defmodule Mobilizon.Service.Activity.CommentTest do @moduledoc """ Test the Comment activity provider module """ alias Mobilizon.Actors.Actor alias Mobilizon.Discussions.Comment alias Mobilizon.Events.Event alias Mobilizon.Mention alias Mobilizon.Service.Activity.Comment, as: CommentActivity alias Mobilizon.Service.Workers.LegacyNotifierBuilder alias Mobilizon.Users.User use Mobilizon.DataCase, async: true use Oban.Testing, repo: Mobilizon.Storage.Repo import Mobilizon.Factory describe "handle comment with mentions" do test "with no mentions" do %Event{title: event_title, uuid: event_uuid} = event = insert(:event) %Comment{id: comment_id, actor_id: author_id} = comment = insert(:comment, event: event) assert [organizer: :enqueued, announcement: :skipped, mentionned: :skipped] == CommentActivity.insert_activity(comment) refute_enqueued( worker: LegacyNotifierBuilder, args: %{op: :event_comment_mention} ) assert_enqueued( worker: LegacyNotifierBuilder, args: %{ "author_id" => author_id, "object_id" => to_string(comment_id), "object_type" => "comment", "op" => "legacy_notify", "subject" => "event_new_comment", "subject_params" => %{ "event_title" => event_title, "event_uuid" => event_uuid, "comment_reply_to" => false }, "type" => "comment" } ) end test "with some mentions" do %User{} = user = insert(:user) %Actor{id: actor_id} = actor = insert(:actor, user: user) %Event{uuid: event_uuid, title: event_title} = event = insert(:event) %Comment{id: comment_id, actor_id: author_id} = comment = insert(:comment, text: "Hey @you", event: event) comment = %Comment{ comment | mentions: [ %Mention{actor: actor, event: event, comment: comment, actor_id: actor_id} ] } assert [organizer: :enqueued, announcement: :skipped, mentionned: :enqueued] == CommentActivity.insert_activity(comment) assert_enqueued( worker: LegacyNotifierBuilder, args: %{ "author_id" => author_id, "mentions" => [actor_id], "object_id" => to_string(comment_id), "object_type" => "comment", "op" => "legacy_notify", "subject" => "event_comment_mention", "subject_params" => %{ "event_title" => event_title, "event_uuid" => event_uuid }, "type" => "comment" } ) assert_enqueued( worker: LegacyNotifierBuilder, args: %{ "author_id" => author_id, "object_id" => to_string(comment_id), "object_type" => "comment", "op" => "legacy_notify", "subject" => "event_new_comment", "subject_params" => %{ "event_title" => event_title, "event_uuid" => event_uuid, "comment_reply_to" => false }, "type" => "comment" } ) end end describe "handle comment which is an announcement" do test "schedules a notification for the participants" do %Event{uuid: event_uuid, title: event_title, id: event_id} = event = insert(:event) %Comment{id: comment_id, actor_id: author_id} = comment = insert(:comment, text: "Hey you", event: event, is_announcement: true) assert [organizer: :enqueued, announcement: :enqueued, mentionned: :skipped] == CommentActivity.insert_activity(comment) assert_enqueued( worker: LegacyNotifierBuilder, args: %{ "author_id" => author_id, "object_id" => to_string(comment_id), "object_type" => "comment", "op" => "legacy_notify", "subject" => "participation_event_comment", "subject_params" => %{ "event_title" => event_title, "event_uuid" => event_uuid, "event_id" => event_id }, "type" => "comment" } ) end end end