defmodule MobilizonWeb.Cache.ActivityPub do @moduledoc """ ActivityPub related cache. """ alias Mobilizon.{Actors, Events, Tombstone} alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Events.{Comment, Event} alias Mobilizon.Federation.ActivityPub.Relay alias MobilizonWeb.Endpoint alias MobilizonWeb.Router.Helpers, as: Routes @cache :activity_pub @doc """ Gets a local actor by username. """ @spec get_local_actor_by_name(String.t()) :: {:commit, Actor.t()} | {:ignore, nil} def get_local_actor_by_name(name) do Cachex.fetch(@cache, "actor_" <> name, fn "actor_" <> name -> case Actors.get_local_actor_by_name(name) do %Actor{} = actor -> {:commit, actor} nil -> {:ignore, nil} end end) end @doc """ Gets a public event by its UUID, with all associations loaded. """ @spec get_public_event_by_uuid_with_preload(String.t()) :: {:commit, Event.t()} | {:ignore, nil} def get_public_event_by_uuid_with_preload(uuid) do Cachex.fetch(@cache, "event_" <> uuid, fn "event_" <> uuid -> case Events.get_public_event_by_uuid_with_preload(uuid) do %Event{} = event -> {:commit, event} nil -> with url <- Routes.page_url(Endpoint, :event, uuid), %Tombstone{} = tomstone <- Tombstone.find_tombstone(url) do tomstone else _ -> {:ignore, nil} end end end) end @doc """ Gets a comment by its UUID, with all associations loaded. """ @spec get_comment_by_uuid_with_preload(String.t()) :: {:commit, Comment.t()} | {:ignore, nil} def get_comment_by_uuid_with_preload(uuid) do Cachex.fetch(@cache, "comment_" <> uuid, fn "comment_" <> uuid -> case Events.get_comment_from_uuid_with_preload(uuid) do %Comment{} = comment -> {:commit, comment} nil -> {:ignore, nil} end end) end @doc """ Gets a relay. """ @spec get_relay :: {:commit, Actor.t()} | {:ignore, nil} def get_relay do Cachex.fetch(@cache, "relay_actor", &Relay.get_actor/0) end end