# Build and deploy Mobilizon with docker You will need to : - build the image - tune the environment file - use docker-compose to run the service ## Build the image git clone https://forge.tedomum.net/tedomum/mobilizon cd mobilizon docker build -t mobilizon -f docker/production/Dockerfile . ## Update the env file cd docker/production/ cp env.example .env Edit the `.env` content with your own settings. You can generate `MOBILIZON_INSTANCE_SECRET_KEY_BASE` and `MOBILIZON_INSTANCE_SECRET_KEY` with: gpg --gen-random --armor 1 50 ## Run the service Start by initializing and running the database: docker-compose up -d db Instanciate required Postgres extensions: docker-compose exec db psql -U # CREATE EXTENSION pg_trgm; # CREATE EXTENSION unaccent; Then run migrations: docker-compose run --rm mobilizon eval Mobilizon.Cli.migrate Finally, run the application: docker-compose up -d mobilizon ## Update the service Pull the latest image, then run the migrations: docker-compose pull mobilizon docker-compose run --rm mobilizon eval Mobilizon.Cli.migrate Finally, update the service: docker-compose up -d mobilizon