defmodule MobilizonWeb.Resolvers.Category do require Logger alias Mobilizon.Actors.User def list_categories(_parent, %{page: page, limit: limit}, _resolution) do categories = Mobilizon.Events.list_categories(page, limit) |> category -> urls = MobilizonWeb.Uploaders.Category.urls({category.picture, category}) Map.put(category, :picture, %{url: urls.original, url_thumbnail: urls.thumb}) end) {:ok, categories} end def create_category(_parent, %{title: title, picture: picture, description: description}, %{ context: %{current_user: %User{} = _user} }) do with {:ok, category} <- Mobilizon.Events.create_category(%{ title: title, description: description, picture: picture }), urls <- MobilizonWeb.Uploaders.Category.urls({category.picture, category}) do"Created category " <> title) {:ok, Map.put(category, :picture, %{url: urls.original, url_thumbnail: urls.thumb})} else {:error, %Ecto.Changeset{errors: errors} = _changeset} -> # This is pretty ridiculous for changeset to error errors = Enum.into(errors, %{}) |> {key, {value, _}} -> Atom.to_string(key) <> ": " <> value end) {:error, errors} end end def create_category(_parent, _args, %{}) do {:error, "You are not allowed to create a category if not connected"} end end