defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Schema.UserType do @moduledoc """ Schema representation for User """ use Absinthe.Schema.Notation import Absinthe.Resolution.Helpers, only: [dataloader: 1] alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.User alias Mobilizon.GraphQL.Schema import_types(Schema.SortType) @desc "A local user of Mobilizon" object :user do interfaces([:action_log_object]) field(:id, :id, description: "The user's ID") field(:email, non_null(:string), description: "The user's email") field(:actors, non_null(list_of(:person)), description: "The user's list of profiles (identities)" ) field(:default_actor, :person, description: "The user's default actor") field(:confirmed_at, :datetime, description: "The datetime when the user was confirmed/activated" ) field(:confirmation_sent_at, :datetime, description: "The datetime the last activation/confirmation token was sent" ) field(:confirmation_token, :string, description: "The account activation/confirmation token") field(:reset_password_sent_at, :datetime, description: "The datetime last reset password email was sent" ) field(:reset_password_token, :string, description: "The token sent when requesting password token" ) field(:feed_tokens, list_of(:feed_token), resolve: dataloader(Events), description: "A list of the feed tokens for this user" ) field(:role, :user_role, description: "The role for the user") field(:locale, :string, description: "The user's locale") field(:provider, :string, description: "The user's login provider") field(:disabled, :boolean, description: "Whether the user is disabled") field(:participations, :paginated_participant_list, description: "The list of participations this user has" ) do arg(:after_datetime, :datetime, description: "Filter participations by event start datetime") arg(:before_datetime, :datetime, description: "Filter participations by event end datetime") arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "The page in the paginated participations list" ) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "The limit of participations per page" ) resolve(&User.user_participations/3) end field(:memberships, :paginated_member_list, description: "The list of memberships for this user" ) do arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "The page in the paginated memberships list" ) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "The limit of memberships per page") resolve(&User.user_memberships/3) end field(:drafts, list_of(:event), description: "The list of draft events this user has created") do arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "The page in the paginated drafts events list" ) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "The limit of drafts events per page") resolve(&User.user_drafted_events/3) end field(:settings, :user_settings, description: "The list of settings for this user") do resolve(&User.user_settings/3) end field(:last_sign_in_at, :datetime, description: "When the user previously signed-in") field(:last_sign_in_ip, :string, description: "The IP adress the user previously sign-in with") field(:current_sign_in_at, :datetime, description: "When the user currenlty signed-in") field(:current_sign_in_ip, :string, description: "The IP adress the user's currently signed-in with" ) field(:media, :paginated_picture_list, description: "The user's media objects") do arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "The page in the paginated user media list" ) arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "The limit of user media per page") resolve(&User.user_medias/3) end end @desc "The list of roles an user can have" enum :user_role do value(:administrator, description: "Administrator role") value(:moderator, description: "Moderator role") value(:user, description: "User role") end @desc "Token" object :refreshed_token do field(:access_token, non_null(:string), description: "Generated access token") field(:refresh_token, non_null(:string), description: "Generated refreshed token") end @desc "Users list" object :users do field(:total, non_null(:integer), description: "Total elements") field(:elements, non_null(list_of(:user)), description: "User elements") end @desc "The list of sortable fields for an user list" enum :sortable_user_field do value(:id, description: "The user's ID") end @desc """ A set of user settings """ object :user_settings do field(:timezone, :string, description: "The timezone for this user") field(:notification_on_day, :boolean, description: "Whether this user will receive an email at the start of the day of an event." ) field(:notification_each_week, :boolean, description: "Whether this user will receive an weekly event recap" ) field(:notification_before_event, :boolean, description: "Whether this user will receive a notification right before event" ) field(:notification_pending_participation, :notification_pending_enum, description: "When does the user receives a notification about new pending participations" ) field(:notification_pending_membership, :notification_pending_enum, description: "When does the user receives a notification about a new pending membership in one of the group they're admin for" ) end @desc "The list of values the for pending notification settings" enum :notification_pending_enum do value(:none, as: :none, description: "None. The notification won't be sent.") value(:direct, as: :direct, description: "Direct. The notification will be sent right away each time." ) value(:one_hour, as: :one_hour, description: "One hour. Notifications will be sent at most each hour" ) value(:one_day, as: :one_day, description: "One day. Notifications will be sent at most each day" ) end object :user_queries do @desc "Get an user" field :user, :user do arg(:id, non_null(:id)) resolve(&User.find_user/3) end @desc "Get the current user" field :logged_user, :user do resolve(&User.get_current_user/3) end @desc "List instance users" field :users, :users do arg(:email, :string, default_value: "", description: "Filter users by email") arg(:page, :integer, default_value: 1, description: "The page in the paginated users list") arg(:limit, :integer, default_value: 10, description: "The limit of users per page") arg(:sort, :sortable_user_field, default_value: :id, description: "Sort column") arg(:direction, :sort_direction, default_value: :desc, description: "Sort direction") resolve(&User.list_users/3) end end object :user_mutations do @desc "Create an user" field :create_user, type: :user do arg(:email, non_null(:string), description: "The new user's email") arg(:password, non_null(:string), description: "The new user's password") arg(:locale, :string, description: "The new user's locale") resolve(&User.create_user/3) end @desc "Validate an user after registration" field :validate_user, type: :login do arg(:token, non_null(:string), description: "The token that will be used to validate the user" ) resolve(&User.validate_user/3) end @desc "Resend registration confirmation token" field :resend_confirmation_email, type: :string do arg(:email, non_null(:string), description: "The email used to register") arg(:locale, :string, description: "The user's locale") resolve(&User.resend_confirmation_email/3) end @desc "Send a link through email to reset user password" field :send_reset_password, type: :string do arg(:email, non_null(:string), description: "The user's email") arg(:locale, :string, description: "The user's locale") resolve(&User.send_reset_password/3) end @desc "Reset user password" field :reset_password, type: :login do arg(:token, non_null(:string), description: "The user's token that will be used to reset the password" ) arg(:password, non_null(:string), description: "The new password") arg(:locale, :string, default_value: "en", description: "The user's locale") resolve(&User.reset_password/3) end @desc "Login an user" field :login, type: :login do arg(:email, non_null(:string), description: "The user's email") arg(:password, non_null(:string), description: "The user's password") resolve(&User.login_user/3) end @desc "Refresh a token" field :refresh_token, type: :refreshed_token do arg(:refresh_token, non_null(:string), description: "A refresh token") resolve(&User.refresh_token/3) end @desc "Change default actor for user" field :change_default_actor, :user do arg(:preferred_username, non_null(:string), description: "The actor preferred_username") resolve(&User.change_default_actor/3) end @desc "Change an user password" field :change_password, :user do arg(:old_password, non_null(:string), description: "The user's current password") arg(:new_password, non_null(:string), description: "The user's new password") resolve(&User.change_password/3) end @desc "Change an user email" field :change_email, :user do arg(:email, non_null(:string), description: "The user's new email") arg(:password, non_null(:string), description: "The user's current password") resolve(&User.change_email/3) end @desc "Validate an user email" field :validate_email, :user do arg(:token, non_null(:string), description: "The token that will be used to validate the email change" ) resolve(&User.validate_email/3) end @desc "Delete an account" field :delete_account, :deleted_object do arg(:password, :string, description: "The user's password") arg(:user_id, :id, description: "The user's ID") resolve(&User.delete_account/3) end @desc "Set user settings" field :set_user_settings, :user_settings do arg(:timezone, :string, description: "The timezone for this user") arg(:notification_on_day, :boolean, description: "Whether this user will receive an email at the start of the day of an event." ) arg(:notification_each_week, :boolean, description: "Whether this user will receive an weekly event recap" ) arg(:notification_before_event, :boolean, description: "Whether this user will receive a notification right before event" ) arg(:notification_pending_participation, :notification_pending_enum, description: "When does the user receives a notification about new pending participations" ) arg(:notification_pending_membership, :notification_pending_enum, description: "When does the user receives a notification about a new pending membership in one of the group they're admin for" ) resolve(&User.set_user_setting/3) end @desc "Update the user's locale" field :update_locale, :user do arg(:locale, :string, description: "The user's new locale") resolve(&User.update_locale/3) end end end