defmodule Mobilizon.Addresses do @moduledoc """ The Addresses context. """ import Ecto.Query, warn: false alias Mobilizon.Repo require Logger alias Mobilizon.Addresses.Address @geom_types [:point] @doc """ Returns the list of addresses. ## Examples iex> list_addresses() [%Address{}, ...] """ def list_addresses do Repo.all(Address) end @doc """ Gets a single address. Raises `Ecto.NoResultsError` if the Address does not exist. ## Examples iex> get_address!(123) %Address{} iex> get_address!(456) ** (Ecto.NoResultsError) """ def get_address!(id), do: Repo.get!(Address, id) @doc """ Creates a address. ## Examples iex> create_address(%{field: value}) {:ok, %Address{}} iex> create_address(%{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def create_address(attrs \\ %{}) do %Address{} |> Address.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.insert() end @doc """ Updates a address. ## Examples iex> update_address(address, %{field: new_value}) {:ok, %Address{}} iex> update_address(address, %{field: bad_value}) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def update_address(%Address{} = address, attrs) do address |> Address.changeset(attrs) |> Repo.update() end @doc """ Deletes a Address. ## Examples iex> delete_address(address) {:ok, %Address{}} iex> delete_address(address) {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{}} """ def delete_address(%Address{} = address) do Repo.delete(address) end @doc """ Returns an `%Ecto.Changeset{}` for tracking address changes. ## Examples iex> change_address(address) %Ecto.Changeset{source: %Address{}} """ def change_address(%Address{} = address) do Address.changeset(address, %{}) end @doc """ Processes raw geo data informations and return a `Geo` geometry which can be one of `Geo.Point`. """ # TODO: Unused, remove me def process_geom(%{"type" => type_input, "data" => data}) do type = if !is_atom(type_input) && type_input != nil do try do String.to_existing_atom(type_input) rescue e in ArgumentError -> Logger.error("#{type_input} is not an existing atom : #{inspect(e)}") :invalid_type end else type_input end if Enum.member?(@geom_types, type) do case type do :point -> process_point(data["latitude"], data["longitude"]) end else {:error, :invalid_type} end end @doc false def process_geom(nil) do {:error, nil} end @spec process_point(number(), number()) :: tuple() defp process_point(latitude, longitude) when is_number(latitude) and is_number(longitude) do {:ok, %Geo.Point{coordinates: {latitude, longitude}, srid: 4326}} end defp process_point(_, _) do {:error, "Latitude and longitude must be numbers"} end @doc """ Search addresses in our database We only look at the description for now, and eventually order by object distance """ @spec search_addresses(String.t(), list()) :: list(Address.t()) def search_addresses(search, options) do limit = Keyword.get(options, :limit, 5) query = from(a in Address, where: ilike(a.description, ^"%#{search}%"), limit: ^limit) query = if coords = Keyword.get(options, :coords, false), do: from(a in query, order_by: [fragment("? <-> ?", a.geom, ^"POINT(#{coords.lon} #{})'")] ), else: query query = if country = Keyword.get(options, :country, nil), do: from(a in query, where: ilike(a.addressCountry, ^"%#{country}%")), else: query Repo.all(query) end @doc """ Reverse geocode from coordinates in our database We only take addresses 50km around and sort them by distance """ @spec reverse_geocode(number(), number(), list()) :: list(Address.t()) def reverse_geocode(lon, lat, options) do limit = Keyword.get(options, :limit, 5) radius = Keyword.get(options, :radius, 50_000) country = Keyword.get(options, :country, nil) srid = Keyword.get(options, :srid, 4326) import Geo.PostGIS with {:ok, point} <- Geo.WKT.decode("SRID=#{srid};POINT(#{lon} #{lat})") do query = from(a in Address, order_by: [fragment("? <-> ?", a.geom, ^point)], limit: ^limit, where: st_dwithin_in_meters(^point, a.geom, ^radius) ) query = if country, do: from(a in query, where: ilike(a.addressCountry, ^"%#{country}%")), else: query Repo.all(query) end end end