defmodule MobilizonWeb.Schema.AddressType do @moduledoc """ Schema representation for Address """ use Absinthe.Schema.Notation alias MobilizonWeb.Resolvers object :physical_address do field(:type, :address_type) field(:geom, :point) field(:floor, :string) field(:streetAddress, :string) field(:addressLocality, :string) field(:postalCode, :string) field(:addressRegion, :string) field(:addressCountry, :string) field(:description, :string) field(:name, :string) end object :phone_address do field(:type, :address_type) field(:phone, :string) field(:info, :string) end object :online_address do field(:type, :address_type) field(:url, :string) field(:info, :string) end @desc "The list of types an address can be" enum :address_type do value(:physical, description: "The address is physical, like a postal address") value(:url, description: "The address is on the Web, like an URL") value(:phone, description: "The address is a phone number for a conference") value(:other, description: "The address is something else") end object :address_queries do @desc "Search for an address" field :search_address, type: list_of(:physical_address) do arg(:query, non_null(:string)) resolve(& end @desc "Reverse geocode coordinates" field :reverse_geocode, type: list_of(:physical_address) do arg(:longitude, non_null(:float)) arg(:latitude, non_null(:float)) resolve(&Resolvers.Address.reverse_geocode/3) end end end