defmodule Mobilizon.Medias do @moduledoc """ The Media context. """ import Ecto.Query import Mobilizon.Storage.CustomFunctions alias Ecto.Multi alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Medias.{File, Media} alias Mobilizon.Storage.{Page, Repo} alias Mobilizon.Users.User alias Mobilizon.Web.Upload require Logger @doc """ Gets a single media. """ @spec get_media(integer | String.t()) :: Media.t() | nil def get_media(id), do: Repo.get(Media, id) @doc """ Gets a single media. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the media does not exist. """ @spec get_media!(integer | String.t()) :: Media.t() def get_media!(id), do: Repo.get!(Media, id) @doc """ Get a media by its URL. """ @spec get_media_by_url(String.t()) :: Media.t() | nil def get_media_by_url(url) do url |> media_by_url_query() |> limit(1) |> end @doc """ Get all media by an URL. """ @spec get_all_media_by_url(String.t()) :: Media.t() | nil def get_all_media_by_url(url) do url |> String.split("?", parts: 2) |> hd |> media_by_url_query() |> Repo.all() end @doc """ List the paginated media for user """ @spec medias_for_user(integer | String.t(), integer | nil, integer | nil) :: Page.t(Media.t()) def medias_for_user(user_id, page, limit) do user_id |> medias_for_user_query() |> Page.build_page(page, limit) end @doc """ Calculate the sum of media size used by the user """ @spec media_size_for_actor(integer | String.t()) :: integer() def media_size_for_actor(actor_id) do actor_id |> medias_for_actor_query() |> select([:file]) |> Repo.all() |> &1.file.size) |> Enum.filter(& &1) |> Enum.sum() end @doc """ Calculate the sum of media size used by the user """ @spec media_size_for_user(integer | String.t()) :: integer() def media_size_for_user(user_id) do user_id |> medias_for_user_query() |> select([:file]) |> Repo.all() |> &1.file.size) |> Enum.sum() end @doc """ Creates a media. """ @spec create_media(map) :: {:ok, Media.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} def create_media(attrs \\ %{}) do %Media{} |> Media.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Deletes a media. """ @spec delete_media(Media.t()) :: {:ok, Media.t()} | {:error, Ecto.Changeset.t()} def delete_media(%Media{} = media, opts \\ []) do transaction = |> Multi.delete(:media, media) |>, fn _repo, %{media: %Media{} = media} -> delete_file_from_media(media, opts) end) |> Repo.transaction() case transaction do {:ok, %{media: %Media{} = media}} -> {:ok, media} {:error, :remove, error, _} -> {:error, error} end end @spec delete_file_from_media(Media.t(), Keyword.t()) :: {:ok, Media.t()} | {:error, atom()} defp delete_file_from_media(%Media{file: %File{url: url}} = media, opts) do if can_delete_media_file?(media) do case Upload.remove(url) do {:error, err} -> if err == :enofile and Keyword.get(opts, :ignore_file_not_found, false) do"Deleting media and ignoring absent file.") {:ok, media} else {:error, err} end {:ok, media} -> {:ok, media} end else Logger.debug("We cannot delete media file, it's still being used") {:ok, media} end end @spec can_delete_media_file?(Media.t()) :: boolean() defp can_delete_media_file?(%Media{file: %File{url: url}}) do Logger.debug("Checking for other uses of the media file, by comparing it's URL…") case get_media_by_url(url) do # No other media with this URL nil -> if url_is_also_a_profile_file?(url) do Logger.debug("Found URL in actor profile, so we need to keep the file") false else Logger.debug("All good, we can delete the media file") true end %Media{} -> Logger.debug( "Found media different from this once for this URL, so there's at least one other media" ) false end end @spec delete_user_profile_media_by_url(String.t()) :: {:ok, String.t() | :ignored} | {:error, atom()} def delete_user_profile_media_by_url(url) do if get_media_by_url(url) == nil && count_occurences_of_url_in_profiles(url) <= 1 do # We have no media using this URL and only this profile is using this URL Upload.remove(url) else {:ok, :ignored} end end # Ecto doesn't currently allow us to use exists with a subquery, # so we can't create the union through Ecto # @union_query [ [from: "events", param: "picture_id"], [from: "events_medias", param: "media_id"], [from: "posts", param: "picture_id"], [from: "posts_medias", param: "media_id"], [from: "comments_medias", param: "media_id"], [from: "admin_settings_medias", param: "media_id"] ] |> Enum.map_join(" UNION ", fn [from: from, param: param] -> "SELECT 1 FROM #{from} WHERE #{from}.#{param} =" end) |> (&"NOT EXISTS(#{&1})").() @spec find_media_to_clean(Keyword.t()) :: list(list(Media.t())) def find_media_to_clean(opts) do default_grace_period = Mobilizon.Config.get([:instance, :orphan_upload_grace_period_hours], 48) grace_period = Keyword.get(opts, :grace_period, default_grace_period) expiration_date = DateTime.add(DateTime.utc_now(), grace_period * -3600) query = from(m in Media, as: :media, distinct: true, join: a in Actor, on: == m.actor_id, where: is_nil(a.domain), where: m.inserted_at < ^expiration_date, where: fragment(@union_query) ) query |> Repo.all(timeout: :infinity) |> Enum.filter(fn %Media{file: %File{url: url}} -> !url_is_also_a_profile_file?(url) && all_media_orphan?(url, expiration_date) end) |> Enum.chunk_by(fn %Media{file: %File{url: url}} -> url |> String.split("?", parts: 2) |> hd end) end defp all_media_orphan?(url, expiration_date) do url |> get_all_media_by_url() |> Enum.all?(&media_orphan?(&1, expiration_date)) end @spec media_orphan?(Media.t(), DateTime.t()) :: boolean() defp media_orphan?(%Media{id: media_id}, expiration_date) do media_query = from(m in Media, as: :media, distinct: true, join: a in Actor, on: == m.actor_id, where: == ^media_id, where: is_nil(a.domain), where: m.inserted_at < ^expiration_date, where: fragment(@union_query) ) Repo.exists?(media_query) end @spec url_is_also_a_profile_file?(String.t()) :: boolean() defp url_is_also_a_profile_file?(url) when is_binary(url) do count_occurences_of_url_in_profiles(url) > 0 end @spec count_occurences_of_url_in_profiles(String.t()) :: integer() defp count_occurences_of_url_in_profiles(url) when is_binary(url) do Actor |> where([a], fragment("avatar->>'url'") == ^url or fragment("banner->>'url'") == ^url) |> Repo.aggregate(:count) end @spec media_by_url_query(String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp media_by_url_query(url) do from( p in Media, where: split_part(fragment("file->>'url'"), "?", 1) == ^url ) end @spec medias_for_actor_query(integer() | String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp medias_for_actor_query(actor_id) do Media |> join(:inner, [p], a in Actor, on: p.actor_id == |> where([_p, a], == ^actor_id) end @spec medias_for_user_query(integer() | String.t()) :: Ecto.Query.t() defp medias_for_user_query(user_id) do Media |> join(:inner, [p], a in Actor, on: p.actor_id == |> join(:inner, [_p, a], u in User, on: a.user_id == |> where([_p, _a, u], == ^user_id) end end