defmodule Eventos.Events do @moduledoc """ The Events context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Eventos.Repo alias Eventos.Events.Event alias Eventos.Events.Comment alias Eventos.Actors.Actor @doc """ Returns the list of events. ## Examples iex> list_events() [%Event{}, ...] """ def list_events do events = Repo.all(Event) Repo.preload(events, [:organizer_actor]) end def get_events_for_actor(%Actor{id: actor_id} = _actor, page \\ 1, limit \\ 10) do start = (page - 1) * limit query = from e in Event, where: e.organizer_actor_id == ^actor_id, limit: ^limit, order_by: [desc: :id], offset: ^start, preload: [:organizer_actor, :category, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :address] events = Repo.all(query) count_events = e in Event, select: count( {:ok, events, count_events} end def count_local_events do from e in Event, select: count(, where: e.local == ^true ) end def count_local_comments do from c in Comment, select: count(, where: c.local == ^true ) end @doc """ Gets a single event. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Event does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_event!(123) %Event{} iex> get_event!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_event!(id), do: Repo.get!(Event, id) @doc """ Gets an event by it's URL """ def get_event_by_url!(url) do Repo.get_by(Event, url: url) end @doc """ Gets a single event, with all associations loaded. """ def get_event_full!(id) do event = Repo.get!(Event, id) Repo.preload(event, [:organizer_actor, :category, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :address]) end @doc """ Gets an event by it's URL """ def get_event_full_by_url!(url) do event = Repo.get_by(Event, url: url) Repo.preload(event, [:organizer_actor, :category, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :address]) end @spec get_event_full_by_name_and_slug!(String.t, String.t) :: Event.t def get_event_full_by_name_and_slug!(name, slug) do query = case String.split(name, "@") do [name, domain] -> from e in Event, join: a in Actor, on: == e.organizer_actor_id and a.preferred_username == ^name and a.domain == ^domain, where: e.slug == ^slug [name] -> from e in Event, join: a in Actor, on: == e.organizer_actor_id and a.preferred_username == ^name and is_nil(a.domain), where: e.slug == ^slug end event = Repo.preload(event, [:organizer_actor, :category, :sessions, :tracks, :tags, :participants, :address]) end @doc """ Creates a event. ## Examples iex> create_event(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Event{}} iex> create_event(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_event(attrs \\ %{}) do %Event{} |> Event.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a event. ## Examples iex> update_event(event, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Event{}} iex> update_event(event, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_event(%Event{} = event, attrs) do event |> Event.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Event. ## Examples iex> delete_event(event) {:ok, %Event{}} iex> delete_event(event) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_event(%Event{} = event) do Repo.delete(event) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking event changes. ## Examples iex> change_event(event) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Event{}} """ def change_event(%Event{} = event) do Event.changeset(event, %{}) end alias Eventos.Events.Category @doc """ Returns the list of categories. ## Examples iex> list_categories() [%Category{}, ...] """ def list_categories do Repo.all(Category) end @doc """ Gets a single category. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Category does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_category!(123) %Category{} iex> get_category!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_category!(id), do: Repo.get!(Category, id) @doc """ Creates a category. ## Examples iex> create_category(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Category{}} iex> create_category(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_category(attrs \\ %{}) do %Category{} |> Category.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a category. ## Examples iex> update_category(category, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Category{}} iex> update_category(category, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_category(%Category{} = category, attrs) do category |> Category.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Category. ## Examples iex> delete_category(category) {:ok, %Category{}} iex> delete_category(category) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_category(%Category{} = category) do Repo.delete(category) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking category changes. ## Examples iex> change_category(category) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Category{}} """ def change_category(%Category{} = category) do Category.changeset(category, %{}) end alias Eventos.Events.Tag @doc """ Returns the list of tags. ## Examples iex> list_tags() [%Tag{}, ...] """ def list_tags do Repo.all(Tag) end @doc """ Gets a single tag. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Tag does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_tag!(123) %Tag{} iex> get_tag!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_tag!(id), do: Repo.get!(Tag, id) @doc """ Creates a tag. ## Examples iex> create_tag(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Tag{}} iex> create_tag(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_tag(attrs \\ %{}) do %Tag{} |> Tag.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a tag. ## Examples iex> update_tag(tag, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Tag{}} iex> update_tag(tag, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_tag(%Tag{} = tag, attrs) do tag |> Tag.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Tag. ## Examples iex> delete_tag(tag) {:ok, %Tag{}} iex> delete_tag(tag) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_tag(%Tag{} = tag) do Repo.delete(tag) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking tag changes. ## Examples iex> change_tag(tag) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Tag{}} """ def change_tag(%Tag{} = tag) do Tag.changeset(tag, %{}) end alias Eventos.Events.Participant @doc """ Returns the list of participants. ## Examples iex> list_participants() [%Participant{}, ...] """ def list_participants do Repo.all(Participant) end @doc """ Gets a single participant. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Participant does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_participant!(123) %Participant{} iex> get_participant!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_participant!(event_id, actor_id) do Repo.get_by!(Participant, [event_id: event_id, actor_id: actor_id]) end @doc """ Creates a participant. ## Examples iex> create_participant(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Participant{}} iex> create_participant(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_participant(attrs \\ %{}) do %Participant{} |> Participant.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a participant. ## Examples iex> update_participant(participant, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Participant{}} iex> update_participant(participant, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_participant(%Participant{} = participant, attrs) do participant |> Participant.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Participant. ## Examples iex> delete_participant(participant) {:ok, %Participant{}} iex> delete_participant(participant) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_participant(%Participant{} = participant) do Repo.delete(participant) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking participant changes. ## Examples iex> change_participant(participant) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Participant{}} """ def change_participant(%Participant{} = participant) do Participant.changeset(participant, %{}) end def list_requests_for_actor(%Actor{} = actor) do Repo.all(from p in Participant, where: p.actor_id == ^ and p.approved == false) end alias Eventos.Events.Session @doc """ Returns the list of sessions. ## Examples iex> list_sessions() [%Session{}, ...] """ def list_sessions do Repo.all(Session) end @doc """ Returns the list of sessions for an event """ def list_sessions_for_event(event_id) do Repo.all(from s in Session, where: s.event_id == ^event_id) end @doc """ Returns the list of sessions for a track """ def list_sessions_for_track(track_id) do Repo.all(from s in Session, where: s.track_id == ^track_id) end @doc """ Gets a single session. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Session does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_session!(123) %Session{} iex> get_session!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_session!(id), do: Repo.get!(Session, id) @doc """ Creates a session. ## Examples iex> create_session(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Session{}} iex> create_session(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_session(attrs \\ %{}) do %Session{} |> Session.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a session. ## Examples iex> update_session(session, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Session{}} iex> update_session(session, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_session(%Session{} = session, attrs) do session |> Session.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Session. ## Examples iex> delete_session(session) {:ok, %Session{}} iex> delete_session(session) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_session(%Session{} = session) do Repo.delete(session) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking session changes. ## Examples iex> change_session(session) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Session{}} """ def change_session(%Session{} = session) do Session.changeset(session, %{}) end alias Eventos.Events.Track @doc """ Returns the list of tracks. ## Examples iex> list_tracks() [%Track{}, ...] """ def list_tracks do Repo.all(Track) end @doc """ Gets a single track. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Track does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_track!(123) %Track{} iex> get_track!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_track!(id), do: Repo.get!(Track, id) @doc """ Creates a track. ## Examples iex> create_track(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Track{}} iex> create_track(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_track(attrs \\ %{}) do %Track{} |> Track.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a track. ## Examples iex> update_track(track, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Track{}} iex> update_track(track, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_track(%Track{} = track, attrs) do track |> Track.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Track. ## Examples iex> delete_track(track) {:ok, %Track{}} iex> delete_track(track) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_track(%Track{} = track) do Repo.delete(track) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking track changes. ## Examples iex> change_track(track) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Track{}} """ def change_track(%Track{} = track) do Track.changeset(track, %{}) end alias Eventos.Events.Comment @doc """ Returns the list of comments. ## Examples iex> list_comments() [%Comment{}, ...] """ def list_comments do Repo.all(Comment) end @doc """ Gets a single comment. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Comment does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_comment!(123) %Comment{} iex> get_comment!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_comment!(id), do: Repo.get!(Comment, id) @doc """ Creates a comment. ## Examples iex> create_comment(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Comment{}} iex> create_comment(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_comment(attrs \\ %{}) do %Comment{} |> Comment.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a comment. ## Examples iex> update_comment(comment, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Comment{}} iex> update_comment(comment, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_comment(%Comment{} = comment, attrs) do comment |> Comment.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Comment. ## Examples iex> delete_comment(comment) {:ok, %Comment{}} iex> delete_comment(comment) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_comment(%Comment{} = comment) do Repo.delete(comment) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking comment changes. ## Examples iex> change_comment(comment) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Comment{}} """ def change_comment(%Comment{} = comment) do Comment.changeset(comment, %{}) end end