defmodule Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.GoogleMapsTest do use Mobilizon.DataCase import Mox alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address alias Mobilizon.Service.Geospatial.GoogleMaps alias Mobilizon.Service.HTTP.BaseClient.Mock describe "search address" do test "without API Key triggers an error" do assert_raise ArgumentError, "API Key required to use Google Maps", fn ->"10 Rue Jangot") end end test "triggers an error with an invalid API Key" do data =!("test/fixtures/geospatial/google_maps/api_key_invalid.json") |> Jason.decode!() Mock |> expect(:call, fn %{ method: :get, url: "" }, _opts -> {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: data}} end) assert_raise ArgumentError, "The provided API key is invalid.", fn ->"10 rue Jangot", api_key: "secret_key") end end test "returns a valid address from search" do data =!("test/fixtures/geospatial/google_maps/search.json") |> Jason.decode!() data_2 =!("test/fixtures/geospatial/google_maps/search_2.json") |> Jason.decode!() Mock |> expect(:call, 3, fn %{ method: :get, url: "" }, _opts -> {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: data}} %{ method: :get, url: _url }, _opts -> {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: data_2}} end) assert %Address{ locality: "Lyon", description: "10 Rue Jangot", region: "Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes", country: "France", postal_code: "69007", street: "10 Rue Jangot", geom: %Geo.Point{ coordinates: {4.8424032, 45.75164940000001}, properties: %{}, srid: 4326 }, origin_id: "gm:ChIJtW0QikTq9EcRLI4Vy6bRx0U" } =="10 rue Jangot", api_key: "toto" ) |> hd end test "returns a valid address from reverse geocode" do data =!("test/fixtures/geospatial/google_maps/geocode.json") |> Jason.decode!() data_2 =!("test/fixtures/geospatial/google_maps/geocode_2.json") |> Jason.decode!() Mock |> expect(:call, 3, fn %{ method: :get, url: ",4.842569&result_type=street_address" }, _opts -> {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: data}} %{ method: :get, url: _url }, _opts -> {:ok, %Tesla.Env{status: 200, body: data_2}} end) assert %Address{ locality: "Lyon", description: "10bis Rue Jangot", region: "Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes", country: "France", postal_code: "69007", street: "10bis Rue Jangot", geom: %Geo.Point{ coordinates: {4.8424966, 45.751725}, properties: %{}, srid: 4326 }, origin_id: "gm:ChIJrW0QikTq9EcR96jk2OnO75w" } == GoogleMaps.geocode(4.842569, 45.751718, api_key: "toto") |> hd end end end