defmodule Mobilizon.Service.Export.Participants.CSV do @moduledoc """ Export a list of participants to CSV """ alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Export alias Mobilizon.Storage.Repo alias Mobilizon.Web.Gettext import Mobilizon.Web.Gettext, only: [gettext: 2] import Mobilizon.Service.Export.Participants.Common, only: [save_upload: 5, columns: 0, to_list: 1, clean_exports: 2, export_enabled?: 1] @upload_path "uploads/exports/csv/" @extension "csv" def extension do @extension end @spec export(Event.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, :failed_to_save_upload | :export_dependency_not_installed} def export(%Event{id: event_id} = event, options \\ []) do if ready?() do filename = "#{ShortUUID.encode!(Ecto.UUID.generate())}.csv" full_path = @upload_path <> filename file =!(full_path, [:write, :utf8]) case Repo.transaction( fn -> event_id |> Events.participant_for_event_export_query(Keyword.get(options, :roles, [])) |> |> |> NimbleCSV.RFC4180.dump_to_iodata() |> (fn stream -> Stream.concat([Enum.join(columns(), ","), "\n"], stream) end).() |> Stream.each(fn line -> IO.write(file, line) end) |> with {:error, err} <- save_csv_upload(full_path, filename, event) do Repo.rollback(err) end end, timeout: :infinity ) do {:error, _err} -> File.rm!(full_path) {:error, :failed_to_save_upload} {:ok, _ok} -> {:ok, filename} end else {:error, :export_dependency_not_installed} end end @spec save_csv_upload(String.t(), String.t(), Event.t()) :: {:ok, Export.t()} | {:error, atom() | Ecto.Changeset.t()} defp save_csv_upload(full_path, filename, %Event{id: event_id, title: title}) do Gettext.gettext_comment( "File name template for exported list of participants. Should NOT contain spaces. Make sure the output is going to be something standardized that is acceptable as a file name on most systems." ) save_upload( full_path, filename, to_string(event_id), gettext("%{event}_participants", event: title) <> ".csv", "csv" ) end @doc """ Clean outdated files in export folder """ @spec clean_exports :: :ok def clean_exports do clean_exports("csv", @upload_path) end @spec dependencies_ok? :: boolean def dependencies_ok? do true end @spec enabled? :: boolean def enabled? do export_enabled?(__MODULE__) end @spec ready? :: boolean def ready? do enabled?() && dependencies_ok?() end end