid "You requested again a confirmation email too soon"
msgstr "Sie haben erneut eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail zu früh angefordert"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/user.ex:128
#, elixir-format
msgid "Your email is not on the allowlist"
msgstr "Ihre E-Mail ist nicht in der Zulassungsliste enthalten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:64 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:94
#, elixir-format
msgid "Error while performing background task"
msgstr "Fehler beim Ausführen einer Hintergrundaufgabe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:27
#, elixir-format
msgid "No profile found with this ID"
msgstr "Kein Profil mit dieser ID gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:54 lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:91
#, elixir-format
msgid "No remote profile found with this ID"
msgstr "Kein entferntes Profil mit dieser ID gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:69
#, elixir-format
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can suspend a profile"
msgstr "Nur Moderatoren und Administratoren können ein Profil sperren"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:99
#, elixir-format
msgid "Only moderators and administrators can unsuspend a profile"
msgstr "Nur Moderatoren und Administratoren können ein Profil unsuspendieren"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:24
#, elixir-format
msgid "Only remote profiles may be refreshed"
msgstr "Nur entfernte Profile können aufgefrischt werden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/actor.ex:61
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile already suspended"
msgstr "Profil bereits gesperrt"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:92
#, elixir-format
msgid "A valid email is required by your instance"
msgstr "Eine gültige E-Mail wird von Ihrer Instanz benötigt"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:86
#, elixir-format
msgid "Anonymous participation is not enabled"
msgstr "Anonyme Teilnahme ist nicht möglich"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:192
#, elixir-format
msgid "Cannot remove the last administrator of a group"
msgstr "Der letzte Administrator einer Gruppe kann nicht entfernt werden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:189
#, elixir-format
msgid "Cannot remove the last identity of a user"
msgstr "Kann die letzte Identität eines Benutzers nicht entfernen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:105
#, elixir-format
msgid "Comment is already deleted"
msgstr "Kommentar ist bereits gelöscht"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:62
#, elixir-format
msgid "Discussion not found"
msgstr "Diskussion nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:58 lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:77
#, elixir-format
msgid "Error while saving report"
msgstr "Fehler beim Speichern des Reports"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:96
#, elixir-format
msgid "Error while updating report"
msgstr "Fehler beim Aktualisieren des Reports"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:127
#, elixir-format
msgid "Event id not found"
msgstr "Veranstaltungs-ID nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:89 lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:236
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:280
#, elixir-format
msgid "Event not found"
msgstr "Veranstaltung nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:83
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:124 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:156
#, elixir-format
msgid "Event with this ID %{id} doesn't exist"
msgstr "Veranstaltung mit dieser ID %{id} existiert nicht"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:99
#, elixir-format
msgid "Internal Error"
msgstr "Interner Fehler"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:186
#, elixir-format
msgid "No discussion with ID %{id}"
msgstr "Keine Diskussion mit ID %{id}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:78 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:168
#, elixir-format
msgid "No profile found for user"
msgstr "Kein Profil für Benutzer gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:63
#, elixir-format
msgid "No such feed token"
msgstr "Kein solches Feed-Token"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:237
#, elixir-format
msgid "Participant already has role %{role}"
msgstr "Teilnehmer hat bereits Rolle %{role}"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:169
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:198 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:230
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:240
#, elixir-format
msgid "Participant not found"
msgstr "Teilnehmer nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:29
#, elixir-format
msgid "Person with ID %{id} not found"
msgstr "Person mit ID %{id} nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:51
#, elixir-format
msgid "Person with username %{username} not found"
msgstr "Person mit Benutzernamen %{username} nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:167 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:200
#, elixir-format
msgid "Post ID is not a valid ID"
msgstr "Post-ID ist keine gültige ID"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:170 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:203
#, elixir-format
msgid "Post doesn't exist"
msgstr "Beitrag existiert nicht"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:83
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile invited doesn't exist"
msgstr "Eingeladenes Profil existiert nicht Eingeladenes Profil existiert nicht"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:92 lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:96
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile is already a member of this group"
msgstr ""
"Profil ist bereits Mitglied in dieser Gruppe Profil ist bereits Mitglied in "
"dieser Gruppe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:132 lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:173
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:206 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:87 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:124
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:153 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:182 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:57
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:81 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:99 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:171
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:194 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:222
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile is not member of group"
msgstr "Profil ist nicht Mitglied der Gruppe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:158 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:186
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile not found"
msgstr "Profil nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:100 lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:234
#, elixir-format
msgid "Provided moderator profile doesn't have permission on this event"
msgstr "Dieses Moderatorenprofil hat keine Berechtigung für diese Veranstaltung"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:36
#, elixir-format
msgid "Report not found"
msgstr "Meldung nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:150 lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:179
#, elixir-format
msgid "Resource doesn't exist"
msgstr "Ressource ist nicht vorhanden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:120
#, elixir-format
msgid "The event has already reached its maximum capacity"
msgstr "Die Veranstaltung hat bereits ihre maximale Kapazität erreicht"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:260
#, elixir-format
msgid "This token is invalid"
msgstr "Dieses Token ist ungültig"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:165 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:219
#, elixir-format
msgid "Todo doesn't exist"
msgstr "Todo existiert nicht"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:75 lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:191
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/todos.ex:216
#, elixir-format
msgid "Todo list doesn't exist"
msgstr "ToDo-Liste existiert nicht"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:69
#, elixir-format
msgid "Token does not exist"
msgstr "Token existiert nicht"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:66
#, elixir-format
msgid "Token is not a valid UUID"
msgstr "Token ist keine gültige UUID"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:87 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:331
#, elixir-format
msgid "User not found"
msgstr "User nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:252
#, elixir-format
msgid "You already have a profile for this user"
msgstr "Sie haben bereits ein Profil für diesen Benutzer"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:130
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are already a participant of this event"
msgstr "Sie sind bereits ein Teilnehmer dieser Veranstaltung"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:190
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not a member of the group the discussion belongs to"
msgstr "Sie sind kein Mitglied der Gruppe, zu der die Diskussion gehört"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:86
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not a member of this group"
msgstr "Sie sind nicht Mitglied in dieser Gruppe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:151
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not a moderator or admin for this group"
msgstr "Sie sind kein Moderator oder Admin für diese Gruppe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:51
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to create a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Wenn Sie nicht verbunden sind, dürfen Sie keinen Kommentar erstellen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:41
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to create a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Sie dürfen kein Feed-Token erstellen, wenn Sie nicht verbunden sind"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:110
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a comment if not connected"
msgstr "Sie dürfen einen Kommentar nicht löschen, wenn Sie nicht verbunden sind"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:78
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to delete a feed token if not connected"
msgstr "Sie dürfen ein Feed-Token nicht löschen, wenn keine Verbindung besteht"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:73
#, elixir-format
msgid "You are not allowed to update a comment if not connected"
msgstr ""
"Sie dürfen einen Kommentar nicht aktualisieren, wenn Sie nicht verbunden sind"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:163
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:192
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't leave event because you're the only event creator participant"
msgstr ""
"Sie können die Veranstaltung nicht verlassen, weil Sie der einzige "
"Teilnehmer sind, der die Veranstaltung erstellt"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:155
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't set yourself to a lower member role for this group because you are the only administrator"
msgstr ""
"Sie können sich nicht auf eine niedrigere Mitgliedsrolle für diese Gruppe "
"einstellen, da Sie der einzige Administrator sind"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/comment.ex:101
#, elixir-format
msgid "You cannot delete this comment"
msgstr "Sie können diesen Kommentar nicht löschen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:276
#, elixir-format
msgid "You cannot delete this event"
msgstr "Sie können diese Veranstaltung nicht löschen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:89
#, elixir-format
msgid "You cannot invite to this group"
msgstr "Sie können nicht in diese Gruppe einladen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/feed_token.ex:72
#, elixir-format
msgid "You don't have permission to delete this token"
msgstr "Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung diesen Token zu löschen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:52
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list action logs"
msgstr ""
"Sie müssen eingeloggt und ein Moderator sein, um Aktionsprotokolle "
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:26
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list reports"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt und ein Moderator sein, um Berichte aufzulisten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:101
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to update a report"
msgstr ""
"Sie müssen eingeloggt und ein Moderator sein, um einen Bericht zu "
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:41
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to view a report"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt und ein Moderator sein, um einen Bericht zu sehen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:236
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access admin settings"
msgstr ""
"Sie müssen angemeldet und ein Administrator sein, um auf die Admin-"
"Einstellungen zugreifen zu können"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:221
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access dashboard statistics"
msgstr ""
"Sie müssen angemeldet und ein Administrator sein, um auf die Dashboard-"
"Statistiken zugreifen zu können"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/admin.ex:260
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to save admin settings"
msgstr ""
"Sie müssen eingeloggt und ein Administrator sein, um Admin-Einstellungen zu "
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:76
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access discussions"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um auf Diskussionen zugreifen zu können"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:93
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to access resources"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um auf Ressourcen zugreifen zu können"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:211
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create events"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Ereignisse zu erstellen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:140
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create posts"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Beiträge zu erstellen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/report.ex:74
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create reports"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Berichte zu erstellen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:129
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to create resources"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Ressourcen zu erstellen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:285
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete an event"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um ein Ereignis zu löschen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:211
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete posts"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Beiträge zu löschen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:187
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to delete resources"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Ressourcen zu löschen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:104
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to join an event"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um einer Veranstaltung beizutreten"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:203
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to leave an event"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um eine Veranstaltung zu verlassen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:250
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update an event"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um ein Ereignis zu aktualisieren"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/post.ex:178
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update posts"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Beiträge zu aktualisieren"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:158
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to update resources"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um Ressourcen zu aktualisieren"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:210
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged-in to view a resource preview"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein, um eine Ressourcenvorschau zu sehen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/resource.ex:121
#, elixir-format
msgid "Parent resource doesn't belong to this group"
msgstr "Die übergeordnete Ressource gehört nicht zu dieser Gruppe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:109
#, elixir-format
msgid "The chosen password is too short."
msgstr "Das gewählte Passwort ist zu kurz."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:138
#, elixir-format
msgid "The registration token is already in use, this looks like an issue on our side."
msgstr ""
"Das Registrierungs-Token ist bereits in Gebrauch, dies sieht nach einem "
"Problem auf unserer Seite aus."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/users/user.ex:104
#, elixir-format
msgid "This email is already used."
msgstr "Diese E-Mail wird bereits verwendet."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:88
#, elixir-format
msgid "Post not found"
msgstr "Beitrag nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:75
#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid arguments passed"
msgstr "Ungültige Argumente übergeben"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:81
#, elixir-format
msgid "Invalid credentials"
msgstr "Ungültige Anmeldeinformationen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:79
#, elixir-format
msgid "Reset your password to login"
msgstr "Passwort zurücksetzen"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:86 lib/graphql/error.ex:91
#, elixir-format
msgid "Resource not found"
msgstr "Ressource nicht gefunden"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:92
#, elixir-format
msgid "Something went wrong"
msgstr "Etwas lief falsch"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:74
#, elixir-format
msgid "Unknown Resource"
msgstr "Unbekannte Ressource"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:84
#, elixir-format
msgid "You don't have permission to do this"
msgstr "Sie haben nicht die Berechtigung dies zu tun"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/error.ex:76
#, elixir-format
msgid "You need to be logged in"
msgstr "Sie müssen eingeloggt sein"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:116
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't accept this invitation with this profile."
msgstr "Sie können diese Einladung mit diesem Profil nicht annehmen."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:134
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't reject this invitation with this profile."
msgstr "Sie können diese Einladung mit diesem Profil nicht ablehnen."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/media.ex:62
#, elixir-format
msgid "File doesn't have an allowed MIME type."
msgstr "Die Datei hat keinen zulässigen MIME-Typ."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/group.ex:164
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile is not administrator for the group"
msgstr "Profil ist nicht Administrator für die Gruppe"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:239
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't edit this event."
msgstr "Sie können dieses Ereignis nicht bearbeiten."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:242
#, elixir-format
msgid "You can't attribute this event to this profile."
msgstr "Sie können dieses Ereignis nicht diesem Profil zuordnen."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:137
#, elixir-format
msgid "This invitation doesn't exist."
msgstr "Diese Einladung gibt es nicht."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:179
#, elixir-format
msgid "This member already has been rejected."
msgstr "Dieses Mitglied ist bereits abgelehnt worden."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/member.ex:186
#, elixir-format
msgid "You don't have the right to remove this member."
msgstr "Sie haben nicht das Recht, dieses Mitglied zu entfernen."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/mobilizon/actors/actor.ex:351
#, elixir-format
msgid "This username is already taken."
msgstr "Dieser Benutzername ist bereits vergeben."
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/discussion.ex:73
#, elixir-format
msgid "You must provide either an ID or a slug to access a discussion"
msgstr ""
"Sie müssen entweder eine ID oder einen Slug angeben, um auf eine Diskussion "
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/event.ex:200
#, elixir-format
msgid "Organizer profile is not owned by the user"
msgstr "Organizer-Profil ist nicht im Besitz des Benutzers"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/participant.ex:89
#, elixir-format
msgid "Profile ID provided is not the anonymous profile one"
msgstr "Die angegebene Profil-ID ist nicht die des anonymen Profils"
#, elixir-format
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:128 lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:155
#: lib/graphql/resolvers/person.ex:246
#, elixir-format
msgid "The provided picture is too heavy"
msgstr ""
msgstr "Das Bild ist zu groß"

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load diff