# Install !!! info "Docker" Docker production installation is not yet supported. See [issue #352](https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon/issues/352). ## Pre-requisites * A Linux machine with **root access** * A **domain name** (or subdomain) for the Mobilizon server, e.g. `your-mobilizon-domain.com` * An **SMTP server** to deliver emails ## Dependencies Mobilizon requires Elixir, NodeJS and PostgreSQL among other things. Installing dependencies depends on the system you're using. Follow the steps of the [dependencies guide](dependencies.md). ## Setup We're going to use a dedicated `mobilizon` user with `/home/mobilizon` home: ```bash sudo adduser --disabled-login mobilizon ``` !!! tip On FreeBSD ``` bash sudo pw useradd -n mobilizon -d /home/mobilizon -s /usr/local/bin/bash -m sudo passwd mobilizon ``` Then let's connect as this user: ```bash sudo -i -u mobilizon ``` Let's start by cloning the repository in a directory named `live`: ```bash git clone https://framagit.org/framasoft/mobilizon live && cd live ``` ## Installing dependencies Install Elixir dependencies ```bash mix deps.get ``` !!! note When asked for `Shall I install Hex?` or `Shall I install rebar3?`, hit the enter key to confirm. Then compile these dependencies and Mobilizon (this can take a few minutes, and can output all kinds of warnings, such as depreciation issues) ```bash MIX_ENV=prod mix compile ``` Go into the `js/` directory ```bash cd js ``` and install the Javascript dependencies ```bash yarn install ``` Finally, we can build the front-end (this can take a few seconds). !!! warning Building front-end can consume up to 512MB of RAM by default. If it's too much or not sufficient for your setup, you can adjust the maximum memory used by prefixing the command with the following option: ``` NODE_OPTIONS=--max_old_space_size=4096 ``` ```bash yarn run build ``` Let's go back to the main directory ```bash cd ../ ``` ## Configuration Mobilizon provides a command line tool to generate configuration ```bash MIX_ENV=prod mix mobilizon.instance gen ``` This will ask you questions about your setup and your instance to generate a `prod.secret.exs` file in the `config/` folder, and a `setup_db.psql` file to setup the database. ### Database setup The `setup_db.psql` file contains SQL instructions to create a PostgreSQL user and database with the chosen credentials and add the required extensions to the Mobilizon database. Exit running as the mobilizon user (as it shouldn't have `root`/`sudo` rights) and execute in the `/home/mobilizon/live` directory: ```bash sudo -u postgres psql -f setup_db.psql ``` It should output something like: ``` CREATE ROLE CREATE DATABASE You are now connected to database "mobilizon_prod" as user "postgres". CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION CREATE EXTENSION ``` Let's get back to our `mobilizon` user: ```bash sudo -i -u mobilizon cd live ``` !!! warning When it's done, don't forget to remove the `setup_db.psql` file. ### Database Migration Run database migrations: ```bash MIX_ENV=prod mix ecto.migrate ``` !!! note Note the `MIX_ENV=prod` environment variable prefix in front of the command. You will have to use it for each `mix` command from now on. You will have to do this again after most updates. !!! tip If some migrations fail, it probably means you're not using a recent enough version of PostgreSQL, or that you haven't installed the required extensions. ## Services We can quit using the `mobilizon` user again. ### Systemd Copy the `support/systemd/mobilizon.service` to `/etc/systemd/system`. ```bash sudo cp support/systemd/mobilizon.service /etc/systemd/system/ ``` Reload Systemd to detect your new file ```bash sudo systemctl daemon-reload ``` And enable the service ```bash systemctl enable --now mobilizon.service ``` It will run Mobilizon and enable startup on boot. You can follow the logs with ```bash sudo journalctl -fu mobilizon.service ``` You should see something like this: ``` Running Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint with cowboy 2.8.0 at :::4000 (http) Access Mobilizon.Web.Endpoint at https://your-mobilizon-domain.com ``` The Mobilizon server runs on port 4000 on the local interface only, so you need to add a reverse-proxy. ## Reverse proxy ### Nginx Copy the file from `support/nginx/mobilizon.conf` to `/etc/nginx/sites-available`. ```bash sudo cp support/nginx/mobilizon.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available ``` Then symlink the file into the `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled` directory. ```bash sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/mobilizon.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ ``` Edit the file `/etc/nginx/sites-available` and adapt it to your own configuration. Test the configuration with `sudo nginx -t` and reload nginx with `sudo systemctl reload nginx`. ### Let's Encrypt The nginx configuration template handles the HTTP-01 challenge with the webroot plugin: ```bash sudo mkdir /var/www/certbot ``` Run certbot with (don't forget to adapt the command) ```bash sudo certbot certonly --rsa-key-size 4096 --webroot -w /var/www/certbot/ --email your@email.com --agree-tos --text --renew-hook "/usr/sbin/nginx -s reload" -d your-mobilizon-domain.com ``` Then adapt the nginx configuration `/etc/nginx/sites-available/mobilizon.conf` by uncommenting certificate paths and removing obsolete blocks. Finish by testing the configuration with `sudo nginx -t` and reloading nginx with `systemctl reload nginx`. You should now be able to load https://your-mobilizon-domain.com inside your browser. ## Creating your first user Login back as the `mobilizon` system user: ```bash sudo -i -u mobilizon cd live ``` Create a new user: ``` MIX_ENV=prod mix mobilizon.users.new "your@email.com" --admin --password "Y0urP4ssw0rd" ``` !!! danger Don't forget to prefix the command with an empty space so that the chosen password isn't kept in your shell history. !!! tip You can ignore the `--password` option and Mobilizon will generate one for you. See the [full documentation](./CLI tasks/manage_users.md#create-a-new-user) for this command. You may now login with your credentials and discover Mobilizon. Feel free to explore [configuration documentation](./configure) as well. ## Optional tasks ### Geolocation databases Mobilizon can use geolocation from MMDB format data from sources like [MaxMind GeoIP](https://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/geolite2/) databases or [db-ip.com](https://db-ip.com/db/download/ip-to-city-lite) databases. This allows showing events happening near the user's location. You will need to download the City database and put it into `priv/data/GeoLite2-City.mmdb`. Finish by restarting the `mobilizon` service. Mobilizon will only show a warning at startup if the database is missing, but it isn't required.