defmodule Mobilizon.GraphQL.Resolvers.Admin do @moduledoc """ Handles the report-related GraphQL calls. """ import Mobilizon.Users.Guards alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Admin, Config, Events} alias Mobilizon.Actors.{Actor, Follower} alias Mobilizon.Admin.{ActionLog, Setting} alias Mobilizon.Cldr.Language alias Mobilizon.Config alias Mobilizon.Discussions.Comment alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.{Actions, Relay} alias Mobilizon.Reports.{Note, Report} alias Mobilizon.Service.Statistics alias Mobilizon.Storage.Page alias Mobilizon.Users.User import Mobilizon.Web.Gettext require Logger @spec list_action_logs(any(), map(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, Page.t(ActionLog.t())} | {:error, String.t()} def list_action_logs( _parent, %{page: page, limit: limit}, %{context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}}} ) when is_moderator(role) do with %Page{elements: action_logs, total: total} <- Mobilizon.Admin.list_action_logs(page, limit) do action_logs = action_logs |> %ActionLog{ target_type: target_type, action: action, actor: actor, id: id, inserted_at: inserted_at } = action_log -> target_type |> String.to_existing_atom() |> transform_action_log(action, action_log) |> Map.merge(%{actor: actor, id: id, inserted_at: inserted_at}) end) |> Enum.filter(& &1) {:ok, %Page{elements: action_logs, total: total}} end end def list_action_logs(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, dgettext("errors", "You need to be logged-in and a moderator to list action logs")} end @spec transform_action_log(module(), atom(), ActionLog.t()) :: map() defp transform_action_log( Report, :update, %ActionLog{} = action_log ) do with %Report{} = report <- Mobilizon.Reports.get_report(action_log.target_id) do action = case action_log do %ActionLog{changes: %{"status" => "closed"}} -> :report_update_closed %ActionLog{changes: %{"status" => "open"}} -> :report_update_opened %ActionLog{changes: %{"status" => "resolved"}} -> :report_update_resolved end %{ action: action, object: report } end end defp transform_action_log(Note, :create, %ActionLog{changes: changes}) do %{ action: :note_creation, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Note, changes) } end defp transform_action_log(Note, :delete, %ActionLog{changes: changes}) do %{ action: :note_deletion, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Note, changes) } end defp transform_action_log(Event, :delete, %ActionLog{changes: changes}) do %{ action: :event_deletion, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Event, changes) } end defp transform_action_log(Comment, :delete, %ActionLog{changes: changes}) do %{ action: :comment_deletion, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Comment, changes) } end defp transform_action_log(Actor, :suspend, %ActionLog{changes: changes}) do %{ action: :actor_suspension, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Actor, changes) } end defp transform_action_log(Actor, :unsuspend, %ActionLog{changes: changes}) do %{ action: :actor_unsuspension, object: convert_changes_to_struct(Actor, changes) } end defp transform_action_log(User, :delete, %ActionLog{changes: changes}) do %{ action: :user_deletion, object: convert_changes_to_struct(User, changes) } end # Changes are stored as %{"key" => "value"} so we need to convert them back as struct @spec convert_changes_to_struct(module(), map()) :: struct() defp convert_changes_to_struct(struct, %{"report_id" => _report_id} = changes) do with data <- for({key, val} <- changes, into: %{}, do: {String.to_existing_atom(key), val}), data <- Map.put(data, :report, Mobilizon.Reports.get_report(data.report_id)) do struct(struct, data) end end defp convert_changes_to_struct(struct, changes) do with changeset <- struct.__changeset__, data <- for( {key, val} <- changes, into: %{}, do: {String.to_existing_atom(key), process_eventual_type(changeset, key, val)} ) do struct(struct, data) end end # datetimes are not unserialized as DateTime/NaiveDateTime so we do it manually with changeset data @spec process_eventual_type(Ecto.Changeset.t(), String.t(), String.t() | nil) :: DateTime.t() | NaiveDateTime.t() | any() defp process_eventual_type(changeset, key, val) do cond do changeset[String.to_existing_atom(key)] == :utc_datetime and not is_nil(val) -> {:ok, datetime, _} = DateTime.from_iso8601(val) datetime changeset[String.to_existing_atom(key)] == :naive_datetime and not is_nil(val) -> {:ok, datetime} = NaiveDateTime.from_iso8601(val) datetime true -> val end end @spec get_list_of_languages(any(), any(), any()) :: {:ok, String.t()} | {:error, any()} def get_list_of_languages(_parent, %{codes: codes}, _resolution) when is_list(codes) do locale = Gettext.get_locale() locale = if Cldr.known_locale_name?(locale), do: locale, else: "en" case Language.known_languages(locale) do data when is_map(data) -> data |> {code, elem} -> %{code: code, name: elem.standard} end) |> Enum.filter(fn %{code: code, name: _name} -> code in codes end) |> (&{:ok, &1}).() {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end def get_list_of_languages(_parent, _args, _resolution) do locale = Gettext.get_locale() case Language.known_languages(locale) do data when is_map(data) -> data =, fn {code, elem} -> %{code: code, name: elem.standard} end) {:ok, data} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @spec get_dashboard(any(), any(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, String.t()} def get_dashboard(_parent, _args, %{context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}}}) when is_admin(role) do last_public_event_published = case Events.list_events(1, 1, :inserted_at, :desc) do %Page{elements: [event | _]} -> event _ -> nil end last_group_created = case Actors.list_actors(:Group) do %Page{elements: [group | _]} -> group _ -> nil end {:ok, %{ number_of_users: Statistics.get_cached_value(:local_users), number_of_events: Statistics.get_cached_value(:local_events), number_of_groups: Statistics.get_cached_value(:local_groups), number_of_comments: Statistics.get_cached_value(:local_comments), number_of_confirmed_participations_to_local_events: Statistics.get_cached_value(:confirmed_participations_to_local_events), number_of_reports: Mobilizon.Reports.count_opened_reports(), number_of_followers: Statistics.get_cached_value(:instance_followers), number_of_followings: Statistics.get_cached_value(:instance_followings), last_public_event_published: last_public_event_published, last_group_created: last_group_created }} end def get_dashboard(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, dgettext( "errors", "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access dashboard statistics" )} end @spec get_settings(any(), any(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, String.t()} def get_settings(_parent, _args, %{ context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}} }) when is_admin(role) do {:ok, Config.admin_settings()} end def get_settings(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, dgettext("errors", "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to access admin settings")} end @spec save_settings(any(), map(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, map()} | {:error, String.t()} def save_settings(_parent, args, %{ context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}} }) when is_admin(role) do with {:ok, res} <- Admin.save_settings("instance", args), res <- res |> {key, %Setting{value: value}} -> {key, Admin.get_setting_value(value)} end) |> Enum.into(%{}), :ok <- eventually_update_instance_actor(res) do Config.clear_config_cache() Cachex.put(:config, :admin_config, res) {:ok, res} end end def save_settings(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, dgettext("errors", "You need to be logged-in and an administrator to save admin settings")} end @spec list_relay_followers(any(), map(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, Page.t(Follower.t())} | {:error, :unauthorized | :unauthenticated} def list_relay_followers( _parent, %{page: page, limit: limit}, %{context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}}} ) when is_admin(role) do with %Actor{} = relay_actor <- Relay.get_actor() do %Page{} = page = Actors.list_external_followers_for_actor_paginated(relay_actor, page, limit) {:ok, page} end end def list_relay_followers(_parent, _args, %{context: %{current_user: %User{}}}) do {:error, :unauthorized} end def list_relay_followers(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, :unauthenticated} end @spec list_relay_followings(any(), map(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, Page.t(Follower.t())} | {:error, :unauthorized | :unauthenticated} def list_relay_followings( _parent, %{page: page, limit: limit}, %{context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}}} ) when is_admin(role) do with %Actor{} = relay_actor <- Relay.get_actor() do %Page{} = page = Actors.list_external_followings_for_actor_paginated(relay_actor, page, limit) {:ok, page} end end def list_relay_followings(_parent, _args, %{context: %{current_user: %User{}}}) do {:error, :unauthorized} end def list_relay_followings(_parent, _args, _resolution) do {:error, :unauthenticated} end @spec create_relay(any(), map(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, Follower.t()} | {:error, any()} def create_relay(_parent, %{address: address}, %{context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}}}) when is_admin(role) do case Relay.follow(address) do {:ok, _activity, follow} -> {:ok, follow} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @spec remove_relay(any(), map(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, Follower.t()} | {:error, any()} def remove_relay(_parent, %{address: address}, %{context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}}}) when is_admin(role) do case Relay.unfollow(address) do {:ok, _activity, follow} -> {:ok, follow} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @spec accept_subscription(any(), map(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, Follower.t()} | {:error, any()} def accept_subscription( _parent, %{address: address}, %{context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}}} ) when is_admin(role) do case Relay.accept(address) do {:ok, _activity, follow} -> {:ok, follow} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @spec reject_subscription(any(), map(), Absinthe.Resolution.t()) :: {:ok, Follower.t()} | {:error, any()} def reject_subscription( _parent, %{address: address}, %{context: %{current_user: %User{role: role}}} ) when is_admin(role) do case Relay.reject(address) do {:ok, _activity, follow} -> {:ok, follow} {:error, err} -> {:error, err} end end @spec eventually_update_instance_actor(map()) :: :ok | {:error, :instance_actor_update_failure} defp eventually_update_instance_actor(admin_setting_args) do args = %{} new_instance_description = Map.get(admin_setting_args, :instance_description) new_instance_name = Map.get(admin_setting_args, :instance_name) %{ instance_description: old_instance_description, instance_name: old_instance_name } = Config.admin_settings() args = if not is_nil(new_instance_description) && new_instance_description != old_instance_description, do: Map.put(args, :summary, new_instance_description), else: args args = if not is_nil(new_instance_name) && new_instance_name != old_instance_name, do: Map.put(args, :name, new_instance_name), else: args if args != %{} do %Actor{} = instance_actor = Relay.get_actor() case Actions.Update.update(instance_actor, args, true) do {:ok, _activity, _actor} -> :ok {:error, _err} -> {:error, :instance_actor_update_failure} end else :ok end end end