# Portions of this file are derived from Pleroma: # Copyright © 2017-2018 Pleroma Authors # SPDX-License-Identifier: AGPL-3.0-only # Upstream: https://git.pleroma.social/pleroma/pleroma/blob/develop/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/transmogrifier.ex defmodule Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Transmogrifier do @moduledoc """ A module to handle coding from internal to wire ActivityPub and back. """ alias Mobilizon.Actors alias Mobilizon.Actors.{Actor, Follower} alias Mobilizon.Events alias Mobilizon.Events.{Comment, Event, Participant} alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.{Activity, Utils} alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityStream.{Converter, Convertible} alias Mobilizon.Web.Email.Participation require Logger def handle_incoming(%{"id" => nil}), do: :error def handle_incoming(%{"id" => ""}), do: :error def handle_incoming(%{"type" => "Flag"} = data) do with params <- Converter.Flag.as_to_model(data) do params = %{ reporter_id: params["reporter"].id, reported_id: params["reported"].id, comments_ids: params["comments"] |> Enum.map(& &1.id), content: params["content"] || "", additional: %{ "cc" => [params["reported"].url] }, event_id: if(is_nil(params["event"]), do: nil, else: params["event"].id || nil), local: false } ActivityPub.flag(params, false) end end @doc """ Handles a `Create` activity for `Note` (comments) objects The following actions are performed * Fetch the author of the activity * Convert the ActivityStream data to the comment model format (it also finds and inserts tags) * Get (by it's URL) or create the comment with this data * Insert eventual mentions in the database * Convert the comment back in ActivityStreams data * Wrap this data back into a `Create` activity * Return the activity and the comment object """ def handle_incoming(%{"type" => "Create", "object" => %{"type" => "Note"} = object}) do Logger.info("Handle incoming to create notes") with {:ok, object_data} <- object |> Converter.Comment.as_to_model_data(), {:existing_comment, {:error, :comment_not_found}} <- {:existing_comment, Events.get_comment_from_url_with_preload(object_data.url)}, {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, %Comment{} = comment} <- ActivityPub.create(:comment, object_data, false) do {:ok, activity, comment} else {:existing_comment, {:ok, %Comment{} = comment}} -> {:ok, nil, comment} end end @doc """ Handles a `Create` activity for `Event` objects The following actions are performed * Fetch the author of the activity * Convert the ActivityStream data to the event model format (it also finds and inserts tags) * Get (by it's URL) or create the event with this data * Insert eventual mentions in the database * Convert the event back in ActivityStreams data * Wrap this data back into a `Create` activity * Return the activity and the event object """ def handle_incoming(%{"type" => "Create", "object" => %{"type" => "Event"} = object}) do Logger.info("Handle incoming to create event") with {:ok, object_data} <- object |> Converter.Event.as_to_model_data(), {:existing_event, nil} <- {:existing_event, Events.get_event_by_url(object_data.url)}, {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, %Event{} = event} <- ActivityPub.create(:event, object_data, false) do {:ok, activity, event} else {:existing_event, %Event{} = event} -> {:ok, nil, event} end end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Follow", "object" => followed, "actor" => follower, "id" => id} = _data ) do with {:ok, %Actor{} = followed} <- ActivityPub.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(followed, true), {:ok, %Actor{} = follower} <- ActivityPub.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(follower), {:ok, activity, object} <- ActivityPub.follow(follower, followed, id, false) do {:ok, activity, object} else e -> Logger.warn("Unable to handle Follow activity #{inspect(e)}") :error end end def handle_incoming( %{ "type" => "Accept", "object" => accepted_object, "actor" => _actor, "id" => id } = data ) do with actor_url <- Utils.get_actor(data), {:ok, %Actor{} = actor} <- ActivityPub.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(actor_url), {:object_not_found, {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, object}} <- {:object_not_found, do_handle_incoming_accept_following(accepted_object, actor) || do_handle_incoming_accept_join(accepted_object, actor)} do {:ok, activity, object} else {:object_not_found, nil} -> Logger.warn( "Unable to process Accept activity #{inspect(id)}. Object #{inspect(accepted_object)} wasn't found." ) :error e -> Logger.warn( "Unable to process Accept activity #{inspect(id)} for object #{inspect(accepted_object)} only returned #{ inspect(e) }" ) :error end end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Reject", "object" => rejected_object, "actor" => _actor, "id" => id} = data ) do with actor_url <- Utils.get_actor(data), {:ok, %Actor{} = actor} <- ActivityPub.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(actor_url), {:object_not_found, {:ok, activity, object}} <- {:object_not_found, do_handle_incoming_reject_following(rejected_object, actor) || do_handle_incoming_reject_join(rejected_object, actor)} do {:ok, activity, object} else {:object_not_found, nil} -> Logger.warn( "Unable to process Reject activity #{inspect(id)}. Object #{inspect(rejected_object)} wasn't found." ) :error e -> Logger.warn( "Unable to process Reject activity #{inspect(id)} for object #{inspect(rejected_object)} only returned #{ inspect(e) }" ) :error end end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Announce", "object" => object, "actor" => _actor, "id" => _id} = data ) do with actor <- Utils.get_actor(data), # TODO: Is the following line useful? {:ok, %Actor{id: actor_id} = _actor} <- ActivityPub.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(actor), :ok <- Logger.debug("Fetching contained object"), {:ok, object} <- fetch_obj_helper_as_activity_streams(object), :ok <- Logger.debug("Handling contained object"), create_data <- Utils.make_create_data(object), :ok <- Logger.debug(inspect(object)), {:ok, _activity, entity} <- handle_incoming(create_data), :ok <- Logger.debug("Finished processing contained object"), {:ok, activity} <- ActivityPub.create_activity(data, false), {:ok, %Actor{id: object_owner_actor_id}} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(object["actor"]), {:ok, %Mobilizon.Share{} = _share} <- Mobilizon.Share.create(object["id"], actor_id, object_owner_actor_id) do {:ok, activity, entity} else e -> Logger.debug(inspect(e)) :error end end def handle_incoming(%{ "type" => "Update", "object" => %{"type" => object_type} = object, "actor" => _actor_id }) when object_type in ["Person", "Group", "Application", "Service", "Organization"] do with {:ok, %Actor{} = old_actor} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(object["id"]), {:ok, object_data} <- object |> Converter.Actor.as_to_model_data(), {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, %Actor{} = new_actor} <- ActivityPub.update(:actor, old_actor, object_data, false) do {:ok, activity, new_actor} else e -> Logger.debug(inspect(e)) :error end end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Update", "object" => %{"type" => "Event"} = object, "actor" => _actor} = update_data ) do with actor <- Utils.get_actor(update_data), {:ok, %Actor{url: actor_url}} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(actor), {:ok, %Event{} = old_event} <- object |> Utils.get_url() |> ActivityPub.fetch_object_from_url(), {:ok, object_data} <- Converter.Event.as_to_model_data(object), {:origin_check, true} <- {:origin_check, Utils.origin_check?(actor_url, update_data)}, {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, %Event{} = new_event} <- ActivityPub.update(:event, old_event, object_data, false) do {:ok, activity, new_event} else _e -> :error end end def handle_incoming( %{ "type" => "Undo", "object" => %{ "type" => "Announce", "object" => object_id, "id" => cancelled_activity_id }, "actor" => _actor, "id" => id } = data ) do with actor <- Utils.get_actor(data), {:ok, %Actor{} = actor} <- ActivityPub.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(actor), {:ok, object} <- fetch_obj_helper_as_activity_streams(object_id), {:ok, activity, object} <- ActivityPub.unannounce(actor, object, id, cancelled_activity_id, false) do {:ok, activity, object} else _e -> :error end end def handle_incoming( %{ "type" => "Undo", "object" => %{"type" => "Follow", "object" => followed}, "actor" => follower, "id" => id } = _data ) do with {:ok, %Actor{domain: nil} = followed} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(followed), {:ok, %Actor{} = follower} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(follower), {:ok, activity, object} <- ActivityPub.unfollow(follower, followed, id, false) do {:ok, activity, object} else e -> Logger.debug(inspect(e)) :error end end # TODO: We presently assume that any actor on the same origin domain as the object being # deleted has the rights to delete that object. A better way to validate whether or not # the object should be deleted is to refetch the object URI, which should return either # an error or a tombstone. This would allow us to verify that a deletion actually took # place. def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Delete", "object" => object, "actor" => _actor, "id" => _id} = data ) do with actor <- Utils.get_actor(data), {:ok, %Actor{url: actor_url}} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(actor), object_id <- Utils.get_url(object), {:origin_check, true} <- {:origin_check, Utils.origin_check_from_id?(actor_url, object_id)}, {:ok, object} <- ActivityPub.fetch_object_from_url(object_id), {:ok, activity, object} <- ActivityPub.delete(object, false) do {:ok, activity, object} else {:origin_check, false} -> Logger.warn("Object origin check failed") :error e -> Logger.debug(inspect(e)) :error end end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Join", "object" => object, "actor" => _actor, "id" => id} = data ) do with actor <- Utils.get_actor(data), {:ok, %Actor{url: _actor_url} = actor} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(actor), object <- Utils.get_url(object), {:ok, object} <- ActivityPub.fetch_object_from_url(object), {:ok, activity, object} <- ActivityPub.join(object, actor, false, %{url: id}) do {:ok, activity, object} else e -> Logger.debug(inspect(e)) :error end end def handle_incoming( %{"type" => "Leave", "object" => object, "actor" => actor, "id" => _id} = data ) do with actor <- Utils.get_actor(data), {:ok, %Actor{} = actor} <- Actors.get_actor_by_url(actor), object <- Utils.get_url(object), {:ok, object} <- ActivityPub.fetch_object_from_url(object), {:ok, activity, object} <- ActivityPub.leave(object, actor, false) do {:ok, activity, object} else {:only_organizer, true} -> Logger.warn( "Actor #{inspect(actor)} tried to leave event #{inspect(object)} but it was the only organizer so we didn't detach it" ) :error _e -> :error end end # # # TODO # # Accept # # Undo # # def handle_incoming( # %{ # "type" => "Undo", # "object" => %{"type" => "Like", "object" => object_id}, # "actor" => _actor, # "id" => id # } = data # ) do # with actor <- Utils.get_actor(data), # %Actor{} = actor <- ActivityPub.get_or_fetch_actor_by_url(actor), # {:ok, object} <- fetch_obj_helper(object_id) || fetch_obj_helper(object_id), # {:ok, activity, _, _} <- ActivityPub.unlike(actor, object, id, false) do # {:ok, activity} # else # _e -> :error # end # end def handle_incoming(_) do Logger.info("Handing something not supported") {:error, :not_supported} end @doc """ Handle incoming `Accept` activities wrapping a `Follow` activity """ def do_handle_incoming_accept_following(follow_object, %Actor{} = actor) do with {:follow, {:ok, %Follower{approved: false, target_actor: followed} = follow}} <- {:follow, get_follow(follow_object)}, {:same_actor, true} <- {:same_actor, actor.id == followed.id}, {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, %Follower{approved: true} = follow} <- ActivityPub.accept( :follow, follow, false ) do {:ok, activity, follow} else {:follow, _} -> Logger.debug( "Tried to handle an Accept activity but it's not containing a Follow activity" ) nil {:same_actor} -> {:error, "Actor who accepted the follow wasn't the target. Quite odd."} {:ok, %Follower{approved: true} = _follow} -> {:error, "Follow already accepted"} end end @doc """ Handle incoming `Reject` activities wrapping a `Follow` activity """ def do_handle_incoming_reject_following(follow_object, %Actor{} = actor) do with {:follow, {:ok, %Follower{approved: false, target_actor: followed} = follow}} <- {:follow, get_follow(follow_object)}, {:same_actor, true} <- {:same_actor, actor.id == followed.id}, {:ok, activity, _} <- ActivityPub.reject(:follow, follow) do {:ok, activity, follow} else {:follow, _} -> Logger.debug( "Tried to handle a Reject activity but it's not containing a Follow activity" ) nil {:same_actor} -> {:error, "Actor who rejected the follow wasn't the target. Quite odd."} {:ok, %Follower{approved: true} = _follow} -> {:error, "Follow already accepted"} end end # Handle incoming `Accept` activities wrapping a `Join` activity on an event defp do_handle_incoming_accept_join(join_object, %Actor{} = actor_accepting) do with {:join_event, {:ok, %Participant{role: role, event: event} = participant}} when role in [:not_approved, :rejected] <- {:join_event, get_participant(join_object)}, # TODO: The actor that accepts the Join activity may another one that the event organizer ? # Or maybe for groups it's the group that sends the Accept activity {:same_actor, true} <- {:same_actor, actor_accepting.id == event.organizer_actor_id}, {:ok, %Activity{} = activity, %Participant{role: :participant} = participant} <- ActivityPub.accept( :join, participant, false ), :ok <- Participation.send_emails_to_local_user(participant) do {:ok, activity, participant} else {:join_event, {:ok, %Participant{role: :participant}}} -> Logger.debug( "Tried to handle an Accept activity on a Join activity with a event object but the participant is already validated" ) nil {:join_event, _err} -> Logger.debug( "Tried to handle an Accept activity but it's not containing a Join activity on a event" ) nil {:same_actor} -> {:error, "Actor who accepted the join wasn't the event organizer. Quite odd."} {:ok, %Participant{role: :participant} = _follow} -> {:error, "Participant"} end end # Handle incoming `Reject` activities wrapping a `Join` activity on an event defp do_handle_incoming_reject_join(join_object, %Actor{} = actor_accepting) do with {:join_event, {:ok, %Participant{event: event, role: role} = participant}} when role != :rejected <- {:join_event, get_participant(join_object)}, # TODO: The actor that accepts the Join activity may another one that the event organizer ? # Or maybe for groups it's the group that sends the Accept activity {:same_actor, true} <- {:same_actor, actor_accepting.id == event.organizer_actor_id}, {:ok, activity, participant} <- ActivityPub.reject(:join, participant, false), :ok <- Participation.send_emails_to_local_user(participant) do {:ok, activity, participant} else {:join_event, {:ok, %Participant{role: :rejected}}} -> Logger.warn( "Tried to handle an Reject activity on a Join activity with a event object but the participant is already rejected" ) nil {:join_event, _err} -> Logger.debug( "Tried to handle an Reject activity but it's not containing a Join activity on a event" ) nil {:same_actor} -> {:error, "Actor who rejected the join wasn't the event organizer. Quite odd."} {:ok, %Participant{role: :participant} = _follow} -> {:error, "Participant"} end end # TODO: Add do_handle_incoming_accept_join/1 on Groups defp get_follow(follow_object) do with follow_object_id when not is_nil(follow_object_id) <- Utils.get_url(follow_object), {:not_found, %Follower{} = follow} <- {:not_found, Actors.get_follower_by_url(follow_object_id)} do {:ok, follow} else {:not_found, _err} -> {:error, "Follow URL not found"} _ -> {:error, "ActivityPub ID not found in Accept Follow object"} end end defp get_participant(join_object) do with join_object_id when not is_nil(join_object_id) <- Utils.get_url(join_object), {:not_found, %Participant{} = participant} <- {:not_found, Events.get_participant_by_url(join_object_id)} do {:ok, participant} else {:not_found, _err} -> {:error, "Participant URL not found"} _ -> {:error, "ActivityPub ID not found in Accept Join object"} end end def prepare_outgoing(%{"type" => _type} = data) do data = data |> Map.merge(Utils.make_json_ld_header()) {:ok, data} end @spec fetch_obj_helper(map() | String.t()) :: Event.t() | Comment.t() | Actor.t() | any() def fetch_obj_helper(object) do Logger.debug("fetch_obj_helper") Logger.debug("Fetching object #{inspect(object)}") case object |> Utils.get_url() |> ActivityPub.fetch_object_from_url() do {:ok, object} -> {:ok, object} err -> Logger.warn("Error while fetching #{inspect(object)}") {:error, err} end end def fetch_obj_helper_as_activity_streams(object) do Logger.debug("fetch_obj_helper_as_activity_streams") with {:ok, object} <- fetch_obj_helper(object) do {:ok, Convertible.model_to_as(object)} end end end