defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Schema.StatisticsType do @moduledoc """ Schema representation for Statistics """ use Absinthe.Schema.Notation alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.Statistics @desc "A statistics object" object :statistics do meta(:authorize, :all) # Instance name field(:number_of_users, :integer, description: "The number of local users") field(:number_of_events, :integer, description: "The total number of events") field(:number_of_local_events, :integer, description: "The number of local events") field(:number_of_comments, :integer, description: "The total number of comments") field(:number_of_local_comments, :integer, description: "The number of local events") field(:number_of_groups, :integer, description: "The total number of groups") field(:number_of_local_groups, :integer, description: "The number of local groups") field(:number_of_instance_followers, :integer, description: "The number of this instance's followers" ) field(:number_of_instance_followings, :integer, description: "The number of instances this instance follows" ) end object :category_statistics do meta(:authorize, :all) field(:key, :string, description: "The key for the category") field(:number, :integer, description: "The number of events for the given category") end object :statistics_queries do @desc "Get the instance statistics" field :statistics, :statistics do middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :all) resolve(&Statistics.get_statistics/3) end @desc "Get the instance's category statistics" field :category_statistics, list_of(:category_statistics) do middleware(Rajska.QueryAuthorization, permit: :all) resolve(&Statistics.get_category_statistics/3) end end end