defmodule Mobilizon.Service.Workers.LegacyNotifierBuilderTest do @moduledoc """ Test the ActivityBuilder module """ alias Mobilizon.Activities.Activity alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Discussions.Comment alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Service.Notifier.Mock, as: NotifierMock alias Mobilizon.Service.Workers.LegacyNotifierBuilder alias Mobilizon.Users.User use Mobilizon.DataCase, async: true import Mox import Mobilizon.Factory @mentionned %{ "type" => "comment", "subject" => "event_comment_mention", "object_type" => "comment", "inserted_at" => DateTime.utc_now(), "op" => "legacy_notify" } @announcement %{ "type" => "comment", "subject" => "participation_event_comment", "object_type" => "comment", "inserted_at" => DateTime.utc_now(), "op" => "legacy_notify" } setup :verify_on_exit! describe "Generates a comment mention notification " do test "not if the actor is remote" do %User{} = user1 = insert(:user) %Actor{id: actor_id} = actor = insert(:actor, user: user1) %Actor{id: actor_id_2} = insert(:actor, domain: "remote.tld", user: nil) %Event{title: title, uuid: uuid} = event = insert(:event) %Comment{id: comment_id} = insert(:comment, event: event, actor: actor) args = Map.merge(@mentionned, %{ "subject_params" => %{ event_uuid: uuid, event_title: title }, "author_id" => actor_id, "object_id" => to_string(comment_id), "mentions" => [actor_id_2] }) NotifierMock |> expect(:ready?, 0, fn -> true end) |> expect(:send, 0, fn %User{}, %Activity{ type: :comment, subject: :event_comment_mention, object_type: :comment }, [single_activity: true] -> {:ok, :sent} end) assert :ok == LegacyNotifierBuilder.perform(%Oban.Job{args: args}) end test "if the actor mentionned is local" do %User{} = user1 = insert(:user) %User{} = user2 = insert(:user) %Actor{id: actor_id} = actor = insert(:actor, user: user1) %Actor{id: actor_id_2} = insert(:actor, user: user2) %Event{title: title, uuid: uuid} = event = insert(:event) %Comment{id: comment_id} = insert(:comment, event: event, actor: actor) args = Map.merge(@mentionned, %{ "subject_params" => %{ event_uuid: uuid, event_title: title }, "author_id" => actor_id, "object_id" => to_string(comment_id), "mentions" => [actor_id_2] }) NotifierMock |> expect(:ready?, fn -> true end) |> expect(:send, fn %User{}, %Activity{ type: :comment, subject: :event_comment_mention, object_type: :comment }, [single_activity: true] -> {:ok, :sent} end) assert :ok == LegacyNotifierBuilder.perform(%Oban.Job{args: args}) end end describe "Generates an announcement comment notification" do test "not if there's no participants" do %User{} = user1 = insert(:user) %Actor{id: actor_id} = actor = insert(:actor, user: user1) %Actor{} = insert(:actor, domain: "remote.tld", user: nil) %Event{title: title, uuid: uuid, id: event_id} = event = insert(:event) %Comment{id: comment_id} = insert(:comment, event: event, actor: actor) args = Map.merge(@announcement, %{ "subject_params" => %{ "event_uuid" => uuid, "event_title" => title, "event_id" => event_id }, "author_id" => actor_id, "object_id" => to_string(comment_id) }) NotifierMock |> expect(:ready?, 0, fn -> true end) |> expect(:send, 0, fn %User{}, %Activity{ type: :comment, subject: :participation_event_comment, object_type: :comment }, [single_activity: true] -> {:ok, :sent} end) assert :ok == LegacyNotifierBuilder.perform(%Oban.Job{args: args}) end test "if there's some participants" do %User{} = user1 = insert(:user) %User{} = user2 = insert(:user) %Actor{id: actor_id} = actor = insert(:actor, user: user1) %Actor{} = actor2 = insert(:actor, user: user2) %Event{title: title, uuid: uuid, id: event_id} = event = insert(:event) %Comment{id: comment_id} = insert(:comment, event: event, actor: actor) insert(:participant, event: event, actor: actor2) args = Map.merge(@announcement, %{ "subject_params" => %{ "event_uuid" => uuid, "event_title" => title, "event_id" => event_id }, "author_id" => actor_id, "object_id" => to_string(comment_id) }) NotifierMock |> expect(:ready?, fn -> true end) |> expect(:send, fn %User{}, %Activity{ type: :comment, subject: :participation_event_comment, object_type: :comment }, [single_activity: true] -> {:ok, :sent} end) assert :ok == LegacyNotifierBuilder.perform(%Oban.Job{args: args}) end end end