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mirror of https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon.git synced 2025-03-03 21:35:29 +00:00

Merge branch 'weblate-mobilizon-frontend' into 'main'

Translations update from Weblate

See merge request framasoft/mobilizon!1219
This commit is contained in:
Thomas Citharel 2022-04-27 13:20:06 +00:00
commit da80fa6235
2 changed files with 405 additions and 373 deletions

View file

@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
"Account settings": "Roghainnean a chunntais",
"Actions": "Gnìomhan",
"Activate browser push notifications": "Gnìomhaich brathan putaidh a bhrabhsair",
"Activate notifications": "Gnìomhaich na brathan",
"Activated": "An gnìomh",
"Active": "Gnìomhach",
"Activity": "Gnìomhachd",
@ -103,6 +104,7 @@
"Anonymous participant": "Freastalaiche gun ainm",
"Anonymous participants will be asked to confirm their participation through e-mail.": "Thèid iarraidh air freastalaichean gun ainm gun dearbh iad an com-pàirteachadh air a phost-d.",
"Anonymous participations": "Com-pàirteachaidhean gun ainm",
"Any category": "Roinn-seòrsa sam bith",
"Any day": "Latha sam bith",
"Any type": "Seòrsa sam bith",
"Anyone can join freely": "Faodaidh neach sam bith a dhol an sàs ann gu saor",
@ -135,6 +137,7 @@
"Back to top": "Air ais gun bhàrr",
"Back to user list": "Air ais gu liosta nan cleachdaichean",
"Banner": "Bratach",
"Become part of the community and start organizing events": "Faigh ballrachd sa choimhearsnachd agus tòisich air tachartasan a chur air dòigh",
"Before you can login, you need to click on the link inside it to validate your account.": "Mus urrainn dhut clàradh a-steach, feumaidh tu briogadh air a cheangal na broinn gus an cunntas agad a dhearbhadh.",
"Begins on": "Tòisichidh e aig",
"Big Blue Button": "Big Blue Button",
@ -158,6 +161,7 @@
"Cancel my participation…": "Sguir dhen chom-pàirteachadh agam…",
"Cancelled": "Chaidh a chur gu neoini",
"Cancelled: Won't happen": "Sguireadh dheth: Cha tachair seo",
"Category": "Roinn-seòrsa",
"Change": "Atharraich",
"Change email": "Atharraich am post-d",
"Change my email": "Atharraich am post-d agam",
@ -239,6 +243,7 @@
"Date and time": "Ceann-là s àm",
"Date and time settings": "Roghainnean a chinn-là s an ama",
"Date parameters": "Paramadairean a chinn-là",
"Deactivate notifications": "Cuir na brathan à gnìomh",
"Decline": "Diùlt",
"Decrease": "Lùghdaich",
"Default": "Bun-roghainn",
@ -365,6 +370,8 @@
"Follow": "Lean air",
"Follow a new instance": "Lean air ionstans ùr",
"Follow instance": "Lean air an ionstans",
"Follow request pending approval": "Iarrtas leantainn ri aontachadh",
"Follow requests will be approved by a group moderator": "Thèid aontachadh ri iarrtasan leantainn le maor a bhuidhinn",
"Follow status": "Staid na leantainn",
"Followed": "Ga leantainn leinne",
"Followed, pending response": "Ga leantainn leinne, a feitheamh air freagairt",
@ -392,6 +399,7 @@
"General information": "Fiosrachadh coitcheann",
"General settings": "Roghainnean coitcheann",
"Geolocation was not determined in time.": "Cha deach leis a gheò-lorgadh ri àm.",
"Get informed of the upcoming public events": "Faigh naidheachdan mu thachartasan poblach ri thighinn",
"Getting location": "A faighinn an ionaid",
"Getting there": "Mar a gheibh thu ann",
"Glossary": "Briathrachan",
@ -436,6 +444,7 @@
"I want to approve every participation request": "Tha mi airson aontachadh ris a h-uile iarrtas air com-pàirteachadh",
"I've been mentionned in a comment under an event": "Chaidh iomradh a thoirt orm ann am beachd fo thachartas",
"I've been mentionned in a group discussion": "Chaidh iomradh a thoirt orm ann an deasbad buidhinn",
"I've clicked on X, then on Y": "Briog mi air X s an uairsin air Y",
"ICS feed for events": "Inbhir ICS dha na tachartasan",
"ICS/WebCal Feed": "Inbhir ICS/WebCal",
"IP Address": "Seòladh IP",
@ -484,6 +493,7 @@
"It is possible that the content is not accessible on this instance, because this instance has blocked the profiles or groups behind this content.": "Dhfhaoidte nach gabh an t-susbaint inntrigeadh air an ionstans seo on a bhac an t-ionstans seo na pròifilean no buidhnean a tha air cùlaibh na susbainte seo.",
"Italic": "Eadailteach",
"Jitsi Meet": "Jitsi Meet",
"Join": "Faigh ballrachd",
"Join <b>{instance}</b>, a Mobilizon instance": "Faigh ballrachd air <b>{instance}</b>, seo ionstans Mobilizon",
"Join group": "Faigh ballrachd sa bhuidheann",
"Join group {group}": "Faigh ballrachd sa bhuidheann {group}",
@ -532,6 +542,7 @@
"Member": "Ball",
"Members": "Buill",
"Members-only post": "Post do bhuill a-mhàin",
"Membership requests will be approved by a group moderator": "Thèid aontachadh ri iarrtasan ballrachd le maor a bhuidhinn",
"Memberships": "Ballrachdan",
"Mentions": "Iomraidhean",
"Message": "Teachdaireachd",
@ -818,6 +829,7 @@
"Search": "Lorg",
"Search events, groups, etc.": "Lorg tachartasan, buidhnean is msaa.",
"Searching…": "Ga lorg…",
"Select a category": "Tagh roinn-seòrsa",
"Select a language": "Tagh cànan",
"Select a radius": "Tagh astar",
"Select a timezone": "Tagh roinn-tìde",
@ -825,6 +837,7 @@
"Select the activities for which you wish to receive an email or a push notification.": "Tagh na gnìomhachdan dhan fhaigh thu post-d no brath putaidh.",
"Send": "Cuir",
"Send email": "Cuir post-d",
"Send feedback": "Cuir do bheachd thugainn",
"Send notification e-mails": "Cuir puist-d bhrathan",
"Send password reset": "Cuir ath-shuidheachadh an fhacail-fhaire",
"Send the confirmation email again": "Cuir am post-d dearbhaidh a-rithist",
@ -851,6 +864,7 @@
"Skip to main content": "Thoir leum gun phrìomh shusbaint",
"Social": "Sòisealta",
"Some terms, technical or otherwise, used in the text below may cover concepts that are difficult to grasp. We have provided a glossary here to help you understand them better:": "Tha cuid dhe na faclan a tha gan cleachdadh san teacsa gu h-ìosal, co-dhiù an e faclan teicnigeach a th annta gus nach e, mu bheachdan a tha caran doirbh a thuigsinn ma dhfhaoidte. Rinn sinn briathrachan ach am bhiod e na b fhasa dhut an tuigsinn:",
"Sorry, we wen't able to save your feedback. Don't worry, we'll try to fix this issue anyway.": "Tha sinn duilich ach cha b urrainn dhuinn do bheachd a shàbhaladh. Na gabh dragh, feuchaidh sinn gun càraich sinn an duilgheadas co-dhiù.",
"Starts on…": "Àm-tòiseachaidh…",
"Status": "Staid",
"Stop following instance": "Na lean tuilleadh air an ionstans",
@ -870,6 +884,7 @@
"Terms": "Teirmichean",
"Terms of service": "Teirmichean na seirbheise",
"Text": "Teacsa",
"Thanks a lot, your feedback was submitted!": "Mòran taing, chaidh do bheachdan a chur thugainn!",
"That you follow or of which you are a member": "A tha thu a leantainn orra no nad bhall ann",
"The Big Blue Button video teleconference URL": "URL co-labhairt video Big Blue Button",
"The Google Meet video teleconference URL": "URL co-labhairt video Google Meet",
@ -943,6 +958,7 @@
"This event has been cancelled.": "Chaidh an tachartas seo a chur gu neoini.",
"This event is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Cha ghabh an tachartas seo inntrigeadh ach leis a cheangal aige. Thoir an aire mus postaich thu an ceangal seo am badeigin.",
"This group doesn't have a description yet.": "Chan eil tuairisgeul aig a bhuidheann seo fhathast.",
"This group is a remote group, it's possible the original instance has more informations.": "S e buidheann cèin a tha seo agus dhfhaoidte gu bheil barrachd fiosrachaidh aig an ionstans tùsail.",
"This group is accessible only through it's link. Be careful where you post this link.": "Cha ghabh an tachartas seo inntrigeadh ach leis a cheangal aige. Thoir an aire mus postaich thu an ceangal seo am badeigin.",
"This group is invite-only": "Feumaidh tu cuireadh airson ballrachd fhaighinn sa bhuidheann seo",
"This group was not found": "Cha deach am buidheann seo a lorg",
@ -1044,6 +1060,8 @@
"View less": "Seall nas lugha",
"View more": "Seall barrachd",
"View page on {hostname} (in a new window)": "Seall an duilleag air {hostname} (ann an uinneag ùr)",
"View past events": "Seall na tachartasan san àm a dhfhalbh",
"View the group profile on the original instance": "Faic pròifil a buidhinn air an ionstans tùsail",
"Visibility was set to an unknown value.": "Chaidh luach nach aithne dhuinn a shuidheachadh air an t-so-fhaicsinneachd.",
"Visibility was set to private.": "Chaidh so-fhaicsinneachd phrìobhaideach a shuidheachadh air.",
"Visibility was set to public.": "Chaidh so-fhaicsinneachd phoblach a shuidheachadh air.",
@ -1051,6 +1069,7 @@
"Visible everywhere on the web (public)": "Chithear air feadh an lìn e (poblach)",
"Waiting for organization team approval.": "A feitheamh air aontachadh leis an sgioba eagrachaidh.",
"Warning": "Rabhadh",
"We collect your feedback and the error information in order to improve this service.": "Cruinnichidh sinn do bheachdan agus am fiosrachadh mun mhearachd ach an doir sinn piseach air an t-seirbheis seo.",
"We couldn't save your participation inside this browser. Not to worry, you have successfully confirmed your participation, we just couldn't save it's status in this browser because of a technical issue.": "Cha b urrainn dhuinn an com-pàirteachadh agad a shàbhaladh sa bhrabhsair seo. Na gabh dragh, dhearbh thu gun gabh thu pàirt ann ach cha b urrainn dhuinn sin a shàbhaladh sa bhrabhsair seo ri linn duilgheadas teicnigeach.",
"We improve this software thanks to your feedback. To let us know about this issue, two possibilities (both unfortunately require user account creation):": "Bheir sinn piseach air a bhathar-bhog le taic do bheachdan. Tha dà dhòigh ann airson innse dhuinn mu dhèidhinn na trioblaide seo (gu mì-fhortanach, feumaidh tu cunntas a chruthachadh dhaibh):",
"We just sent an email to {email}": "Tha sinn air post-d a chur gu {email}",
@ -1066,6 +1085,7 @@
"Welcome back!": "Fàilte air ais!",
"Welcome to Mobilizon, {username}!": "Fàilte gu Mobilizon, {username}!",
"What can I do to help?": "Dè nì mi airson cuideachadh?",
"What happened?": "Dè thachair?",
"Wheelchair accessibility": "Inntrigeadh cathrach-cuibhle",
"When a moderator from the group creates an event and attributes it to the group, it will show up here.": "Nuair a chruthaicheas maor a bhuidhinn tachartas le iomruineadh dhan bhuidheann, nochdaidh e an-seo.",
"When the event is private, you'll need to share the link around.": "Nuair a bhios an tachartas prìobhaideach, feumaidh tu fhèin an ceangal a cho-roinneadh.",
@ -1124,7 +1144,9 @@
"You have one event tomorrow.": "Bidh {count} tachartas agad a-màireach| Bidh {count} thachartas agad a-màireach| Bidh {count} tachartasan agad a-màireach| Bidh {count} tachartas agad a-màireach",
"You haven't interacted with other instances yet.": "Cha do rinn thu eadar-ghnìomh le ionstans sam bith eile fhathast.",
"You invited {member}.": "Thug thu cuireadh dha {member}.",
"You may also:": "S urrainn dhut cuideachd:",
"You may clear all participation information for this device with the buttons below.": "S urrainn dhut gach fiosrachadh mun chom-pàirteachadh a shuathadh bàn on uidheam seo leis na putanan gu h-ìosal.",
"You may now close this page or {return_to_the_homepage}.": "S urrainn dhut an duilleag seo a dhùnadh a-nis no {return_to_the_homepage}.",
"You may now close this window, or {return_to_event}.": "S urrainn dhut an uinneag seo a dhùnadh a-nis no {return_to_event}.",
"You may show some members as contacts.": "Faodaidh tu cuid a bhuill a shealltainn nan luchd-aithne.",
"You moved the folder {resource} into {new_path}.": "Ghluais thu am pasgan {resource} gu {new_path}.",
@ -1176,6 +1198,7 @@
"Your email is being changed": "Tha am post-d agad ga atharrachadh",
"Your email will only be used to confirm that you're a real person and send you eventual updates for this event. It will NOT be transmitted to other instances or to the event organizer.": "Cha dèid am post-d agad a chleachdadh ach airson dearbhadh gur e neach a th annad agus airson naidheachdan a chur thugad mun tachartas seo. S ann NACH DÈID a thar-chur gu ionstansan eile no gu eagraiche an tachartais.",
"Your federated identity": "An dearbh-aithne co-naisgte agad",
"Your membership is pending approval": "Tha do bhallrachd a feitheamh ri aontachadh",
"Your membership was approved by {profile}.": "Dhaontaich {profile} gum faigh thu ballrachd.",
"Your participation has been confirmed": "Chaidh an com-pàirteachadh agad a dhearbhadh",
"Your participation has been rejected": "Chaidh an com-pàirteachadh agad a dhiùltadh",
@ -1226,6 +1249,7 @@
"profile@instance": "ainm@ionstans",
"report #{report_number}": "gearan #{report_number}",
"return to the event's page": "till gu duilleag an tachartais",
"return to the homepage": "tilleadh dhan duilleag-dhachaigh",
"terms of service": "teirmichean na seirbheise",
"with another identity…": "le dearbh-aithne eile…",
"your notification settings": "roghainnean nam brathan",

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